Bathrooms...why do people...


<font color=orange>WDW Antenna Topper Queen</font>
Aug 25, 1999
Go to the bathroom in the handicap stalls if they aren't handicapped or larger and can't fit in the other stalls? Bugs me to no death at work. I'm larger than a good portion of the people in my building and my office and I do not even use the handicapped stall because I fit in the other ones (and I'm not THAT large). But these people that are so small and skinny and are NOT handicapped go in there all the time....I just don't get it!!!

I was at the train station in Chicago once and the lady behind me said the stall was open and I turned to her and said, that stall is not for my use and I want to leave it open for someone that needs it (this was a handicapped stall she was talking about). The little snot went in there and used it and she didn't need to. I was shocked. The next lady in line came up to me and said - Bravo for her telling her that.
1. Because they really have to go. :)

2. Because not all handicaps are visible to the naked eye. They may have short bowel syndrome or such that there is little or no warning.

To be honest, my feeling is that if there are no handicapped people waiting in line and that stall opens up, I'm using it. Blast me if you want, but it makes little sense to me to keep an empty stall when there are many folks waiting.
If there's no one waiting who needs the Handi stall, I'm there.

And in a public bathroom, it gives you some extra privacy for when you have to do #2. Gross, I know... but whatever. Everybody poops.
I agree with DonnaS. Of course, if there is a handicap person waiting, it's all theirs.
When you gotta go and there's no other stall open and there isn't someone obviously waiting for the handicapped stall, I don't see why you should stand there and "dance" waiting for one of the other stalls to open.
I have to say I'm with DonnaS on this too - if the stall is the only one open, and there is no disabled person waiting for it, I'm going to use it. IMO, there is a difference between something being made handicap accessible (like the stall) and something that is intended to be for the exclusive use for someone with a handicap, like a handicap parking space. While I would not park in a handicap parking space, I see no problem with using a handicap accessible bathroom stall.
I also don't see anything wrong with using the handicapped stalls if they open. If they were used only by those that need it, the stalls would go unused a large percentage of the time.
If the other stalls are all taken, I make sure no one is coming and hurry up quick and use it. I don't think there is anything wrong with this. If someone came in just as I was locking the stall door they'd have to wait no more than 2 minutes. I'm pretty quick. :) In all the years I've used public bathrooms I've never seen a visibly handicapped person have to wait.
I use it too if there isn't a handicapped person around and if the other stall is in use... i'm only in there 30 seconds :)
If its there and empty it might as well be used. At scout camp there is 1 regular women's shower which contains a shower stall, one hook, and a lil tiny bench. Whereas the handicap shower has a shower, toilet stall, several hooks (too high for a wheelchair to reach), dressing area, sink, mirror, and outlets. Do the female leaders use this even though we arent handicap? Yes we do!! We simply leave the door unlocked and all share it at the same time in the mornings.
I'm afraid I have to agree about using the handicapped stall. The way I see it, that stall is not "reserved" for people with handicaps, it's for their convenience.

If it's open and there's no handicapped person in line, it's free reign.

I actually, though, got a dirty look from someone when I came OUT of the handicapped stall, because after I went in, there was someone who was handicapped waiting (she came in after I was already in the stall).

I'm sorry, but you'll have to hold it like the rest of us. The stall is for your ease of movement while in the stall -- not to reserve specifically for you to go right in...
when my kids were little it was easier for me to use the handicapped stall because I could bring the girls into the stall with me.

if it's the only open stall and there's no disabled person waiting, I'll use it. it's not like a parking space, where my parking there means a disabled person can't park.
If it is all that is available I would use it.

At my work place they are redoing the bathrooms to make larger handicapped stalls. Instead of 4 stalls they now have 2 stalls. It would be a real problem to save one only for handicapped people.
Attitudes like this is the reason there are never handicapped stalls available when I need to use one. More than once I have ended up soiled because the handicapped stall was in use and there wasn't one that I could use. Now I carry several changes in case I am stuck but I really hate having to do it.
I'm so glad we heard from you, Talking Hands.

Note taken, friend.

Now that I understand better, unless I am in a location where I am 99% certain there will not be anyone around needing the handi-stall, I will wait for a skinny one.

For example, at our office - 83 men, 12 women - no handicapped personnel, and 4 handicapped stalls....I'm gonna keep using that one.

But in public places, I'll just hold it until a regular stall is available.
I'm sorry, but it doesn't change my attitude. If there's a handicapped person waiting, they get it. And I usually look up and down the row if there's a line to indicate does anyone need *THIS* stall. But if there's no one waiting, you can wait the 1-2 minutes max it will take me in there. I'm not going to soil *myself* just on the off chance that *maybe* someone will come in needing that stall. If we all went with that attitude, there should be a handicapped stall, a "for parents with children" stall, a "for people with bladder infections or small bladders due to surgery" stall, a "for those about to throw up or with diahreha stall"... get my point? There are more people out there than "handicapped" who may need to go *now* and if that stall is open, they have the right to use it. If you've got a problem that means you can't wait 1-2 minutes more, then you need to learn to go earlier. And this is speaking from someone who has a parent who *has* had to learn to just go earlier even if she didn't think she needed to.
I bet we're gonna get moved to the debate board....woohoo!!!

::::holding on for the ride:::::

This is cool, though - getting all sorts of different opinions, makes you really learn to see all sides of any issue.
I always use the regular stalls if they are open, but if the only one available is the handicapped stall, I go in there. I'm quick, just in case a handicapped person does walk in. Another note, often the handicapped stall is the only one clean enough to want to use. Then, there's no question, I use it.


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