August W.I.S.H. Challenge - The Sunday of Summer

Woohoo I have a toaster. BBandB only had a couple four slicers, so I went over to Target who also only had a couple but they were two slicers which is what I was looking for... who knew toasters were in such short supply. I haven't had one for the 10 years I've lived in this house because I have so little countertop space, so I need to do a major shuffle to fit it in.

Woohoo the kittens are big enough to get spayed, so I'm driving down to Ocean Shores Saturday to meet them and hopefully bring one home. My Sister isn't going to be in town so it is a down and right back trip, but with taking the ferry and driving down that side, the driving time is only 2 1/2 hours each way so not really that bad. And I so love that drive. Need to get serious about getting the house kitten-ready and getting garage sale donation stuff together to give them. It will be so nice to have this settled, have a companion for Whitehall and get some stuff out of the house to boot.

Woohoo... I've had four days of light sugar intake, just fruit and some yogurt no straight up refined sugar. My blood sugar is slowly dropping but is still too high, so there's a ways to go.

Also woohoo-y over the subtle seasonal change, it cools off over night and the mornings have a crispness to the air. It does tug at my heart to see that the leaves on my tree are starting to change color tho.
I’m so thankful for being able to spend these next few days with my daughter and her family. My grandson made me laugh so many times today. One of friends hasn’t seen her kids or grandchildren since February-I would be so depressed with everything else going on if we couldn’t (safely) get together.
Woohoo I have a toaster. BBandB only had a couple four slicers, so I went over to Target who also only had a couple but they were two slicers which is what I was looking for... who knew toasters were in such short supply. I haven't had one for the 10 years I've lived in this house because I have so little countertop space, so I need to do a major shuffle to fit it in.

Woohoo the kittens are big enough to get spayed, so I'm driving down to Ocean Shores Saturday to meet them and hopefully bring one home. My Sister isn't going to be in town so it is a down and right back trip, but with taking the ferry and driving down that side, the driving time is only 2 1/2 hours each way so not really that bad. And I so love that drive. Need to get serious about getting the house kitten-ready and getting garage sale donation stuff together to give them. It will be so nice to have this settled, have a companion for Whitehall and get some stuff out of the house to boot.

Woohoo... I've had four days of light sugar intake, just fruit and some yogurt no straight up refined sugar. My blood sugar is slowly dropping but is still too high, so there's a ways to go.

Also woohoo-y over the subtle seasonal change, it cools off over night and the mornings have a crispness to the air. It does tug at my heart to see that the leaves on my tree are starting to change color tho.
How exciting to pick out your kitten! It will be fun watching your older cat with it, I’m sure!
Well, I have been wide awake since 2:00 am. My brain just won’t shut off. It was a challenging first day to say the least, and we don’t even have kids yet. At 8:00 am, my classroom which is supposed to be air conditioned was 90 degrees.

By noon, it was 92 degrees. I sweated through 4 masks. It was miserable. The district is getting away with not fixing it because they put in a work order (that they never plan on fulfilling).

I can’t imagine how we will do this with kids.

I’m thankful for my pool that I submerged my body in after school yesterday.
Congrats on the furry adoption plans @Oneanne! I can’t wait for kitten stories and pictures.

And sorry about the AC @Summer2018. I'm glad you were able to look on the bright side of the pool!

I am thankful this morning that it looks like my nephew is going to be OK! He had a bad skateboarding accident Tuesday night and has been in the hospital with a skull fracture, some ear damage, and (just found out last night) 3 broken ribs.

But we also heard last night his neurological tests came back good, so I’m thankful for that!! - I was really worried about brain damage, so I am relieved. He’s still in a lot of pain, and has some recovery to get though, but it looks like he will eventually be OK.
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Congrats on the furry adoption plans @Oneanne! I can’t wait for kitten stories and pictures.

And sorry about the AC @Summer2018. I'm glad you were able to look on the bright side of the pool!

I am thankful this morning that it looks like me nephew is going to be OK! He had a bad skateboarding accident Tuesday night and has been in the hospital with a skull fracture, some ear damage, and (just found out last night) 3 broken ribs.

But we also heard last that his neurological tests came back good, so I’m thankful for that!! - I was really worried about brain damage, so I am relieved. He’s still in a lot of pain, and has some recovery to get though, but it looks like he will eventually be OK.
OMG! So scary for you and your family. Thank God it wasn't the worst case scenario. Hope that he fully recovers and everyone can feel encouraged.
@sjrec I feel the same way about family. I’m so thankful they are all close and we are all staying healthy and can safely see each other!

@Summer2018 I’m so sorry for your rough day and lack of sleep. I have been waking up around 1am the last two night and then having trouble falling back to sleep because my mind keeps me up. Glad you had your pool to cool you off!

@PollyannaMom I’m sorry to hear about your nephew. My husbands youngest brother had a bad skateboarding accident many years ago and similarly we were very concerned about the neurological condition. Thankfully all turned out well and he is a healthy, fully functioning adult now. But I can still remember the worries we had back then. Stay strong and positive!

@Oneanne I love your weekend drive stories. They bring back memories of my family taking us for Sunday drives. Now if I’m going for a drive, it’s usually one if the kids driving and I’m not as relaxed. Haha. Good luck with the kitten! So exciting!

I’m thankful for my colleagues. I’ve been meeting with them virtually to start planning the start to the year. It’s easy right now to get all the negative feelings like frustrated, overwhelmed, scared, angry, etc. I’ve never had to teach hybrid. I’ve never had to teach fully virtual. I’ve never had to teach primary students while social distancing. And this year I have to do all 3 at the same time using all new technology (new laptops, new cameras, new cleartouch TVs in classroom) in a new building that isn’t even finished (yep, still can’t get in our rooms!). But talking to my team of colleagues always makes me feel better! We’re all in this together. We all have great ideas. Working together, I know we can do this!!! Thankful for my current mindset!!
Congrats on the furry adoption plans @Oneanne! I can’t wait for kitten stories and pictures.

And sorry about the AC @Summer2018. I'm glad you were able to look on the bright side of the pool!

I am thankful this morning that it looks like me nephew is going to be OK! He had a bad skateboarding accident Tuesday night and has been in the hospital with a skull fracture, some ear damage, and (just found out last night) 3 broken ribs.

But we also heard last night his neurological tests came back good, so I’m thankful for that!! - I was really worried about brain damage, so I am relieved. He’s still in a lot of pain, and has some recovery to get though, but it looks like he will eventually be OK.
What a scare for everyone... hope he is able to heal quickly.
I'm taking a lunch and mask break in my 90 degree classroom. It was 64 degrees outside at 8:30 am, but a balmy 86 degrees in my classroom. The problem is they build these schools with A/C and assume that the custodians will know how to work it. Then there are only a few windows that open at all, and that's about 5 inches. So, once my room is hot, it could take several days to cool off. In 2008, the school was new, and the custodian left the heat on when he turned on the A/C and broke it. It hasn't worked since. In the early fall and late spring, I fantasize about the days of working in old buildings where the ceiling was falling in and I was developing the early stages of asthma, because in those schools, you could throw open the windows and get a lovely breeze.

In the meantime, after going through all sorts of channels (red tape), my husband is bringing a portable air conditioner to my school, in about an hour. I don't expect it will work with our windows, but he insists on trying, God bless him.

I will let you know what happens...
Today I am thankful for Caroline Hirons, my favorite Beauty Blogger (the only one I follow).

In her most recent live on IG, she said the first thing she would recommend when someone who is stressed out about their skin asks for advice, is to get rid of your magnifying mirror. And to step back from your regular mirror and take a look at your whole self, from same vantage point that others see you. Amen. And this isn't just true for skin, it applies to the way we look at ourselves and knit-pick our "flaws" and "shortcomings"... which, if we stepped back from the magnifying glass wouldn't be such big deals, and aren't even noticed by most people.

I needed to hear and think about that today, so thank you Caroline.
Congrats on the furry adoption plans @Oneanne! I can’t wait for kitten stories and pictures.

And sorry about the AC @Summer2018. I'm glad you were able to look on the bright side of the pool!

I am thankful this morning that it looks like my nephew is going to be OK! He had a bad skateboarding accident Tuesday night and has been in the hospital with a skull fracture, some ear damage, and (just found out last night) 3 broken ribs.

But we also heard last night his neurological tests came back good, so I’m thankful for that!! - I was really worried about brain damage, so I am relieved. He’s still in a lot of pain, and has some recovery to get though, but it looks like he will eventually be OK.
Oh, my, how scary for his family! So glad he will recover!
I'm taking a lunch and mask break in my 90 degree classroom. It was 64 degrees outside at 8:30 am, but a balmy 86 degrees in my classroom. The problem is they build these schools with A/C and assume that the custodians will know how to work it. Then there are only a few windows that open at all, and that's about 5 inches. So, once my room is hot, it could take several days to cool off. In 2008, the school was new, and the custodian left the heat on when he turned on the A/C and broke it. It hasn't worked since. In the early fall and late spring, I fantasize about the days of working in old buildings where the ceiling was falling in and I was developing the early stages of asthma, because in those schools, you could throw open the windows and get a lovely breeze.

In the meantime, after going through all sorts of channels (red tape), my husband is bringing a portable air conditioner to my school, in about an hour. I don't expect it will work with our windows, but he insists on trying, God bless him.

I will let you know what happens...
My library did not have windows and we had all kinds of heat issues. The administration did not take my whining seriously until a 9th grader passed out. Hopefully things get better for you.
It’s Friday! Hope everyone has a relaxing weekend planned-

We’re at the beach until Monday or Tuesday. Crowds are definitely smaller, but we’re getting out before Labor Day crowds arrive. Everyone was wearing a mask at the grocery store today and no one was within 20 feet of us on the beach.
Here’s a recipe I tried for tonight’s cocktail hour-we really liked it and it was very easy. I will eat the leftovers for lunch tomorrow.
Wahoo Wednesday: I dunno. Life is pretty calm and dull right now. I can't think of anything wahoo-y
Thankful Thursday: DS2 came for dinner. I'm trying to soak up as much time with him as I can because he's heading back to school on Saturday! Oh I'm thankful my brother in law/sister in law are moving into their new house. And that their kids helped unload so we didn't have to!
Free for all Friday: Because bro/sis in law now have their new house and children unloading them, they are going to have the twins spend the night Friday so they can hang out with some cousins! We're all having pizza at their place. Tonight sis was realizing that the walls she thought were white are actually a pale peachy color and she won't be able to live with that!! I'm so glad it's them and not us!!! :rotfl:

Today I have a virtual faculty meeting this morning filllowed by a kindergarten orientation planning meeting and some back-to-school shopping. I’m just a little nervous because at the school board meeting last night they said our school might be ready for school start on Sept 14. But worst case scenario Sept 28. Not sure what that means for getting in our rooms to set up or for orientation. They did vote to allow fall sports to continue, but no spectators.

I tried making spaghetti squash for this first time this week and it was great! And I actually had the Classico sauce that’s low in sugar and didn’t realize it. Here’s the recipe:


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