Are you good or bad at....?

I think so, but haven’t had to for many years. (My kid’s a grown man and no grandkids yet.)

Are you good/bad at keeping secrets?
great if Red CRoss is doing the drawing, but if a brand new hire at the plasma for sale center, it took way to long to poke me correctly and then the long period of time to fill the bag. I have a vein that only professionals can find......3 days in the hospital......3 professionals.

drawing skeletons?
well does counting my neck on the radiation table count for baking? Therapists says that my not smoking, drinking and exercise has made me an execallant candidate for the baking machine in the building. ....two more days.....monday and tuesday........I wish halloween was next week, I would take first place!!!

making Halloween horror make-up?
so so.....haven't done it in years, but used to be pretty good. (and :yay: for the ending of your baking ;) )

playing card games?
so so.....haven't done it in years, but used to be pretty good. (and :yay: for the ending of your baking ;) )

playing card games?
we play a game called 31, have to have three cards, same suit equal to 31 to win the round, each round is 25 cents, each game is $1.25. the player with the lowest hand when the knock is made pitches in the quarter, unless someone has two face cards and a ace, 31, then everyone pitches in a quarter. round over....are social event in our yuma family. No fun if played with nickels, if half dollars were aviable, then probably those.

at losing a card game?
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I am good at losing card games.....and lots of other kinds of games too

wrapping presents?


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