Becoming Lean, Mean, Endurace Event Machines in 2008

Good morning Leaner, Meaners...... How was your weekend??? :confused3 I was doing well with my training and eating until I ran into a big bag of swedish fish! :confused3 Fish is good for you, right????? Ugh.....haven't had candy is such a long time. Threw one in my mouth, and thought "boy they are good!" and the story goes on until the bag was empty.....:sad2:

Siderailed by a bag of swedish fish.....isn't that the saddest thing you heard today????:headache:

Anyway......I ran and ellipticaled my way through the weekend for 15 miles....not to bad, since I didn't feel like it. Had to push myself to do it everyday!

Debra: Sorry life is taking over.....hope you are back to a normal schedule soon!

Tracey: See above posting regarding CANDY. I don't think it will even work for me to buy 'bad' candy. I'll eat it anyway! :headache:

Jeff: Wonder if JLo wore makeup for the event???? She never dresses down! Good for her though......just had twins!

Hope everyone has a great Monday!

Tip of the Day: Swedish fish do not count as the good kind of fish......just walk away from the bag! You have been WARNED!

Good late morning (for me) meaners!!

Beth: :lmao: on the Tip of the Day!!! My DDs response would be, but they have no fat in them!!!

Yes, meaners, disguised in those nice little candies with zero fat grams is the enemy of sugar. Sugar converts to glycolic acid which converts to bad carbs in our bodies. Swedish Fish are not fish they are cutely disguised saboteurs of the Leaner Meaner Nation!!! BTW, mine is York's Peppermint Patties and they DO have fat......and sugar....:rolleyes1

I hope everyone is hanging onto the wagon, it is time to take a sharp turn toward our fitness goals. It is nearing the final quarter of the year and we have a lot of work to do (at least I do). We can achieve our goals for this year and fitfully move into 2009 a leaner meaner version or ourselves, ready to set loftier goals for the year!!!

Oh and my tip of the day: DO NOT pick up after your snotty children and/or enclose yourself in a vehicle with them for any extended period of time. This is coming from the nonrunning PrincessRunner :sick: :sad2: :mad:
I was supposed to XT today but I ran today instead and tomorrow Cam and I are taking the first of several dance lessons in preparation of our vow renewal in January on Monday, January 12. So, I will consider that my Xt for the week.

Here is what I accomplished:

Miles: 5
Time: 40:43
Pace: 8:09


This run is just 47 seconds longer/slower than my "Best" ever 5 miles logged last Tuesday night.

Have a great night!


Good Morning Everybody,

Howard: Nice job on the run. Good luck with the dance class.

Lisa: Sorry to hear your kids have shared their germs. I know we teach them to share, but do they really have to listen?

Beth: Sorry about the Fish incident. Isn’t funny how easy it is to give in to something like that? If only they had Omega-3s.

Jeff: Great LR.

Julie: Good luck figuring out your schedule. I hear you about the fun kid food. I try to buy the kinds I like least, but still somedays it’s hard to resist. Congratulations on your longest run ever.

Debra: Sorry your 10 miler wasn’t stellar. At least you finished and finished it strong. I hope you find a solution to your energy problems. You are very good to DOOD to cook him a separate meal so often, it’s only right that he eat your way for a while.

Amy: Hope you are enjoying your vacation.

Tracey: Hope the ankle is all better. Running while pushing the stroller should really give you a fitness boost. It will seem so easy running when you go out alone.

I have had a hard time staying motivated lately. My life has been so busy and hectic that I feel like running is one more thing on the to-do list. With just 5 weeks until my marathon, now is not the time to be giving up. I missed my short-fast run on Friday and skipped Sunday’s easy run just because I was too stressed and busy to make the time. I got back on schedule yesterday with a speed workout. I sat down with the calendar and scheduled all of my workouts in for the next 5 weeks. That way I hope I won’t have to skip any more.

My eating has been pretty poor lately, so I’m hoping to get back on track with that too. My DH has started a weight loss challenge at work, so at least he won’t be tempting me with offers to go pick up Chinese food or pizza. I went to the grocery store yesterday but I get so discouraged with how much healthy food costs. I know our health is worth it, but my grocery bill was over $200 for the week. Yikes!!

Have a great day everyone.
Good morning, kids!:goodvibes The new Biggest Loser starts tonight.:woohoo:
Amy...Thanks, Timmy is feeling better. It was a quick 24 hour thing. Hope you're having fun on vacay. I know there are places in the Outer Banks where the horses run. Did you go out that far?
Debra....glad to hear that you're settling into the routine. I'm assuming that you're the only one who would identify you as "old and crotchety". I'm looking forward to Nights in Rodanthe coming out. I know...sappy and romantic, but that's just what I like.;)
Julie...WTG on the 8 miles!
Jeff....Go, JLo! She just had those babies too. I think it's great for these actresses to be setting such healthy examples for young girls.
Beth...."Fish are friends, not food":lmao: :lmao: Those little devils are addicting!
Lisa...:sick: Oh, no! I drive carpool and at times have 5 kidlets in the car. When one of them is coughing, I start opening windows!
Howard....Dance lessons? What a great hubby you are. Plus, it sounds like alot of fun.
Everybody else....:wave: where are you guys?
My 2nd little guy has started running XC at the elementary school. He has been struggling a little bit, but yesterday the coach caught me and told me that he ran the mile in just under 9 min. yesterday. Josh was soooooo excited! She then told me that during PE he held himself back to run with his best friend. She said that DS kept pace with his friend and kept saying, "I know you can do this." I am so proud of him.:lovestruc The big meet is tomorrow.
I took a new "step" class last night and had alot of fun---lots of squats though!:scared: Today, it's 3 miles for me, followed by lunch with the girls and hopefully a trip to Penzey's (if you don't have one in your town, it's an amazing spice shop). Keep moving forward everybody!
Good morning!!!! It's Tuesday already! And guess what???? I have ANOTHER cold! Who would have body knows there is another 1/2 marathon in store this weekend, and prepared itself with another sickness. I am really sick of feeling rotten.......I was hoping it was cinced it. It's a cold. Stuffed up, sore throat, nose running,, headache. UGH!

Oh well, it's good to hear from some of you finally.

Howard: Dance lessons sound like so much fun! And for a very good reason too! Enjoy the time with the dw!

Tracey: You should be so proud! Running is great, but your ds has such a heart. To hang and encourage a friend through a mile says alot about his priorities! Good for him!

Cindy: Yeah, the fish incident will live in infamany! (they were good though)

We need everyone else to check in once and awhile! I hope everyone is well!

Good morning!!!! It's Tuesday already! And guess what???? I have ANOTHER cold! Who would have body knows there is another 1/2 marathon in store this weekend, and prepared itself with another sickness. I am really sick of feeling rotten.......I was hoping it was cinced it. It's a cold. Stuffed up, sore throat, nose running,, headache. UGH!

Oh well, it's good to hear from some of you finally.

Howard: Dance lessons sound like so much fun! And for a very good reason too! Enjoy the time with the dw!

Tracey: You should be so proud! Running is great, but your ds has such a heart. To hang and encourage a friend through a mile says alot about his priorities! Good for him!

Cindy: Yeah, the fish incident will live in infamany! (they were good though)

We need everyone else to check in once and awhile! I hope everyone is well!



Beth, get yourself some Zinc vitamins, and lots of fluids! Get well.
Hi everyone! Today was an XT (Dance Lesson) day for me. We learned the most basic steps of the Fox Trot and Swing dance steps. The lesson was just over 45 minutes. It was enjoyable and we have our next lesson at 7:30 PM next Tuesday. There will be a total of 3 private lessons, 3 group lessons and 3 dance parties/events. It should be fun and will undoubtedly humble me (and possibly Cam) a bit in the process.

Tomorrow I run 5 miles after work.

Have a great night!

Hey all! Just checking in to let you know I am alive. We were at Vero Beach last week and my life is crazy in general right now.

I hope everyone is well and progressing nicely in their training.

Howard...How cool that you and Cam are taking dance lesson! Please tell her hello for me. I need to catch up!

Beth...Fell better!

Deb...So glad to see you back!!!

Did I hear Nights in Rodanthe? I just re-read the book to prepare myself for the movie. I always read through them so fast I forget alot of the detail. I'm anxious to see how they do the movie. I also read Three Weeks With My Brother by Nicholas Sparks and was very suprised how much I enjoyed it. I LOVE his novels, but didn't really have a lot of interest in reading this memoir, but decided since Vero was a 10hr drive, I'd have a go at it. I really, really enjoyed it!

Everyone else...:hug: Sorry, but that's all the catching up I can do. I hope to be back sooner rather than later...

I cranked out 8 miles with Guru Les, who's sick. I finally had a chance to run him into the ground. :lmao: 8:57 average pace. Low of 8:08, high of 9:56.
Beth...feel better soon! I'm sorry you're dealing with this again.
Howard...glad you had fun at the dance lessons.
Stacie...I'm so happy you're back! We've missed you. I need to reread the book as well. I wasn't sure if I'd read it before or after I see the movie.
Cindy...the ankle's feeling alot better. You're not kidding with the stroller running. When I go out by myself, I feel like, "Wheeeeeeeeee". I'm not, but I still feel that way.:lmao:
I got a nice easy 3 miles in last night while I watched The Biggest Loser. Today I'm planning to run to my Mother's Club meeting (a couple of miles each way). Have a great day all and stay strong.
Good Morning all!

I'm trying to get back on track w/ my exercise this week. That mean getting out there at 10:15 last night to get my walk in. ugh.

After, I showered and decided to go check on the status of the 5K at Disney for January... I've registered us for the Half Marathon, but never got around to registering us for the 5K. It's CLOSED!!! I was so upset. I can't believe I missed it!

I've checked out a few of the charities, but you have to raise around $500 per person. That's $1000 between Matt and I and I just don't think we can do that.

So...I guess we won't be doing the 5K. Poo. :sad1:

Last year, I thought it didn't close until close to October. Either it filled early this year or I just don't remember correctly.

I checked Anthony Travel, but the are only doing the longer races.

Anyone have any ideas???

Stacie~ Sorry, I don't have any ideas for you. Good Luck! I know that where there's a will there is a way! Good Luck!

I ran a somewhat easy 5 miles tonight. I am running in the Philadelphia Distance Run this Sunday and I am kind of in a "take it easy" non-taper. I am going to run one more time before Sunday... 5 or 6 miles really easy. Here is what I accomplished:

Miles: 5.03
Time: 45:10
Pace: 8:59


I really did try to take it easy and run comfortably. I had some ankle discomfort but stretched out a bit off and on during the run and it cleared up. I need to make sure I stretch well before the half this wekend.

Have a great night!


Good Morning Lean Meaners,

Howard: Good luck with your race this weekend.

Stacie: Sorry you missed out on the 5K. I least you’ll save a little money, get a little extra sleep and get to cheer on other WISHers.

Tracey: Good job running to your meeting and saving gas at the same time. Did you enjoy the Biggest Loser? I have it Tivo’d and hope to watch it this weekend. That’s great that your DS #2 is running now. 9 min mile is impressive. How was the trip to Penzey’s? The just recently opened one here in MASS, but I’m afraid to go because I know it will end up costing me a lot of money.

Jeff: Take it easy on Les!! Congrats on your entry to Goofy. Will it change your plan to run Honolulu for a PR?

Beth: Hope you are feeling better. Lots of luck with your race this weekend.

Lisa: Hope you are feeling better. My DD3 is sick now and I’m really hoping she’ll keep her germs to herself.

Maria: Have things settled down now that your work deadline has passed?

Julie: Hope things are going well.

Debra: Hope things have become less stressful at work.

Amy: Are you enjoying your vacation? How’s the weather?

Dave: How have you been? How’s the walking class going?

Connie: Hope you are recovering well.

I had a good tempo run yesterday. The weather is so wonderful here now. I love running in the Fall. My eating has been pretty good the past few days. I won't call it a groove yet, but I'm getting there. I'm a bit worried today because I'm really tired. My DD3 has a cold and had me up at least 6 times last night. I find when I'm really tired I tend to go for sweet treats to get me through the day.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi y'all.

Haven't had much posting time lately, we have someone at work on vacation so everyone works extra to cover. That and working on the

Beth get over that cold.

Is anyone besides me excited about ToT?

Walking Panda:hippie:
Hi y'all.

Haven't had much posting time lately, we have someone at work on vacation so everyone works extra to cover. That and working on the

Beth get over that cold.

Is anyone besides me excited about ToT?

Walking Panda:hippie:

Dave, you missed the letter "d" in endurance. Stop typing so fast.
Jeff: Congrats on your entry to Goofy. Will it change your plan to run Honolulu for a PR?


Honolulu is just a training run now that we're doing Goofy. Last year we treated it as just a long run, not a race, and we finished in 5 hours 44 minutes. Being able to walk pain free afterwards is a key.

2008's Goofy was 5 weeks later. 2010's Goofy is only 4 weeks after this year's Honolulu.
Just popping in to say "hi" to everyone. Life threw me a little blip this week....nothing serious, but it took a major chunk of my time. i haven't been able to read over the past few pages so I hope everyone is well!

I just received the final insructions for the TofT and they now state that the required pace is an 18-minute mile! People speculated it would be something like that, but they never put it on their website until now. I know a few people (Nancy's husband, Norm, for one) who did not sign up for the race specifically because of the 16-minute pace requirement. (Sorry to hi-jack the thread, but I thought that was important.)
Copied from the weekly thread...

Busy run today. 8 miles with Guru Les, who's almost back to his normal being. 8 minute mile at the fastest, and 9:30 at the slow warm up mile. 8:50 average.

I had to stop by Nike town to pick up my race packet and shirts. What's really funny is on my bib, my age is listed as 99 years old. I better come in first place for my age group, or that's pretty sad! :lmao: I put my regular birth date, but they messed up.

A fellow staff member from my clinic went to Maui Marathon and ran with his hair on fire. At mile 20, he was 2:30 into the race, when he collapsed. He didn't know what happened to himself, only that he woke up in the hospital, getting an IV. My only guess is he was dehydrated in the heat, and my very likely not taking any gels or power bars along the way.

Let this be a lesson to all, hydrate, and take something to replenish your carbs that your body is burning up during your training runs and races. This guy is an amazing runner, and he BONKED. Proof that no matter how good you are at this sport, if you don't plan well, your day is going to be ruined.

So be careful out there everyone. :thumbsup2

Happy Aloha Friday everyone, have a great weekend.
Dave, you missed the letter "d" in endurance. Stop typing so fast.

Jeff, buddy, be easy on me, I do most of my posting in the wee hours of the morning or late in the evening before bed. Besides I can claim senile.

Senile Old Panda:angel:


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