BARBERs at MK ???


Sep 19, 2002
WHAT sort of haircuts do you get from the Barbers at MK?

Are they your average, basic haircuts?

ie - are they as good as any, or should we just get the girls' hair cut here at home???
We stopped by there for our first time last Sept. My 2 yr old got a haircut and my 12 yr old. They just got regular boy haircuts. @ yr old hated it but he usually does not do well with haircuts and for my 12 yr old they put bright red gel in his hair and then sprinkled some pd on top of it. He didnt really care for he pd but he loved the red gel. Just one aside about the gel it does run if you get sweaty or wet. My baby who turns a yr old this month will be getting his first haircut at the MK they give you a certificate and baby mouse ears.
DS 2 got a "first" haircut there. I am surprised at how good it is! He had a regular short boys haircut that was grown out pretty long. I asked the barber if she could leave it long in the front & short in the back & sides, not knowing if this was even something real. She said sure & did a great job!

She also did a little girls cut while we were waiting. Maybe 5 or 6? It had been all one length & she cut it with an angle on each side & then put it in a pony tail. It looked good before she put it up, and adorable after!

You could always just get a trim there for the girls & have them put it up with gel & pixie dust. It's only $12 plus tip. :)
DD got here hair cut there last year and DS who will be 5 months is going to get his cut. He doesn't have much but it is a little longer in back and we will keep the hair and the pics and memories will be well worth the price.
My DD received her first hair cut there. It was great!! We were even given a certificate, mickey ears saying "first haircut" and a lock of her hair.
My DD got her first hair cut there also. She got the ears, the certificate, and the woman who cut her hair put her hair in pigtails with little Pooh clips. I need to buy some of those pooh clips our next trip down. They are so cute.
DD and older DS both had their hair cut when younger DS got his "first haircut" mouse-ears. She was tickled. She had a basic all one length with bangs cut, but I don't think it makes a difference. I don't know about braids, but they put hers in two pigtails (or doggie tails, depending on where you live ;) ) and fastened them with Mickey hair-ties. She wore out those ties! They'll put gel in the girls' hair, too, if they want it, but it's just a boy thing in our family.
I took my GS (6) and GD (5½) to WDW for the first time last summer. My GD had never had her haircut, so we decided to have it cut at the MK barbershop.

Maura did a wonderful job! As my DG has beautiful long blonde hair, all her mom and I wanted was to have it trimmed evenly across. Maura trimmed it, then put a french braid in the front, to keep some short loose hairs out of Cissy's face. She then painted her hair with purple and pink gel to match Cissy's clothes and sprinkled pixie dust on top.

Cissy rec'd a first haircut certificate and mouse ears and Maura posed with her for a dozen photos during and after the haircut.

My GS also got his hair cut. He wanted a buzz cut, but first Maura gave him a wicked looking mohawk, complete with red hair gel and pixe dust. After we took photos, she complied with his wishes and shaved off the mohawk. Since he didn't have any hair left for hair gel she painted a Mickey icon (°O°) on Wm's forehead w/red hair gel.

That night we had dinner at Chef Mickey's and when Mickey came to our table he got very excited when he saw the Mickey icon on Wm's forehead ... got the cutest photo of Mickey happily pointing at the icon!!!

My GD decided then and there that she'd never get her hair cut anywhere but at the Magic Kingdom! And her mom and I were quite pleased with the results and the time Maura spent with us!
DS got his first haircut there, and they did a fabulous job. They did a regular little boy haircut, but made a really big deal about it. They also gave him about a million stickers and the certificate and mouse ears that say 1st Haircut. He also walked off with a Buzz Lightyear toy too.

I am thinking about getting my two DS's hair cut while we are in the MK. I was wondering how much does a little boys hair cut cost? :D :D
DH gets his cut there every year.. then buys a new hat to cover his forehead LOL...shhhhh!
Originally posted by ddisney333
I am thinking about getting my two DS's hair cut while we are in the MK. I was wondering how much does a little boys hair cut cost? :D :D

It was $12 per haircut last summer, plus I tipped Maura another $16 (2 haircuts) as she was GREAT! She tolerated me and my daughter taking a dozen photographs ... posed with my grandkids ... it was well worth the money!
this was the highlight of our jan trip! ds was 9 months and we had been letting his hair grow out for months in anticipation of getting his first 'official' haircut at wdw. (he has a ton of hair and up until then i had been hacking it)

we lucked out that the 'barbershop quartet' came in while we were waiting our turn and did an entire 'show' that lasted thru our son's haircut...i have the whole thing on videotape and it just makes me smile thinking about it!

michal did his hair and he was fantastic with ds...



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