Baltimore BOT-Fest

Lots of people seem to be hiding-- likely just busy. We can send out the dogs. I think Jodi know where to find some reliable pooches for our search.

Dave: Congrats on a successful Star Wars event and on getting back into training.

All this talk of tris has me delusional enough to think I could attempt one. We'll get our pool open first and I'll see how I do with laps. I think that will be enough for me to give up the idea.

Have a safe, fun Memorial Day weekend everyone.
Lots of people seem to be hiding-- likely just busy. We can send out the dogs. I think Jodi know where to find some reliable pooches for our search.

Dave: Congrats on a successful Star Wars event and on getting back into training.

All this talk of tris has me delusional enough to think I could attempt one. We'll get our pool open first and I'll see how I do with laps. I think that will be enough for me to give up the idea.

Have a safe, fun Memorial Day weekend everyone.

I'll find some dogs!!

Jen - you could SO do a tri. Come on! If I can do it anyone can!! Seriously, put one on your calendar for the end of the summer!!
Oh my God! I totally lost track of this thread. Took me a few minutes to even find this thread.

I take it everyone is running Balt this year. I'm going see if I can swing it. Problem I have is it's our 15-year anniversary. These races always seems to fall on some major event. I'll figure it out.

Anyway, figured I would pop in and say hello.

Training question BOTs. What do you do to get through a run when your legs feel like lead? Yesterday morning I planned to run 2, 2.5 miles since I did 4 last weekend and I was feeling pretty good during the first mile. But then I slowed down to get some water, and I just couldn't speed back up again. My legs effectively said No, we're not doing this. Luckily I don't have to get serious for another month but I know more days like this are ahead. How do y'all deal?
Oh my God! I totally lost track of this thread. Took me a few minutes to even find this thread.

I take it everyone is running Balt this year. I'm going see if I can swing it. Problem I have is it's our 15-year anniversary. These races always seems to fall on some major event. I'll figure it out.

Anyway, figured I would pop in and say hello.


Hi Lou,

Good to hear from you!!

Yeah, things are a little slow here, I suspect it will continue to be a little slow throughout the summer until fall marathon season hits again.!:)

Leslie, All of us have been there with lead legs. I always remember what Lilly says, sometimes just "getting the steps in" even if you have to slow down or walk is still beneficial. More than not, the next time I would go out I would be stronger than ever. Good luck!
Training question BOTs. What do you do to get through a run when your legs feel like lead? Yesterday morning I planned to run 2, 2.5 miles since I did 4 last weekend and I was feeling pretty good during the first mile. But then I slowed down to get some water, and I just couldn't speed back up again. My legs effectively said No, we're not doing this. Luckily I don't have to get serious for another month but I know more days like this are ahead. How do y'all deal?

When something just isn't working out right or following plan, I usually just change it up.

Walk for a while and then try again. Sometimes you just have to finish your run with a walk.

Pick out a landmark ahead and tell yourself that you will run until you get there, no matter what (even if it's only 50 yards or the distance between lamp posts or what ever). Then walk for a while. Find another landmark and repeat. Make it a game for yourself. Heck, even try running it backwards. Anything to change things up.

Sometimes miles 2 through 4 are just my toughest miles and once I get through them, everything smooths out and I can just cruise at a steady pace.

Whenever I have spent a considerable amount of miles at a constant pace, it becomes very difficult to get back up to speed after a water break. It never hurts to alter your pace or even take short walk breaks. It seems to make returning to pace easier. There are plenty of people who train and run using run/walk intervals and are much faster than using a steady pace.

Good luck with your training!
Hey friends, off to Orlando tomorrow morning. A couple days at Disney and then we board the Disney Dream on Friday!:thumbsup2

So Jodi, what are the must dos on the ship??

Hope everyone has a good week.
Hello Fellow Bots! I stopped in to read all of my Birthday Wishes that I just knew would be here. :confused3

Thanks for all of you that send me Birthday WISHes on FB. I've got a lot going on recently and unfortunately, I haven't stopped over here. popcorn::

I finished my second 9 week Wii Active 2 program last week and decided to change things up a bit to more running, less basement Wii Active and to continue the 2 boot camps a week. Those really helped me this year. I have run 3 out of the last 4 days (6, 6 and 5 miles) all at around an 8:32/8:36 pace. Other than the heat making an impact, I did pretty well with negative splits.

I think the transition back to running has made a PF twinge appear in my right foot. I think it was just because it wasn't used to all of the outdoor pounding. It seems to have worked itself out for now, but I hope it doesn't come back. I've had PF, but just in my left foot before. I highly dislike PF!!

This coming Monday, June 27 will mark 10 YEARS since I ran my first 5K! I've certainly enjoyed the past 10 years and past 6.5 years knowing most of you. My first Disney race was the Half Marathon in January 2006. My first 5K time was 34:42 (11:10 pace), my last was 23:31 (7:29 pace). I think I'm beginning to get the hang of this.

I hope everyone has signed up for Baltimore! I will see some of you in Providence, RI for the RnR Half on August 7.

Megan ~ Good luck with your event on August 7!!!

Leslie~ I agree with everyone's advice. Take the good with the bad. Lead legs happen from time to time. I take water pauses and/or brow sweat wiping pauses when I run. I'm pretty good at keeping them short and getting right back to pace though. The important thing is to keep getting out there and build up your stamina and speed.

Colleen~ I hope you had a great time on your cruise!!! :hug:

Mike who? I do miss Kathy!

Bill~ Hi!!

Judy~ :hug:

Jodi ~ :worship:

On Saturday the Keener's are off to Barcelona, Spain for a 10 day Disney Cruise on the Magic! We are in Barcelona from Sunday AM through Wednesday when we set sail. We'll be gone from June 25 through July 10. So, you'll see little or none of me posting on FB or here.

Be safe and stay cool while I'm away. Don't do anything I wouldn't do.


Howard, sorry I missed your birthday both here and on facebook.. anyway, hope it was wonderful and I KNOW you and Cam are going to LOVE, Love, love your Med cruise.:thumbsup2

Our Dream cruise was enjoyable. I loved the ship, she was beautiful. We were on a 4 day cruise. The ports were Nassau and CC. I did not like Nassau and I am a little tired of CC. The older I get the less I enjoy the beach.:confused: Anyway, I thought the the food was fine, the appetizers and main courses were good but not wonderful. The desserts were so-so. But when you realized they are trying to feed hundreds and hundreds of people at one time, the food was actually pretty good.

DS14 LOVED the teen club. This is a great area on the ship. It was nice they put some thought into this area. DD12 pre-teen sucked, it was small and I thought lacking in a lot of ways.
I signed up for my first ever half today. I'll be running the princess half in February, and I have so many emotions right now. I've gone through the "what did I just sign myself up for?" moment and am now calming down and looking forward to it.
Lesley: congrats on signing up. You will have fun, it is a really nice race.

Lou: nice to briefly see you this weekend, hope the rest of your 4th was fun.

Jodi: I hope your foot feels better soon.

Howard: I hope you had a great trip. Challenge me when you are ready for more Words With Friends.

We finally got our act together and found a sitter for Aug, so will be doing the Providence RnR race. Very psyched!
I signed up for my first ever half today. I'll be running the princess half in February, and I have so many emotions right now. I've gone through the "what did I just sign myself up for?" moment and am now calming down and looking forward to it.

Good choice for your first half! Although I don't run this one myself, I'll probably will be there to cheer on the's. If Tracy is with me we will be just after the Ticket and Transportation Center and then just past the Polynesian where we will be handing out snacks.



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