Asking for prayers....Updated Aug 31st......updated Oct 1, 2010

A Mickeyfan

DIS Veteran
May 31, 2000
This week has been a rough one for me. My DH had surgery on his neck/spine. He seems to be doing well & with any luck may be home tomorrow.

However a friend of my DD's was shipped off to Afghanistan. He has only been there 3 weeks & has already been wounded. He was hit by an IED while on patrol. He is only 21 years old and has lost both legs (one from the torso down & other from just above the knee). He has also lost all his fingers on his left hand. During surgery, they found wounds in his stomach area too. He was set to be flown back to the States to the Walter Reed Hospital yesterday but took a turn for the worse. He is currently being treated in Germany. His family left today to join him there. Please say a prayer for him. His name is Corey Kent. :sad2:
I shall be thinking of your dear husband and hope that his recovery continues to go well in the coming weeks.:hug:

I am so sorry to hear of what has happened to your daughter's young friend, it is a terrible tragedy. Corey and his family will also be in my thoughts.:hug:

I hope your DH heals quickly, and is home soon. I know how hard that is.:hug: Prayers said.

My heart is aching for this young man, his family, and loved ones. That is very hard to read, and just hard to fathom what they are possibly going through.

I will keep them in prayer, that is for sure. :grouphug:
thank you for your prayers and thoughts. My DH was not let out today, maybe tomorrow. My DD's friend's family arrived in Germany and are getting to see Corey. His sister started a FaceBook account to keep everyone updated on his progress. She said that they had to put a "bolt" in his head to measure the swelling of the brain. She also commented that he did open his eyes...and that is a good sign.. just keep praying for this young hero...:sad1:
We'll be praying for Corey.

Do you have the FaceBook address? Search listed several Coreys.
My DH came home today but is in lots of pain.. and will be for a while. Corey's family posted on his face book that he has made progress during the past night. He was awarded his Purple Heart today !!!! While it is still a grave situation with him, there is hope..
thanks for the prayers.... and please keep them up
Glad your hubby came home but sorry to hear that he is in a lot of pain, hope he will be starting to feel better soon.:hug:

Thanks for the update on Corey, what a difficult time it must be for his family and friends.

Thinking of you all:hug:
I am so happy DH is home :goodvibes I hope the pain level drops off pretty quickly, and that you can take it a bit easy.

The purple heart sounds like it was WELL deserved by Corey:thumbsup2
Add me to your prayer list for your husband and your soldier. Life can certainly through us a lot of curves, but it is what we do with these curves that truly defines who we are.

Hang in there...your friends and family are lucky to have your support.
I will be praying for both for sure! If you need anything at all let me know...I'm close enough run to the grocery store for you! Please let me know if you need ANYTHING! We have to run into each other sooner or later ;) just send me an email!

I hope Corey is recovering, how sad especially so young. Keep us posted!
All your prayers are working! Corey was is back in the States, at Walter Reed Hospital. He arrived there yesterday. He underwent surgery today & it went as well as they expected it to :thumbsup2 He was awarded the Purple heart medal and combat badge!

He is still on a ventilator but on the lowest setting & may be taken off totally. :thumbsup2
There really is power in prayer (and good doc's too).

My DH went to the doc's today. He is doing "ok". They did have to up his pain meds & put him on Mobic for the inflammation. They left the staples in & set an appointment for a week from today to have them removed. He still really cannot walk very well. He is using the walker but lasts less than 5 minutes. The doc said he has to keep trying. They did have to take him down to the car for me in a wheel chair. He just could not make it back to the car. I reminded the doc that I am supposed to be going away on the 30th & DH was staying home & taking care of the dogs. The doc said he has faith by that date, DH should be walking & able to care from himself as well as the dogs ;) The only things he will not be "allowed" to do is bend from the waist, pick up nothing heavier than a gallon of milk & drive. That doesn't sound too bad. My DD things we should get a our friend to take care of the dogs & take DH with us. She said that way we can "watch" him to be sure he does only what he should :goodvibes He wants no part of going to Disney :lmao: darn pain pills, they need to up his dosage again, then he will not even realize we took him :rotfl: all joking aside, I am a little worried about leaving him behind. He is insisting that we go & not to worry...:confused3

Thanks again for all the prayers.. and please keep them up.. yes for DH, but mainly for Corey. He is the one who sacrificed the life he use to know for our Country.. he is a true hero.. at the young age of 21. Corey's family has created a FaceBook page for him. If you care to visit it & send your prayers and thoughts, his family would love it. Just search for him:
Pfc Corey Kent


I am going to search on FB. Still praying for Corey and his family.

I know that each surgery is different. I had brain and neck surgery May 11th, and another spinal surgery May 20th. I had 30 staples for 3 weeks, and once they came out, it was SOOOO much easier. Things seemed to get better and easier MUCH faster. It was like the staples pulled and made things impossible.

I am not the person to tell one what to do, but I would 'suggest' you make some easily reheated meals for DH to Nuke. My DH works the 3pm to 3am shift, and I was alone (mostly) with my kids DS14 and DD11, and I just zapped meals or the kids did. I had the same restrictions on weight lifting (6 weeks, no more than 5 pds) but was able to take care of myself while they were in school then, not much else, but each day was easier.

I honestly wish I lived nearby. I could help you somewhat. Is there someone who can check in or just be closeby in the event he needs them?

I wish and pray but nothing for the best for DH and you and DD have a Magical time.:hug:
I am going to search on FB. Still praying for Corey and his family.

I know that each surgery is different. I had brain and neck surgery May 11th, and another spinal surgery May 20th. I had 30 staples for 3 weeks, and once they came out, it was SOOOO much easier. Things seemed to get better and easier MUCH faster. It was like the staples pulled and made things impossible.

I am not the person to tell one what to do, but I would 'suggest' you make some easily reheated meals for DH to Nuke. My DH works the 3pm to 3am shift, and I was alone (mostly) with my kids DS14 and DD11, and I just zapped meals or the kids did. I had the same restrictions on weight lifting (6 weeks, no more than 5 pds) but was able to take care of myself while they were in school then, not much else, but each day was easier.

I honestly wish I lived nearby. I could help you somewhat. Is there someone who can check in or just be closeby in the event he needs them?

I wish and pray but nothing for the best for DH and you and DD have a Magical time.:hug:
thank you so much! Good tip on the meals.. I will do that.
I am not sure if this link will work, but try this to get to Corey's Face Book

If not, just search for.... Pfc Corey Kent ... and that should get you to it...

My DD is really upset over this. She has asked me questions that I really cannot answer. Like: How will he manage, will he ever be able to have children, what will happen to him when he gets older & his parents pass away, who will take care of him then.. will he ever be able to get a job and own a house... and the best one was.. What will the service do for him beside pay his medical bills :confused3
I know everyone is aware there is a war & young men & women are getting injured and even dying from it, but you don't really really seem to realize it until it hits home :sad2:
Thank you for the new update and I was pleased to see that Corey was well enough to be airlifted back to the States.
I mentioned Corey to my mum and she has added his name to their prayer list at her church so he has lots of aussies praying for him and his family.

Hope things improve for your husband. Don't forget to take care of you:hug:

This week has been a rough one for me. My DH had surgery on his neck/spine. He seems to be doing well & with any luck may be home tomorrow.

However a friend of my DD's was shipped off to Afghanistan. He has only been there 3 weeks & has already been wounded. He was hit by an IED while on patrol. He is only 21 years old and has lost both legs (one from the torso down & other from just above the knee). He has also lost all his fingers on his left hand. During surgery, they found wounds in his stomach area too. He was set to be flown back to the States to the Walter Reed Hospital yesterday but took a turn for the worse. He is currently being treated in Germany. His family left today to join him there. Please say a prayer for him. His name is Corey Kent. :sad2:

Oh my goodness. That is so devastating! My prayers will be with you and them, and him and his family. God bless.
My DH seems to be a little better. He now gets up & goes walks with the walker from the bedroom, to the living room & around the sofa & love seat. He walks around the sofa & love seat 5 times, then heads back to the bed. He is trying to do this every few hours.

Corey seems to be doing better as well. They did not take him off the ventilator yesterday. He had more surgery today & when he awoke from it, he nodded his head yes & no. I think that is great news, to me that shows his brain is functioning. He is fighting the ventilator, but the doc's are keeping him on for a little longer. Again, I think the fact he is fighting it shows he is really trying to breath totally on his own... another really awesome thing. His family said he is now resting from everything that has been done today & will update us again later..

The prayers are working...I cannot thank you all enough. Please keep them heading this way... :grouphug:
So pleased to hear that your hubby is doing a little better and I hope he is in less pain.

Corey must have incredible inner strength and I agree that nodding for yes and no is wonderful news. We shall continue to keep you all in our thoughts and prayers "down under".

Glad to hear the news all around. Slow but sure for your DH, and every day is a little easier, I so hope.

I have Corey now on FB. Thanks for updating us, and keeping us in the loop. What a strong family. God Bless each one of them:hug:


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