August 13-20 2022 Trip Report- It's not the heat, its the humidity


Earning My Ears
Sep 23, 2019
hi! Our travel party consist of me (47f), my husband (48m) and our daughter (Gracie 6f). We planned the trip for the week before the start of first grade (in retrospect, a mistake). 7 nights, 8 days at Pop Century. This is our 4th trip as a family in the past 3 years and the second time staying at Pop. We booked a preferred pool view room and were put in building 4 (60s section). We love pop for the proximity to the skyliner and the rooms, while small, are nicely refurbished. We pre-purchased Genie+ (before that option went away) and did park hopper plus.

Day 1:
2:10am: the alarm goes off. 😴 We have a 5am flight but the car is packed and everything is ready to go. We get to parking and get the shuttle no issue, security had just opened after we checked our bags and no pre-check line open so that was a bit annoying but we had time so it was okay. Gracie had an uncrustable while we waited for boarding because we had to give her sudafed for her ears (she has Eustachian tube dysfunction and flying can be problematic).

Flight was uneventful, we arrived, luggage came pretty quickly and we got an Uber to Pop. We arrived around 9:30 and of course our room wasn't ready yet. Husband picked up the ECV he had rented but the back was broken on it so he had to call for an exchange, this was the first time we'd tried renting from an off-property place instead of at the park.

We hopped on the skyliner and headed over to Epcot while we waited for our room to be ready.

We are starving and most of the booths are not open yet but luckily the Belgium booth had just opened so it was waffles and beer for breakfast :) PXL_20220813_143221971.jpg

Fueled up we decided to knock out a few rides. We'd gotten LL for Frozen earlier so we did that, then grabbed one for Soarin (a family favorite) , but stopped for Grand Fiesta Tour on the way as its one of Gracie's favorites. Soarin' was excellent as always then we stopped at the gift shop by Spaceship Earth to get Gracie a Magic Band + (we had ordered ours but they didn't ship in time so they gave us a gift card to buy one while we were there). Next we went to Club Cool (had never been before) and I actually like the Beverly but Gracie thought it was meh.

An alert came in that our room was ready around 12:30 and we were exhausted and hot so we headed back to the room to rest and unpack.
We had a 6pm reservation at Biergarten (another family favorite) the sky looked like rain so went to grab the ponchos....this is the face when you realize the poncho you packed is actually a plastic tablecloth. PXL_20220813_211328218.jpg

Luckily I'd also packed a backup raincoat so we were good to go . Dinner and the show were fantastic PXL_20220813_231512098.jpgand we lucked with a LL for Remy afterwards. As we were walking to Remy the skies opened up, lightening, thunder and torrential rain. We hoped it would let up while we were in the ride but it was still just as bad when we came out. We were exhausted so we decided to make our way to the busses since the skyliner had shut down. OH. MY. That's a LOOOONNNNNGGG walk to the busses. Gracie was almost asleep in the stroller but even with a rain-coat I was drenched. Some areas of the walkways were completely flooded. We waited about 40 minutes for the bus and finally got back to Pop, tired, hot and wet. PXL_20220814_004114313.jpg

Tomorrow is "break day" so more to come on that!

steps: 19,056
Gracie's Video Review Day 1:
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Day 2: "Slept in" until 7, woke up and reserved some LL's for Hollywood studios in the evening because we have a droid depot appointment.
Had a 10am reservation at Art Smith, Hubs went over early to line up for Gideons (I think they are overrated but he likes them). Gracie and I took the bus over (it goes to Typhoon Lagoon first) and got there just before 10.
Art Smith food was fantastic and the mimosa I had was the best I've had in years, maybe ever.
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After brunch we hopped on a boat and made our way over to Port Orleans French Quarter to Scat Cat Cafe for Beignets. They were DELICIOUS! The strawberry sauce is the way to go

We grabbed a Lyft back to Pop and Gracie headed to the pool until the afternoon storms started up. We checked out the tye-dye activity and Gracie made a shirt. They wrap it up really well and put it in a ziploc bag, it stayed secure until we got home and washed it. Tip: don't let your kid wear good clothes or shoes to to this!

It was time for a snack so we went into the Pop food court and got my first ever Disney cupcake. I've wanted one for years and let me tell you friends, this is what disappointment tastes like! The buttercream is tasteless and the cake is dry, bleh.


Our Droid depot appointment wasn't for awhile but we wanted to be able to take the skyliner so we took advantage of a break in the storms and headed over.
Gah it was hoooot and humid. Let me take a moment to say, we live in a St. Louis and it is HUMID in St. Louis but we don't typically spend 10+ hours a day outside. We were getting tired and grumpy faster than usual. We rolled up to Baseline tap house for some cold beers (and lemonade).
I had gotten a Slinky dog LL and so they went to ride that before droid depot appointment (side note: I don't do roller coasters of any kind, I hang out and drink :D )
We then snagged a Toy Story Mania (or Maniac according to Gracie) LL which we did then were slightly late to droid depot but it wasn't an issue.
Hubs and Gracie went and built R2-D2 (she's obsessed).
Then we went to our reservation at Sci-Fi drive in. We waited over 30 minutes, longer than we've ever had to wait before!
we were starving!
Afterwards we got a LL for Mickey and Minnie then as we were coming out the projection show had just started so we stayed for that which was cool. We took the skyliner back to Pop and went to bed, early day tomorrow!
Note: I told husband that next trip we are going to have a true rest day where I don't leave the resort and just sit by the pool and drink/eat all day!
Steps: 12,828
Gracie's Video Review Day 2:
Sorry for the delay, life happened. I'm back with Day 3: Animal Kingdom
6am alarm- omg why do we do this? Get dressed, down some coffee, get to the bus stop about 6:45 and arrive at AK just before 7, while waiting in line to get in we were approached by a cast member.

I'd forgotten to say that yesterday, Gracie had found a BB8 balloon by the vending machine in our hotel and instantly fell in love. I'd forgotten that balloons couldn't come in AK. The cast member was SO nice and told her BB8 got to go to balloon daycare for the day and play with the other balloons.

Security was fast but ticket/band scanning was not, I kind of wish they would pull people to the side that can't scan so the line could keep moving.

Anyway, we, like EVERYONE ELSE in the park headed toward FOP. We had never ridden it before (I KNOW) so really wanted to see if we could get on without a super long wait. We waited maybe 25 minutes if you count the time to walk all 100 miles of the queue. (which queue is longer, FOP or RoR?)

Hubs got motion sick and had to close his eyes for 70% of the ride, I... didn't love it but Gracie said it was "AMAZING"!

After that we split up, Hubs went to guest services to rent a scooter, oh yeah, the off site one didn't work out, the backs were weird on them. Gracie and I stopped for coffee and a snack then met back up for our LL for Safari. The animals were not very active but it ws still enjoyable as always. Next the line for Everest was pretty short so Hubs and Gracie went to do that while I drank coffee and waited for them. Then Gracie and I hit up Kali (our favorite in AK) and for the first time ever on that ride we got stuck! Had to wait about 10 minutes near the drop. Once we were going again it was a great ride, our whole boat got DRENCHED!
we were all hungry so we went to get in line for Nomad Lounge for an early lunch.
We requested indoor seating because we were hot but I think the porch area is probably better. Honestly though, I don't love sitting in that kind of chair to eat and Gracie was sitting on a stool. Hubs and I liked our food but Gracie wasn't a fan so we got her some popcorn after (don't feel bad for her, its her favorite!)
After that we went and did Nav'i River Journey, walked around a bit, saw the bird show which ws really cool, then decided we were going to head out back to the hotel to rest and cool off. PXL_20220815_170839296.jpg

We got BB8 out of balloon daycare 2022-08-15 - Disneys Animal Kingdom Park - The Oasis_2.jpegand caught the bus back to pop.

We all rested for awhile then Gracie wanted to go to the pool so I took her down, grabbed a drink at Petals and perused the Food and Wine guide while she swam.
Eventually we made our way back to the room to change for dinner. Tonight we had reservations for La Hacienda de San Angel. The food was really great as were the drinks. I had the blood orange margarita. The view was the best part though!
After dinner we decided to have an early night and were back at Pop before 9. Another early morning tomorrow, its Magic Kingdom day!

Gracie's video review of Day 3
Day 4: Magic Kingdom

6am alarm, again. This morning I can't get both myself and the tiny human ready on time so I get the tiny human ready and she and Hubs head off for MK ahead of me. They care about rope dropping Seven Dwarves and I do not! I make my way to the busses and get to MK and meet them before they are even in through the gates (see, no need to rush). Once we are in I stop to rent the scooter for the day (Hubs has a really bad back and can walk some but can't stand for long and has to take breaks to sit is why we get the scooter) and leisurely make my way up main street. The early morning light on the buildings is beautiful and there is NO LINE at starbucks.
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With Americano in hand I meander my way towards Fantasyland. I get there right as they were getting off SDMT and we ride Peter Pan as a walk on. Then Haunted Mansion as a walk on. Then Matthew and Gracie do Big Thunder (again, walk on) and Splash (10 minute wait) while I chill out a bit (remember, no roller coasters for me). Then we do the Fronterland Shootin' Arcade (another first), ride the riverboat and visit Hall of Presidents (ANOTHER first!) A quick spin on the teacups for Gracie and I, a LL for Winnie the Pooh and then its time for our lunch reservation at the Plaza! We had not eaten here before but the food was good (and non-dairy ice cream!!!) and our waitress was SO great!
Did I mention it was HOT??? The humidity levels keep you from sweating effectively and it becomes oppressively fast. We drank lots of ice water at lunch!
Then headed over and rode Dumbo and Barnstormer (Gracie and hubs) then Buzz and Peoplemover, we were starting to fade at that point it was almost 2pm and decided to call it a day at MK, we had fun plans for the evening. On the way out of the park we caught a Dapper Dans performance!
we went back to the hotel and rested for a bit then cleaned up and dressed for dinner at O'Hana! O'hana is always a favorite of ours we look forward to every trip.
We took an uber over to the Polynesian and arrived a bit early so stopped in the gift shop where I got a GREAT mug that I have been using almost every day since we got home.
Once we checked in we were seated right away for dinner. Now Gracie is usually a pretty picky eater but she LOVES the potstickers there, except....she dips them in ketchup. They didn't even bat an eye when she asked for it and brought her a big bowl and an extra pan of potstickersPXL_20220816_225000999.MP.jpg

After dinner we took the monrail to Epcot and got a picture in front of Spaceship Earth just as they were lighting it up
It was also a walk-on so we rode that then made our way through the park as people were gathering for fireworks to the Skyliner. They started just as we got on so we got to watch the whole show from the sky!

Then it was time for bed, tomorrow was going to be laid back day...or was it...
Day 5: Typhoon Lagoon.
We had been looking forward to this, it had been ages since we went to a water park. We ate breakfast at the Pop quick-serve then took the bus over to TL. There were not many people in line and while we were standing there waiting a cast member came up to us and asked if we had any special reservations for the day. We told her we'd reserved and umbrella and she just said okay and walked away. We figured she was trying to sell reservations. A few minutes later she came back and said "come with me". We followed her and she told Gracie that she was going to be "big kahuna" of the day which meant she got to open the park, meet all the lifeguards and get a private tour as well as ride the first ride! Gracie got to call over the radio that the big kahuna had arrived, write her name on the chalkboard at the entrance, then we were escorted to a private cabana then given a tour of the park and got to choose which ride we wanted to do first before anyone else was let in the park. IT was very cool Gracie got a medal and lifeguards and cast all day gave her the 🤙 and said "hey big kahuna" when we walked by!
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We got there at 10 and stayed until around 4 and I'm pretty sure we did every ride there. They were all fun but the wave pool was the BEST!! I'd totally go back and spend hours in that wave pool. I will say though, I was SO SO dehydrated! I hadn't drank any water all day, its weird, you're in the water so you don't think to drink water like you normally do, plus your stuff is sat down somewhere. I had had 1 chicke strip and a margarita all day (Grapefruit margarita was amazing). I thought I was going to collapse on the last ride Gracie and I were on while trying to carry both our tubes up to the top of Miss Tilly. We made it back to the cabana and hubs went and got me a huge cup of powerade which I chugged and I felt better then had another and felt almost normal! Word to the wise, take breaks!

Side note: The only form of Disney transportation we had not taken in any of our trips was a Minnie Van. We intended to take one to Hoop-Dee-Do then take a boat to MK on the way back.

We left later than we intended to, then the bus dropped us at Disney springs and we had to walk ages to get the bus back to pop, it was 5 before we got back to Pop and we had tickets for Hoop-Dee-Doo Revue at 6:15!! We changed quick and called for a Minnie van but there were none closer than 20 minutes. So we got THE SLOWEST UBER DRIVER ON THE PLANET to go to Fort Wilderness and then took the internal bus to the show building and got there just in time!
The show was fantastic, the cast interaction was great and Gracie had the best time!
We checked and we could get a Minnie van pretty quickly so we did that (great experience, maybe I'll do a post on all Disney transportation modes) and got back to pop around 9 and had an early night.

Gracie's Day 5 video
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Day 6: Hollywood Studios
So at this point in our trip the heat has gotten to me, I'm exhausted and just feel hot all the time, but we were once again up before sunrise to rope drop. We had a plan and split up as soon as we got into the park.

Gracie and I went to Galaxy's edge while hubs went to ToT and Rockin' Rollercoaster. Gracie and I rode Rise of the Resistance and Smugglers Run, got coffee and popcorn and did some pictures all before 9am. The we did Alien Swirling Saucers then grabbed some breakfast at Woody's (breakfast tot-chos for hubs, lunchbox tart for Gracie and I).
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Next we went to the frozen show for some A/C and then did .... I don't remember... but something and then went and got Ronto Wraps for lunch (a new favorite!) but Gracie didn't want that so we went and got her some chicken nuggets at Backlot.
Gracie wanted to try Tower of Terror so they went to do that while I went to get a Wookie Cookie and Jack Jack's Num Num Cookie. We met up, filled up Gracie's popcorn and made for the skyliner. I was hot and DONE (read: grumpy).

Gracie had some pool time while I tried to find some shade near the pool with a large glass of wine!

We didn't have dinner reservations so once we got hungry we headed to Epcot and decided to try Spice Road table. We all really liked it! We thought about doing some rides but rain was threatening and we didn't want to have to slog for the busses again, plus I was still hot and tired and grumpy so we just went back to the hotel.

Gracie's Day 6 Video
Day 7: Today is going to take some strategy. We are going to Magic Kingdom during the day for awhile but have Mickey Not so Scary Halloween Party as well so rest will be required, but first, breakfast at Chef Mickey. We too and uber over to Contemporary as the sun rose over the lake.

Our service left something to be desired (my coffee cup only got refilled once the whole time we were there) but it was really great to be able to hug Mickey!


Then we took the monorail over to Magic Kingdom (got off at the wrong stop and had to get back on, lol)
The sun was already brutal1662253462426.png,
We rode...I don't remember...I think Hubs and Gracie rode Splash and Big Thunder again, I think we rode Dumbo, I know we got a dole whip. That morning is kind of a blur honestly. It was hot and sticky and near the end of our trip, Magic Kingdom is my absolute fave and I for sure did not do it justice that morning.
After we did whatever we did we decided to grab a quick bite at Pecos Bills and watch the parade, after that we headed back to the hotel to get some rest.
I don't think anyone slept but we rested awhile then I started packing and got most of it done, tomorrow was going home day :(
Then we all put on our costumes and about 5:30 we got on the bus to head back to Magic Kingdom.

Mickey Not So Scary Halloween Party Review
Almost exactly as we pulled up the skies OPENED UP. It was downpouring, thundering and lightening. We ran under the shelter and stayed there...and stayed there, and stayed there. At 6:45 the lightening had finally mostly stopped and we made a run for the gates. We got in and got our wrist bands but it was basically chaos. Still tons of regular park guests leaving no cast members directing party people were to go.
We finally find the line to get our treat bags and head to the first treat station at Laugh Floor only to find they didn't have any candy...none of the stations had any candy, it was after 7, after party start time, the storm was over but no party was happening. Deciding to roll with it we rolled over to Cosmic Ray's and I stood in line to order and get our food for well over 30 minutes. We ate and by the time we were done the treat stations had just opened (around 8pm).

We hit a couple treat stations but then it was almost time for the Hocus Pocus show so we made our way down near the hub, people were packed in waiting, then the show didn't' start, and no announcements, nothing, finally an announcement came on and said it had been delayed due to weather, then finally the show started but it was a very short 5-10 minutes version. Oh and I don't even want to get started on the adults who step in front of little kids making it impossible for them to see.
Then the parade was supposed to start and ....nothing.... Finally again an announcement, then another then the headless horseman road by, then nothing again for ages then the parade started and it was really really great!

By the time the parade was over it was almost fireworks time so we just stayed put (we'd been at the hub forever at this point and I wasn't loving the party and Gracie was almost asleep). The fireworks show was great and recharged both Gracie and I. We decided to hit the treat stations and made a huge loop and were having a great time getting candy and running around. We were heading into frontierland when the parade was getting ready to start again, we made a quick cut over to adventureland for one last candy stop then started for the front to leave. we waited at the bus stop for about 25-30 minutes, it was after midnight when we got back to the hotel, Gracie was of course asleep on me on the bus.
overall I know Disney can't control the weather but it was not well managed. There were not cast helping people, there were no announcements it was very chaotic. We wasted a lot of time waiting for entertainment with no information. It is not something I'd spend money to do again.
Tips: don't do a party at the end of your trip, don't go to a part the morning of a party, don't wait for entertainment

Gracie's Day 7 Video Review
Day 8: going home day

We get up and finish packing. Checked our bags with Bell Services and headed over to Epcot. Our flight was not until 7pm so we were going to hit up some food and wine booths. Gracie and I got a LL for Frozen and hubs got a boarding group for Guardians of the Galaxy. after an unusually wet Frozen ride we stopped in Kringla bakery for a pastry and I stopped in Mexico for a margurita!1662255188601.png
Then we started making our way over to ride Figment when I spotted that the Earth Eats booth was open. I got the Impossible meatballs and stopped at a table to eat. I offered Gracie a bite and to my surprise she LOVED it, said it was better than chocolate! 1662255215681.png
We enjoyed that a lot and by that time hubs had gotten off Guardians and met us and he was a little....worse for wear. He has motion sickness and he said he thought he was going to pass out on that ride!
We were hot and needed A/C so we went into The Land where Gracie and I road Soarin' again (hubs needed a break) and then we all road Livin with the Land. We made our way over to Finding Nemo when we came out hubs found someone had taken his scooter. He talked to several cast members and they searched all over, it wasn't in any of the areas around there, it was gone! He was doing okay then so we decided to deal with that on our way out. We then over to Figment (Gracie loves it).

I was feeling a little wrung out, over tired, over heated and just..over. We went to Rose and Crown and had a drink and a bit of food (Gracie and Matthew did, I picked at their plates) and had another bad service experience with our waitress.
Next we went and wandered around the UK pavillion where we ran into Mary Poppins just standing there with NO ONE waiting!
Gracie wanted some final pool time so we headed back to pop. We cooled off with some ice pops and pool time until it was time to get a car to the airport.

Our flight ended up being delayed about an hour and a half and took longer because we had to fly around storms so by the time we landed, got a shuttle and got to our car it was almost midnight.

We got home and immediately crashed!

Gracie's Day 8 video review
The summer heat is brutal! We have only done it once. glad you survived and had some good time.


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