Batty familys US Adventure - TR - NOW WIITH PHOTOS!!

Wednesday - I had allocated for DD and I to go shopping alone - she wanted to buy a dress for her formal. :headache:

I told DH well before we left, that this was to be a boys day, and they were free to do what they want. I gave him some suggestions, such as Intrepid museum, catch the Roosevelt Island tram, Chelsea piers.

Well, without any research, they decided to catch the train to Coney Island ,
45minutes on the train later - they found it TO BE CLOSED!!!!:rotfl::rotfl:
This is what happens when you dont plan!!! :rotfl:

They had a hotdog at Nathans, and came back to Manhatten and saw a movie. :confused3

Meanwhile, DD and I - headed back to Macys and the floor full of dresses we had seen on Sunday - there were hundreds to choose from, at all levels of price. This is only her Yr 10 formal, its not even officially organised or sanctioned by the school, so I am not willing to spend $500 on a dress (and the rest)

Anyway we picked a few to try on, and the one she picked was the first one we had eyed off 3 days ago, without even seeing its price tag. It was only $59, so Mummy was happy. (and then produced my visitors card for 10% off:laughing:)

Now to find shoes, well for some reason, we couldnt find the shoe section in Macys, there really needs to be better directories in that store. I had been told you have to go to SOHO for shopping so we jumped on the subway and headed down and had quite a wander around, no luck with shoes there either, or other shopping for that matter, but we had a nice lunch. It was quite a pretty neighbourhood though.

We got back on the Subway and went back to Grand Central Terminal, the family had gone there, when I was having my "me" time the other night, but I wanted to see it. Another magnificent building.

I wanted to test the whispering room without her knowing - but it is difficult to make a person stand in a corner facing the wall in a crowded public place, without them questioning you. :rotfl2:
So I told her about it. For those that dont know, there is an area where, because of the domed shape of the roof, if you stand in one corner and the other person stands diagonally opposite, you can hear each other talk. Well we tried it and it works.!

We walked from GCT back to Times Square, and by this time, she had had enough shopping. She went back to the room and I headed back to Macys,as I really wanted to check out the boys wear, she would be upset, if I had done this when I was with her, I also wanted to have a look for me, as I find it hard to shop for myself when I am with other people.

No luck, but I did find the shoe floor - how did we not find that earlier??? I couldnt buy anything without her or the dress being there though.

I went back to the room, it was getting close to 6:00pm, we had tickets for Cirque De Soleil tonight.

DH wasnt back, I was getting concerned, (again no cell phones) but they walked in not long after, and relayed their misadventures.

We headed to Evergreen diner for something to eat, as it was on Busy Busy's list of things not to miss - dinner was OK, but I think she was recommending it more for breakfast or lunch as just as we went in they hung up the closed sign, and it was only 7:00pm.

Then we headed off to Cirque Du Soleil, we all loved it, I love the detail of the sets and the skills of some of the acts were amazing, and the Radio City Music Hall is just beautiful.
Oh, thanks for the replies, I really got on a roll with this on the weekend, but was beginning to think no-one was reading!

side note:
I started sorting my photos last night, :headache: I have to say I am a little disappointed - I bought a new camera, and I did give myself a bit of time to learn to use it - manual settings and all that, but I am not happy with my photos :sad2:

I haven't been reading along as yet, I kind of missed that you were writing one but I'm going to be on board now. I might wait for the photos too though as I am such a visual person.

I did want to say about your disappointment over the photos, firstly, don't be. You captured the moments and the memories and if they are sometimes not as sharp as you would like, not as artistically captured, the colours aren't quite there - so what!!!!! Don't be hard on yourself, they are your holiday photos, they aren't supposed to be award winning. You are on the move and living in the moment and they should be just enhancements of your wonderful memories.

Secondly, my advice would be to anyone considering shooting in "manual" for their trip - DONT DO IT!!!!! If you aren't using these settings daily, if it doesn't come as simply as breathing to you about how to perfectly compose an image in manual, trying to do it on a holiday when you are distracted by a million wonderful experiences and things - it's too much pressure. Pop that baby in auto and enjoy yourself. Fine to have a little play when you are staring at the grand canyon or the empire state building for a couple of shots but otherwise let that camera do the work for you.

Battymum - I'm sure your images will make you smile every single time you look at them for many years to come. That's what photos are about, what's in them, not how technically correct they are.

Okay - HOPPING OFF MY SOAPBOX NOW :rotfl2::rotfl2::rotfl2:
Just read through and caught up :goodvibes

It looks like you had a great time, I can't wait to see your photos. Great bargain on the dress, I love when you get a pleasant surprise like that. The story about the bullet was funny, I am glad that it all worked out fine in the end.

I really wish that we had gone to NY this trip it looks like such an exciting place. Oh well I guess that it will be the plan for next time :woohoo:.
Yes I realise that all those beautiful shots you see are not taken by someone tyring to enjoy these places for the first time with their family.

I mostly used the auto settings, but it was the indoor and night time stuff - Oh well, there are some good memories there, By the time I took each photo 3 times as I wasnt getting it right, my subjects were "over it". My family just keep telling me to get the images off the web and claim them as my own. :lmao:

Oh and what is with all those random people getting in my way!!!! :confused3
Yes I realise that all those beautiful shots you see are not taken by someone tyring to enjoy these places for the first time with their family.

I mostly used the auto settings, but it was the indoor and night time stuff - Oh well, there are some good memories there, By the time I took each photo 3 times as I wasnt getting it right, my subjects were "over it". My family just keep telling me to get the images off the web and claim them as my own. :lmao:

Oh and what is with all those random people getting in my way!!!! :confused3

Indoors and nighttime images are just so hard. Mine are always crapola too. I just come home and photoshop the be-jinkys out of them to improve them a little.

So funny about getting the images off the internet :lmao:. I always think that if you don't throw someone you love in the photo of a famous landmark, you may as well have bought the postcard because that will be a much better shot than you can take. Especially the aerial shots :rotfl2:
Thursday our last day in NYC - we had a flight at 2:30 - and as I like to leave in plenty of time for flights I thought we should leave Manhattan around 11:00. We packed our bags, and went out to Times Square for a few more photos - as I hadnt bought much for myself I ducked into Sephora and got a few things.

DH was not keen on getting in another taxi, and thought it would be too difficult to flag down a taxi for five of us on the street. He suggested an airport shuttle that we had seen on the street, but I had read that these types of shuttles can take ages as they make several pick ups along the way. We could have got a car i suppose, but I was willing to take a taxi again, I had noticed plenty of vans, and thought if we waited long enough one would come along, otherwise we could always split up and take two taxis.

As soon as we walked out a taxi van was coming along 47th, we flagged it down, we all jumped in, there were seatbelts (and seats) for all of us, and we had a quiet and uneventful trip to LaGuardia. Very different to our trip the other day.

We arrived back at MCO - and walked out to the ground transportation area, we rang Brian from Town Car Now - doh we were on the wrong side of the airport again,:headache: he had been waiting for us at the carousel where the luggage from our flight came out, but as we only had carryon we walked straight out - on the wrong side again -:headache:

But we found him, he had all our bags that we had left with him on Sunday and we made our way to the Hard Rock Hotel.

We loved the hard rock hotel, we were staying Club Level, and they have happy hour between 5 and 7 - so we were just in time and made our way there, we had a couple beers (well DH did) and some meatballs and other appetisers. (that would serve as dinner)- Mind you I wouldnt stay club level again - it really wasnt worth the extra $100 or so, even though we had five of us, we didnt get this sort of value from it. The room is quite small, I counted, there were only 9 small tables - that was to serve the entire 7th floor of the hotel.

Afterwards we walked around the resort a bit, the boys swam. It is a beautiful resort and the weather was milder than when we were in Disney, although we were back to our shorts and t-shirts and had to find room in our luggage for the coats we had bought in NYC.

I said to DH I think we are going to like it here - we had a less intensive touring plan, we had 3and a half days to cover the two parks - so we should have been able to enjoy the resort facilities more than we had at Pop century. The rooms here sleep 5 (we had to pay $25 per night for a rollaway bed) and are big and beautiful and we were quite comfortable, although DD complained about the rollaway - but wasnt willing to share with anyone in one of the Queens :confused3- Really it was fine, it was probably a bit smaller than a standard single bed - but it wasnt a 2" foam mattress on folding springs like you buy at Kmart, (this was what I was expecting!!) it was a proper innersprung mattress on a bed that had wheels on the end, like a suitcase.

After breakfast in the club room (zoo) - this was nothing less than I expected, cereal, fruit, coffee, some cinnamon rolls and pastries, stale bagels, certainly a better breakfast than what we have daily at home - but picture heaps of kids, helping themselves, holding your tray waiting for a table, that was covered in spilt milk -

We headed over to Universal Studios today - DH and DS (s) are the daredevils in our family, they couldnt wait to ride rip ride rocket. The rest of us were happy to wait for them.:)

We enjoyed our day here, and I know its not Disney, but I was impressed with the park. The weather was milder, which helped enormously,the crowds were light, we had front of line passes - but we really didnt need to use them - there was some light rain, you have to expect this at this time of year in Florida.




All in all a pretty good day, oh and I love that the parks are so close to the resort.

We went back to Hard Rock hotel, and as we had had such a change in temperatures, one of my boys was feeling quite poorly - he stayed in, he just needed a good rest, my kids are good like that, they come down with a flu that knocks them around for 24hours - and then they are over it, I like to think its because they were breastfed and they ate dirt!!! - :rotfl:

The rest of us went to Margaritaville for dinner. Did I say that I love how everything is so close here. When we got here, they said it was an hour and half wait for a table :scared1:, but I showed them my room card, and they gave us a buzzer - we had a table in about 30minutes. (meanwhile DD had gone walking, and they wouldnt seat us unless we were all here, so it was a mad panic to find her, as they said they would give us 10minutes - even though I was willing to order for her)
Saturday 8th October -

Today we were to go to Islands of Adventure - and the Wizarding World of Harry Potter!,

We were never going to make it to the park for the early opening for resort guests, but we were going to try. Well as soon as we opened the curtains that morning we knew we would have to rethink our plans for the day.

Torrential rain!!! Actually it was the edge of a hurricane, :rotfl2: No problem, we still had Sunday, so we lazed about for the morning, I grabbed the ipad and headed to the lobby for free internet - it was at this time I think I started my TR.


After a couple of hours of this - the rain was not letting up, I said to DH, that I was going to go to the park anyway - take some photos, well they all decided to come along too. (I was hoping to go alone!!)

Anyway, - we had ponchos -but my family are way too cool to wear those!!:cool2: ha,ha :rotfl: We had one umbrella between us - that DD and I shared - We made our way to islands of adventure, picking our way through sheltered spots and shops. I was surprised at how many people were doing the same thing - I guess everyone was like us, they are only there for a couple of days and cant let water stop them. I was also surprised that the coasters were operating, apparently they only stop if there is lightning about.


We ended up at the Wizarding WOrld of HP - Well what can I say - this place is beautiful, when can I get a private opening, so I can walk around at leisure and take photos without all those poncho wearing tourists!!! - We went in the stores - but as everyone else was doing the same thing, sheltering from the rain ,it was difficult to really look around too much.



DH and DS went on Dragons Challenge - actually DS says this was is favourite coaster of the whole trip, he was dissappointed Hulk was not operating this day. I was convinced to go on the kiddy coaster - nervously i went on, and it was fun.

Then we went to the castle, there was pretty much no queue, and we walked straight through- I was nervous about riding, as was DD but we convinced ourselves to give it a go - DS (L) who had issues with motion simulators, used the chickens exit -

DD and I were cursing each other as we were buckled down - (this is my test of rides, if they have a serious restraint system, they are too much for me) But as soon as it left, I was fine. DD was still cursing at me, until we got to the whomping willow bit, and the ride suddenly stopped - we were horizontal at this point - the lights came on, and we were stopped for a good few minutes - DD then became comfortable and she was OK when it started up again.

When it finished we both said that was awesome, and because we were interupted we were allowed to go straight back on. 2nd time around, we both thought that was enough, our stomachs werent keen on a third go.

We walked a bit more, we were soaked to the skin, so why not go on Jurassic Park, which I thought was one of those fun rafting rides - not a flume.

After this we were wet and miserable and headed back to our room, for a shower and some dry clothes - We ate dinner in the restaurant downstairs, and were thankful that we didnt have to leave the HRH that night.


Thankfully I had rung and made a reservation in the afternoon, the earliest we could get in was 8:30 - but when we were there people were turning up and being told it was a two hour wait and the other restaurant on site was the same. Noone wanted to leave the hotel in this weather!!
Just caught up with your trip report. Wow what an amazing trip. Really enjoying your report.
I am sure your photo's are wonderful memories of your holiday. I share your disappointment though. I could not get all 3 of my kids to look at the camera at the same time, and everyone would get cranky when I wanted to stop and photograph something.
Sunday 9th October -

Sunday started pretty much the same as Saturday - wet, wet, wet!!

We lazed around for the morning, DH was adamant not to go out again - he was happy sitting in the lobby with his WIFI - we already had 5 pairs of soaking wet shoes, and we were leaving tomorrow. I guess this was the end of an exhausting trip - so the rain gave us an excuse to slow down.

After a while of this, I decided to go to the Mall at Millenia - DD and DS (L) came with. We grabbed a cab, actually it was a black car, $20 fixed price.
I cant remember what we bought here, we did find shoes for DD in Bloomingdales - they matched the dress, but may be a little too high for her to walk in.:confused:

We spent a couple of hours in the Mall and then got a taxi back to HRH.

Meanwhile, DH said the weather cleared up a bit, not long after we left, so he grabbed DS (s) and they put on there thongs and boardies (quick dry) and ponchos. :rotfl: and hit up IOA - These are the adrenaline junkies of our family, so went from ride to ride - they were happy they got to ride the Hulk.

When we got back we decided to hit the park too, DS (L) was really keen to go on the Harry Potter ride - we dosed him up with dramamine first - So we went in, crowds were light, it was late in the day, so we walked on to most rides. This is what is great about these parks, and staying so close - you can just decide to go, for an hour or so.

DS went on the Forbidden Journey, and loved it, and came off feeling fine.

I had considered getting tickets for the Halloween Horror Night tonight, we were undecided if we would go to this or not- the weather ended up making our decision for us.

We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe - and then packed all our bags for the long journey home tomorrow. :sad2:
I am loving reading your report of Hard Rock and Universal. It's somewhere I have considered staying (if we can drag ourselves away from WDW for a couple of nights :rotfl: ) and I think next time we will!

Pity about the rain, but at least it sounds like you had fun anyway. Did all of your shoes dry out before heading home?
Monday 10th October

Today the weather was fine - we packed our bags and left them with bell services -
We were not getting picked up until 2:30 - we should have used this time to lounge by the beautiful pool at Hard Rock Hotel that we hadnt been able to use- we had seen all of the parks - but instead we decided to have one last day at IOA -


It was crowded and hot - I am so glad we went out in the rain the other day. I wanted to have one last go on Forbidden Journey - the wait time posted said 60mins, but these things are usually wrong I thought, so we decided to queue, we didnt mind splitting up, so we joined the single riders line, (or so we thought) we queued for about 30 minutes and we were still not in the greenhouse area - it was clear we were not in the single riders line - we knew there was still a long way still to go - so we opted to leave.

DH and DS, had one last ride of Dragons Challenge and we headed back to the resort - but we had wasted a lot of time - everyone was in a bad mood - we were dressed for our journey home, and it had been cool the past two days and were too hot in the park.

I thought the best thing would be for them to have a swim, but their boardies were in the luggage in bell services- I offered to get them, but they were too grumpy. We sat in the lobby for a bit and then decided to have some lunch in the restaurant by the pool.

We were reenergised after lunch - but we were ready to come home - Brian picked us up promptly at 2:30, (remember this was Monday) - and we started our 30 hour journey home .


The flights were uneventful, I think we slept a little more on the journey home - landing in Brisbane was annoying - but we eventually made it to our door 11:30am Wednesday morning.
Thank you Battymum!! I have loved your TR and will be excited to see the pics too. I love that you included the "real" stuff too... like the biffo between the boys etc. hahahaha.... I know that our holiday will be the same!! Can't leave home without the '...maaaaaaaaaaaarrmmmmm.... he touched/said/looked/was going to.... (insert something here)....... aaaaaaaghhhh :rotfl:
Battymum, I can understand your disappointment. Sometimes you just want your camera to capture what your eyes can see! But I am sure that the photos you have taken will still give you reminders of what a wonderful time you had and no matter how good or bad do capture precious memories.

Thank you for sharing your TR. It is a shame about the rain! But at least you got to walk on the rides! We had to line up in extreme crowds. This was NOT pleasant with 6 children!!!

I am sure your photo's are wonderful memories of your holiday. I share your disappointment though. I could not get all 3 of my kids to look at the camera at the same time, and everyone would get cranky when I wanted to stop and photograph something.

I too share your pain. I have the same problem.
I've just caught up and have read the whole trip report. Thoroughly enjoyed it. I'm so happy you loved NYC and glad that you (and Jade) followed my recommendation for the Mahi Mahi. I still dream about that meal :rotfl2:.

Sounds like there were the occasional bumps in the road that all trips have but that overall it was an awesome trip. I'm so happy for you all to have enjoyed such a great family holiday.


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