The boat ride is short and pleasant. And quite busy...….we expected the park to be fairly busy today as the weather had pretty much obliterated yesterday and we guessed folks would want to take advantage of this beautiful day...…..and it really was beautiful. Warm and sunny. Just how we liked it...….

We opted for the Studios this morning and genuinely had no plan except we wanted to ride Fast and Furious......we had heard so much and from folks who`s opinion we trusted were telling us it wasn't great, so it`s always good to make your own mind up.

As we got off the boat, I heard a voice shout out our full name...….I turned around and there was a young lady who used to work in the Club Lounge a few years ago...….she was heading in with her family and no longer worked for Loews. It was so lovely to see her, and she had the most beautiful children.....time really does pass quickly. WE had a good catch up and then went our separate ways. It made me think of how many staff had come and gone over our time enjoying RP. Of course Club Lounge isn't a permanent position for most of them. They do it to get through college usually or it`s a second job, but it was always nice to see them going on to bigger and better things. One manager mentioned to us we had probably seen more changes than most over the years. And we had......but it`s that type of business. But, so lovely to see her doing well.

We do then however see an awful lot of school groups...…..and did wonder how that was going to impact the park...….they seemed to be large groups of varied ages. Of course we knew school groups in May are a regular thing, but didn't know it was every day...…..however, I will say they had no impact in any way on our time in the parks. They seemed to split into much smaller groups and were all well behaved and the adults all seemed to have good control of their specific group. It wasn't an issue at all.

So, into Studios now and there is the usual lines to get through the gates, typical hold ups are folks that haven't pre signed their park tickets and the dreaded white sheets that pass as your ticket...….but, we hit it lucky and got through fairly quickly...….

We love this park.....well, we love both parks and there is just something special walking through those gates every never gets old...….we love the vibe and the atmosphere, and yes we do think it has it`s own type of magic!!! Our happy place...…..

I apologise for the amount of pictures of me today...….Tom loved this new camera so much and didn't really want me using….


It didn't look too busy at this point in this area, but I was sure further round would be. Namely Potter. But for now we just enjoyed this area a little...…


We walked on Despicable Me this morning, regular line was around 40 minutes...…..such a fun ride and it`s one that never gives me any motion issues at do get moved about on the ride, but it doesn't cause me any dizziness...…..we both love this ride.

The we do Shrek. We had missed that a couple of times, so as the line was just walking in we decided we would too. The pre show is fun and so familiar....then we head through to the main theatre for the show...…..this is fun. But the screen is either needing replaced or updated as it was out of focus......this alone can cause issues for anyone with motion issues. But we got through it and we did enjoy it.

We wandered over and decided not to do RRR today, can`t really remember why we didn't, but just wandered further around. As always though, we took the pics!!!


I could barely see this morning with the sun behind me for pictures, it was so bright...….but this area was deserted and ideal for a photo op...….the façade was still over the building to the side, so they must be doing a lot of work to that one.


As we headed towards Mummy, I realized how much I loved this area...….so many little things to see and it just felt a nice area...….The Mummy of course is a classic has the best theming around and the ride itself is fabulous!!! Love when it goes so fast but does have some excellent moments all the way around.

They have a barrier up here too with some maintenance at the door where the TM stand, but it has no effect on the ride. As I said we love this ride, and were looking forward to going back on it.


We do go through the EP line...….I know it has a cool regular line, but we much prefer less wait time and just get on the ride.....and we head through and the EP line is maybe 5 minutes...…..we were surprised in March that we did have to wait at one point, but it still was nowhere near the regular lines.

We ask for the front row as always, and sometimes we have to just wait for the next car, but straight on today...….and off we much fun!!!! And so fast...….we learned very quickly where to brace on this ride, and in March it did come to an unusually fast stop at one point, so we double braced for this one......but it was fine. We quickly wandered around again for a second ride......and loved it again...…….

Heading out we are loving this heat and so glad we put sunscreen was hot!!! And in no way were we complaining......this was fabulous.....


We were too early for The Blues Brothers shows, this is worth watching if you`ve never seen it......high energy and fun, and boy can the lady sing!!!

Finnegan`s is somewhere we don't care for much, but they do a mean cocktail!!!! And again, we were far too early for that too...…..but there are so many things to photograph and see in these little streets...…..



Louie`s is one of the best counter service places in the parks......good pizza and very inexpensive...…..the slices have got larger than they used to be, we could even have shared one between us, which you couldn't do a snack of course, not a meal......but so tasty. It can sometimes take a time to pay because of folks with the Dining plan who aren't sure what they can get, our pizza has got cold before waiting, and always ask for a fresh hot slice if that happens, they have always done it without question.


We are curious to see the changes to the lagoon. There is going to be a new nighttime show with spectacular light effects......I think when it`s finally announced it`ll be very popular…….they have enhanced viewing areas over the other side of the lagoon so you know from that they are expecting it to be something much better than the previous show.



They had lowered the water level of the lagoon by quite an amount, so work could be done easier...….and you can see it is quite elaborate.....

Love this area too...….


We now head over to the newest ride at Universal Orlando.

I have to admit, never watched any of these movies, but we know the premise and the franchise...….so we had mixed feelings about whether we would like it or not...….we opt today to walk through the regular line to of course get a full impression of it...….

Someone we had taken pictures of together offered to take ours too......always nice...…...


So, we head in to the full line, and I have to say it`s decent.....and has a very unique aroma of fuel and garage scents......the cars are alright and the line is fairly interesting......but, if there was a long line no way in heck would I stand in`s not that interesting, and if you are not at all interested in cars.....then you can easily miss it out.










There are two live actors and this is the first guy...…..he`s ok. But I do find the fake announcements of we are all family very forced and the acting a bit unbelievable…….yep, I know it`s The Rock......but he is no actor. This was annoying as I just felt the fake family stuff could have been omitted.


The second guy was funnier...….but again with the forced emotion of what we were about to experience...…...


Well, we did it 3 times, got various seats on the vehicle and ultimately decided...…...big fail for us. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I wouldn't go back on it...….Tom was more or less the same...…..there was one bit it may be described as bit. The rest we thought was dreadful...…..and we were disappointed as it should have been so much more...….there didn't seem to be much love for it at all from the other folks coming off the ride either.....although one very excited 6 year old boy declared it awesome!!! Well, I was glad he liked it.....

Back in a bit have to go out...…...
She also has September and December trip dates locked in after her July trip.....
Schumi is our international traveler........

Awww......nice description...….

March and May also next year are booked...…..:thumbsup2:D
Well, we did it 3 times, got various seats on the vehicle and ultimately decided...…...big fail for us. I wouldn't say I hated it, but I wouldn't go back on it...….Tom was more or less the same...…..there was one bit it may be described as bit. The rest we thought was dreadful...…..and we were disappointed as it should have been so much more...….there didn't seem to be much love for it at all from the other folks coming off the ride either.....although one very excited 6 year old boy declared it awesome!!! Well, I was glad he liked it.....

Back in a bit have to go out...…...

Ahh shame, I think this will be our reaction also. It's a shame that F&F and Jimmy Fallon have been quite Meh and from memory I think Skull Island you guys like but also don't love? I cant see them being high up on our list of favourites
We loved the buffet at Amatista! Yep- we passed on the omelettes, too- they looked huge! Someone at the table next to us got one- she ended up taking it in a to go box!

Agree- F&F wasn't great. but Joe LOVED the line! He had to stop and look at all the cars! Seemed like all the guys were doing the same thing! I think we'll ride it just for the car viewing!
Ahh shame, I think this will be our reaction also. It's a shame that F&F and Jimmy Fallon have been quite Meh and from memory I think Skull Island you guys like but also don't love? I cant see them being high up on our list of favourites

Yep, considering the money spent on them they should have been better...…..

Kong is definitely one we like, but wouldn't wait in a line for......even a long EP line is too much......but worth going on :-)
We loved the buffet at Amatista! Yep- we passed on the omelettes, too- they looked huge! Someone at the table next to us got one- she ended up taking it in a to go box!

Agree- F&F wasn't great. but Joe LOVED the line! He had to stop and look at all the cars! Seemed like all the guys were doing the same thing! I think we'll ride it just for the car viewing!

That`s the thing Patty, I am a huge car fan. Love all things cars...….Always have been, more so than most guys we know. But it`s just not what it should have been.

So despite leaving F&F a little furious it had been as bad as we had heard, we ventured on with our day...…

Bruce is always a fun moment to have a picture with...….we had the strange experience this morning of seeing a little boy looking absolutely terrified and wouldn't go anywhere near Bruce......they were trying all sorts of bribes for him to go and have his picture taken with the infamous shark but this little lad was having none of it...….they wouldn't give up though and it became quite uncomfortable to watch......just as we were about to leave and not bother with a picture they finally relented and let him walk away......little guy looked very relieved.

I miss the Jaws ride. It wasn't an ultimate favourite, but one we enjoyed many times before they closed it. It`s a shame so many never got to experience it, as it was well done for what was an older is missed.


We wanted to stop and have some water, so we bought a bottle from the little cart outside the Richter Burger store...….and then sat for a while and enjoyed our position in the is pleasant.




Lombards is one of these places that`s been a hit and a miss for us over the years...….we had heard from a few people it had improved massively again, so we may try it again one day sometime. Its a seafood based menu, but has many options for even the fussiest of palates.

Tom was sitting at Chez Alcatraz...…..little bar that serves very nice cocktails and some snack type foods...…..we had enjoyed many a beverage in here over the years...……



After we had refreshed ourselves with water, I should say we always buy bottled water. I have never tried the fountains in the park as the smell of Florida water is enough. Some find it ok to drink, that's fine, but not for us, we will stick to buying it.

We now head around to Potter.

This really is the crowning jewel of Universal Orlando Resort. Whether you are a Potter fan or not, it is truly spectacular...….even the most die hard of other park fans admit it is amazing. And it really is. There are so many little details intertwined with the larger more obvious details in both areas, but it`s taking the time to find them of course...….some are obvious, others more hidden. Things like the shark teeth in the window of one of the stores as a nod to Jaws that used to reside here......and so many more.

And the attention to detail begins before you even walk through the brick wall that Harry walked through before entering Diagon Alley.





It is pretty...…...and of course as you walk through the brick wall you can listen and hear the exact sound Harry heard when Hagrid tapped the bricks...…

It is a magical place. So stunningly life like to what Diagon Alley is described as in the books and the movies......and get us every time we walk through it...…


And of course don't forget to look behind you at times...….




This was Tom`s not very great impression of Gilderoy Lockhart......played wonderfully by Kenneth Branagh.






Madame Malkins robes is a curious little can buy your robes in here of course, but there is a mirror that when you stand in front of it, it can give you a lovely compliment, or can tell you that you look dreadful in your outfit......I got a bad one today, I have no dress sense…..I wouldn`t argue there...….but the store is well worth a wander around to see some unusual little curios placed around the store.


We now planned to go and ride Gringotts and we wanted pictures of the line too today, so we would walk through the full line if it wasn't too long. My normal camera didn't fit inside the waist pack I usually had, but his new camera would fit in Tom`s. I planned to leave my bag in the lockers.

Of course you can`t pass the dragon without taking a picture...…..





I go in to the dreaded by many locker area...…...the problem with these lockers is people. The TM is telling people to go to the rear where are there plenty of lockers, which is where I`m heading straight for......there really is more space at the back as everyone just seems to congregate on the front rows, and with every family member present usually...….not totally sure why...…..but, I get my locker in seconds and head back out to meet Tom to go in the line.

The regular line is only 15 minutes, so we walk all the way through the regular line. It`s been a while since we did the full thing.

And again, it is so impressive as soon as you walk in...….I have a friend who has done this ride hundreds of times, and she said she hadn't seen the door pictured below...….and she works in the parks!!!

But so much detail...….and then even more...…







The Goblins are so unfriendly looking, and you do feel as though you are interfering in their private business. They don't look amenable at all...….



You then go through towards where they take your picture and then on to the offices of the goblins. You can bypass the person taking pictures as we did today.

There are some cute little newspaper clippings laying along the line before you get to the offices and elevator...….




We put the camera away now and enjoy the rest of the line including the office scene and the unique elevator into the bowels of the building...…..doesn't take long and we are climbing the stairs after picking up our glasses. There is an elevator for those who can`t manage the stairs. But, we climb and see that there are only a few folks in front of us.

We are sent to the back row, and a couple come in behind us. We had seen them behind us through the line and had smiled a few times, we pulled our harnesses down and waited...….but when they sat down the harnesses wouldn't fit around either of them. I felt incredibly sorry for them both. The TM tried but it wouldn't budge enough. So they had to unlock us and we got out to let them out of the row. And we got back in. The TM said they were sorry to them but even squeezing the harness a little wouldn't budge it. There is a test seat outside of course. As someone who is definitely larger, I can say I`m surprised they didn't feel the need to try the test seat. But, we were on our way with two empty seats beside us...….

This is fun. I like it`s not too rough and doesn't give any motion issues at all...….yes, it`s screens but it is a fun ride all the same...….the little coaster bit is fun and I wish it were longer. The drop as such isn't really a drop at all...….I do wish that was bigger too.

We are soon off the ride and I thankfully remember my locker number...… is a bit of a cattle show round here now......but I manage to retrieve my bag without too much effort and back outside. It is hot in those lockers, that's my number one complaint about them.

We now plan to head into my favourite area of Potter...….Knockturn Alley.
Carole, my sentiments exactly regarding Fast & Furious. My daughter and I forced ourselves to watch the first movie before leaving. Though we feel like we lost brain cells with it, we tried to go in with an open mind. It’s a one and done for us, like Fallon. It makes me a little sad that such prime real estate was used for these two disappointing rides. I’m glad to hear the 6 year old boy thought it was awesome - I was hoping it appealed to someone.
Carole, my sentiments exactly regarding Fast & Furious. My daughter and I forced ourselves to watch the first movie before leaving. Though we feel like we lost brain cells with it, we tried to go in with an open mind. It’s a one and done for us, like Fallon. It makes me a little sad that such prime real estate was used for these two disappointing rides. I’m glad to hear the 6 year old boy thought it was awesome - I was hoping it appealed to someone.


So many were saying the same thing.......and such a disappointment as we know Universal could have done so much more......not sure why they didn’t. Definitely won’t go back on it, and I’m the same with Fallon.

I tried to watch one of the movies, but lasted barely 15 minutes. And I love cars!! But this was just dreadful........

Yes, the little lad obviously loved it, but his family didn’t look like they shared his sentiment.
This was Tom`s not very great impression of Gilderoy Lockhart......played wonderfully by Kenneth Branagh.

Very nice picture!

Yep- hate the locker areas! I have to take Joe with me for security purposes! LOL! But really, if he weren't there, sometimes I couldn't get to the locker we are assigned. People are right on top of you at times! I thought I read where the Hulk has a better locker situation. We never use those as I don't ride Hulk so I hold all the bags.

We adore Knockturn Alley. I`ve always liked dark and mysterious places and stories since I was very young...….Macbeth is one of my favourite works of fiction, although so is A Christmas I am quite diverse...…. but these kind of dark tales of good and evil, which basically Potter is I have always devoured with relish.

Again the theming is spectacular and the added coolness inside is a bonus.

You have to get your picture taken underneath the sign...……


We always get our picture taken here where the dual doors are, I like the one Tom took of Kyle and I a few years back in the same place. It`s a tradition now...…






You do have to look up at the fake sky through the is very clever. And so many things if you look up and around you.....every single time we go in we see something new we have missed on previous visits. Very atmospheric.

The store itself is very cool...……it has some amazing looking gifts and objects.....including the clawed hand that grabs Harry in the film.


This guy scared me half to death...…..I was chatting away to a lady about nothing really and Tom was watching, I turned to see Tom smiling as the lady left...…….and I turned around to the cabinet and this guy was just stood staring at me...….well, anyone who knows me...….that`ll be most of you by now......know I`m incredibly jumpy...….one of the reasons I adore HHN so much...….but of course I laughed and he insisted on a picture together...….I love when they really get into character.





So many things to photograph...…..

As we are stood outside the shop as Tom was taking pictures, a woman approached me and rather sharply asked how the heck did she get out of there......I pointed to the left and said follow the path......not even a Thank You.....she just turned and went. Rude.

But, we head back outside now where it is beautifully warm...…..Diagon Alley has got busier since we went in to the dark side area......but still wasn't too bad.

Wherever you can do a spell with the interactive wands, there are usually TM available to help you if you cant manage......usually little ones, but we did see a woman grow increasingly frustrated the spell wouldn't work...….I began to wonder if she didn't have an interactive wand at all!! BUt, didn't stay to watch......we were just ambling around now today...….we had no real plans to go on any other rides but we just planned to enjoy being in the parks.....





With our timing there were no shows on today, although we have seen them all numerous times, no real desire to see them again......they are good though and worth seeing once.

As is the Money Exchange...… don't need to buy anything, you should still go in even if you aren't and watch the interaction with the Head Goblin.....he likes you to ask him questions...…..and he will answer you. It`s quite clever and very entertaining as he seems to glare at you as you leave the store.....but it is fun. Everything on show in Potter areas are always worth seeing...…


We decide now to head out of Potter, we won`t be spending much longer in the park as we are heading out, but always nice to have a blue sky picture in among some of the dull ones we had, as some folks seem to think we never saw the sun at all in May...……



As we leave, we see a few people go in for what must be their first time......the faces are a picture, and we stop for a moment and just watch them......even the adults are totally mesmerized by what they really is impressive.

Back out in the real sunshine, it is glorious......we have had our picture taken so many times with the conductor, but today we give it a miss. We start to wander around towards Simpsons area......with a few photo ops on the way.



We always miss Kyle of course, it is still strange being here without him......and Tom certainly misses his buddy on MiB…….I go on it, but rides like that bore me silly...….but we give it a pass today.....we are truly just enjoying this feeling of nowhere to go in a hurry.....although as always, I begin to think it`s getting quite near time to leave for lunch...……

Just to show I do have my husband here today...…..


The Duff place is quite nice to sit for a drink and I believe they may do light snacks or hot dogs...…`s fine for a drink though, and especially at they have a holding area around here usually. It`s nice to have a seat if you are doing stay and scream.


We wander down to beside the lagoon for a bottle of water and we sit and look out over the lagoon just chatting......and then I see something that I have questioned since 2012...……

What happened to the fisherman of Amity.

When Amity and Jaws were removed for Potter part 2, it was fairly obvious where Bruce went......but, there was a fisherman who stood at the edge of Amity for many years, and he just seemed to disappear.....Amity was a lovely area with a Nathan`s Hot Dog stand and so many other cool little places......funnel cake if I remember, it was pretty...…...but I had always wondered what happened to the statue...…..

And there he was....over the water behind Lombards…...almost parallel with Bruce...….I wasn't sure how had I had missed that so many times over the years....he was right in front of us all this time...….


This was his position back in either 2010 or 11 this picture would have been taken...…...he looks better where he was.


But, finally my curiosity had been satisfied...……

Back to the Future car needs no description...….car is of course very popular with most folks......sadly the doc wasn't around today......they do have a doc who is alarmingly like the character...….had to look twice a few visits ago…….


And of course the train...….


Universal do little mini parades through the day and they are quite fun to watch......not a huge thing to miss, but music is good and the energy of the performers in the heat is astounding!!!


As we head down to leave the park, we spot my favourite cartoon character ever......Scooby Doo......cannot resist!!! Even though it`s only Shaggy who is with him we still decide to stand and wait today...…..we did get the whole gang a few trips back and that was fabulous as they were in character the whole time and so funny...….but for today we had the two of them...….

A family were in front of us, and the girl who was Scooby`s handler offered as always to take pictures with her camera as well as the official photographer...…….she got distracted for a second and the woman rather unbelievably snapped her fingers for her to take the picture!!! I was gobsmacked at her rudeness......I heard the girl ask the photographer if that woman had just clicked her fingers at her...…..she did take her pictures, but jeez I would have made a comment to her about manners...….but, that's folks for you...….when it was our turn I said to her I promise I wont do that.....she said she thought she wasn't sure if that's what she had done, I said yep......she did...and said how rude it was...…..I admire TM every day we are in the parks when you see how some people are...…..not all of course, I do believe most folks are decent and have others best interest at heart, but some...…

So, we were now meeting Scooby…….I`m a grown woman, and yet I adore getting a hug from a cartoon dog...….they are so much fun...….Shaggy asked all sorts of questions about Scotland and the Loch Ness Monster......he was good!!!! The lady took around 20 pictures of us which was very kind of her during the interaction with the guys...….



I won`t post them after many hugs from Scooby…...we set off out the park as the handler lady thanked us for being so nice!!!! I think she was still a little annoyed at someone snapping their fingers at her...…..I know I would be.

It really didn't look too busy at all today...…..


There was a boat waiting for Sapphire Falls so we very quickly got on and began heading back to the hotel to get changed to go out for lunch......Citywalk is so pretty. Especially at night, it`s vibrant and a lot of fun. There are a few shopping places, but not many......I`d never tell anyone they should come here to shop, it`s not that big.........but nice restaurants and bars and of course there is the two sided mini golf which we hadn't done in a while. Both sides are good, but best done at night for the full effects of the lights, especially on the haunted side.


We had the boat to ourselves...….and I look a little hot with the sun!!!


I sound like a broken record how much I love the view as you turn into Sapphire on the boat, but it is so pretty...……



Going in we take the elevator up to the 4th floor then walk to the other elevators to take us to our room...….and as always it has been cleaned and smells so fresh!!! I loved that smell...…..

The view from our room was indeed exactly as we had hoped we would get......we loved the view!!!


For now, we were jumping in the shower, getting changed and heading to the Mall at Millenia for lunch and a little mooch around, sadly no big purchases today...…...but lunch was The Cheesecake Factory.
I am absolutely gobsmacked by the detail of Harry Potter. Your pictures are gorgeous, and I cannot wait to see Harry Potter in person. I am already thinking about the next trip because I know our trip in September will not be enough time!
I adore A Christmas Carol too! Reading it and watching every version we can get our hands on is one of my favorite holiday traditions. I must say, seeing all of the pictures is getting me so excited for next week!

We were loving our day so far. Just how we like our time in Orlando, carefree and non regimented.

We usually decide where we are going to eat shortly before we do actually eat...….but today I wanted to go get my jewellery cleaned in Tiffany and have a look for a purse to match the bag I got in March....or even just one I liked. So, Mall at Millenia was our choice for the afternoon. Rain was supposed to come in later this afternoon, so we wanted to make the most of it before it came on.

We took a couple of pictures of the pool area that sadly we hadn't managed to utilize yet......but it looked lovely. I had heard folks complain about the pool for some reason, but we liked the look of it. Sadly you can see Cabana`s a hotel I just don't like the look or the feel of it at all. Visited it to see it, but still don't like it...….each to their own of course.



This is the view from the other side of the glass corridor leading from Guest House 2 to the lobby. The water wheel is extremely pretty and the outside area of the StrongWater Bar




The walk to the parking garage is very short and as you can see is all under cover which was ideal when it was going to rain...….the elevators are to the left when you reach the end of the path.


It takes us a few moments to get to our car as we were in the first row, but nowhere is inconvenient really especially with the elevators.

The drive out is pretty and you can really see the hotel entrance properly, something we hadn't really done till we stayed here, we had driven up to the front once but it was dark so we didn't see how lovely it really was.




And of course we pass this very familiar place


Traffic lights were definitely against us today, and the ones on Kirkman seemed to take an eternity. We usually took the I4 to the Mall, but of course that was closed right now, so this was the way we went now. It doesn't take long if the lights are in your favour.

We pull in and it doesn't seem as busy as it has been in the past. We get parked easily and walk the short distance to the Mall entrance. I think everyone knows this is my favourite mall in Orlando. The stores it has really suit me, so I can sometimes buy a lot, or sometimes like today leave with very little.



We decide to go to Tiffany first and ask for the man who sold me the rings, she tells me he`ll just be a moment. I spy the ring I saw in March still really is an extraordinarily extravagant ring, so I doubt I`ll genuinely ask for it......but it is beautiful. Amit appears and greets us like old friends......he immediately offers to get all my jewellery cleaned, so off it comes and someone takes it away. We chat and I do ask to see the ring again out...….he says of course and asks if we want any champagne......I do decline today as I like to keep that as a treat...….so we have some water and he tells me to take the ring over to the window to see the sparkle of it in as real a light as possible...…...oh does it look good!!!!! I tell him, don't worry I can`t run fast so no worries of me absconding with it...….then Tom comes over and does the same thing......but for today I put it back.

I get my own rings, necklace and bracelet back and we said our goodbyes and told him we`d see him in either July or September. I have to get the rings appraised and checked once a year for our insurance company, so that would be done in September too.

We then went in to Louis Vuitton. I was looking for a what I call a purse, you guys may call it a wallet or pocketbook......but, I had seen one online and wanted to see it in the flesh. But, they didn't have it, and I didn't see another that I loved enough to buy, so we left it. But today for the first time in there I felt a little pressured to buy...…..wasting their time doing that trick with me...….but she kept trying to show me things I didn't ask for nor want......hadn't experienced that in that store before. Will still go back in, but won`t go to that lady. I`m far too long in the tooth to be bullied into a purchase.

I quickly popped into Mac for some make up I wanted to buy for my friends daughter, that was easy...…...then my rumbling tummy informed me it was time to eat...….Tom knows when I say I need to eat, I need to eat.

So, Cheesecake Factory it was...…….and of course no trip is complete without an image of the delicious cheesecakes on display......and one for Kyle...…



We try not to look at the calories labelled below!!!!!

It`s only a few minutes till we are seated...….and we begin to study the huge menu...…..Tom of course plans to have Linda`s Chocolate Fudge Cake as Kyle asked him to have one...…..meanwhile I have no clue. We do order strawberry lemonades for both of us...……

I eventually opt for the Thai Lettuce`s actually an appetizer but it was large!!!!





Tom loved his dessert!!!! He actually left the plate so clean I was surprised……..I wished I liked that kind of cake...……

Mine was lovely......chicken, sauces and noodles were lovely......I left the carrots and beanshoots, but it really was a tasty lunch that wasn't over filling......even so I had absolutely no room for any cheesecakes...….I wished I had, but sadly not today. I actually couldn't remember the last time I had a cheesecake from there...…..

Food is decent here. Not anything really special and not worth a special visit...….I think us Brits seem to like it for some reason...…but it is fresh and tasty and not an expensive place at all.

We pay the check and head out to the car. The sky now is beginning to look rather ominous...….dark clouds are accruing and it feels like the humidity levels have gone up massively......and of course the breeze is also building which usually means weather change.

We head to Best Buy to buy a second battery for the new camera, and we come out after being unable to purchase one and see the sky has indeed changed...….


We did plan to go to Publix next but instead we headed back to the hotel...which was a good idea as the rain came thundering down as we started the car......then the thunder and lightning came on and it was impressive...…..however driving in this is never fun.

We get the car parked where the poor guy is still stood helping folks get in and out, I think it was an IT issue...….but we got in this time and found a space on the first level seemed quieter of course during the week.

We dropped our rather paltry purchases in our room and then went straight back down to StrongWater……..the rain was on for the evening now apparently...….

We sat down and were immediately welcomed by the manager who we had met before but it was a long time ago, he said PJ would be over in a second.....we were in no hurry...….the rain was bouncing down again so this was a nice place to be right now...….

We were perusing the menu when PJ dropped off a bowl of the spicy snacks we like so much......he said one of the other guys Maggie told him we liked them......she then waved over...….she is such a nice lady and is always helpful.

Trying to decide on a cocktail was difficult....I had tried so many of them over two years...….but I spotted a newish one so would go for that......Tom was easy and wanted a Bud.



I was glad I had gone for the Rum had blueberries and a slight touch of Basil and it was beautiful...….like all their cocktails, fairly strong.....and Tom enjoyed his bud light.



It was so nice to be sitting here again, it really does have a very relaxed feeling and it`s definitely quiet at this time of day...….sometimes the convention people can be quite overpowering when the larger groups congregate......but usually it`s not that bad. Even when it`s busy, service is wonderful and it`s still a nice place to be.

At that point we decided we would be staying here a while so I headed back up to get the ipads for both of us...….we can easily pass a couple of hours doing that and mooching around the internet...…….so I told Tom I wouldn't be long.

I got in to the room and immediately see there is something on the table for us...…….


I was amazed again!!!! It certainly wasn't there 20 minutes ago, so we must just have missed it being delivered...…..

It was a very kind gift from a very lovely person. And we were so grateful for the thoughts......and extremely unexpected again...….of course we love red wine and we love strawberries, so this was beautiful. We actually love white wine will happily drink both...…..but this was such a treat and I am always so touched when folks take the time to do things like this.

I left it as it was and took the card down for Tom to read...…..

I went back into the bar and handed him the card and he looked a little perplexed at first......but when he read it he knew why I had that very soft look of emotion in my eyes. Such kindness. I told him I had left it as it was for him to see. But we would put the strawberries in the fridge when we went back up to the room. I would send off a thank you email as we sat in the bar.

We spent another hour or so in here and had another drink.....exactly the same for me and Tom did too. He didn't drink a lot of beer usually on trips, but liked the idea of one tonight.

Around 7pm we paid the check and went up to our room and Tom was thrilled to see our special delivery...….folks around here know us well!!!!

We put the strawberries in the fridge, although we do have one each first.....they are sweet and delicious...…..

We then head downstairs and walk the short journey to RPR where we plan to eat dinner. We have 3 choices here, Orchids for Sushi, Jake`s for an assortment of choices and Islands for the Wok event. It`s not until we are there do we actually decide...…`ll be the Wok event.

It`s not busy at all. I do miss the character dinners they used to do, but things had changed there so it was just food now. We had done the wok night last time and enjoyed it a lot, so we knew we would like this.

Casey is taking care of us and he is just lovely...…..we tell him we`ve done it before when he asks, and we order a bottle of red wine......he says just go up and he`ll bring the wine while we are gone...…..

You choose a bowl and pick your vegetables you want cooked...….you tell the chef if you want garlic ginger and chilli flakes......or like me extra extra chilli flakes...….and you choose your protein......chicken, shrimp or beef or any combination of all three.....we both chose chicken and shrimp......then you choose your rice or noodles and then your choice of sauce...….we both opted for teriyaki mixed with a spicy one.

A couple behind us were listening and said they wanted exactly the same as us as we seemed to know how to do it never saw them again but I hoped they enjoyed our mix...…...although they opted not to have the extra chilli flakes.



I asked for a small portion of rice so bowl may look a little empty.....but it was delicious...….I had chosen only peppers as I don't eat many of the other veg but Tom had loads of onions as I can`t eat them, so we don't buy them anymore........



Sorry his food picture is a little really was lovely. And although you can go up as often as you like, we have never managed more than one is filling....even with eating a little rice. The chicken and shrimp were nice and plentiful.


There are desserts to choose from like mini cheesecakes but I ask Casey if I can pay extra and have the coconut ice cream they have on the menu as I adore it.......he says of course I can, and he doesn't charge us any extra which was nice of him........this ice cream is one of the nicest I have creamy and that a word??? I would walk over from Sapphire just for this alone!!




We really had enjoyed our day. It wasn't late so we went up to the Club Lounge for a coffee just before they closed and caught up with a good friend up we had a good chat with him and eventually we headed off back to Sapphire Falls.

We didn't feel like going back into SW bar, so we went up to our suite and got into our jammies, left it half an hour till our dinner settled a little and then opened the wine and ate some strawberries.......they were lovely. We would keep some for breakfast.........or a pre breakfast......

This was so nice. Turndown service had been earlier and had closed the drapes and left the low lights on. We put the water they leave for us in the fridge and settle down in our cosy room and watch some movie on tv.

I open one windows drapes and see the rain is still bouncing down......but this was so nice being inside while it was foul outside.

We didn't last long, around 11pm we were beat........put all the lights out, turned down the thermostat and got into our very comfortable bed.

We planned to go to St Augustine tomorrow.
Very nice picture!

Yep- hate the locker areas! I have to take Joe with me for security purposes! LOL! But really, if he weren't there, sometimes I couldn't get to the locker we are assigned. People are right on top of you at times! I thought I read where the Hulk has a better locker situation. We never use those as I don't ride Hulk so I hold all the bags.

The lockers would be so much better if folks were better organized......I feel for the TM trying to constantly tell them there are more at the back...…

The Hulk lockers are more open that's for sure.
I am absolutely gobsmacked by the detail of Harry Potter. Your pictures are gorgeous, and I cannot wait to see Harry Potter in person. I am already thinking about the next trip because I know our trip in September will not be enough time!

Thank you so much!!!

I feel as if over all our trips I must have pictured every single part of the parks......but always find something new every time...….oh yep....start planning your next one...…`ll want to come back sooner rather than later, I`m sure of that...….:D
I adore A Christmas Carol too! Reading it and watching every version we can get our hands on is one of my favorite holiday traditions. I must say, seeing all of the pictures is getting me so excited for next week!

Really!!!! I adore that book and much to my wonderful husbands amusement I have several copies of varying age...….and plan to buy another if I can in NY.

My favourite film version is Alasdair Sim the 1951 version.....a classic!!!! And the Muppet one isn't bad you a Christmas tradition...….

Glad you`re enjoying the pictures and updates......your trip is just around the corner...….you must all be so excited by now......
Oh the Wok experience! That looks so good! I really want to try that, I've heard its only on certain days, so I hope they have it on a day we are there!
Oh the Wok experience! That looks so good! I really want to try that, I've heard its only on certain days, so I hope they have it on a day we are there!

It was so good!!!

I know it’s been running every night since earlier in the year, but I believe we were told that would only happen till mid to late August. Then I assume it’ll go back to set nights in the week.

Yes, I hope you manage to do it.......
Very nice pictures and funny about the mall. I can do the same thing. Go to the mall, and see lots I want, and lately, not much to see either, where I live.

Sometimes I think just walking around the park is the best, most relaxing thing about vacation. The amount of detail is so interesting to explore.


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