Bathrooms...why do people...

Yep, what Rajah said. And it is not that I'm unsympathetic.

My late SIL was a quadriplegic after a car accident and couldn't toilet herself at all. My brother had to help her. This was before the times of family bathrooms. He had to get some woman (any woman) to clear out the ladies room for him (or at least warn everyone he was coming in) so he could take her in. He (and more importantly she) had to pre-emptively toilet just in case and yes, there were still accidents.

However, it still doesn't make sense for the stall to go vacant 90% of the time just in case...
I know people who are pregnant or have trouble bending knees (squatting) will use the handicapped stalls as they are easier to sit on (higher). I've had to use it because of my knee now and then (on a rare moment now). I also use them when I travel alone and in the airports when I have my roll on carry on. I can't leave my carryon alone and it won't fit in normal stalls... only one I fit in. 99% of the time I don't use them though. So I see good reason why people can use them who may not appear to be handicapped.
Definitely will use the handicapped stall if its the only one available, particularly if I'm with my DD - we barely fit together in regular stalls. A close friend of mine is in a wheelchair, paralyzed after a fall, and she does not expect that she will never wait in line because of it. She just wants access to a bathroom where her wheelchair can fit in. Having children, she certainly understands that sometimes small children don't let their parents know soon enough and they will also have an accident if they don't have speedy access and doesn't mind it. I also think it's foolish to have a line of 50 women with say only 5 usable regular stalls and to let an additional stall sit empty. One day on her show, Oprah Winfrey discussed this issue and said her solution is to use the handicapped stall, but if she hears someone come is she'll yell "do you need the handicapped stall?" and vacate it as quickly as possible. I thought that was a good solution and have done that ever since.
I've only used it three or four times in my life.

I deal with IBS and will wait, of course for another facility if I can. When things get critical I will duck in and be as quick as possible.

Just wondering if this is considered a reasonable use of that stall. Talking Hands?

And I am so sorry you have been put in that position.
I have knee problems, and back pain, so YES I use the Handicapped stall at work...we have NO-ONE that is in a Wheelchair that works there, so its for ANYONE as far as I am concerned. However, at other places, I use the regular one.;)
I don't use it, but for a different reason. Most of them are too tall for me and my feet can't or barely touch the floor if I use that one. I would rather wait and know that I can put my feet on the floor. :eek:
I don't know if anyone posted this yet, since I didn't read all the posts, but I have seen many a bathrooms that the baby changing stations are in the Handicapped Stalls, so what to do? I also use them though if there is no handicapped person waiting.
Handicap stall.. from the view of a person considered disabled

Really I don't have a problem with non-handicap person using the designated stall.. if it is to go to the use the toilet.. and no one handi is in line.. it would be polite to ask the line prior to using it..
"anyone here need to use the handi stall? no answer- go for it jmho However if you can use a reg. stall and it is available please leave the handi stall open.

HOWEVER>>> that being said.. it is NOT A FAMILY STALL, A DRESSING ROOM .. or a hang out for small children.. I am kinda perturbed when I see the changing table in the handi stall.. as it makes things a little more difficult sometimes-mobility wise.

But dang I am glad to see that they have began to put those changing tables in rest rooms.. could have used them when the kids were babies.. BIG TIME!!

The other thing is that there is no standardized issue for a handi stall.. sometimes some places get away with putting in a hand rail in a small kidding.. useless for someone who has to transfer from a wheel chair...

oh and using a wheelchair is not the only definition for the use of the handi stall.. people who NEED to use the stall for specific mobility purpose NEED to use that stall and need not feel guilty about it.

Thanks for being aware of others needs.. it makes the world a kinder place.

you have a good point about the baby change stations. Many are in the handicapped stalls. I used to keep the stall door open while changing diapers so I'd know if someone needed it and then I'd be ready to scoot out quickly.

Now I still use it occasionally because it is very difficult to squeeze myself and 2 little girls in a regular stall with a backpack, shopping bags, etc. We can squeeze in but it can become a stressful, prolonged washroom break. And I don't like leaving either girl standing outside by herself because they are only 3 and 4 1/2.

So yes, when the 3 of us girls are together, we will use the handicapped stall if it is available.
At work I do not use the handicap stall. If I am alone I do not use the handicap stall...but if I am with my 2 girls we use the handicap stall, this is the majority of the time I am out since DH and I work opposite shifts. I am not leaving a 5yr old and a 2.5yr old outside my stall. I can just see my name in the headlines for being an irresponsible parent and someone taking my child while I am trying to pull my pants up. If there is a family restroom I will go there, but these are a rarity around here.
Originally posted by suzannen
A close friend of mine is in a wheelchair, paralyzed after a fall, and she does not expect that she will never wait in line because of it. She just wants access to a bathroom where her wheelchair can fit in.
I completely agree with this comment!
How about because they put the doors on correctly! The handicaps I've seen all open OUT! THe smaller ones open in. When I'm in a smaller one trying to get out with my backpack loaded with books, I get squished or end up opening the door into my leg. Not a comfy thing. :( I'll take the extra space and have a decent place for the backpack.


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