Best Packing Tip for DL?


Sep 26, 2005
What is your best packing trip for DL? I was reading the WDW threads and someone mentioned packing the kids clothes in zip lock bags and I thought about it. We leave in 53 days for DL and I have already packed our kids' clothes (we live in Alberta, Canada and shorts and t-shirts have been put away for the year), and I packed them in zip lock bags, oh my gosh there is so much more room in the suitcase for those souveniers I am going to buy.
mundaremom said:
What is your best packing trip for DL? I was reading the WDW threads and someone mentioned packing the kids clothes in zip lock bags and I thought about it. We leave in 53 days for DL and I have already packed our kids' clothes (we live in Alberta, Canada and shorts and t-shirts have been put away for the year), and I packed them in zip lock bags, oh my gosh there is so much more room in the suitcase for those souveniers I am going to buy.

When I used to pack for my kids - I would pack in "outfits" and put one outfit in each ziplock bag - so they had to grab the bag and everything they needed was right there - kept the suitcase neater also.

I sitll pack by outfit now (for me) - but don't use the bags.
I LOVE, LOVE LOVE the ziploc packing system. I have passed it on to several friends as well who swear by it too.
The best thing about packing your clothes in bags is that your clothes smell as clean as they did when you packed them. I hate wearing clothes that smells like my suitcase (you know...that plastic/vinyl/luggage smell...)
pxlbarrel said:
The best thing about packing your clothes in bags is that your clothes smell as clean as they did when you packed them. I hate wearing clothes that smells like my suitcase (you know...that plastic/vinyl/luggage smell...)

put a dryer sheet inside your suitcases - both when in use and when being stored.
I love the Pack-Mates. (they may be the same as the zipploc things stated above.) Saves space and I always pack an empty one for dirty things like socks and other little items. That way you know that they are dirty ,no question. DH uses them for his motorcycle rides. If he likes them you know they are good.
Take a shoe organizer to hang on the back of your hotel door. This holds all your toliteries in it great. Love the ziplocs. Can't leave home with out them. Hefty now has a packet that has 10 plastic grocery bags in them. This is great to carry with you to the parks incase you need a bag to put stuff in. We just went to wdw in august and they worked out great to carry drinks when the kids didn't want to hold them anymore plus food we didn't finish in the restaurants (also took empty ziplocs to the park with us to put food in)
Great thread. I'm in Ontario Canada and we are getting to the end of shorts weather although DS6 has been wearing them every day to school. Those must be huge ziplock bags. I'm still unsure what the weather will be like in late October in California and Nevada before I get too excited and pack shorts, but that is a great idea. I always like having my boys wear matching shirts when we go places, so I usually pack those. I am also a list person. Now that the children are bigger I give them a list - 5 shirts, 3 shorts, 2 pants, five socks, five underwear etc. We usually stay at a condo when we go to WDW and will be at relatives in Calif and then a condo in Las Vegas so we can do laundry which is great. Now with the nonesence about no liquids on the plane the ziplock will be very useful for liquids in my suitcase.
I'm going to try the ziplock trick this trip but on past trips we have always rolled our clothes. I don't know how it does it but we are always able to fit more stuff this way. When we went to hawaii I was able to fit my clothes and the clothes for my daughter and niece, for a 10 day trip, in one suit case.The clothes also don't get as many wrinkles this way.
funny tip, I roll my towels! you get more towels in a space when they are rolled!!

I always bring extra socks. . . after being in your shoes walking around getting sweaty feet, when you take a break back at the hotel it is sooo refreshing to put on fresh new socks. ..

I don't have to fly to go to dl, but next time I go anywhere i'm trying the rolling of the clothes, never really thought of it until ya'll posted it. thanks!


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