At DL: Need Tooth Fairy 'container' quick!


<font color=purple>I'm going a little nutso myself
Feb 8, 2006
Fairy emergency here! We're at DL now, and DS6 is about to lose his first tooth! :teeth:

I've asked at several shops for some sort of small gossamer-type bag or cute little box that I can have the tooth fairy (or Tinkerbelle?) leave a half-dollar or dollar coin in, but no one seems to have anything of the sort. Does anyone have any ideas???
Can you find some glitter or something anywhere and sprinkle the dollar with "pixie dust"?
We lost a tooth on vacation as well, so all I did was leave a note from the tooth fairy and money in a small plastic bag. Worked for dd 6.
disneegrl4eva said:
aww samkj thats a great idea! :goodvibes :thumbsup2
Thanks Lynn, but in all honesty I claim credit. :ssst: A good friend does this for her kids whenever they loose a tooth. She gets a crisp dollar bill (even going so far as to iron it!) and sprinkles it with glitter for fairy dust. I loved the idea so much I've carried it on to my children.
that is just the greatest thing ever...I wish I had thought about this kind of stuff when my dd was little...*sighs* well hopefully I will have some grandchildren and can do that with them :goodvibes

From your title I thought you had actualy caught the tooth fairy!

A few years back we brought DH neice with us who lost a tooth while on the trip. I went down to the front desk and asked for a small envelope. They gave me one with Tink on it. I then purchased a Disney Dollar and that was what the "tooth fairy" brought her. We mentioned that the ToothFairy does something extra special for kids who lose teeth at Disneyland.
If you really need a box, check out the candy store. I *think* that they sell some sort of candy in a small clear box with characters on the front. Or there are tins and such.

Good luck!
Thank you for the ideas!

I like the idea of glitter and a Disney dollar, but I have no idea where to get glitter here. I want to make this really special; it's not only losing a tooth at Disneyland, but it's his FIRST tooth!

I was planning to make it special anyway, assuming we'd be at home when it happened. But just before bed on the eve of our trip he was complaining about his mouth hurting. I looked inside and the lower gum looked really reddish-purple and the tooth was soooo loose. I was sure it would come out that evening, and just gave him some Tylenol for the pain.

But I think he's kinda freaked out by it and hasn't touched it since, being careful to not eat anything that requires hard bites with the front teeth. (This after watching friends lose teeth over the summer and tugging on his own, claiming they were loose!) :rolleyes:

I will try the candy store for the clear box with Disney characters on it, that sounds cute. And will get some glitter if I can find it. (Darn! I have to buy candy...) :teeth:
they sell tooth fariry pillows at bouild a bear in DTW.........bought one last time we were there!
my friend told me about reading how a mom left a charm bracelet with a charm under the pillow and so with each lost tooth a new charm is left....i know they have charms and bracelets and Disneyland....we have only lost one tooth and will be there in a couple weeks with another loose we might be in the same boat.....
We're finally back home, and here's what happened:

On Tuesday I went into the candy store on Main St. looking for some sort of container. I think I found the clear box with Disney characters that fenfur was talking about, but it was bigger than I wanted, and not sturdy at all. There was also a small container shaped like a Mickey head; the back was black hard plastic, and the clear lid had Mickey's face printed on it. I thought that might do, though by then I'd realized I didn't have the half-dollar or dollar coin I had planned to give him for his first tooth. We decided to use a Disney Dollar instead, so I decided to keep looking.

I asked in several places for something related to Tinkerbell, or some small but special container, but no one could think of anything appropriate. I was offered a small plastic bag by almost every CM asked, and I explained that I really wanted something special, but thank you anyway.

One CM referred me to the Once Upon A Time shop next to the castle. We had just gotten off the Peter Pan ride and as I headed to the shop, DS6 tapped DH on the arm and said, "Daddy, look!" Sure enough, his tooth had just come out!

Inside the shop were two older CMs who looked like experienced moms. I explained my dilemma, and one said, "I know just the thing!" She left, then came back with a little purple velvet pouch with a drawstring. It was perfect! She said they place purchased jewelry in these little pouches, and she wouldn't take anything for it. When DS6 came into the shop, she gave it to him for his tooth, and asked to see it. DS brought it out and showed it to her (good grief, they're tiny!), then placed his tooth inside the bag.

That night he put the purple pouch on the table next to his (hotel) bed. As the boys watched the Princess storytime, I dashed down to the front desk, explained that my son's 1st tooth had fallen out, and would it be possible to get a little note written by Tinkerbell? The first CM I asked looked stumped, but another overheard our conversation and stepped in. She smiled and said, "Would you like to have Tinkerbell be the Tooth Fairy?" Yes, I said, that was exactly what I was hoping for. She was so excited herself, and after a couple days of confused looks and "I don't know" and "Try over there", it was so nice to speak with someone on the same wavelength!

I had expected to just have a little note written, something to include in his scrapbook, but after asking me a few questions and working with other CMs behind the front desk, she returned with the following:

A big envelope containing an autographed photo of both Woody and Buzz, his two favorite characters; a personal note from Buzz (printed in a space-age kind of font!) to my DS, also signed by Buzz; a small envelope, perfectly sized for a Disney Dollar, signed by Tinkerbell, and three trading pins! (I think they were Mickey, Donald and Buzz.) I was so surprised!

So I snuck it into the room, and had to show it all to DH after the boys were asleep. We looked through our Disney Dollars and had no ones, so parted with a D$5 -- OUCH! We put it all out on the table under his tooth pouch so he'd see it when he first woke up.

The next morning I waited impatiently for DS6 to wake up, and when he finally did he was a bit sluggish and clueless. I finally asked him about his tooth, and he felt under his pillow. "Oh, no, I forgot to put it under my pillow!" He looked disappointed.

DH saved the day, indicating that there was a bunch of stuff on the table, including the tooth pouch. So DS6 went over and found all the loot, looking so amazed at each item! I was so excited for him, and so excited that it was so magical.

He proudly told the characters we met that day about his lost tooth, and that Tinkerbell was his tooth fairy. It was so cool! :tink:
That is the most adorable story I have heard in a really long time. Thats so magical, and its wonderful the MC's were as helpful as you would have liked. Im happy you had such a good time making your DS happy in this way. Its something that he will remember forever!
WOW that is special. I'm glad that everything worked out so well. It's nice to know that there are cast members who still care.

Thanks for updating us!!!
That is the most awesome story I ever heard! :thumbsup2

DD has lost 8 now (in 2 yrs time) & a couple back she left a note for the tooth fairy asking that she get $5 plus be able to keep her tooth....I printed out in fanciful font that the going rate was $2 and she had to make a choice between the 2 (money or tooth) & I (the tooth fairy) would be back later that week ... I tea stained the paper, I cut it out & burned the edges, rolled it & tied it with a glittery ribbon. It was fun AND she bought it!

The tough thing is always having 2 silver dollars on hand!

Raven on the Disney Channel said she lost her tooth at DL & got $20 for it!!!! DD keeps hoping she can lose a tooth there so she can get the 20 bucks.....I may have to remind her of the tooth fairy's note if that happens! ;)

Glad DS's first tooth was a memorable experience! And magical too!!! :wizard:
Thanks for all the comments, we really were tickled with the result, it was really worth all the hassle. :goodvibes

I'm just kicking myself for not getting the Front Desk CM's name, though. I glanced at her nametag, but didn't write it down, and now can't remember it. She was so excited for us, and I wanted to be sure and get a note to her manager, and maybe send the CM a photo of my son with all his Tinkerbell stuff.

Neither did I get the Once Upon A Time CM's name! There were so many wonderful CMs, and I managed to jot down the names of the ones who impressed me the most, except for these two most important ones who made a special event magical! :sad2:
If you remember the date and time they should be able to look up who worked that shift & narrow it down.

What a wonderfully magical moment. :)


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