Australian Karen's Countdown


I do love me my free H20...thank you Mickey.....DV
Feb 28, 2007

Thought I'd start my countdown, as I seem to have run out of things to plan/plot/scheme.......

so it's..........

have a great day:dance3:
that means we are at 18!!!

You know a lot of people on here go to a lot of trouble making countdown calenders, chains etc for their kids - well I am not the creative type, mine has made his own with a pad of post it notes but it only goes down to 6 as that was the end of the pad :rotfl::rotfl:

Call DOCS I am a terrible mother!!
that means we are at 18!!!

You know a lot of people on here go to a lot of trouble making countdown calenders, chains etc for their kids - well I am not the creative type, mine has made his own with a pad of post it notes but it only goes down to 6 as that was the end of the pad :rotfl::rotfl:

Call DOCS I am a terrible mother!!

LOL Love that it only goes down to 6 :laughing:
Hi Karen, I love your countdown......and I know what you mean - this really is the "in-between time" when everything is done but it's a bit too early to as the saying goes, when stuck in-between, online shop. ;)
damn you dodgy post-it-notes......:upsidedow that's definitely going to come up in counselling in a few years:rotfl:

i have made a little countdown thingy for my desk at work, and write the number on a post-it.....all very co-workers now greet me with "how many days til disney" every morning, so i have them well trained.Ok, i ignore the eye rolling, & superior smugness.

I do enjoy a good "to do list" as well.....does that make me extra crispy special????:rolleyes1
Hilarious Battymum!!

Yep, I'm definitely calling DOCS - between the lack of post-it notes in your house and your blatant refusal to make your 13 year old boys sit down and do craft with you - you should be ashamed of yourself....brace yourself for a loud knock on your front door! ;)
Hilarious Battymum!!

Yep, I'm definitely calling DOCS - between the lack of post-it notes in your house and your blatant refusal to make your 13 year old boys sit down and do craft with you - you should be ashamed of yourself....brace yourself for a loud knock on your front door! ;)

yep........people, think of the children...why shouldn't they be subjected to sticking stale pasta onto cardboard scraps sprinkled with glitter that are then thrust onto unsuspecting strangers as "gifts or FE"..or better yet, given to mouse keeping in lue of $$$$$.

why do we scar our children so???????

so, go back to the kitchen table, get the kids and start hot glueing food stuffs to inanimate objects...the dog may get "glitterised" but them's the breaks.Alls fair in love and pixie dust:wizard:

you have been warned!!!:rotfl2:
Exactly Karen, why shouldn't you all be made to live my life.........a life with a 6 (almost 7) year old daughter who draws and colours and cuts and sticks and folds and glitters and ties bows onto anything that will stand still long enough. Then asks you six months later where that exact drawing has gone! It's at that moment that MY creativity kicks in - in the form of an abstract answer! :)
Exactly Karen, why shouldn't you all be made to live my life.........a life with a 6 (almost 7) year old daughter who draws and colours and cuts and sticks and folds and glitters and ties bows onto anything that will stand still long enough. Then asks you six months later where that exact drawing has gone! It's at that moment that MY creativity kicks in - in the form of an abstract answer! :)

ahhhh.. the famous "mum's circular file"......many a dodgy art project from either of my "not so creatively talented" sons has found its way there:rotfl:but they are special in other ways:love:

I have kept a few "special " items, the ones that dont make me burst out laughing spontaneously, always good to show the DIL when I need a good laugh....I do enjoy the ones that look like animals but are really drawings/ paintings/ sculptures of family I miss those my boys are now 24 & no more art "gifts" for me:sad1:

enjoy it whilst it lasts:cloud9:
I think it is impressive you didn't start the countdown until now :rotfl:

I downloaded a program called time left and have a coutndown on my desktop at all time... and it started in the high 100's :rotfl2:

according to my disney countdown clock i have

17 days, 15 hours, 53 minutes and 15 secs til i take off

fly out 10.30am ish on sept 15th

I think it is impressive you didn't start the countdown until now :rotfl:

I downloaded a program called time left and have a coutndown on my desktop at all time... and it started in the high 100's :rotfl2:

Yep, I made a Disney countdown chain for our girls that started at 103 days! My family thought I was crazy but I was determined to try and drag them onto the countdown with me! :lmao: Now that we are at 31 days, and the size of the chain looks tiny compared to when we started, everyone is very aware of how close our trip is :thumbsup2
Curse you post it notes. How dare you ruin an otherwise perfect countdown!!!

Ours is a piece of paper half eaten by the dog, almost thrown out, and had tea spilt on it. :laughing:
Yep, I made a Disney countdown chain for our girls that started at 103 days! My family thought I was crazy but I was determined to try and drag them onto the countdown with me! :lmao: Now that we are at 31 days, and the size of the chain looks tiny compared to when we started, everyone is very aware of how close our trip is :thumbsup2

you people are just too artsy for me.......

ladies, please post pics of these " artsy" we can all mock I hate to mock alone:rotfl2:
Okay I have had to learn how to upload photos for this so here goes!

I am so annoyed with myself that I forgot to take a photo of the whole chain before we started it! I took photos of the girls 'ripping off" the chain but not the whole chain which, at 103 days, was very long. I finally took a photo when we were about half way but it will give you an idea:


This was DD6 reaching up to rip off the first link:


It said "Walt Disney World"


Here is DD10 ripping off the next day. I stopped taking photos of the ripping off ceremony after that!


Here are a selection of the type of things the links had on them:

How cute the girls are travel mum - and how much ink and paper you must have are a better mother than me...our countdown - 9 sleeps - is only in my mind...

My daughter who is 11 is still very much a craft girl but sadly was given the non-crafty husband and I rarely leave the house without stray glitter specs on our person even now..
Oh I'm not much of a crafty Mum normally at all! I just got the idea from somewhere in these Disboards and a nice Disboarder sent me his links plus I downloaded the others off the internet. I then only needed my printer and, yes, a lot of ink and quite a few staples!! :lmao:
Okay I have had to learn how to upload photos for this so here goes!

I am so annoyed with myself that I forgot to take a photo of the whole chain before we started it! I took photos of the girls 'ripping off" the chain but not the whole chain which, at 103 days, was very long. I finally took a photo when we were about half way but it will give you an idea:


This was DD6 reaching up to rip off the first link:



Here is DD10 ripping off the next day. I stopped taking photos of the ripping off ceremony after that!


Here are a selection of the type of things the links had on them:


hey there...

yep i agree...your more arsty than me......I have a sad post it with number on it on a A4 sheet of paper

i will try to take a photo of it....


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