Becoming Lean, Mean, Endurace Event Machines in 2008

Good Morning Everyone,

Dave: Good luck with your website and your blog.

Lisa: I am one of those people who don’t get enough sleep. Before I had kids I got 9 hours a night plus an occasional nap. Now on the 3 days I work I manage about 6 hours and the days I don’t I’m getting around 7-8. I feel like I’m always tired. I have no problem falling asleep, but if I wake up in the middle of the night (or more likely am woken up by one of the kids) sometimes I just can’t get back to sleep. Last night (this morning actually) I woke up at 3, tried for an hour to get back to sleep then finally got up and folded laundry, cleaned the house and started my day. Since I ran 18 miles yesterday I really should have been tired enough to sleep. I’ll occasionally take Tylenol PM if I want to get an entire night’s sleep, but it makes me so groggy the next day it’s not really worth it. Happy bday to DS and DH. It must have been such a weird day for you giving birth on 9/11. I was 5 months pregnant at the time and it made me terrified to be bringing a baby into the kind of world that people flew planes into buildings.

Amy: Sorry you missed your pilates. Your co-irker sounds as if he has some body image issues. You should probably agree with him and tell him he does look a bit flabby in the mid-section. Good job with your 31 minutes.

Debra: Congratulations – I think, on your new job. Sounds like you are earning your pay. I hope it goes smoother soon. It’s good that you’ve kept up with the running. Sounds as if you can use a stress reliever.

Howard: Good job on getting your LR in.

Mike: Great run on a hilly course. I’m still so envious of your naps.

Kira: Hope you’ve gotten back to your running schedule. It’s good to see your new ticker, only 3+ months, it’ll be here before you know it.

Tracey, Maria, Jeff, Jeanne, Beth, Vic and everyone else I’ve missed: Hello, hope things are going well.

My LR yesterday was 18 miles. It was an incredible run. The running gods must have known I needed a good one, so now I’m once more hooked on this running thing. I didn’t get out of the house until noon, but the weather was only mid 70’s with a nice breeze. I started out and the first ½ mile I noticed every little hurt. My knee hurt, my sock was rubbing, my back ached. I told myself that it was going to be a miserable run if I only thought about all that, so I started thinking about all the races I’d like to do in the next couple years. The miles started to fly by. I was planning to do 3 loops around my house so that I could refill my water bottle each time by. I thought the first loop was around 7, but turned out to be 9.75 mi. That was actually great because it meant that I was already half way thru by the end of the first loop. I ran low on water, so stopped at a friend’s house to use their outside faucet. I feel like I kept on top of hydration and I made a point of having gels every 4 miles and pretzels and sports beans through out. I ended up with 18.1 miles in just under 3 hours. My legs were a bit sore when I finished, but I felt really good. I had time for a 10 minute cold soak before a quick shower than out to meet my DS’s bus. No nap for me.

Have a great day everyone.
Hi guys!
I'm trying to keep up and I'm losing ground!
Cindy....:cheer2: Awesome job on the 18 miler! XC is going well for DS. He's running varsity as a freshmen and holding his own. He finished 3rd this weekend and he was :yay: !
Kira...glad to hear you're feeling better.
Panda...I'll be looking at your blog when I get a chance.
Lisa....sleep? what's that? Are Americans choosing to get less sleep or just trying to pack more in? I'm getting about 6 1/2 hours a night and I need 8. Lots of times, I wake up in the middle of the night and my mind starts racing just thinking about tomorrow. However, I agree that the exercise does help.
Amy....:cheer2: woohoo! That 31min time puts you very close to your goal. WTG.
Deb....I'm soooooooo glad you're back!:banana: :dance3: :banana: You've been missed. It sounds like the last few weeks have been a struggle. Luckily, the lights at the end of the tunnel!:goodvibes I can't wait to hear more about your class and I'm with Maria....I'm glad you're back just in time for the TV season. For me, school is crazy, allergies are bad, but life is good, so it all balances out:yay: .
Jeanne....Welcome back.
Maria...Hang in there!:hug:

We had a busy weekend with a XC meet, lots of errands, and just weekend stuff. I ran, ran, ran at the XC meet making sure I could see DS at all possible times! Who knew I'd get so much exercise:confused3 . I have to be really careful because my right ankle is really weak from alot of gymnastics injuries as a kid(and running across fields and holes is not the best for me.) I ran on the river trail this weekend for the 5.2 mile loop. It was a great run until the last 7 min, when I caught the back of my heel on a small rock with just enough to tweak the above mentioned ankle. I stopped and rolled my ankle a few times and started running again, didn't have enought momentum to get up the "big" hill and started walking again. I finished in 54:48. I cooled down, stretched, got in the car, stopped by the grocery store, drove home, walked in the door, saw my DH and :sad: :sad: :sad: ! My DH said, "That was a really good time" and my DS said, "Mom when I passed you (on his bike) you were really moving fast what happened?" So I, :sad: :sad: :sad: some more! I think I just had to get it out and have a slight breakdown:confused3 . Afterwards, I felt much better. I think I just knew I was having a great run and didn't expect a small rock to change the pace of that run. Oh well.....tomorrow's another day. Yesterday, I got in a 2 1/2 miler on my own and then another 1 mile at girls on the run. Today is a crazy busy day. Take care all and have a good one!
So, how much sleep do the rest of you get? :confused3


I need a nap now that I read your post. LOL.

I sleep 6 1/2 hours on the low end, 8 1/2 hours if I'm exhausted from the day's work and work outs.

Some days, I take my lunch to the car to eat, and do a 10 minute powernap when necessary.

Yawn, thanks for making me sleepy :rotfl2: .

HI Cindylou, and the rest of the WISH team. Have a great day!
I too am despairing of catching up, so I'm just going to start fresh with Lisa's sleep question. If all the stars are aligned, I go to bed by 10:30 and am up by 5:30 to be on the TM, off to school and work by 7:45, and home again slightly before six, when I do another short weights or bike workout. That's 7 hrs a night, and I can do ok with that. Of course, that means every Friday night I literally fall asleep watching tv with ds and he wakes me up at 10:30 so I can go to bed...I prefer 7.5 - 8 hrs, and that's what often happens. I'll punt on the am workout and either do everything at night or skip something. I would love to sleep more, and I consider a weekend nap to be a big treat. I have no trouble falling asleep, it's the waking up that's hard! ;)

Jeff -- I agree, it could so easily be afternoon nap time. Yawn. :rolleyes:

Tracey -- You are so much more together than Scarlett O'Hara! Tomorrow is another day, and you will shine! :thumbsup2 I'm so sorry that happened to you.

AmyK -- Yep, now you have a walker your world will change again. We used to ask ds if he wanted to go for a toddle, and he would wog to the front door. Well, he was a toddler, hence...:) I know it is hard to see now, but everything will work out with your job as it should, and karma is a butterfly. The nasty people will get all the bad things back to them. :hippie:

Cindy -- I am so glad you had a great run, you really deserved it! :yay: I am always tired, too. I wonder how much better I would do working out if I felt really rested? :confused3

Dave-- I think your website will be awesome, now I have something else to look forward to! :surfweb:

Debra -- Thank you for your kind words on the Gecko guy. He is missed, but we're adjusting. For those of you thinking it's a bit odd our cat was named Gecko, his full name was Gordon Gecko. My dh named him after the Michael Douglas character in Wall Street. Back in the day before ds, I even crossstitched a wall hanging for dh which said, "Greed is Good". He hung it in is office, ironic since he works in City government...I don't know what to say about your job situation. Congratulations?:confused3 Just believe that everything happens for a reason, and maybe you aren't being tied down firmly there because something better is in the works for you -- or maybe this will give you the flexibility you need to pursue other interests more fully. The computer stuff is just wrong -- we need our daily dose of Debra! :grouphug: There is a new show on tonight called "Fringe", which has gotten great press. I don't suppose you would care to give us your expert opinion? I realize it is not film per se, but you are the closest thing we have to a tv critic!

Let's go Lean Mean Brigade! Shout outs to Vic, Kira, Stacie, Wendy, Connie, Julie, Jeanne, Beth, Howard and Mike!

AmyK: It sounds as if your work situation is just as flip-floppy as mine has been. I can't imagine going through the loss of a job in such a way. It must be very stressful. I hope it works out in such a way that it's good for your family and that you get some satisfaction out of the turn of events. Like maybe you get to go part-time, but your co-irker just has to go. Because he does, you know, just got to go. Two races, huh? I think this thread is filled with a lot of ambitious double-dipping athletes. I really need to work hard to catch, let alone keep, up!

Lisa: The reason I haven't mentioned ToT is because we haven't made plans for it yet. :eek: The whole job/stability thing. Don't worry, though, we're going. Or at least I am....not sure if DOOD is going to want to budget for him, too. Apparently, Disney isn't the pull for him that it is for me, silly rabbit. But I've got plans, big plans for that weekend. (Birthday ones for someone, too. :rolleyes1) And little plans, too, including dumping 7 pounds by the time I see you at ToT. (I realized I hadn't posted that goal for you.)

Dave: Panda Endurance? I might have missed something. Is this part of your overall plan to take over the world and remake it into a happier and sillier place? :goodvibes Seriously, though, this is related to your recent teaching and mentoring? It's going to be great. I so admire you for putting so much time and effort into something that will change so many lives for the better.

Cindy: Wow, that's a big difference in your ideal sleep time and what you get. You must be experiencing sleep deprivation, seriously. How all you parents manage to hold things together... :worship: Thanks for the congrats on the new job. It IS good news, it's just been frustrating. Like you said, though, it's all fodder for the run. What I lack in (your) speed, I make up for intensity of the stress-management movement. Speaking of running, BIG congratulations are in order for your 18 miler. It sounds like a great long one, and you're so deserving of it. It sounds like everything fell into place and that you were super-conscientious of what you needed to do to make it happen. That's one heck of a loop, too. Rural? Anyway, if I could donate some of my nap hours to you, I would, you definitely deserve them. :yay:

Tracy: I just love that your DS ran and the XC meet and it sounds like you got to do your own fun runs. Fartleks, I'll bet! (Okay, maybe I just wanted to say fartleks.) I'm so sorry to hear about your ankle on your run. It sounds a little painful, even if not physically so much. I know how frustrating it is to have a great run, pace and all, be taken down by the little things. OUCH on so many levels. But it's cool to learn you were a gymnast. I always admired my more graceful gymnastics peers as a kid. I watched the enviously from the bleachers, where I'd be reading a book. (Mental gymnastics, it's almost as good, right?)

Aloha Jeff: Power naps, huh? I keep trying to train my body to do that, but to no avail. I've always thought if I could take a short nap, like recommended, I'd do much better with LR recovery and need less sleep at night. But I can't seem to do it. Any tips?

Maria: I wondered if Gecko was named after Douglas character, but figured that I was spending too much time in movie-land. That's a lovely story about his naming and a great insight into your family's outlooks/sensibilities. Very cool. And you're so upbeat about my job, and thanks for that. It'll all turn out fine, I just tend to get frustrated by things I can't control. You'd think I'd tend to get frustrated by things I CAN control, but I just save up my excuses for those! :rotfl:

Tracy and Maria: Ooooh, you know I love TV season, especially since I have a DVR. New shows are my treat at the end of the day. Apparently I can't get enough media in my life. :rolleyes: I caught the beginning of The Terminator series last night, and will tape Fringe tonight. Thanks for the heads-up!

RE: the sleeping issue. I regularly suffer from insomnia, although exercise really helps alleviate it most of the time. (More exercise, ain't that always the answer?) Insomnia cyclical for me, following work stress mostly. But I'm like you insomuch that I keep to the same sleep/wake schedule so as to not upset the body too much. Not that I get up at your ungodly hours, mind you. I get up later and stay up later. I try to get 8 hours of sleep, but I feel at my best when I get 9 hours. (DOOD is a 7 hours and he's good kind of guy.)

I kind of wonder if people are getting less sleep because many of us are too wound up from all the screen time we get--television, movies/DVDs, computers? I know I get wound up from those interactions and it can disrupt my sleep patterns. :confused3 Just step away from the screen, slowly.....

As for me: More tech issues at work, but that's old news now. I did have a tech guy admit to me my classroom issues with the so-called smart technology weren't all in my head. My inner 5yo did a little "I told you so" dance, while the adult me simply reiterated that I was happy to have his assistance. I also have to say that I think it's pretty amazing about how quickly I've started to adapt to a new environment and lower my expectations. I've never worked in a Dilbert-ish world before, and now that I recognize that's where I am, I almost find it funny.

I do have to tell you something that steams me, though. Like many universities, this one tends to make money nickel-and-diming its students for additional administrative and activity fees. Right now, they have a pretty decent gym, for which they charge students a nominal fee of about $75/semester. But, like many universities, they're building a new, fancy-schmancy fitness center. And when it's finished, rumor has it that they're going to charge a new activity fee of closer to $700/year! :scared1: That just makes me so mad. Students can afford the cost of college now, and fees keep going up and up. But rather than helping students easily adopt a healthy mind-and-body balance by giving them access to a fitness center on-campus, the administration is going to price a lot of students right out of the gym. Grrrrr. :mad:
Hey Lean Meaners,

I'm sorry to be MIA lately. Things have been pretty busy around here with getting the kids back to school and all. But I hope to have more time now to read and post. :)

- Sorry pilates didn't work out for you. I feel your pain. I know all about meltdowns, tantrums, etc. - and sometimes my kids have them too. :rotfl: How old is your DD?

Debra - Welcome back! I had to laugh at your description of your inner 5 yr old doing the "I told you so" dance. :laughing: My inner 5 yr old often does things like that. Good to know I'm not alone.

Lisa - Just reading your schedule made me tired! :eek: I'm usually in bed by 10:00 and asleep by 10:30, and I get up at 5:00. Most nights my sleep is disrupted once or twice by my little one looking for his pacifier, but luckily I can go right back to sleep.

Dave - Good luck with the website. I'm sure it will be great! :thumbsup2

Cindy - 18 miles - wow! :worship: I've yet to run more than 7 miles.

- Sorry to hear about the rock/ankle incident. Hopefully tomorrow will be a better day. :goodvibes

Maria - You are amazing with those double dipping workouts! :cheer2:

As for me, I've been really good about getting out and running. I need to find a way to fit some pilates and yoga into my week, but I haven't had time to figure it out. Now that the kids are back in school, I have to work around their schedules. I also haven't been very good about eating healthy, but I'm making more of an effort this week and so far, so good. It's tough when those Oreos keep finding their way out of the box and into my hands. They're tricky little devils. With Halloween coming, I'm thinking of buying candy I don't like so I won't eat the leftovers. The problem is, I don't know if I've ever met a candy I didn't like. :rotfl:

Have a great week everyone. I promise to try to keep up more with this thread. :)
Debra~ I am very happy with my progress. However, I am only as confident as my last run makes me. Thanks for the note. :hug:

I am here to report some actual, bonafide, training! Hard to imagine, huh? :rolleyes1

I had the best 5 Mile run OF MY ENTIRE LIFE and it wasn't easy. I'll mention the stats which should speak for themselves:

Miles: 5
Time: 39:56
Pace: 7:59

Splits: 8:12, 8:18, 7:52, 7:54, 7:39

I pushed each mile, up hills and down out and back. I was (and still am) one tired puppy.

Have a most excellent evening!


so much going on here, I can't keep up.

Deb: Great to see you back on the boards! Inner 5 year is hyperactive....

Howard: Awesome run...I don't think i could run A sub 8 mile, much less string together a few!

Lisa: I never have enough sleep...I am just dreaming when i post about naps...Its always time for one, but I never HAVE time for one, if that makes sense. I'm normally an 11:00 PM to 4:20 AM sleeper...Love to get it to 10:00, but that rarely happens.

Tracey: Hope your ankle feels better!

Jeff, Beth, Amy, Vic, Cindy and everyone else, pick what you need from the following!::yay: :cheer2: :grouphug: :thumbsup2 :goodvibes:

Mike's Place8.4 mile run, 1:20:00, 9:35 right knee has been giving me a lot of trouble the last two weeks...icing stretching, etc...still hurts :(...oh well, rest day tomorrow, then 5 on Friday, 18 on tap for Saturday.

have a leaner meaner day!
Hi! wave:

Howard A sub 8 minute mile????? :yay: :worship: :worship: :cheer2:

Julie DD is 14.5 months old. She's just SO busy! Lots of fun though! If you've seen Office Space, I think she was just having a case of the Monday's!

Debra My workplace environment is TOTALLY Dilbert (with a science/engineering twist). I never found that comic amusing at all until I worked here. Also, if you've seen Office Space, we've got those kinds of people too. I am amazingly calm about the whole job thing. Things will work out how they are supposed to, they always have. I have been here 2nd longest, so hopefully if they did keep someone, I might have a good chance of staying on for awhile. Coirker has been here longer though. And if I hear one more Rihanna (no offense meant to anyone who likes her music, but he plays them non-stop!!) song come out of his ipod, I may just have to autoclave it on accident...:rolleyes1 :rolleyes1

I taped Fringe last night. Probably won't get to watch it before vacation, but I didn't want to get behind.

:hug: to everyone!

My world Got in pilates and crunches last night. Finally officially registered for TOT! and I am contemplating adding one more night to our reservation.

Did I mention I think I am going to do a 1/2 at the end of November (Space Coast 1/2)? It doesn't fall at the best, most ideal spot training/LR-wise, but it should be ok. I really just want to get a feel for what it will be like, fueling strategies, etc..And more bling is reason enough for me. :woohoo: The time limits are generous, so if I get to where I feel like I need to walk most of it, it will be fine.

During the week, I am a 6-7 hour sleep kind of person, a bit longer on the weekends. Over labor day weekend, we slept in until 10 am one morning. DD actually slept in that late! But I felt so draggy the rest of the day. Too much sleep.

I think that's all from windy FL! Hoping to get in a quick run tonight outside if the Ike cloud cover keeps the temps down.

Have a good day everyone!
Welcome Back Debra!!!!!(we missed you!)

So, how is everyone? Board has been busier the last few days. Hard for me to get back to was so busy there for awhile. I hate when LTO1

Nancy's back, and I am glad. Now I can enjoy work again! :rotfl: Just isn't the same as when she is here. I here Jeanne 'met' the exercise Nazi! Man, Nancy is the workout queen, and you just have to keep running to keep up with her. :confused3

I have been running every other seems to keep my energy up. Running every day was really tiring me out. I am keeping up with stretching 2x week, and Pilates 2x week. I did take the introduction to Pilates with the reformer on Monday, and my shoulders are still achy! It was an excellent workout, and I hope to have more individual classes in my future.

Debra: Sorry to hear of the disorganization at work. What a frustration!:headache: Hope it gets better!

Howard: Sub 8 min/miles???? :sick: :sick: I don't want to know anymore.....:sad2: .........No kidding, you are speeding up to light speed!

Mike: Sorry about your knee.......hope the rest helps!

Tracey: I missed it.....what happened to your ankle? Sending you PD!:wizard:

Lisa: SLEEP......I would like some, please? I never get enough.......maybe when I am old!

Big shout out to the rest of the team!!!!! Have a good day!

Good evening Lean Meaners!

Where is everyone?? ( over 12 hours since someone posted)

I did run tonight (outside :woohoo: ) It went really well. Not that I was any faster really or anything, it just felt really good. I managed about 2.4 in 32 minutes including warm up/cool down. No specific run walk intervals or anything.

Tomorrow and Friday will be off days. I've got a hair appointment and packing the car on the agenda after work tomorrow, and then a few hours of work on friday before we begin our journey to the outer banks. I am really looking forward to some runs on vacation. Maybe a few practice 5K's for RfTC in October. (And some beer lap training for TOT :rolleyes1 ).

The scale unfortunately hasn't budged since my loss a couple weeks ago :sad2: , but at least it hasn't gone up.

I did get another running skirt at target. Unfortunately in the smaller size, the waist fits great, but the shorts underneath are not quite long enough so they ride up. I'll probably wear my other compression shorts under this skirt. Also got one of the champion long and lean tanks in WISH limey-green, so I'll probably wear that to TOT (assuming the shirts I ordered aren't here by then) I ran in it tonight, and really liked it.

Maria DD is already very close to wogging!! I can not get over how fast she has progressed! 3 weeks ago she was barely taking a step. :scared1:

I hope everyone has a good evening!

I'm here Beth!! :goodvibes Just dealing with work issues and family life issues. Today is my son's 7th birthday. He was born on THE day and it makes me very nostaligic just thinking about the day he was born and the fact that he is 7 already. :sad1:

I got my 10 miles in yesterday and managed to drop a pound in the process. You would like to think if you ran 10 miles you could lose more than a pound but I tend to eat a lot before and after for fueling purposes. I did maintain a pace of 9:58 mpm which made me very happy as I seem to be getting slightly faster (when I push myself) and the goal of under 2:15 for my half seems a little more attainable. I ran up every hill, head down and just talking myself into breathing and moving and not looking up. :rolleyes: The Hollis hill will take all of that and more from what I understand. :scared:

I also learned that my DD13 has a field hockey tournament on the 5th (half on the 4th) to raise money for the teams headed to Disney. She apparently still has an opportunity to go, albeit with the older u-19 team. She also has been offered the opportunity to go to California to play on a national team. Tomorrow night she is trying out for USA field hockey futures which makes her eligible for the Junior Olympic team. :scared1: Like my life is not full enough already....

DS7 has soccer tonight and his birthday dinner. He had his name announced on the radio this morning so he is pretty sure he is the king today. :cool2:

Have a great day Meaners, say a prayer for everyone lost on 9-11 and remember the wonderful little things that happened that day too. :flower3:
September 11th it is a day of's a difficult day every year. I don't think it will ever be easier. The number of innocents we lost that day is unimaginable. My kids were 3 and 4 on that day......hard to believe that 7 years has past. I will always remember that day. I will say a prayer for all those effective that day.

Days like this remind me what I am trying to accomplish with my life. A consistent healthy lifestyle, teaching my kids how to be good people, and being a good wife, mother and friend. It doesn't happen every day, but I am always in pursuit of the ideals I hold true! :)

I did get out and do my 3 miles yesterday (actually 3.1 in 33:15) which I am very happy about. I have been slowing down alot, but I would love to complete my Philly Distance Run with 11:00 min miles! (I don't think it will happen though) I did my stretching last night too.

Amy: Good job getting your time in! Kids are amazing.....once they start something, look out!

Lisa: Wow, you are going to be even busier, huh? Who knows how you get everything done? Good luck to DD! :banana:

I'm here too, Beth.
Beth said:
Days like this remind me what I am trying to accomplish with my life. A consistent healthy lifestyle, teaching my kids how to be good people, and being a good wife, mother and friend. It doesn't happen every day, but I am always in pursuit of the ideals I hold true!
This was beautifully said and holds true for me as well. :hug: September 11, is always a difficult day and makes me appreciate all that I have.
Thanks for asking about my ankle. It's just really weak and I have to be careful with it and I stepped on a rock and tweaked it on Sunday. It's still a little sore, but not too bad.
Amy....I think that running a 1/2 in Nov. sounds like a good idea. I'm like you and curious about re-fueling issues. My LR right now is 8miles and I'm not sure how to figure out when I need to eat some pretzels, gels, or anything. I try to take sips of water every 20 min or so. That seems to be my biggest concern for Jan. is that I don't know when to refuel. Did the running skirts at Target have a slit in them? I want to get another.
Lisa...WOW for DD and her field hockey skills!:cheer2: Let us know how the tryouts go.
Maria....I love Gone with the Wind. It was my favorite movie growing up. My mom and I would sit glued to the TV when it came on once a year. Seems like all the ladies around here and not getting nearly enough sleep. Remember when our Friday night started at 10pm? Now, I'm lucky to still be awake then.:lmao:
Debra.....$700/year:scared1: ! What college kid can afford that? Glad to hear that you're finding some humor in your job, I knew that you would.;)
Julie....One year I only bought "icky" candy to give out. For me, that meant I bought no chocolate.;) It worked, until the kids came home with their pillowcases full of chocolate.:lmao: I get all of the Mounds bars because no one else likes them. I read your other thread on "Is this normal", you got some good solid responses and I hope it helped.
Howard...:cheer2: Congrats on your Best Run Ever!:cheer2:
Mike...How's the knee?
To all our other friends...:wave:

With the weather turning cooler around here I've been running outside more with the stroller. It really does continue to add that extra challenge. I had a "long time" runner tell me to quicken my steps going uphill and focus on pushing over the top and flying down the other side. It really has seemed to help. I also have a dear friend who has been living with Pancreatic cancer for 5 years and is nearing her final days. I think and pray about her as I run and tell myself that if she has dealt with all she's been through then, I can surely keep putting one foot in front of the other. Today my kids have a 2 hour late start at school, 2 of the boys have yearbook club, my oldest has a XC meet (probably in the rain again), and the baby has a 102 fever...somewhere in there I need to squeeze in Pilates and an easy 2 miles. Take care all and stay strong.
Hey, where is everyone??

Tracey Hope your little one is feeling better!

Lisa :yay: for your 10 miler!

Everyone :grouphug: :wave:

Nothing much to report from here . I did lose a pound finally! :woohoo: My hair appointment got cancelled yesterday. :sad2:

The car is packed and I will be heading out of work at around 1130 to get DD and then we'll head off on our vacation! We hope to make it to SC tonight. I expect to get in some nice beach runs and walks in.

What always gets me when I reflect on September 11th, is how all of those emergency personnel (firefighters, EMT's, Police etc) went into those buildings without hesitation at all, without thinking about saving their own life because it was their job. Totally get chills when I think about it, and really really puts a lot in perspective.

I hope everyone has a good week and because I am a nerd and the beach house has wireless,you might see me around.

*sigh* I'm still trying to balance out the life...but at least this time it's only been a few days!

Julie: I'm with you and the balancing running with other activities. It's been about 3 weeks since I've done any consistent XT and I can surely feel it. Schedule shifts are particularly difficult, I think, especially when it's not only your time you're managing. And those dang Oreos....they tend to infiltrate everyone's household from time to time. Plus, does every store have to sell Halloween candy? I'm not just talking grocery stories or drug stores. I swear, you can now go to your dentist and buy Halloween treats.

Howard: Congratulations on the best run of your life! 5 miles, a great pace, and, best of all, both tiring and satisfying. Sometimes I wonder if those two things go hand-in-hand (or foot-with-foot, as the case may be). You're a testament that they do. Remind me to do a Howard the next time I think I want a good run and equate it automatically with easy. I can be taught.

Mike: I'm so sorry to hear about your knee. Did you take it easy today on your 18 miler? DOOD had to bag his because of leg pain due to overtraining, so when I saw your post I had to wonder...have you been overtraining, you naughty-but-ambitious boy?

Amy: I'm so glad you're got that upbeat, amused and somewhat slightly resigned attitude toward the work situation. I need to take a clue from you. So tell me, what are some of your favorite coping strategies for co-irkers. I've already got a few, which I find pretty amazing. Some things, apparently, do work quickly around here! DOOD bought some post-run beer, btw, and I thought of you and your beer training. This time around: Stoudt Lager and Flying Dog Doggie Style Pale Ale. He's never had either, so I'll let you know his reviews. The Space Coast 1/2 sounds like it might be a really fun run, too, and I think it's smart to get your race strategy settled before the overwhelming experience of Disney.

Beth: I'm so glad to hear that Nancy is back, for your work situation anyway. (I assume that she might like life on a cruise ship, as it sounds very Love Boat.) It sounds as if switching up your running schedule is just what you need for the energy boost, especially since you're mixing it up with the XT. (As is Nancy, I believe.) Besides, if I remember correctly, you've got a fall schedule full of races to keep you busy. :goodvibes And beautiful sentiments about 9-11, Beth.

Lisa: Happy belated birthday to your DS! :yay: That's quite a day to remember, mixed with celebration of his life and remembrance of the 9-11 events. Congratulations also to your DD and all her field hockey successes. I'm not sure whether to hope for good news on her tryout or not, but she's definitely a talented athlete! :woohoo: As are you, of course, so it was good to read that you're doing well with the training for your Hollis 1/2. I'm hoping for a 2:15 or under finish for you there.

[Speaking of 9-11, I can't believe it's been 7 years already. I was in the gym at my university, watching CNN while on an elliptical, when the towers were hit. It was surreal. I showered and rushed to my class to dismiss them. I remember getting teary-eyed talking to my students (not like me at all) as I told them the events meant not only the loss of lives, but that we were going to war--and life as they knew it had changed forever. I had no idea how much, of course.]

Tracy: My thoughts are with your friend who has cancer, hoping that her finals days are filled with loved ones, good memories, and very little pain. :hug: And they're with you, too, because I know it's not easy for you, either. :hug:

Add me to the list of people who remember going to the bar at 11 p.m. on a Friday. Now, I'm either working or asleep. And look, I'm DISing on a Saturday night, while dinner is cooking and laundry is in the washer. I justify it by saying I ran my LR this morning and went to a matinee (because it's cheaper). But in reality, I'm just to old and crotchety to want to stay out too late and far away from the comforts of home. (Unless there are very good friends and alcohol involved, preferably in Orlando. ;) ) That stroller running still blows me away. Extra challenge seems to be a bit of an understatement, yes? I'm glad you're enjoying doing it--and the results, too.

To all my other Lean Meaners: :cheer2: I hope you're doing great!

As for me: A 10 miler today and an embarrassing effort. I couldn't get into the groove until about 75% of the way through. I finished stronger than I started, though, and that's got to count for something.

I've been having energy problems, which I think it related to poor overall eating habits recently and maybe some job stress. I tend to prioritize cooking for DOOD (he eats the meat options), and then throw something together for myself. Not working, obviously, so now, DOOD is on a little vegetarian lifestyle kick. This weekend I've been cooking up a storm and freezing lots of healthy veggie foods with a better overall nutrition balance. He'll eat what I eat for a while, or he'll learn to cook for himself or appreciate the take-out menus I've left carefully strewn about the kitchen. I think that's fair, don't you? :confused3 :lmao:

Saw Burn After Reading, the new Coen Brothers film, this afternoon. It's no Big Lebowski, but then again, what is? It's a fun flick, if not particularly memorable. Tonight we'll watch some TV from mid-week and catch up on the fall season premieres!

Play well this weekend, Lean Meaners. And remember, The DOOD abides.
Hello Lean Meaners,

Howard - Congrats on your amazing pace! :worship: I am in awe.

Amy - Your DD is at such a fun age (my youngest is almost 2), but it can be tiring for the parents of these busy babies! Have a fun vacation. I hope there will be beer involved! :drinking1

Lisa - 10 miles, losing a pound, and 9:58 mpm - all is can say is, wow! :worship: I hope your DS had a nice birthday. It's important for all of us to remember that good things happened that day too. :goodvibes

Beth - 3.1 in 33.15 sounds good to me! :thumbsup2

Tracey - I barely remember those days where Friday night started at 10:00. I'm still contemplating buying icky Halloween candy, but I'm not sure how much difference it will make. DD has a peanut/tree nut allergy. We let her trick or treat with everyone else, and when she gets home, we take all of her candy and give her all safe candy. So, when there is all that unsafe candy in the house, I feel that it's my duty to get rid of it and it's wasteful to throw food away, so I am forced to eat it. :rotfl: As for my "Is this normal" thread, thanks to you and everyone else who replied. I feel much better. I'm sorry to hear about your friend with cancer. :hug: Both of you are in my thoughts.

Debra - I'm sorry to hear that you're having issues fitting XT in to your schedule too. Sometimes it seems like there just aren'e enough hours in the day. I imagine you're probably very busy right now with the new job and all. A new routine will probably fall into place for you soon. I hope it does for me as well. I'm still battling those darn Oreos... I know you weren't happy with the start of your 10-miler, but you finished strong! :cheer2:

As for me, I still haven't figured out our new schedule/routine yet, but I'm really hoping to fit XT in at some point this week. I'm not stepping on the scale because that makes me crazy and I get too caught up in the numbers. However, I am trying to make better choices regarding what I eat. I find it extremely hard to be around fun kid food and not eat any of it, so I think I need to let myself have a treat every now and then to save my sanity (or what's left of it :crazy2:). I ran my longest run ever yesterday, 8 miles. I'm happy to say that other than the post-run headaches I always seem to get, my body had no issues with the run. I feel fine today and I'm looking forward to doing 9 miles next weekend.
My long run today, lasted 18 miles at 10:05 average pace.

There was a Na Wahine Women's triathlon today. All the women did great on the course, we were cheering them on the way back from our run.

I just saw on the news that JLo finished a triathlon in Malibu in just over 2 hours. I hope that's incentive enough for everyone to get out there and workout.


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