Back to the West 2014

Great shots of WoC and at night. I bet you're really pleased with going FF now. You make me wish I had the funds to upgrade!
That's an amazingly empty Soarin' wait area.
And well done for closing out the park on arrival day.
Such gorgeous shots of WOC! And those other nighttime shots are perfect too. Wow, you guys were troopers closing the park after a long day! Sounds like it was a fun arrival day though :)
Your spot during WoC Winter Dreams was nice. I was impressed with your pictures during the trip and now seeing more of them, I am now amazed by the clarity of the shots. Since you ate at the CCR, I thought you would go in the CCR line and get the prime spot in the viewing area.

If Disney is going to be playing WoC - Celebrate! The Wonderful World of Walt Disney for the whole year when it debuts in May, you will be able to see it during your next trip. I enjoy watching the original and looking forward to seeing the new version.

Very nice shots that night.

Thanks Bret. WOC generally stresses me out just because I like to have a good spot to photograph from, and that's so hard to accomplish.

I had read on the WOC superthread that the CCR viewing area wasn't as good and it was recommended to just get in the other line. From what I can tell, the CCR spots are more off to the side. I really didn't expect to have trouble with it, so was surprised when we did. It had been a really long day at that point, and after all the delays at Guest Relations (in spite of being well taken care of) I didn't have the patience for more issues.

I hope the new version is well received. I'm sure we'll make a point of seeing it when we're back.

Great shots of WoC and at night. I bet you're really pleased with going FF now. You make me wish I had the funds to upgrade!
That's an amazingly empty Soarin' wait area.
And well done for closing out the park on arrival day.

I'm up early every morning so usually wear out kind of early at night. I really wasn't sure if I'd make it through WOC even (given our time change) so was surprised I made it through a couple rides after.

I felt like the entire trip I was getting to know my new camera. That first night I was still fumbling with controls a lot but was very happy with the results.

I absolutely loved that we were able to visit the parks on arrival day (because of upgrading to APs). Our total time in the parks was not that much more this year, but with brief visits on arrival day, departure day and our day off mid-week, it really felt a lot more immersive, much more like our WDW visits. I love getting up in the morning at home, and being in the parks that night.
Such gorgeous shots of WOC! And those other nighttime shots are perfect too. Wow, you guys were troopers closing the park after a long day! Sounds like it was a fun arrival day though :)

Thanks! Low light shots are where this camera shines, so I loved sitting there watching WOC running it through it paces.

It was definitely a fun first day. :cool1: And WOC is much better when you're not huddling near the ground trying to stay out of the cold wind (like last year!)
I'm here! Those were some great shots of WOC. I've only seen it once. I need to get back to see it again. My first trip it was so cold, that I needed a make up trip. Then my next trip, well, I was going through some personal stuff and didn't do as much as I'd wanted to. (Except meet Bob Gurr and eat at Club 33!) Your shots are the best I've seen of WoC and those night shots are perfect. Did you take your tripod with you?
I'm here! Those were some great shots of WOC. I've only seen it once. I need to get back to see it again. My first trip it was so cold, that I needed a make up trip. Then my next trip, well, I was going through some personal stuff and didn't do as much as I'd wanted to. (Except meet Bob Gurr and eat at Club 33!) Your shots are the best I've seen of WoC and those night shots are perfect. Did you take your tripod with you?

Hi Tina! :wave: Glad you arrived!

Thanks for the kind words. I sort of felt like I was making it up as I went along taking those shots. I hadn't used the camera or those lenses much yet. I didn't even know what focal length I wanted to use. I tried my 2.8 lens, my 4.0 lens and my ultra wide angle. I thought ultra-wide would be good, but I felt like everything was just too small. I also hadn't pushed my ISO much yet to know how I'd like the higher ISOs. Looks like I shot these at 4000 but I would have been happy going to 6400 now that I've used it some more.

I didn't mess with the tripod. My goal was to push the ISO and get a fast hand-held shutter speed.

And you know, I'd settle for meeting Bob Gurr and eating at Club 33 any day of the week! :teeth:. Kidding.....sort of...... I hope you get a make-up trip for your make-up trip soon. :)
I was curious if you did those hand held with the new camera. Good job! You know, I've got camera envy again. LOL. I'm guessing you had to get rid of your beautiful 2.8 lens as it is only EF-S though, right? That would be hard.

My sister is now talking about doing a DL/California/Cruise trip and wants me to join them. We're in the talks for summer 2016, so it looks like it might happen. And with 3 other people in the room, I'll be in the park while they rest. They had a really hard time with the heat of Florida in the summer, but she thinks California will be better. I know the evenings in the summer were colder, that's for sure.

Can't wait to see more of your shots with your new camera. CC looked like a great place to eat.
Thanks Bret. WOC generally stresses me out just because I like to have a good spot to photograph from, and that's so hard to accomplish.

I had read on the WOC superthread that the CCR viewing area wasn't as good and it was recommended to just get in the other line. From what I can tell, the CCR spots are more off to the side. I really didn't expect to have trouble with it, so was surprised when we did. It had been a really long day at that point, and after all the delays at Guest Relations (in spite of being well taken care of) I didn't have the patience for more issues.

I hope the new version is well received. I'm sure we'll make a point of seeing it when we're back.

I completely understand and I also feel the same way as you do when finding a good spot to take pictures as well as videotape. Mostly I am at the back of the viewing area since I don't want to get my equipment wet. If the person has the patience to wait in a long line, you will be able to get the spot you want. It can be frustrating when last second people try to force there way in when you spent all that time in the line and staking out a spot.

I thought and read that the CCR viewing area is at the center spot that was at the second level railing. Then I heard that the other restaurants also were part of it as well. I didn't watch from that spot since my aunt was using an ECV and we couldn't get in that area so we had to settle at another handicapped spot which was not that good especially for the price we paid at the CCR. The viewing area is always changing every time when I go see WoC which can be frustrating at times.

I am hoping that the new version will be good after WoC Winter Dreams in 2013 which was not a big of a hit where the 2014 version was way better.
I was curious if you did those hand held with the new camera. Good job! You know, I've got camera envy again. LOL. I'm guessing you had to get rid of your beautiful 2.8 lens as it is only EF-S though, right? That would be hard.

My sister is now talking about doing a DL/California/Cruise trip and wants me to join them. We're in the talks for summer 2016, so it looks like it might happen. And with 3 other people in the room, I'll be in the park while they rest. They had a really hard time with the heat of Florida in the summer, but she thinks California will be better. I know the evenings in the summer were colder, that's for sure.

Can't wait to see more of your shots with your new camera. CC looked like a great place to eat.

I have to confess, I have not parted with the Canon 2.8 lens yet. You are right that it won't work on the new FF camera. But I haven't been able to part with it yet. Maybe later this year when I am convinced I won't want to use it again. I kept the T2i and think I might use it on occasion as well, but probably for longer shots. Once I've gone a year or so without using it, I'll probably be more willing to let it go. :sad: :rotfl2:

We have done DL in the summer on several occasions, both early and late June. Only once did we hit weather so hot we had to leave the parks in the afternoon. And later that night we needed jackets. I will say that I'm a total wimp about the heat and humidity of FL, so would be the first to complain if we had issues in DL in the summer. Up until recently I considered DL our summer home and WDW our winter home! :rotfl2:

I completely understand and I also feel the same way as you do when finding a good spot to take pictures as well as videotape. Mostly I am at the back of the viewing area since I don't want to get my equipment wet. If the person has the patience to wait in a long line, you will be able to get the spot you want. It can be frustrating when last second people try to force there way in when you spent all that time in the line and staking out a spot.

I thought and read that the CCR viewing area is at the center spot that was at the second level railing. Then I heard that the other restaurants also were part of it as well. I didn't watch from that spot since my aunt was using an ECV and we couldn't get in that area so we had to settle at another handicapped spot which was not that good especially for the price we paid at the CCR. The viewing area is always changing every time when I go see WoC which can be frustrating at times.

I am hoping that the new version will be good after WoC Winter Dreams in 2013 which was not a big of a hit where the 2014 version was way better.

We did brave the front of the viewing area in 2013. We were further back in the line than we preferred so didn't have access to the best raised spots. Since it was so cold that night front and center was still open! :rotfl2: We got lucky though and there was no wind so we didn't get wet. I actually like having some people in my shot...... just not somebody standing on a trash can in front of me. If I wasn't separated by a railing, I might have said something.

The areas for dining vs. FP seem to be rather fluid, so hard to plan for.

Fingers crossed that the new version is worth all this hassle!

Fantastic so far! I'm looking forward to more.

:welcome: I'm glad you found us! :cool1:
Sunday December 7, 2014:

I knew after such a long day on Saturday we wouldn't make early entry. I didn't even set an alarm clock. But not surprisingly, I was still up fairly early and Katie wasn't hard to get up. We walked into DCA 15 minutes after regular park open at 8:15. It turned out to be the perfect time to enter. Early entry was at 7 and both parks opened to the general public at 8. Most who were not eligible for early entry chose DL that morning. So we had a nice peaceful walk into the park. Our first stop was to see Santa at Elias and Company, where there was nobody else even waiting in line. It was more of a character photo for us for the season though as Katie couldn't even answer Santa's question about what she wanted for Christmas!

IMG_1571 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1575 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1578 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

And I just love the elves Santa has helping him, so needed a photo with her too:

IMG_1580 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

We stopped for some photos in front of the tree and with the Walt statue before going in search of the head cheese himself, Mickey Mouse. We caught him just as he was coming out, so no line!

IMG_1594 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1598 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1604 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1608 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

By 8:30 we were back at our destination...... Paradise Pier. We rode California Screamin 3 times then worked our way around the Pier. First Mickey's Fun Wheel (where I tried unsuccessfully to get her to try a swinging gondola. What was I thinking?). Then on to the Jumping Jelly Fish since the Silly Swings were temporarily down. The goal for that morning was to find and meet the 3 Caballeros. When we got to that area, the CMs said they were due in at 11. We had a little time kill, so went over to do the Ariel ride for the first time on the west coast. I can't believe we completely skipped over that one last year. The ride was indeed very similar to the one in Florida, but it felt less spectacular without Eric's castle and that gorgeous queue area.

IMG_1617 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Would it kill them to make a little opening I could stick my lens through to take photos from the Fun Wheel?

IMG_1689 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1694 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1709 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1715 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1739 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1784 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1794 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1799 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1801 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Time for breakfast! Churros on the pier. This is the life!

IMG_1803 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1806 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Poor Unfortunate Soul by mom2rtk, on Flickr

Is it just me or does she look a little hacked off?

IMG_1880 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1893 by mom2rtk, on Flickr

IMG_1904 by mom2rtk, on Flickr
What a fun morning. Seriously though, Katie does California Screamin' but won't do the swinging gondolas? Oh my, how I love those. They are so much fun! I laugh and laugh... and Blanche nearly got sick, which made the right even better for me. :)

Are churros good? I have had one, but it seemed stale (at Universal Studios Orlando). I think I would like it if it were fresh! Hahahaha

Great shots as usual.

And I think you are extremely brilliant waiting with your T4i and that great 2.8 lens before deciding what to do. I usually sell mine to help offset the cost of the new camera, but I haven't gone full frame yet, so I don't need to get rid of that great lens. It is a wonderful lens. :) I will be forever grateful to you for introducing me to it! :)
Great update. Love the morning pictures around DCA.
My family love the swinging gondolas....and I think we are in the minority.

Katie couldn't tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas? Lucky girl! :thumbsup2

And I would hang on to that f/2.8 lens if you can. If you've kept the T2i, you will want that lens to shoot with.
Very nice morning at DCA with all the different activities that you and Katie did.

Great pictures of you and Katie especially with Santa.

You were brave to ride the swinging-gondolas since I don't like swinging-gondolas. You can ask PiO about that.
Hi! :) I really am enjoying your trip report! I think a DL trip is on its way for us after I show my DH these photos! I can't wait to read more and see more photos and tips from the parks. :flower1:
What a fun morning. Seriously though, Katie does California Screamin' but won't do the swinging gondolas? Oh my, how I love those. They are so much fun! I laugh and laugh... and Blanche nearly got sick, which made the right even better for me. :)

Are churros good? I have had one, but it seemed stale (at Universal Studios Orlando). I think I would like it if it were fresh! Hahahaha

Great shots as usual.

And I think you are extremely brilliant waiting with your T4i and that great 2.8 lens before deciding what to do. I usually sell mine to help offset the cost of the new camera, but I haven't gone full frame yet, so I don't need to get rid of that great lens. It is a wonderful lens. :) I will be forever grateful to you for introducing me to it! :)

Well, in all fairness, I do California Screamin and also won't do the swinging gondolas. :rotfl:It was just a momentary lapse when I asked her to consider it this time. I'll keep your comments in mind when we go back though. Maybe I'll have a momentary lapse again. ;)

The churros are SO much better in California! Really. We haven't had one at US but have had them at WDW. And for some reason they just aren't as good there. I think it's because they sell so many more at DLR that they are constantly fresh. We're seriously addicted and need a "churro budget" on every trip it seems.

Thanks for the kind words on the shots. The Paradise Pier area really has grown on me. It's not so much about the rides (well, except CS!) but about the lovely views to photograph FROM the rides.

I sold one of my lenses when I got the new camera. And I'll probably sell some others. But I do see holding off on that 2.8 lens until the bitter end. I'm so glad you love yours too. :love:

Great update. Love the morning pictures around DCA.
My family love the swinging gondolas....and I think we are in the minority.

Katie couldn't tell Santa what she wanted for Christmas? Lucky girl! :thumbsup2

And I would hang on to that f/2.8 lens if you can. If you've kept the T2i, you will want that lens to shoot with.

OK, I hear you. One more vote for the swinging gondolas. Not sure if I can talk Katie into it, but I will try. :)

Katie changed her mind about what she wanted for Christmas about a million times last year. It's really exhausting. I told her I wasn't even shopping until 2 weeks before. And I still ended up returning something. :faint:. We're working on that......

I think they might have to pry that lens out of my cold dead hands.............. :rotfl:

I will say this though. The trip was sort of like boot camp for my new camera. I got to know it and the new lenses very well, very quickly. And there was a clear winner.

Very nice morning at DCA with all the different activities that you and Katie did.

Great pictures of you and Katie especially with Santa.

You were brave to ride the swinging-gondolas since I don't like swinging-gondolas. You can ask PiO about that.

Thanks Bret. Visiting Santa at Disney is sort of like visiting a character at Disney for us now. Sigh. But I love that Katie still wants to do it. And the photos will get a nice spot in my scrapbook.

Looks like I need an update from PiO about you and the swinging gondolas........ FWIW, I didn't actually ride. I just THOUGHT about riding, but couldn't take Katie into it.

Hi! :) I really am enjoying your trip report! I think a DL trip is on its way for us after I show my DH these photos! I can't wait to read more and see more photos and tips from the parks. :flower1:

Thanks PrincessPaczki! And :welcome: I hope my photos will help convince your DH to head for DLR!
Thanks Bret. Visiting Santa at Disney is sort of like visiting a character at Disney for us now. Sigh. But I love that Katie still wants to do it. And the photos will get a nice spot in my scrapbook.

Looks like I need an update from PiO about you and the swinging gondolas........ FWIW, I didn't actually ride. I just THOUGHT about riding, but couldn't take Katie into it.

That is good to hear that Katie wants to get pictures with the characters and with all the pictures you take, it will make a good scrap book when she gets older and glad she did that.

Looks like I didn't read your report clearly and saw the picture and assume you rode the swinging gondolas during the trip. As with PiO and me about the swinging gondolas, when we were about to ride MFW back in 2013, her family tried to get me to go on the swinging-gondolas. I know that DS wanted to go on it a lot and PiO tried to encourage me to go on it and they did. But when we got closer to riding it, PiO had a change of heart and went with me on the non-swinging gondola. Her DH and DS went on the swinging gondolas. It was a good thing we did that or we would have rode the swinging gondola twice since the CM's let us ride it again since there was no one in the queue.
Mickey's winter attire is so cute. Sounds like a fun morning, love all the shots from up above!

And churros for breakfast sounds like my kind of thing!! :)


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