Are you "out" at work?


DIS Veteran<br><font color=teal>Suffers from a Tag
Nov 15, 1999
I am, and I couldn't imaging not being so. I have been lucky though to work at very gay friendly places both at my primary job and my part time jobs. The agency I work for now has more gay and lesbian employees than straight ones and it feels totally natural for me to have Lisa's picture out on my desk. I like not having to hide who I am or who my partner is. I like being able to bring Lisa to work functions and have it be accepted. Lisa is also out at work and the same thing goes there....I am always invited and accepted for who I am.

How about you??? Any experiences to share?

yup - I have nothing to hide. Although I don't go around announcing that I'm gay - I've been here over 10 years and everyone just knows. Most also know Chris. I also have a Holiday Party every year where about 20 or so folks from work come. I do consider myself lucky to have the co-workers I have. I even brought Chris this year to the owners beach hoouse while entertaining clients. There were other spouses / SO's there that he knew.
Librarian here! HELLO! You do the math.

(Actually, there are straight male librarians, but we like to keep them our little secret!)
I've always been out at work...until now. I'm teaching elementary school in, I'm not terribly keen on coming out. In fact, I haven't come out to anyone that is tied to all! Very unlike me. I taught at a daycare in Massachusetts until about a year ago and I was even out there...but not now, sadly. And it totally sucks.

I can only imagine how hard that must be for you. You have to follow your gut however and if it feels like that is what you must do for your be it. Hopefully a time will come when you can come out, if not to everyone at first at least to a few trusted co-workers. Hang in there......

I was out at my last job, i was there for four and half years. It took a little while but after a while it was no big deal. I only had a few co-workers (like 2!) who were "family". Ya know, its funny.. I almost wanna say they liked me more cause I was a lesbian? Like the young straight girls seemed to be facinated by it.. so funny :rotfl2:
I'm not exactly out at work, but I've been there over 7 yrs (been w/ my partner 9) so if they don't know by now, they'll never figure it out.

My supervisor and co-workers "know" and only one of them has any problems with it, but even he's cool w/ it as long as it's never address directly. I have to admit I still refer to him as my roommate just to make life easier, but a lot of that is still hold over from being in the military. I experimented w/ introducing him as my partner at my last work function, but I never knew exactly what was going to come out of my mouth until I said it... most of the time it still was "roommate" though.
My bosses and co-workers do, others don't. I have 2 jobs, I teach pre-school, and I work at a hotel. I doubt the parents would want to know that they have a lesbian teacher, they'd probably freak out. The hotel, we have new guest all the time, no reason to.

My SO teaches PE, she works for a non-profit organization, more than 60% of the employees are gay. It's really cool because I get health benefits through her job. :banana:
StormTigger said:
. I have to admit I still refer to him as my roommate just to make life easier, .

I refer to SO as my fiance to the parents of my preschoolers, they've never met her but they ask about the rings on my finger, it's an easy answer. Although, an idiot coworker almost blew it for me once, she was going to say, hey that's not your fiance that's your partner, but someone else shut her up. ::yes::
Yep, I'm out. In all the companies I've worked, I've been so as well. I don't do so with guns blazing, feather boa flapping in the wind. Ever seen a guy with a feather boa standing 6'4" and a deep voice? Not pretty. Waitaminute, of course a lot you have! :rotfl:

Actually, I simply speak about my self and my other half as a matter of course. Much like anyone else who would say something like, "My wife Mishell" or "My husband Chris." I say, "My partner Joe.." I've never experienced any difficulties or anything, although I have gotten the multiple eye blink or the open mouth look. Never fails to amuse!
Like I said before,,, I was out at work, now Im just "OUT of work" :sad1: I'm jobless. I lost my job back in September after being w/the company almost 5 years. Boy that sux.. but hey,, thats a whole other thread to start. :rolleyes:
RickinNYC said:
Yep, I'm out. In all the companies I've worked, I've been so as well. I don't do so with guns blazing, feather boa flapping in the wind. Ever seen a guy with a feather boa standing 6'4" and a deep voice? Not pretty. Waitaminute, of course a lot you have! :rotfl:

Actually, I simply speak about my self and my other half as a matter of course. Much like anyone else who would say something like, "My wife Mishell" or "My husband Chris." I say, "My partner Joe.." I've never experienced any difficulties or anything, although I have gotten the multiple eye blink or the open mouth look. Never fails to amuse!
Pretty much the same with me. On first meeting, if it comes up I'll mention "My partner Rick" but I don't go out of my way to mention it. I talk more about our 3-year-old grandson than about Rick anyway so I think once there was some confusion when the person I was talking to knew about the grandson before the partner. But I am very blessed to work in an intellectually, culturally diverse environment where it's not unsurprising that there are gays and lesbians.
We are both out. Most of the people I work with I've known for many years so it just isn't an issue. Of course I am satan in the state of Virginia anyway so it wouldn't matter! There are many people who aren't out especially if they are in the classroom or a principal, etc. (I work in education.) That's just the way it goes especially in this state.
rcostello1 said:
We are both out. Most of the people I work with I've known for many years so it just isn't an issue. Of course I am satan in the state of Virginia anyway so it wouldn't matter! There are many people who aren't out especially if they are in the classroom or a principal, etc. (I work in education.) That's just the way it goes especially in this state.

Hey, I'm from Virginia and I don't think you are Satan. :rotfl2: I'm not gay either, but my mother's best friends brother was and from the time I was 4 years old he and his boyfriend (we called them boyfriends at my house) was in our life. Sweetest two people you would ever want to meet. My mom taught me that it didn't make in difference as long as people treated each other well. Now here is the kicker, the was in the early 50's when being gay was not cool or talked about unless you were very brave.
SeattleRedBear said:
Pretty much the same with me. On first meeting, if it comes up I'll mention "My partner Rick" but I don't go out of my way to mention it. I talk more about our 3-year-old grandson than about Rick anyway so I think once there was some confusion when the person I was talking to knew about the grandson before the partner. But I am very blessed to work in an intellectually, culturally diverse environment where it's not unsurprising that there are gays and lesbians.

Hey, waitaminute. When did you and I become an item??!!
I am nothing but "a good little girl" when it comes to my co workers. I am married to a wonderful husband who loves me and understands I am bi. I have always felt you fall in love with the soul not the gender. I have not told ANYBODY at work about my preferences and I have been there for 3 years! I just don't feel like explaining....I would get the usual "But you are married" and "Why can't you decide?" Grrr. I wish I could just be myself sometimes!
I have always been out at work. I have never been one to keep things quiet, well what I mean is, I never broadcasted it, but when it came down to it, when the topic came up, I was always true to myself and to others. I have always worked with supportive and decent people, so it's all good. I have never been none as the "gay" guy at work, but more in fact the "crazy" one with the sense of humour, so I like that.

I have worked in the public eye and customer service for so many years, I guess I have always been out there and quite to the point, and at the same time I have never really cared what others have thought anyhow.
My better half and I have been together for 20 years now and he has always been out at work. He's a dealer on the Las Vegas Strip. I on the other hand wasn't out for almost 10 years when I worked in the casinos because I was a boss and was told by my supervisor to keep it to myself if I wanted to remain a boss but that was a long time ago. I only work part time now in the casinos but I am out and MUCH MUCH happier...
Yes. I've been at my job a long time. There was never a coming out, but if conversations turned to home and family it was clear. I've gotten to the point that if you know me, you know. You know?


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