At long last, Nicki & Todd are going back to WDW, LIVE!

Sounds like you are having a great time. I am finally caught up reading too.

I am thinking my dh is going to have to "Pull A Todd" and try to get us a Cape May Breakfast on Dec. 8th or 9th. Its the only thing I cant seem to get. I will see if he has any success. I will share the "Todd story" with him to inspire him. At least I only have to kick him out of our Yacht Club bed to go over there and plead,beg and use some charm.

Sorry your Cali Grill experience was not too great either. I dont think it will be on our to do list either.

I kept watching the french bakery pictures and then YES, Finally a napoleon.:), Guess you know what I like!!

Well I told my dh you posted that the photo pass photo is at the GF christmas tree so I am booking us a GFC lunch and then going to the contemp to see that tree too since we are split staying and will be at the Poly then.

You two looked cold in that picture. Hope it warms up for you.

Have a great time and looking forward to more news.
LOVE this report - outstanding!

My DH and I arrive in the World next Friday to celebrate our 30th anniversary, so I really appreciate all the attention to detail and photos, as well as your reviews of all of the dishes.

And I'm totally blaming you that I purchase 3 bags of Werther's candies and a bag of caramel corn while grocery shopping today!

Looking forward to more and Happy Anniversary!
That stinks that your meal at CG was so disappointing! Cannot WAIT for that caramel brownie :lovestruc Have a great day tomorrow!!

Yeah, we were not happy about it since we were so looking forward to it. Wish we went to the Wave instead, that place has been great to us. That brownie was amazing, I am not really a chocolate freak like Todd is but that treat was worth me going to the other side!

All I have to say is....:rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2: :lmao: :rotfl2:
You're TR is hilarious to read!!! :worship:

You should live with us, its just a party every day :rotfl2:

Can my eyes be trusted? Is that the Cosmo slush?! :banana: Oh I hope it's becoming a regular item and it's not just what was left over from the festival!! *oh please please please please!*

They had it last Nov too so I hope it is a thing to stay! One table had all three drinks and just 2 people at the table :rotfl:

It would be wonderful if your trip lasted another week! I've enjoyed your reviews so much I don't want them to end!!!! You two are a hoot!!!!!! I can't wait to read where you ate today. :) We have reservations at The Plaza during our trip. Perhaps you can convince your dear husband to eat there. I'd love a current review!!!!! :rotfl2: Happy Saturday to both of You!!!!

That would be wonderful! I am so glad that you have enjoyed the reviews! I asked Todd when we would get back and he said hopefully for a long weekend in Feb and then maybe another 10 days in May

Love the castle pictures.:thumbsup2
Would you mind posting the 7 dwafts pics....I've never seen them together.
We were supposed to go last December but DS and DH both got the flu right before we left so I changed our dates to do Star Wars Weekend. That was fun but I need to go back for a MVMCP.

The one from my camera is too fuzzy but we are going to buy more PP at DTD tonight so I will get that one too, or at least take a pic of it. What a bummer that your family was ill before you had to go, that is the worst

OMG! I think my DH must channel your DH or something. This is acommon discussion in our house - not just at DH but on weekends when we are both lazy!:lmao:

LOL, same at my house!

Just to let you know - I also had a HORRIBLE experience at Cali Grill in 04. It was for our engagement dinner/my birthday. We had the ressie WAY in advance with notes of the party, because it was what I really wanted. We got there like way early, DH had another convo with the host about it being a special night, that I really wanted to watch the fireworks and so we sat and got a great spot at the bar.
When we were seated we were seated WAY in the back corner overlooking the roof of the COntemporary. No view at all of the MK. I was so upset. DH told the server who got an assitant manager who was incredibly rude - told us there was nothing he could do. (By this point we had been there an hour - it was 1/2 hour past ressie time.) We saw a family get up on the other side of the restaurant and DH said something like - Well what about that table?" He told us no because it had to go to a 4 top and he walked away. DH called the concierge at the GF (where we were staying) - and booked us at an immediate window spot at Narcooses'. So we left. I know this is SO long ago - but I just won't ever go back.
So sorry about your bad meal but I am so glad the Christmas party was fun!
VN looked awesome again! I am just so glad you are having a wonderful trip and anniversary!

Wow, that is a horrible experience! I can see how it would turn you off from visiting it again

We went to Chef Mickey's for breakfast on the last morning of our 2008 trip. We loved it there. We went back this past July, but for dinner on arrival night. We loved that too! :) A definite must for the boys!

We love breakfast there too but not dinner...the food was just terrible for us

We went to Crystal Palace an hour before rope drop this past July. We loved it there too. I ate my weight in puffed french toast and chocolate Mickey waffles! :rotfl: My boys love the Winnie the Pooh characters too, which is a bonus...wait a minute, this is all supposed to be for THEM right? :lmao:

Chocolate waffles???? OMG I never had those and the last time we went was Jan 09

My favorite character breakfast of all though was 1900 Park Fare at the Grand Floridian. It's so beautiful in there, and the food was very unique. I loved the bananas foster topping for the french toast, and the lobster eggs benedict. The pastries were to die for also. Can you tell I love my sweets?! ;)

Another terrible experience for us, one so bad that DH will not go back there

Sorry your dinner at Cali Grille was so disappointing. The more I read your reviews, the more I realize that we HAVE to go to Citrico's AND Flying Fish! I mean, how can we pass up Flying Fish when our DVC home is Boardwalk Villas? The only reason we didn't go there this time was because we didn't want to go to any signatures with the kids just yet, and my little guy is only 3 so we couldn't put both of them into the kids' camp. So I think this will be the plan for next time: Yachtsman Steakhouse with the boys (they both LOVE steak and so do we!), Citrico's with the boys, and Flying Fish by ourselves. So far it looks like those will be the signatures we will try on our 2012 trip. I will change my mind 1,000 times though, DH won't care as long as he eats good food (and he trusts me and knows how important the food is to me...he's so sweet!), and no matter where we end up, we will have a great time!!

Flying Fish and Bluezoo have much better steaks than Yachtsman

You are convincing me more and more to go to Via Napoli next time! Looks like a great place and the kids would love it too! They take Tables in Wonderland, right?

Yes they sure do. The place is awesome and bright and cheerful...the kids will love it!

I walked into the Patisserie in France one day and didn't buy anything...I surprised myself that time. THAT time! Other times, I enjoyed the croissants and their chocolate mousse! And I'm with you on the Grey Goose Slush...never tried the Grand Marnier one, but I LOVE the Grey Goose one, I don't think I can stray from that! :goodvibes

That is the first time we walked out of France empty handed!
Oh no! I am so sorry that you had such a lousy meal at Cali Grill. Mostly because it was, by far, my favorite meal of our trip. But, both my husband and I LOVE sushi and we got an amazing flatbread that I can still taste, I swear. :lmao: I honestly can't say I remember a whole lot about the entrees as we were so full from the sushi and flatbread....maybe I'll order a salad as my entree this time? That might work out better for me. Who knows? I just hope it was an "off night," although I'm so sorry it had to be for your night there. I also think that part of it was that I was completely blown away to be standing anywhere in the Contemporary, where I would love to stay someday, and we did get the window seat with the direct view of the castle, during I might have just been as awestruck with the atmosphere of the place, as anything else. We have a reservation there for our upcoming trip in February for my mom's birthday. Uh-oh.

It may have been an off night for all I know but it was pretty ick

I have to say that as far as your love of EPCOT, you are a girl after my own heart. It is my absolute favorite park, hands down. There's just so much to look at and eat! :rotfl: And I cannot wait to get my hands on that caramel corn in Germany.

The best park for fun and feasting :thumbsup2

Your reviews have been so much fun! Hope Fulton's is awesome tonight. I had a great meal there when I was a little girl and it was still the Empress Lilly. :lmao:

Glad you are enjoying them! Cannot wait to get to Fultons tonight!

Nicki Just finished catching up...

More wonderful reviews...and your adventures with "Sir Eats Alots" are just hilarious!!! :laughing:

Oh yeah, he has been a trip this trip LOL

My DH and I get the same entrees that you both did at Citricos( we are not adventorous and always order the same things!!??) ...glad you enjoyed your dinner there....great food and atmosphere...

It was just a perfect meal!

I knew as I was reading where you were going to end up for your dessert after Via Napoli! OMG those caramel brownies look amazing!!

To die for doesnt begin to describe it!

Looking foward to hearing all about the clambake...we have always thought about going but never been.........

Coming up soon!

Something tells me that there is a TS meal in your future even if there are no times available at the MK today....:) Enjoy!

Nope, no TS today because we need to save room for tonight ;)

I'm leaving here shortly to go and see Edward for my massage. I hope by the time I get home that you will have an update of where you ended up going for breakfast this morning. And Todd better NOT be cancelling Fulton's....I'm counting on him to eat those King Crab Claws in my honor. ;)

Hope you are having a great day. I can't believe your trip is almost over.

Hi babe, is your back any better? I hope Edward works out your kinks.....Now you know better than that, there is no way on this earth that we would ever cancel Fultons!
Hi babe, is your back any better? I hope Edward works out your kinks.....Now you know better than that, there is no way on this earth that we would ever cancel Fultons!

Let's just say this about Edward: :worship::worship::worship: I feel like a new woman. I went with a new massage -- the 80 Therapeutic Massage which includes range of motion, stretching and compression to increase circulation and heal muscles. My back and legs (which were also bothering me) feel terrific. I went with the Magnolia spray instead of lavender and it smells wonderful.

Anxious to hear about the Clambake. And I didn't Todd would cancel Fulton's....but this trip I never know what to expect from him. ;)
When we get to VN, I'll be able to order without needing the menu thanks to you! That 4 sectioned pizza looked awesome! I laughed out loud when I saw your description of the Gran Marnier slushy as that's exactly how I think it tastes. I have flashbacks to a childhood illness and St. Joseph's baby aspirin :rotfl: BLECH! I'll toast you with my Grey Goose slushy in 33 days!:)

I hope you enjoy VN as much as we did. The 4 section pizza was very good, it was like 4 pizzas in one! I hope you have a fantastic trip!

I'm so sad your meal at CG wasn't up to par, y'all have had some bad luck with the meals this trip! So, does the staff at Via Napoli know you guys by first name?:laughing:

Me too hon...some places have let us down but I think VN made up for it :laughing: I know the waiters by name.

Cutie #1

Cutie #2

Cutie #3


I have been so sick so I'm finally catch up. You guys are so sweet helping the man with the wheelchair.:hug:

I really hope you are feeling better :hug:

I was :rotfl::lmao:regarding the flowers b/c I get mad at my husand when he used to send me flowers (I thought its a waste of money)...I rather go out for a nice dinner (but I don't think spending $200 for a nice dinner is a watse but its a nice memories). I'm not a jewerly girl either...:rotfl2:

Too funny! No flowers for me and no gems..I have what I want and do not need more than that. Now give me something I can use like a gift card to Sephora or something!

Thanks for the update on Photopass at GF b/c I was wondering when we could visit and get a family picutre but now I'm so happy that there will be a photographer from 9am-9pm...:worship:

Go in the mid afternoon 2-4, there is no one there at all. At night the line gets pretty long

Sorry, for the dinner at Cali Grill...I know you guys were really looking forward to it.

Me too...I wish we could go back and cancel it and book Flying Fish instead

I can't believe whenever Todd wants to eat...he manages to get you guys make people like us who makes ADR or planning like we don't know anything:sad2

Thank you for understanding my frustration :laughing:

I'm glad you guys had a great time at MVMCP (I'm planning on packing hats, gloves and coat when we go)...I have turtle neck and fleece. I rather have our son warm and in layers and have a blast. We will not be able to stay late so we will attend 2 parties. :banana:

Layers is the key.....some parts of the park feel warmer than others..if that makes any sense LOL

haha, he remembers what you like/don't like to eat, but not to do the chores. Sounds about right. I call it know, when the laundry basket is at the bottom of the stairs and he steps over it to go up, then claims not to have seen it:rotfl2:...

So you have one at home just like it huh ;)

What a pity you didn't like CG, but that caramel shop and Via Napoli has to make up for it, right?..did they know you by name?:cool1:

It more than made up for it!

so glad you're having a fantastic two are so cute in the photopass pictures.

Thank you! Todd hates having his picture taken so it is like pulling teeth to get him to do it. I have to bribe him with snacks and treats!

Oh the adventures of Nicki and Sir-Eats-a-Lot! :lmao: You guys crack me up.

Glad you are laughing along!

I'm so sorry your Cali Grill dinner was less than stellar! Seems unusual for them.

I have never read a bad review of this place...first time for everything I guess

At Via Napoli, I saw your pizza, that Quattro Stagioni, on the menu and knew people would end up in the same situation as you, thinking it was 4 toppings evenly spread over the pizza. I wish they would describe how it is on the menu. Quattro Stagioni is a popular pizza in Italy, with one topping on each quadrant, so while it's authentic, they should explain it!

I would have liked to know before hand but it was still excellent!

Sounds like you are having a great time. I am finally caught up reading too.

I am thinking my dh is going to have to "Pull A Todd" and try to get us a Cape May Breakfast on Dec. 8th or 9th. Its the only thing I cant seem to get. I will see if he has any success. I will share the "Todd story" with him to inspire him. At least I only have to kick him out of our Yacht Club bed to go over there and plead,beg and use some charm.

Go early, the place was completely empty when we got there. All the TS places seem to seat you the minute they open, ressie or not. I hope you have some luck with it!

Sorry your Cali Grill experience was not too great either. I dont think it will be on our to do list either.

There are better places to put on that to do list!

I kept watching the french bakery pictures and then YES, Finally a napoleon.:), Guess you know what I like!!

They were the popular item, everyone seemed to be ordering it

Well I told my dh you posted that the photo pass photo is at the GF christmas tree so I am booking us a GFC lunch and then going to the contemp to see that tree too since we are split staying and will be at the Poly then.

That is a good idea, the tree is beautiful!

You two looked cold in that picture. Hope it warms up for you.

It was freezing and windy that night, I have on so many layers I couldnt move!

Have a great time and looking forward to more news.

More coming right up!

LOVE this report - outstanding!

My DH and I arrive in the World next Friday to celebrate our 30th anniversary, so I really appreciate all the attention to detail and photos, as well as your reviews of all of the dishes.

And I'm totally blaming you that I purchase 3 bags of Werther's candies and a bag of caramel corn while grocery shopping today!

Looking forward to more and Happy Anniversary!

Happy Anniversary to you and I hope you have the best trip ever! Eat lots of caramel goodies and think of us!
Where did I leave off? Cape May Clambake! We drove over to the Beach Club, so much easier than the alternative was another cool night.

They have finished the Gingerbread Carousel and the house but they are not selling anything from it yet. The entire lobby smells fantastic.















The lobby was empty, the entrance to Cape May was empty. This is a very good sign and we are 40 minutes early for our ressie....hmmmm can we get in early?


Now for some reason I elected to take pictures of the buffet instead of our plates but to give you an idea of what we ate it goes like this:

Crab, crab, littlenecks, crab, crab, salad, littlenecks, crab, food, crab and dessert


We have been to Cape May a million times but never did they have crab legs on the buffet so we were very happy. The food was awesome, the service was great and the place was empty. Can it get any better than that? This kicked Narcoossee's and Cali Grill in the butt..take that you stinky signatures!

Both sides had crab and clams, one side more seafood and the other more regular foods


Snow crab legs, we ate a ton because they kept putting our fresh ones and the people that were dining there seemed to concentrate on the crab as well. The meat was sweet and tender, hot and juicy and when you snapped the leg the meat came out in one huge long piece, no sticking to the shell or shredding into pieces.


The littlenecks on the left, well I dont not like these at all but Todd loves em and he said they are small and a lot of work but they are very good. The boiled potatoes were perfect and not soggy or mushy


Mashed potatoes with basil pesto and brown gravy, this was nasty. The flavor was too strong and all through the potatoes even though the pesto was drizzled on the top. I love pesto but this was too bitter. The brown gravy didnt help either


The ribs were fantastic, very tangy and sweet and all meat, not one bit of fat on them. I had alot..I wont deny it!


The cabbage dish on the left (we skipped it) and the roasted chicken on the right. The chicken is normally my fav but this time it had too much rub on it and I didnt like it


Beef tips on the left, heavy flavor of onions and peppers. The meat was tender but the flavor was too strong for more than a bite. The pasta on the right was excellent and cooked al dente, the sauce was tasty and cheesy


Carrots and string beans from the kids table, very good


Kids pizza, we skipped it


Chicken nuggets from kids table, they were all white meat and very tasty


Mac & Cheese from kids table. I know it is orange but it really was white and very creamy and tasty, Todd loved it and he isnt a mac/cheese kinda guy


Sunflower seed rolls - skipped it


Corn bread on the left that were outstanding and soft yeasty heavenly rolls on the right...we ate sooo much of both of these


Sliced beef - BLECH! Tender yes but overly rubbed with a mojo dry rub that was icky


Sliced pork, tender and DH liked it


Clam chowder and Smoked Tomato Bisque - we skipped these



Fried cod pieces on the left, very good and not greasy. Tortellini in a lobster cream sauce, too fishy tasting


Mushy corn on the cob (so said the King) and steamed talapia (skipped this)


Seafood pot pie and mussels (we skipped these)




Salad fixings



Cape May Salad with walnuts, bleu cheese and cranberries...I love this!


Caesar salad


Homemade croutons....these ROCK!


Shrimp cocktail and chicken pasta salad


Cole slaw, mixed marinated olives (Todd loved them), tomato cucumber and onion salad (he loved this too)


More salads, orzo and a cous cous


Onto desserts!



Flan, we skipped it


Chocolate chip cookies (awesome!) and brownies


Vanilla cupcake (greasy), sugar cookies, oatmeal cookies and peanut butter chocolate chip Blondies (INCREDIBLE!)


Oreo Bon die for! Raspberry cheesecake


Flan and key lime tarts


Todd's dessert plate


Wish we ate here twice this trip![/
Great review of Cape May. We ate there last Friday night and have been thinking about those crab legs ever since!

Am so jealous that you are still at WDW and I am at home in the UK freezing my *** off lol

Loving all your reviews Nicki, they are very well written and very entertaining :goodvibes
Thanks for your wonderful update, I should have eaten dinner before reading your review b/c I'm drooling on my computer:rotfl2:
Sorry your dinner at CG was so blech :sad2: It was actually tied for my second favorite dinner this past trip...tied with VN and the first being Shula's. We had the tuna sushi as a starter and it was delicious. I had the proscuito and cantaloupe pizza at VN and I highly recommend that if you happen to eat there tomorrow!!! I am just laughing right out loud that you ate there again!!:rotfl2:
You are however killing me with all of those scrambled egg will be a long 5 months before I can eat them again!! :sad1: I also skipped right through your photos of the Patissiere because that was just too much for me to handle right now!!:laughing: I also noticed the Cosmo slush in the Citron container.....I would be so, so happy if that really does become available year round.....happy and in a lot of trouble :rolleyes1
Great PP pictures...I just love seeing the Castle with all of the lights :cloud9:

52 sounds will be in the 20's here tonight....;)

I have been waiting for your Cape May review and it made me very happy!!!:goodvibes I am trying it for the first time on Dec. 1st and I can't wait to eat like 7 pounds of crab joke!!!! Loved the pictures. What exactly are those Oreo Bon Bons??
Great review of Cape May. We ate there last Friday night and have been thinking about those crab legs ever since!

Am so jealous that you are still at WDW and I am at home in the UK freezing my *** off lol

Loving all your reviews Nicki, they are very well written and very entertaining :goodvibes

It was incredible! We are leaving tomorrow and believe it or not we are ready to go. The Thanksgiving crowds are moving in strong and I want outta this zoo!

Thanks for your wonderful update, I should have eaten dinner before reading your review b/c I'm drooling on my computer:rotfl2:

:lmao: That has happened to me on more than one occasion

Sorry your dinner at CG was so blech :sad2: It was actually tied for my second favorite dinner this past trip...tied with VN and the first being Shula's. We had the tuna sushi as a starter and it was delicious. I had the proscuito and cantaloupe pizza at VN and I highly recommend that if you happen to eat there tomorrow!!! I am just laughing right out loud that you ate there again!!:rotfl2:
You are however killing me with all of those scrambled egg will be a long 5 months before I can eat them again!! :sad1: I also skipped right through your photos of the Patissiere because that was just too much for me to handle right now!!:laughing: I also noticed the Cosmo slush in the Citron container.....I would be so, so happy if that really does become available year round.....happy and in a lot of trouble :rolleyes1
Great PP pictures...I just love seeing the Castle with all of the lights :cloud9:

52 sounds will be in the 20's here tonight....;)


Hi Tracy!

We have a Shula's in Naples and I know what you mean, YUMMY! If I eat one more plate of eggs I am going to turn into one, I love them but wow...that is alot of eggs!

Try and stay warm, snuggle in a blanket!

I have been waiting for your Cape May review and it made me very happy!!!:goodvibes I am trying it for the first time on Dec. 1st and I can't wait to eat like 7 pounds of crab joke!!!! Loved the pictures. What exactly are those Oreo Bon Bons??

So happy to help! The Oreo Bon Bons are a Oreo on the bottom that is pretty soft with an Oreo light whipped creamy topping covered in a light dusting of crushed Oreos...wish they sold them at the Beach Club!
Thanks for sharing your trip and all your meals and fun. You definately have us in the mood for our trip! Have a safe trip home and happy holidays!
Okay....I am NOT so patiently waiting to hear about Fulton's tonight. And did you find my goodies? And I replied about my massage...but I think you missed it because it was be4tween your Cape May review (let's just say...I LOVE Edward).
We are back from DTD earlier than we wanted to because the Thanksgiving crowds are ahere and making us miserable so we are ready to go home.

The entire DTD parking lot was filled to capacity at 6pm. Todd and I kept getting separated from each other because the mobs were just unbearable. The buses were packed and we had to wait for the third bus to get back to the resort. The crowds are insane, people walking along with lit cigarettes :mad:, stores are so full that you cannot move, kids running all over the place and I have tons of cuts on the back of my ankles from strollers ramming into me.

Uh oh...time to go

I am packing up our stuff, boy did we buy a lot of things! You never realize how much New Baby Girl stuff there is until you need it! Jordyn will be well taken care of this Xmas :lovestruc

Up early this morning, gorgeous day...nice and sunny and warm. I know we are going to MK but do not know what we are doing for breakfast....until we walked to the food court and it looked like the mall food court on Black Friday :scared1: we flew outta there and said we would grab something at MK.

The bus pulls up and it was full, uh oh. We get to MK and the sea of people had me trembling in my flip flops.

Finally get to Main Street Bakery and the line was out the door but it was moving quickly







I know why the cinnamon buns are different...before they brought them out hot in the pan. Now they bring them out on a little dish, just a few at a time. Bummer.

Todd had a latte (basically warm milk with a splash of coffee flavoring..Starbucks it aint :snooty:) and we shared apple juice. I wasnt that hungry nor was he so we shared an everything bagel, we do this alot at home too like at Einsteins or Panera...I eat the top where all the flavor is and he eats the bottom, what a pair we are ;) The bagel was very good, tons of flavor and just chewy enough. The fruit was nothing great, it wasnt ripe. Todd had a cheese danish.

I look over at him and his eyes are rolling in his head and he is making a noise out of his mouth! I shake him, Todd whats wrong?

DH: This is THE best cheese danish I ever had, I need another

ME: No danish is worth that line

DH: Try it and you tell me

I have never had a cheese danish in my life, never wanted one.

ME: Uh thanks but no

DH: You eat all kinds of weird stuff but a danish you say no? Whats up with that? I promise you that you will like it, it is very sweet and creamy and the danish is like the apple danish that you like

ME: Ok fine, gimme it if it will make you shush up

So I tried it, just one little bite.

DH: How is it

ME: 'sokay

DH: Can I have it back now? Um Nic, can I have it...hey wait you are eating it all...HEY!

And that is the story on how I came addicted to a cheese danish :laughing:


We didnt eat much at MK today because we didnt want to get too full for our Fultons dinner.

MK started out looking very very crowded but from 9:30-11am the lines were just a 5 minute wait so we did a ton of stuff. Big Thunder was closed at 10:30 so we got FP and came back at that time the wait was 40 minutes. All of Fantasyland had a 30-50 minute wait. I about had a panic attack at the Haunted Mansion because they crammed us in tight, supposedly a 10 minute wait but it was more like 20 minutes outside, jammed up against strangers and there were wasps flying around...not my idea of a fun day at MK.

The CS were jammed, at Peco Bills I had to run into the ladies and was stopped by 2 CM's that thought I was going to take a table without food. They were seating people only if they had their food and their party was together, never saw this before.

The mens room in Adventureland was flooding into the streets again so they had to clean that nightmare up and we were re-routed...guess where we ended up? In Todd's favorite place, the Egg Roll Stand!


He loves the shrimp pork egg rolls and we shared a corn dog...good stuff :thumbsup2



And then a pretzel, can you believe this was his first and only pretzel of the trip??? It was hot and crispy on the outside, just enough salt to not be annoying and soft on the inside



Back in Tomorrowland we found ourself needing something cold so we went to Auntie Gravity's and had a root beer float with chocolate ice cream. I know it sounds weird but it is the best thing ever!


Around 3pm it was time to go, the crowds were getting worse and there was no place to move, walk or sit....time for a nap before we get cranky!

After a break at the resort we went to get a bus to DTD (no way was I taking the chance of driving there)..didnt wait long but it was a full bus and by the time we hit the other stops it was soooo full I could not breathe

We got off at the second stop as that is closer to Fultons. The crowds were mind blowing.

The line outside of Fultons scared me :scared1:

ME: I changed my mind, I want that holiday sandwich from EoS

DH: Ok you eat there and I will eat here and meet you at the Xmas shop

So much for my sarcasm...he has one thing on his brain and it is crab :lmao:

We were seated right away in the far rear of the restaurant. The place was slammed, the food came out so fast it was not enabling us to have a relaxing meal.

Our server was over attentive, to the point that if he called me by my name one more time I was ready to leave. He was doing this to the couple to the right and left of us as well and one couple was making jokes about him. He was at our table every 2 minutes and we couldnt talk to each other because he kept interrupting.

The menu is the same as it has always been, no changes there but that is good..if it aint broke dont fix it!

We were boring and had ice tea and a cocktails tonight. Started with that wonderful crab dip on crackers and hot sourdough bread with butter....sooo delish!




We each had the house salad...this is the best salad in all of WDW, the balsamic dressing makes it. It is super thick and creamy and tasty and just perfect.



Todd had the king crab claws with red skinned potatoes. The crab was out of this world! Tender, sweet, easy to eat! He woofed them down fast :love: The potatoes were great too with a rock salt on the outside skin...YUM!


I had my usual, the fried lobster tail...except they brought me two when I specifically ordered just the one. No worries...someone :rolleyes1 who shall remain nameless ate the other one and proclaimed it Fried Love :lovestruc They were the best I ever had....tender and sooo sweet and not greasy or heavy at all.


The lady to the left of me had the baked stuff lobster and she said it was horrible, very mushy and just bad. The manager bent over backwards to make her happy, brought her out a lobster tail while she was waiting for a new steamed lobster. When they brought out my fried tails she was soooo jealous! She told the manager that she wished they told her she could have that. THe manager told her that it is not something on the menu but they can make it special order.

I think it should be on the menu as the Nicki Special...what do you think?

DH: We are getting dessert right?

ME: What do you think?

So they brought us the menu and we were not impressed....pretty boring stuff there like Key Lime Pie, Cheesecake, Chocolate cake etc....

ME: I guess we have to go to Goofy's

DH: Ok, if we HAVE to :lmao:

Getting to Goofy's was horrible, the place was a mad house and I was ready to say the heck with it but that is where the buses were so oh well...:rotfl: Once inside Goofy's it looked like Best Buy on Black Friday morning





Todd had a Toll House cookie ice cream sandwich...he loves these and misses them in the parks.

ME: You know I can buy them at Walmart

DH: Walmart isnt Disney....they taste different here



The CM just put out a fresh tray of giant rice krispie treats so I got one of those...HELLLLOOOO mama...these are soooo good!

DH: Gimme a bite

ME: Nope...go wait in line and get your own

DH: But you are all my cheese danish

ME: Well you made the mistake of sharing your tasty treat. I, on the other hand, am smarter than that ;)

But yeah, I gave him some cuz I love him and stuff :laughing:




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