[B]Ticket question...to lie or not to lie.....[/B]

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<my oldest is autistic and I did not know if he would last 5 minutes in the park - or if he and I would both have to leave and not return. >

my friends son is autistic and i remember she was feeling the same apprehension, and when they went the first time he wasnt doing well in the big lines so she went to the (service area?) and then they let him have a special pass so he could get in the front of the line,(she was so impressed with their kindness and understanding) they have been like 5x now and he loves it! My cousin has a husband w/MS(has alot of trouble walking) and a son with downs, and they also go all the time she said they were treated like crap in the philly airport but as soon as they got to FLA it was magical...they also go to the front of the line.

Thanks to all the recent understanding and supportive posters...
lost*in*cyberspace said:
Perhaps he can help you with your spelling?
see, you know what? why do you have to go there??? are you perfect???? you never make a mistake??? I could pick out 20 mistakes from just these posts to this thread. so do you just like picking on the newbie or what? that smart a** attitude is uncalled for. I wonder... would you say that to my face or are you just a bad a** on the board???
okay--well this thread has gone in the toilet.

Everyone makes mistakes. Yes we type fast, misspell. But no reason to go off on people with words that require an " * " to type it.

It is cyberspace for goodness sakes.
Just to clarify, the guest assistance pass doesn't get you to the front of every line with no waiting, it just allows you a place to wait that meets the needs of the disability.

And I will add one comment: you said no one needed to bring your son into this. However, whether you thought about it or not, you yourself brought your son into this. If he were to use the child's pass and stand there for the child's buffett prices, you are causing him to lie with you. If the waitress asked his age, you'd have to tell him to say he's 9. To me, that was the worst part of this question. Glad you worked it out though. And I hope all of Philly isn't into sliding by with whatever is possible--hope you find some new friends! :rolleyes:

One thing I've tried to instill in my kids: the idea that honesty and integrity is what we do when we know no one is watching.
lost*in*cyberspace said:
Perhaps he can help you with your spelling?

That's nice - real nice.. :rolleyes:
I'm still not buying it. Let's consider the evidence. Several days ago, we have a poster, Kimba, in the same forum, Disney for Families, who posts highly inflamatory posts about Gay Days at Disney, a well known inflamatory topic. She ends her tirade by suggesting that she will reappear on these boards under a different user name. We now have a new member, joined in January, 2006, only 1 post outside of this thread, who begins a thread asking if she should pay full price for her 11 year old child, also a well known inflamatory topic. She also checks in periodically throwing gas on the topic and encouraging people to contact her privately so that they can express their feelings to her in person. (I can only imagine why she wants to talk to them in person, sounds like some sort of threat of violence, btw, who would ever take her up on this offer) I think that this poster is the reincarnation of Kimba, the poster from several days ago :3dglasses . If a new poster appears asking whether or not she should purchase 2 rooms for her family of 14 instead of only 1 to save money, I'll know for sure. If she is not the reincarnation of Kimba, I do apologize to her and would suggest that she quit being so inflamatory in her posts.
cheriandjimi said:
you know what, dis me all you want but if you want to compare my child to a unibomber you better IM me privately ang Ill give you my addresse and you can say it to my face...ok??? And I never said anything about gay people I dont know what that person is talking about, people that are close to me are gay, BIG deal who cares! Its obvious that you are a tight knit bunch so im leaving....thanks for all your help guys

You certainly aren't reading carefully. I NEVER said your child was a unibomber. I will apologize if that is the way you took it. What I was saying is that straight A student means absolute nothing. Just like having a "bad year" doesn't give people the right to be dishonest. Seperately I said Knowing right from wrong doesn't mean someone chooses right. Personally, I believe if you want your kids to be moral, live a moral life yourself. Nor did I ever say anything about you saying anything about gay people.

You asked a question, didn't like the answer and attacked people--to a degree of saying people said things that were not said. And you are surprised people got offended and said things back? I don't need to hide behind PMs. I am not ashamed of things I say or do.
rt2dz said:
You certainly aren't reading carefully. I NEVER said your child was a unibomber. What I was saying is that straight A student means absolute nothing. Just like having a "bad year" doesn't give people the right to be dishonest. Seperately I said Knowing right from wrong doesn't mean someone chooses right. Personally, I believe if you want your kids to be moral, live a moral life yourself.

Nor did I ever say anything about you saying anything about gay people--nor did anyone else. What they said was their was some type of remarks on another thread that were less than wonderful dealing with gay days.

You asked a question, didn't like the answer and attacked people--to a degree of saying people said things that were not said. And you are surprised people got offended and said things back? I don't need to hide behind PMs. I am not ashamed of things I say or do.
no you just implied. oh sorry if i spelled that wrong. i never said you were the one who made the comment about me saying something about gay people. but when i feel as though im being attacked and accused of saying things i never said it makes me mad. I sent pm's because your messages came to my personal email. And I did find them VERY offensive. I didnt write to you personally to start with. If you didnt like my question you didnt need to slam me for it. I already sent the moderator a message asking him how to unsub from this forum.
And to that other post, I am not this kimba person sorry for you, if you think so. No threat of violence intended, but if someone wants to imply something about my child then I will not back down. you know i just wanted to get some info for my trip I havent been able to post on anyother topics because I keep getting caught up with this stupid thread. what was I supposed to do just get slammed and say nothing. I guess thats what you all wanted. well what goes around comes around, maybe someday someone will make you feel like an outcast and put you down just because you made a few stupid comments.

cheriandjimi said:
no you just implied. oh sorry if i spelled that wrong. i never said you were the one who made the comment about me saying something about gay people. but when i feel as though im being attacked and accused of saying things i never said it makes me mad. I sent pm's because your messages came to my personal email. And I did find them VERY offensive. I didnt write to you personally to start with. If you didnt like my question you didnt need to slam me for it. I already sent the moderator a message asking him how to unsub from this forum.

For the public record.

1) I was not implying anything. AGAIN, I apologize if that is how you took it.
2) You were quoting me when you went off on the gay tirade
3) I never sent anything to your personal email. I did not slam you until you said that all of everyone who answered you originally (and I would be in there) said all sorts of horrible things that were never said--something I founde VERY offensive
I've only read a little of this post but some of it makes me laugh.

When we were younger my dad always lied to get us in .

So when I got caught with a fake Id at 15 so I could drive and again at 19 so I could get in the clubs ( I never drank didn't like it ) I just said


What could he say he did it for so many years.He never thought I picked up on it but when younge thats when you reallt pick up most of your lifestyle habits.
oh well i was getting messages in my email(saying this or that person has a message for you ect.) and it was just getting me more and more upset.
i am trying to find out how to unsub from this forum so I dont have to see any messages like that in my in my email. I click on the link and it takes me to the thread, i dont see anything to click on to unsub.(i did change my email to an older one so I dont have to see messages from this board every time I check my mail in the future). if one of you could tell me how to un sub I would appreciate it I want to get off this board as much as you want me gone...
cheriandjimi said:
oh well i was getting messages in my email(saying this or that person has a message for you ect.) and it was just getting me more and more upset.
i am trying to find out how to unsub from this forum so I dont have to see any messages like that in my in my email. I click on the link and it takes me to the .
in the blue line above the posts, there is something that says "thread tools" click there and then you can click to unsub from the thread.
joanchris said:
in the blue line above the posts, there is something that says "thread tools" click there and then you can click to unsub from the thread.

did it thanks.
We all lie, it's just to the degree of which we will lie and our justification behind it. I lie to keep Santa, tooth fairy and Easter Bunny alive. I was debating saying DD is 2 so I don't have to pay for her. However, I decided not to because in the grand scheme of things, after spending a couple of grand what a couple more hundred! Plus, I am a big believer in Karma so that keep in line also. :angel:

I just wanted to thank you for the PM with all your threats, including the physical harm of my children. I can see why you prefer PMs and wouldn't want to post in a public forum.

Don't bother to respond. I definetly done
this should be closed..............it is not going anywhere fast.rt2dz report it to a mod if you are getting threats.
Please close thread! If threats are being made(especially to our children via pm's) then enough is enough!!!

rt2dz- I second the notion to inform the mods of the threats! Tink
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