~ Aug 2013~ Sew what... We've gotta find a way back! Part I!!

WOW!!! 3 pages of replies to wade through? I hope this isn't the norm? LOL

WooHoo am I first....

You were!!! I will vouch for that... So, how did you hear about my new PTR? Facebook? Disboards? Or was it that text message I sent? :thumbsup2


Oopsi is here! Whoot! I still need to run over and read about your movie night - those are so awesome!

Great so far!

Welcome!!! I am glad you found my PTR! :)

Slow poke... :rolleyes1

I am here too I haven't read anything yet though

Yay!!! There's not much to read... Yet! :rotfl2:

I'm going to try REALLY! hard to keep up with this PTR but I can't make any promises.. hehe.

YAAAAAAY! I can't wait to see all the new customs!

So I read through but I don't remember actually seeing a date... When are you planning on going? I *think* we're going to try to plan for February this upcoming year. I am SO itching to get to Be Our Guest and all the new B&B stuff in Fantasyland.

Glad you make it Beth! Ack! Feb!!! Bummer... Oh well - at least I get to meet you next week! :thumbsup2

Dates are a bit iffy at this time. :rolleyes1 How about we go with "March" - LOL.

I am super excited about everything being open too... I need to go read up on the expansion - but I wonder if the Mine Ride will be open by then?

On my way out the door and checked in one more time...yea for you!!!

Yay!!! Judy found me!

Woohoo for you! Can't wait to watch your plans come together!

Welcome! LOL - I am a bit nervous about it.

Welcome Tink!!

YAY!! I loved your last TR, can't wait to go along with your PTR and planning since we will be there ALMOST the same timeframe!

Cool... What are your dates?

I read your last PTR and part of the TR and am always so fascinated with your creativity and considerable talents!!!! I plan to follow along this time a bit more regularly so I don't have pages and pages to read each time. I'm already catching your excitement!

Thank you! I am excited to have you here!

WooHoo, a new D PTR. Can't wait to hear about all the grand adventures you have planned for this next trip.

Corri!!!! Glad you made it! :goodvibes

I am ready to follow along Can't wait to see everything you make for the trip. Max has really grown!!

I am scared to see what I make for this trip... Looking ahead at my schedule - I won't have much time to make anything. :confused3 I'll be doing lots of over nights, I think.

Yes, MM is getting to be such a big boy! Most of the time he is a good dog too.

Here I am. I'll see if I can try and keep up this time.

Yay!!! Glad to see you here Diane!

HAHA, I love your no plans but still have plans stance.

Yah - LOL - it's a bit early in the game, I would hate to commit to too much. :rotfl2:

I'm here! Ready to

Yay!!! Glad you made it!

Looking forward to your report. MM looks JUST like Dug! LOL

LOL! :rotfl2:

Okay now I have read everything

What took you so long? :rotfl2:

I am here! Wish you could go in Feb! I need to start a ptr!

Hi Alicia!!! Yes, I think you need to start a PTR!

Yeah! Hoping to be there at the same time! It will be fun to watch your trip plans come together,and see if they mimic ours. We will be at the French quarter and like you enjoy being close to the food court and busses. We also like the ground floor! Fingers crossed for free dining!

Ruth - I so hope we get a chance to meet!!! It would be so awesome! And since we will be at the same resort at the same time - we must make it work!

Yeah for a new PTR! I love your "plans":rotfl2:! I am glad you started another PTR because I really need inspiration for our customs for our trip!

LOL I am not sure how much of an inspiration I will be? Considering Alli won't even consider wearing customs, and I am not sure what V's stance will be by then? I am sure we will all get new bags for the occasion - and I will make myself a few outfits? I dunno? Maybe you should inspire me? :rotfl2:

Very excited for you that you are starting to plan. Can't wait to follow along on you're details. Hope you get the free dining you need!

Thanks! Me too!!! I am in love with FD!

Your plans look very similar to the plans I have for my next trip -- just a mother daughter trip and no clue whatsoever when it will happen. Maybe I will be really old and need a w/c by the time we can go again -- that will get me in the handicap access to rides, correct?

I do have dates in mind -- fall -- sometime in the fall. That's all I know. I don't do crowds.

And how 'bout keeping Alli well hydrated this trip?

You will get there Andrea - and when you do - it will be EPIC!

Yes, hydration is key... I am going to make Alli wear a camelback. :rotfl2:

Checking in Unfortunately I don't think my Dec 2013 trip is going to work, so I have no plans until 2014ish. I will have to live vicariously through you D~.

Yay!!! Glad to see you here Suzi!!! Awww... I am so bummed about your Dec 2013 trip... I hope you are able to make it work out. I so badly want to do a Holiday trip... I tell ya what - if we can't make this spring 2013 trip work out, I am definately going to think about braving the holiday crowds and try for a holiday trip - because it just sounds so magical.

Soo Excited about your new trip report!!!

Yay!!! Glad you made it!

I'm a little late...but here. (I was meeting up with a couple of friends today!)


I am soooo jealous!!! I hope the 3 (4) of you had so much fun! I sooo hope to meet you one day Nini - you have been such an inspiration to me and such a great friend! :grouphug:

joining in

Although my DH knows about the trip (now) he didn't when I started my TR!

Welcome!!! Ahhhh... LOL - I might have to go read about this in your TR (PTR?) - sounds like some interesting reading?

Joining in! I enjoyed reading your last TR

Yay!!! Glad to have you here!

Way to go planning is almost as good as going. In fact I get sad when we are leaving to start our trip because there is no more planning ~ Crazy I know...

Joining in to see what you plan and create, Jane

Jane - I totally get this!!! I have sooo much more fun doing PTRs than I do TRs. I would love to have a PTR going at all times. It was so hard starting my TR when we got home... I am really looking forward to all the planning. Even though there won't be much until I get it booked. :rolleyes1

I made it! Page three but hey, some of have to work ;)

I'm so glad you started another ptr! Max has gotten so big!!

Yay!!! Glad to see you here Stephanie!!! LOL Hey - I work all the time! DH was givnig me crapola the other day, because I only work "very part time"... Ummm... Hello - sewing room... Full-time and then some? I didn't say that to him - but I thought it. LOL

Yes, MM has gotten so big - and he is such a lover dog - it's so funny because as a puppy - he was so rowdy and nippy, rarely cuddled... Now he is all about the attention. :crowded:

Yes! Another trip! Can't wait to read all about it. Even though the planning is lots of work, it's lots of fun, too.

Yay - Glad to see you here Di!!! :) I've been meaning to PM you to let you know that I haven't forgotten about you - I have just been so busy. Your turn is coming up soon.

I love the planning - it's my favorite part!

D- Love those plans! 9 or 10 days sounds great!

Maybe you and I will get there at the same time Andrea! We can plan to meet up.

Hi Diane!!! It's great to see you again! I am so glad you are here!

I guess I better get with it, I haven't even seen the pictures you posted from your last trip on this thread. LOVE the one of you with Donald!

Where was the one of UP taken? I love Russell! They hit the nail on the head with that movie!

LOL - Yup, lots of reading for you to do.

The one of Russell was taken at the Pin store in DTD. We searched every park for Dug and Russell (they had just taken away that meet n' greet before we got there - but we were hopeful)... This was the best we could do. :rolleyes1

OH MY GOODNESS...I just checked out your last TR and those bags are beyond amazing!!!!!!!! Do you sell them...etsy?

Now I have to read your last TR and PTR...guess the house isn't getting cleaned this week!

Welcome - Thank you! :) Just read them through the Table of Contents - it's so much easier. Then maybe you'll make it back to the :laundy: in a few days?

It's official... I am working on my first item to put towards this trip! WHOOT!

I finished my applique for this bag yesterday... I just have an accent piece to make, then I can start assembling. I wanted to have it done today - but I am not sure that will happen? It will depend on how well this accent piece goes... I am excited about it though! I hope to have pictures posted tonight - but dont' hold your breath.

The remainder of my week is a bit crazy... I have to work at my "real job" tomorrow. Then I have one more bag I must complete before I leave for Charlotte next Thursday - I am super excited for this EPIC Dismeet!!!! It's going to be an amazing weekend. I am still be a bit nervous for the flight though - I've never flown solo before... :scared:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)

Don't be nervous for the flight. Grab an alcoholic drink before you get on board and it will relax you. If you can't do it beforehand do it during the flight. I flew for the first time when I was 20 and I was alone, thankfully the woman next to me took pity on me during take-off and distracted me and then i had fallen asleep and didn't notice the landing until the wheels touched the runway.
Don't be nervous for the flight. Grab an alcoholic drink before you get on board and it will relax you. If you can't do it beforehand do it during the flight. I flew for the first time when I was 20 and I was alone, thankfully the woman next to me took pity on me during take-off and distracted me and then i had fallen asleep and didn't notice the landing until the wheels touched the runway.

I love the actual flying portion... And I love the taking off and landing. :confused3 I am just a ball of nerves until I get to the airport... So, maybe I should start drinking now? Then I will lay off once I leave the house? :rotfl2:

Oh definitely start drinking now although work might not appreciate it too much.
Hopping on to follow your PTR! I love seeing what you come up with for sewing projects. Your work is just gorgeous!
Just don't drink to much D. Paying for DUI charges can put a hamper on those WDW savings. :lmao: Plus after watching On The Fly I know they will not let people who have had to much to drink on the plane. But of course that would never be our D.:rolleyes1

All kidding aside, I was also nervous about going on my first airplane ride alone in March. I did fine and so will you. Download a couple of books on your new phone before you leave to read on the plane.:thumbsup2
I could not figure out how to post without quoting! Yeah for another pre-trip report...I am hoping to start a pre-trip report soon too!

You were!!! I will vouch for that... So, how did you hear about my new PTR? Facebook? Disboards? Or was it that text message I sent? :thumbsup2
:rotfl2: All of the above. Actually I was on FB when I saw it but don't tell my boss :rolleyes1 I should have been doing my work. :scared:

It's official... I am working on my first item to put towards this trip! WHOOT!

I finished my applique for this bag yesterday... I just have an accent piece to make, then I can start assembling. I wanted to have it done today - but I am not sure that will happen? It will depend on how well this accent piece goes... I am excited about it though! I hope to have pictures posted tonight - but dont' hold your breath.

The remainder of my week is a bit crazy... I have to work at my "real job" tomorrow. Then I have one more bag I must complete before I leave for Charlotte next Thursday - I am super excited for this EPIC Dismeet!!!! It's going to be an amazing weekend. I am still be a bit nervous for the flight though - I've never flown solo before... :scared:

I hope everyone has a wonderful day! :)


Can't wait to see it!

I love the actual flying portion... And I love the taking off and landing. :confused3 I am just a ball of nerves until I get to the airport... So, maybe I should start drinking now? Then I will lay off once I leave the house? :rotfl2:


I know exactly how you feel:sad2: I am the same way.
cajunfan said:
I could not figure out how to post without quoting! Yeah for another pre-trip report...I am hoping to start a pre-trip report soon too!


Can't wait to read
Hopping on to follow your PTR! I love seeing what you come up with for sewing projects. Your work is just gorgeous!

Thanks! I am so glad to have you reading along! :thumbsup2

Just don't drink to much D. Paying for DUI charges can put a hamper on those WDW savings. :lmao: Plus after watching On The Fly I know they will not let people who have had to much to drink on the plane. But of course that would never be our D.:rolleyes1

All kidding aside, I was also nervous about going on my first airplane ride alone in March. I did fine and so will you. Download a couple of books on your new phone before you leave to read on the plane.:thumbsup2

Leave it to Corri to be the voice of reason. :confused3

I plan on buying a book at Target today... I might even splurge and buy a magazine too. :thumbsup2 I just can't quite fathom trying to read on my phone...

I could not figure out how to post without quoting! Yeah for another pre-trip report...I am hoping to start a pre-trip report soon too!


OMG!!! Lynn!!! I am so excited for you!!! I sure hope you start a PTR soon! So, tell us, any particular tentative dates in mind? March 2013 perhaps? :rolleyes1

:rotfl2: All of the above. Actually I was on FB when I saw it but don't tell my boss :rolleyes1 I should have been doing my work. :scared:

Can't wait to see it!

I know exactly how you feel:sad2: I am the same way.

Shame on you Michelle. :rotfl2:

Can't wait to read

I know - me neither!

Well, I made a lot of progress on my bag yesterday. I've managed to completely finish the exterior and part of the interior. I hope to coax myself off this computer early enough this morning to finish the strap and the interior before I have to go to work. Then I can work on the assembly tomorrow afternoon. I am kind of excited about this bag - it has some fun elements to it, and I love the color scheme.

Looking ahead at my schedule for the next week - I have a lot to get done, and only a few sewing days left.

Tomorrow, the girls and I are headed to Valleyfair for the day. We are meeting up with my cousin (Tonya - V's Godmother) and her family. The girls will be going home with her for the weekend. She happens to live in my home town - and this weekend is their town festival... So the girls will get to hang out with lots of family and friends. I wish I had the time to go myself. :sad2:

I plan to leave Valleyfair shortly after lunch, and head home - I plan to work on finishing my bag. I also hope that I have enough time to cut out my next one.

Friday - I will be working on quilting and appliqueing my next bag... I hope to accomplish those two things on Friday. Then, all of our (female) neighbors are gathering for "limearitas"... Should be a grand time! popcorn::

Then, yesterday, my neighbor (and good friend) came home from her new stylist's house - and OMG - her hair was amazing!!! While talking to her, I asked her to check if her stylist had any openings for next week - then she realized she forgot her phone at her stylist's house... I went with her and I was able to snag an appt for next week! I am super excited! I am ashamed to say - I have not had a hair cut since before we left for Disney... And for that matter - I have not had a real hair cut (other than Great Clips) for well over a decade... So, I am really excited to treat myself to something fun, for once, and I am even more excited to get something new and exciting! I hope.

Saturday, my neighbor and I are going to get our nails done. Also something I have not done in well over a decade... Actually - I can tell you for sure... 4th of July weekend, year 2000 was the last time I've had my nails done professionally. My neighbor leaves for Key West on Friday next week, and I leave for Charlotte on Thursday - so we figured it would be fun to have a girls morning out. :thumbsup2 I used to always get French tips, but I hate how they wrecked my nails, so I think that this time, I am just going to do the heavy laquer - or whatever it's called? Nothing fancy, just fun!

Then I will come home and work on my next bag. Story of my life. :goodvibes

Sunday - I hope to finish my bag. popcorn::

Monday - I have to meet my cousin somewhere in between our houses, so I can get my girls back. :crazy2: I am pretty sure that will take all day, and depending on where we meet - whether it's for lunch or shopping or both? It will definately take all day.

Tuesday - I will work on laundry and packing - and finishing up my bag - just in case I don't do it on Sunday.

Wednesday is my hair appointment... and my day to start drinking - I will probably start after my hair?

Thursday morning - Josh is dropping me at the airport on his way to work. I hope he comes in and helps me get everything organized until I get to security - that is always the most nerve wracking part for me. :confused3

I hope you enjoyed my mini-Charlotte- PTR. :flower3: Have a fabulous day everyone! :)

Good for you doing something for YOU! You will have to post pics of the new hair and nails!

I am looking at going May11-19th 2013...my son will be in college this year, and he gets out on the 10th of May, so I figured that would be a good time to go. Depending on who joins us, we are looking at Art of Animation suite or POP. There are never cast member discounts for POFQ or they go very quickly! (would love to stay there again!) I am waiting on having my son settled at college before I make definitive plans. I honestly do not even know when his spring break is, but he will be in a program at school that does a lot of service projects and they do some during spring break (his junior and senior year he will get t go to Trinidad for free for a service project)...so I have a feeling we will not be able to go during spring breaks!

It is always so much fun to do DIS meets there! Some of my fondest memories are from a meet I did back in 2004!

Tomorrow, the girls and I are headed to Valleyfair for the day. We are meeting up with my cousin (Tonya - V's Godmother) and her family. The girls will be going home with her for the weekend. She happens to live in my home town - and this weekend is their town festival... So the girls will get to hang out with lots of family and friends. I wish I had the time to go myself. :sad2:

I plan to leave Valleyfair shortly after lunch, and head home - I plan to work on finishing my bag. I also hope that I have enough time to cut out my next one.

Friday - I will be working on quilting and appliqueing my next bag... I hope to accomplish those two things on Friday. Then, all of our (female) neighbors are gathering for "limearitas"... Should be a grand time! popcorn::

Then, yesterday, my neighbor (and good friend) came home from her new stylist's house - and OMG - her hair was amazing!!! While talking to her, I asked her to check if her stylist had any openings for next week - then she realized she forgot her phone at her stylist's house... I went with her and I was able to snag an appt for next week! I am super excited! I am ashamed to say - I have not had a hair cut since before we left for Disney... And for that matter - I have not had a real hair cut (other than Great Clips) for well over a decade... So, I am really excited to treat myself to something fun, for once, and I am even more excited to get something new and exciting! I hope.

Saturday, my neighbor and I are going to get our nails done. Also something I have not done in well over a decade... Actually - I can tell you for sure... 4th of July weekend, year 2000 was the last time I've had my nails done professionally. My neighbor leaves for Key West on Friday next week, and I leave for Charlotte on Thursday - so we figured it would be fun to have a girls morning out. :thumbsup2 I used to always get French tips, but I hate how they wrecked my nails, so I think that this time, I am just going to do the heavy laquer - or whatever it's called? Nothing fancy, just fun!

Then I will come home and work on my next bag. Story of my life. :goodvibes

Sunday - I hope to finish my bag. popcorn::

Monday - I have to meet my cousin somewhere in between our houses, so I can get my girls back. :crazy2: I am pretty sure that will take all day, and depending on where we meet - whether it's for lunch or shopping or both? It will definately take all day.

Tuesday - I will work on laundry and packing - and finishing up my bag - just in case I don't do it on Sunday.

Wednesday is my hair appointment... and my day to start drinking - I will probably start after my hair?

Thursday morning - Josh is dropping me at the airport on his way to work. I hope he comes in and helps me get everything organized until I get to security - that is always the most nerve wracking part for me. :confused3

I hope you enjoyed my mini-Charlotte- PTR. :flower3: Have a fabulous day everyone! :)

Wow, sounds like you have a packed schedule for the next week but it also sounds like loads of fun! I wish I could go to Charlotte and meet so many of you in person but my girls come home from camp and my in-laws come to visit. Maybe next time!

I am looking at going May11-19th 2013...my son will be in college this year, and he gets out on the 10th of May, so I figured that would be a good time to go.
If you are there on May 11, 2013 that will be the day my girls have their bat mitzvah. It sounds like a good date to me :) May 12 is Mother's Day BTW. Disney would be an awesome Mother's Day treat!
Cool Diane! Weren't you collecting the beach type fabric last summer for the girls bat mitzvah? If we drive (yikes! never done that before!) we will probably be traveling all day on the 11th. I did not even think about Mother's Day! I was just thinking I wanted to beat the summer crowds!;) That would be an awesome Mother's Day present to me! LOL!
D please post a picture of your hair. I am debating something new instead of my long layers but I am so scared to cut it.
I am pretty excited about this bag! I love the colors! It's kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but it's quilted in a light lavender color to coordinate with the interior fabric.


Applique and accent details close-up:




D~ <--- SHOCKED :eek: <--- Who was able to get up to my sewing room earlier than I thought, and knock out the rest of the bag this morning before work! :eek:
I love the new historical AG doll you posted on your TR. She is beautiful and I love her dress and "purse".

The Tiana bag is so pretty. Your applique is flawless and she looks beautiful.

Your March trip sounds like it will be fun. I am pleasantly surprised to hear that the girls have been getting along so well lately, especially since it is summer and I am sure they are seeing alot more of each other then usual. You sound like you will be busy the next few days.

I have been slacking lately and need to get busy planning for the trip to Charlotte next week. We had a great day on Monday when Nini, her kids, Lisa and Megan came over. My DD was asking when we could get together again about 5 minutes after they left. My DS had a great time playing with Mr. D too. Tomorrow is the first day of school here and I am dreaming of our next Disney trip but I just don't know when I can fit it in.
I have been slacking lately and need to get busy planning for the trip to Charlotte next week. We had a great day on Monday when Nini, her kids, Lisa and Megan came over. My DD was asking when we could get together again about 5 minutes after they left. My DS had a great time playing with Mr. D too. Tomorrow is the first day of school here and I am dreaming of our next Disney trip but I just don't know when I can fit it in.

Ahhhh, Thanks Liz. My kids are asking when we can go back too! For two kids who were NOT looking forward to going they sure did have a LOT of Fun! (and I have a perfect little zippered bag that fits perfect in my Essential Park Bag! My daughter wanted to know how you knew it would fit so perfect!)

D~ Your new bag is so cute...I am purposely NOT letting my DD see it... Tiana is her favorite ...right now!!!

Gotta run....

I am pretty excited about this bag! I love the colors! It's kind of hard to tell from the pictures, but it's quilted in a light lavender color to coordinate with the interior fabric.


Applique and accent details close-up:




D~ <--- SHOCKED :eek: <--- Who was able to get up to my sewing room earlier than I thought, and knock out the rest of the bag this morning before work! :eek:

:worship: WOW....I just love this one too!!!


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