Atkins Diet is driving ME crazy!


<font color=green>Has a thing for the Swiss Family
Apr 6, 2002
DH is doing the Atkins Diet and he is so down. He's dying to eat something, anything with sugar and carbs. I think it's self torture, but he's determined to give it at least a couple weeks. My mom and dad are also doing it. Has anyone here done this diet (exactly by the book) and lived to regret it? I really wish he'd just give it up, it's making him miserable, which of course, makes me feel bad for him.
The WISH board has a lot of individuals on it. I know that Glo, nativetxn and webmasteralex have all done it and had wonderful success.
I've never tried Atkins but I did do the Zone which I guess is a healthier version of Atkins. I know Atkins does get results but if your DH is THAT miserable, he is NEVER gonna stick with it. It's one thing to be hungry (all diets do that), but to start craving specific food groups on top of that because that are reduced is another matter. Personally, I think the "Mediteranian Diet" is really the way to go. Nothing is really restricted, it's very healthy, and it's been proven to be very good for you--not really a true diet. I think the only other diet that can make that claim is Weight Watchers.
Thanks for the info, I think I'll buzz over to the WISH board and see what I can find out.
Although many have had success with Atkins, no diet is right for everybody. If your hubby continues to be miserable for a long period of time he is doomed to fail. I couldn't even begin to use the Atkins plan as it is too restrictive for my tastes. After some research and reccomendations from friends I used Body for Life and had great success losing fat and gaining muscle.
Issa again under loki's name

he WILL be misrible for a little while...he is going through withdrawls of carb and sugar addiction.

Loki sailed through induction...I on the other hand had shakes, insomnia (sp?) and literally wanted to eat the computer was bad...reallllly bad lol. At 3 am I went into the kitchen and mixed a glass of water, lemon juice and splenda (lemonade) it was a god send and legal..and I could sleep.

After induction the lifestyle was wonderful. Loki and I fully enjoyed atkins..felt better on it, had less trouble with heart burn and aching joints. I love being on Atkins!!!!

I am pregnant and the doctors threw a fit (though my primary doctor is on atkins and recommended I stay on it through out pregnancy, funny story..he told me on the sly to try it...I replied I am!! I love it...we then spent 20 mins comparing foods and local low carb stores! ) ..but I rather than listen to the Ob's scream..I went off and loki joined me since we re introduced heavy carbs into the household. We're both misrible now...and Craving to go BACK on atkins which we will start again this friday. It is tough in the begining but really becomes a way of life that you truly enjoy how you feel...maybe not right for everyone...but Loki lost close to 60 pounds in 5 months (maybe 4 ..cant remember when we got off) and I lost 35pounds ( men notoriously lose it easier grrrr)

anyways..just wanted to give a positive feedback. This is an Atkins household and we fully love the change of lifestyle and the foods we eat.

P.S ...have your husband check out
they have incredable message boards and recipie boards....might offer some support
From -
Another mechanism that can cause adverse reactions is withdrawal symptoms. Quite a few people have addictions to foods they consume every day without being aware of them. When you suddenly stop eating a food or ingredient you are used to, as you do when you start Atkins, you may experience withdrawal. Common offenders are caffeine, sugar, wheat and other foods capable of quickly changing blood-sugar levels. Withdrawal symptoms vary widely, ranging from fatigue, faintness and palpitations to headache and cold sweats.

Bad as they seem, experiencing withdrawal symptoms is really good news. The withdrawal process is usually completed within three days, and afterward you should feel better than ever—unless, of course, you re-addict yourself. If you cannot stay the course and progress through withdrawal, do it gradually by consuming progressively smaller amounts of an addictive food until you get to zero. The more severe your withdrawal symptoms, the more you stand to gain from abandoning the food that is causing them. A food that demands to be eaten daily is often a key to a disordered metabolism.

What can you expect the first week on Induction? Clike HERE
As Issa said, that withdrawal period is difficult. I went through it when I was on Atkins and I felt wonderful when it was over. I went off of the diet and want to get back on it but motivation is my problem. It's a good one for me because I avoid most high fat foods too.
I don't think you should ever go on any diet that restricts certain types of foods. Your body needs all kinds -- fats, carbs, proteins, sugars, etc.

That's why WW is a good, healthy diet. It includes all food groups.

I just started on Jenny Craig, which is very similar to WW, except you buy most of the food all prepared for you, whereas in WW you buy your own food and prepare it. Jenny Craig eventually weans you off their food, as you go on maintenance and you learn to prepare your own, healthy food.
I didnt follow Atkins "by the book" and I lost close to 30 llbs. I just cut my carb intake and I 'cheat' occasionally too.. I feel fine..
I'm an Atkid! Lost 35 pounds, and still losing. I love it. Carb withdrawal is tough, but he's right to give it a full 2 weeks. By then, he'll be over the worst part, and probably will have lost several pounds if he's doing it by the book. Good luck to him and you!
Withdrawal is difficult - but the rewards are worth it. I have been eating low carb since 7/28/02. To date I have lost 33 lbs and have lowered my total cholesterol 61 points (yes you read it correctly!) and my Triglycerides went down a whopping 62 points. Prior to starting this way of life I followed high carb/low fat plans to the letter... lost a bit of weight... was starving (ready to gnaw my leg off by 10 am every morning after a "healthy" breakfast consisting mostly of Raisin Bran cereal and skim milk)... and my cholesterol was in the danger zone. So much so that my doctor was pushing to put me on statin drugs to lower it.

Then I did the research. I suggest anyone should do that before they dismiss a low carb approach out of hand. The information is logical and compelling. So much so that I then began the program and I was rewarded with huge benefits. Not only have a I lost weight, I have stabilized my blood sugar so that I am not going through emotional and physical ups and downs all day long - I literally DO NOT get hungry between meals. I eat very healthfully. Protein and fresh vegetables are the primary components of each of my meals. I have 5 servings of vegetables a day. I NEVER did that on my previous low fat diets. What I don't eat... is sugar, highly refined grains (white flour etc), white rice, and I generally just avoid starchy veggies such as potatoes and carrots... although I may choose to have some occassionally if I really want it. Personally I don't miss them and they almost make me sick now... sugar reaction from the pure starch.

This is not for everyone - but I truly believe it is a miracle what can happen when you remove the "civilized" foods from our diet. Sugar and refined flours are not natural to the human species... a relatively recent event in our natural evolution. Our growing dependence on these products seem to correlate with our national epidemic of obesity, heart disease, and type II diabetes.

I hope for your husbands sake that he guts it through the carb withdrawals... it could be the greatest gift he gives himself and you.

Wishing you success.


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