August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer

Pippa is adorable!

I could not get to sleep last night until almost one. ugh! But Sunday is DH's day to get up with kids, so I didn't have to get up at 7:00 when they did! I was awake for another hour but then snoozed for a while. When I got up the twins asked, "What were you doing?" "I was sleeping!!"

DS2 is safe and sound in his dorm room. He posted a picture of the view from his room. Not as nice as last year, but nothing to sneeze at! We've sent a few texts, but will probably call later.

I'm doing some laundry and have figured out what's for dinner tonight. I was debating about planning the week's menu and going to the market, but decided to use what I have in the house. So now I need to go look in the freezer!

Our church had a drive by and wave and pick up some goodies event today. It was fun. They handed out some little items and also adorable hedgehog microfiber mittens for kids to clean their computers. Planning on a quiet afternoon/evening!
Well, here she is:

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Meet Pippa the Conqueror.

So far things are going very well. Whitehall hisses at her, but is fascinated and will watch her, then move away. She's sniffed her nose to nose a couple times, which is pretty intimate for cats. Pippi is very confident and pretty much fearless: after a long ride in the car (we had an hour and a half wait for the ferry so it was over four hours), she cautiously explored the house, ate, drank and used the litter box (all good signs) then took a good long nap under the sofa. When she woke up she was settled in and claimed the house as hers. She has also claimed me as her person. They both slept on the bed last night, Pippa at the foot and Whitehall wrapped around my head. I was feeling sad yesterday because it is pretty obvious Whitehall is going to be going back to being second fiddle, but then thought maybe that suits her best. It took Mike three days to accept Whitehall, and I think we are on a similar schedule , maybe a little faster. I'm really looking forward to them being BFFs.

Self-care plans for today are a lot of playing with Pippa. I'll get the stuff I didn't take to the pet rescue ready to go to GW. I'll stop by the bookstore to get a new book, because I actually read my last book in one week. Towards the middle it dragged, seeming like she was piling on so much tragedy and I was just wading thru, but as she tied everything together it made sense how it all fit, so I would say it was a very good book. And I have to go to the grocery store, but need to think about what to get first. The avocado toast for breakfast is working, so probably salad fixings for lunch. There, I guess I thought about it!
What a beautiful cat! Glad Whitehall is so accepting of his new sibling.
Another month has gone by (so quickly!) and we will be getting September started. Here are the dates-I picked 9/21 but can swap if that week works better for any:)
As always, I enjoyed keeping up with everyone and thank you for joining in!

9/21-27 sjrec
@Oneanne, Pippa is just precious!!!! I'm so glad she's settling in nicely. :cat: 🧡

Another month has gone by (so quickly!) and we will be getting September started.

DH and I were just talking earlier about the month disappearing in a flash!!

I can take next week.

8/31-9/6 - PollyannaMom
9/21-27 - sjrec
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I’ll give week 2 (9/7-9/14) my best effort. I figure it is probably best to host before I actually start school. But that is the week before the kids start and possibly the first I can get into our new building to unpack my classroom and set up. But it’s still probably a better week for me to try than once I actually start with kids ;)
I’ll give week 2 (9/7-9/14) my best effort. I figure it is probably best to host before I actually start school. But that is the week before the kids start and possibly the first I can get into our new building to unpack my classroom and set up. But it’s still probably a better week for me to try than once I actually start with kids ;)

I can swap with you if you would rather go first. I already set up the thread, but so far it’s just a title and the usual description.
I can swap with you if you would rather go first. I already set up the thread, but so far it’s just a title and the usual description.
Aw! You’re so sweet! It’s okay though. This week and next week are a lot of the same...district trainings and waiting to see when we can get into our building. I’m ok to do next week. Plus it will help me start my day off right ;)
My motivation this week...


My WDW trip is now 6 months away: if I can lose 1 pound a week between now and then, I'll be at a lighter, healthier weight than I was during my Spring 2016 trip... and that was a very good trip. I am one pound away from being back at my June weight, I'll give it my best today to get that pound off including getting out for an after work walk.

Yesterday was a beautiful fall day, sunny and warm but with that cool crispness in the air. This morning it is flat out autumn... drizzly with a grey overcast. I'm going to have to take the fans out of the windows, it's a sad transition when the house starts to get shut up for the fall/winter and there's no longer fresh air flowing thru and you can't hear what's going on outside. It's a kin to the sadness my feet feel when they start having to go into actual shoes/boots, and socks! Altho this year I guess if I want to keep wearing sandals, who has to know.

On the kitten front, things are going so well, I couldn't be happier. Another quiet night with both of them on the bed, this morning Whitehall let the kitten eat breakfast with her. There's also been some flirting, which I hope will transition in to playing soon. I had forgotten that Whitehall was just barely not feral when she came home, she wasn't human oriented, didn't know any words and didn't have household experience. Pippa is well socialized and very human oriented, and even seems to know "no", altho being a kitten chooses to ignore it.
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I'm feeling super overwhelmed. I've missed two mandatory Teams trainings to attend Pre-K trainings which only cause me more confusion than clarification. I have to make up what I missed virtually on my own time, and there are two more that I will miss for additional Pre-K trainings later this week. The beginning is always hard, but this year is proving to be more difficult than usual, and it is all happening as I sit in my 90 degree classroom even though the outside temps are in the 70's.

Anyway, for the sake of my mental health, and so that I don't make any promises that I find I cannot keep, I won't be leading any weeks in September. Hopefully October will be better for me.
my motivation Monday was to be careful what I eat! I had an unhappy tummy and I'm not sure what caused it! I really don't want to start tracking all my food again, but if this tummy trouble keeps up I may have to!

This month is over. If you had a good month, keep going! If it wasn't so hot, September is a great time to make changes!


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