April will be "Incredible"-y Fun!

Lindsay, I use the following equations to figure out my activity points:

Light Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000232

Mod Activity is your current weight x # of mins x .000327

Heavy Activity your current weight x # of mins x .0008077

Pretty accurate, and since weight changes every day around here, its easy to do.

thank you so much for that information. Is there a max amount of points that you add?
Good evening everyone. Busy day walked over 17000 steps today

Just sat down to watch the BL. We went to mow sis inlaw's lawn. First time for the season. It is going to be a long season. Her backyard was under water but it really didn't look like it so I stepped and it covered my sneakers with water. My toes are frozen. The only thing that has kept us going with the lawn mowing is that we eat at Roy ROgers. I love their roast beef. I did have the fries but the rest of my day was great. I also did not have any soda and I got the small fries so it all fit into my day. I think dh is going to do his dad's lawn on Sunday. Yes add in our lawn and dh does three all season long. I help him when I can. For Christmas I bought him a set of ramps to make it easier to get the lawn mower into the truck he drives. The joke last year was I was going to mow with my crutch after my foot surgery. Luckily ds2 helped him last summer.

Saturday is going to be a challenge. We have a first communion/confirmation party. My neice makes her first communion on Sat and her brother made his confirmation in March. Their parents are both out of work so my sister in law's sister (different sis in law) is having the party for them. Unfortunately the party will not be at my brother's house which is only 20 minutes away. We have to travel an hour and a half just to get there. I hate these types of parties. They always wait until most of the people get there until they start to serve the real food and by then you have been sitting around for 2 hours. They also serve a lot of drinks and I don't drink so then I over dose on water and end up going to the bathroom 3 times in an hour. If I don't get served food by 5 (party starts at 3) I think I might leave.

Off to get some advil in me and then curl up in a warm blanket to get warm.

Have a great evening everyone.
Hope everyone is doing INCREDIBLE today! I finished a whole 10k! 6.2 miles in 1:10:37 (5.23 mph, 11:23 pace). It's a slower pace than I've been going at, but speed comes later, right?
Good evening everyone. Busy day walked over 17000 steps today

Just sat down to watch the BL. We went to mow sis inlaw's lawn. First time for the season. It is going to be a long season. Her backyard was under water but it really didn't look like it so I stepped and it covered my sneakers with water. My toes are frozen. The only thing that has kept us going with the lawn mowing is that we eat at Roy ROgers. I love their roast beef. I did have the fries but the rest of my day was great. I also did not have any soda and I got the small fries so it all fit into my day. I think dh is going to do his dad's lawn on Sunday. Yes add in our lawn and dh does three all season long. I help him when I can. For Christmas I bought him a set of ramps to make it easier to get the lawn mower into the truck he drives. The joke last year was I was going to mow with my crutch after my foot surgery. Luckily ds2 helped him last summer.

Saturday is going to be a challenge. We have a first communion/confirmation party. My neice makes her first communion on Sat and her brother made his confirmation in March. Their parents are both out of work so my sister in law's sister (different sis in law) is having the party for them. Unfortunately the party will not be at my brother's house which is only 20 minutes away. We have to travel an hour and a half just to get there. I hate these types of parties. They always wait until most of the people get there until they start to serve the real food and by then you have been sitting around for 2 hours. They also serve a lot of drinks and I don't drink so then I over dose on water and end up going to the bathroom 3 times in an hour. If I don't get served food by 5 (party starts at 3) I think I might leave.

Off to get some advil in me and then curl up in a warm blanket to get warm.

Have a great evening everyone.

I hate those parties too. I mean you should have the food ready within 30-40 minutes of arrival time. That drives me crazy :headache:. Great job on all those steps you took today. Thats amazing. I also dread the lawn mowing season. Love the weather, hate taking care of the grass. I wish I made enough money to pay someone else but no luck. My dh does it most times but occasionally I get suckered into it. Hope you have a good night!

Hope everyone is doing INCREDIBLE today! I finished a whole 10k! 6.2 miles in 1:10:37 (5.23 mph, 11:23 pace). It's a slower pace than I've been going at, but speed comes later, right?

Great job on completing the full 10K and I think your time is awesome. Dont worry you will get faster in time. I see your from NYC. I am heading there for the day with my parents next friday. It's their bday gift from me. We take the bus up and I think we are going to do one of the double decker tours. Any good places to eat in the upper east side thats not more than 20$per person?

Well I just completed W5D1. I did 2miles in 27min. I am just working on getting my endurance up and then will work on my speed. I did notice that when I walk it kills the outer sides of my shins but once I start running again it feels better. Not sure what to do about that. Otherwise I felt great and probably could have gone another mile. taking it one step at a time. I also stepped on the scale today and lost 1.4lbs since yesterday. I know your not suppose to weigh in everyday but since I work in a doctors office I get tempted everytime I walk by the scale. At least it gives me a boost of self confidence. Have a good night!
Great job on completing the full 10K and I think your time is awesome. Dont worry you will get faster in time. I see your from NYC. I am heading there for the day with my parents next friday. It's their bday gift from me. We take the bus up and I think we are going to do one of the double decker tours. Any good places to eat in the upper east side thats not more than 20$per person?

Depends what kind of place you want to eat at. For lunch, we really like Sarabeth's on Madison and I think E. 95th. Dinner is great there, also, but a little more than $20. Lots of good places on 3rd in the 80s, too.
Depends what kind of place you want to eat at. For lunch, we really like Sarabeth's on Madison and I think E. 95th. Dinner is great there, also, but a little more than $20. Lots of good places on 3rd in the 80s, too.

thanks for the info. My dad is wanting to find a good place to get a good burger. What kind of food is Sarabeth's. We are looking to eat a lunch.
thanks for the info. My dad is wanting to find a good place to get a good burger. What kind of food is Sarabeth's. We are looking to eat a lunch.

It's American/French.

Oh, but if you're looking for a burger, the best in the city is at Soup Burg 1095 Lexington Ave., at around E. 76th.
thank you so much for that information. Is there a max amount of points that you add?

I was told if you earn them, then you can use them. I know that some people "bank" their activity points for other times during the week. I do not, if I earn them on Tuesday, I use em on Tuesday. It works for me.
:banana: Doing the happy dance....MADE myself get on the treadmill tonight before the BL came on and first time ever I finished 3 miles in 29.12 :banana: It was a struggle to get on the treadmill....it was a very stressful day but I did it and now I feel much better!

Have an Incredible tomorrow!
:banana: Doing the happy dance....MADE myself get on the treadmill tonight before the BL came on and first time ever I finished 3 miles in 29.12 :banana: It was a struggle to get on the treadmill....it was a very stressful day but I did it and now I feel much better!

Have an Incredible tomorrow!

AWESOME job Patsy!!!
:banana: Doing the happy dance....MADE myself get on the treadmill tonight before the BL came on and first time ever I finished 3 miles in 29.12 :banana: It was a struggle to get on the treadmill....it was a very stressful day but I did it and now I feel much better!

Have an Incredible tomorrow!

How exciting! I am going to celebrate when I break 30 minutes. Way to go!
Good Morning, Incredibles! How is everyone doing today?

roomthreeseventeen - Awesome Job on the 10K!

mommyof2Pirates - Congrats on completing W5D1 and on the Weight Loss!

Patsy - Way to go!!! 3 miles under 30 minutes is AMAZING! I will definitely be celebrating when I get there!

As for me... I decided to do the intervals on Monday night. I think I'm going to alternate my running between just running on the treadmill and doing intervals. I used W1D1 from the C25K program to guide me... but I kept the pace up - a level 5 for the walking, warm up and cool down and a level 6.5 for the running, with a 60/90 second interval. I ended up completing a 5K in 35 minutes, which I was really happy with. And the intervals definitely helped the time go faster!

This is a big week for me, too, as far as weightloss... I joined a biggest loser competition at work this month, and the last weigh in is on Monday. As of this past Monday, I was in 2nd place with a 2.12% weight loss. The 1st place person has 2.89%. I just weighed myself and I'm down another 1.8 pounds, which takes me to 2.9%!!! I hope I can keep it up!

I hope everyone is having a INCREDIBLE day!

Patsy- Great job on the time. Thats awesome!

Taralee- I am crossing my fingers that you win but either way I would say you are a winner because that weight loss is amazing. Good job on the running too!
Could everyone send some PD to my son who just started his new job. He came home very upset. He is bored and he has no one to talk to like he did at his old job. At his old job he knew everyone and could talk to them all. They were like his family. He is now in new territory. THere is alot to learn before the person he is working with goes on vacation on the 9th of May and I know he is scared. It doesn't help that the person who is training him is from India and his only interest is cricket. TIA
Could everyone send some PD to my son who just started his new job. He came home very upset. He is bored and he has no one to talk to like he did at his old job. At his old job he knew everyone and could talk to them all. They were like his family. He is now in new territory. THere is alot to learn before the person he is working with goes on vacation on the 9th of May and I know he is scared. It doesn't help that the person who is training him is from India and his only interest is cricket. TIA


Pixie dust sent, with hopes that things improve for your DS.
Good morning! Hope all is going well with everyone.

Dona - sending :wizard:to your son. Here's hoping his job improves quickly. Tell him to hang in there. I've gone through something like this before. It's tough at first but usually gets better. Hopefully, someday, he'll laugh about this with his new friends at his job.

TaraLee - I'm a little late - WELCOME! to our team. Congrats on the weight loss! :goodvibes

Patsy - :thumbsup2 Lookin' good!

I did a S-L-O-W half-marathon in OKC this past weekend and had a blast! It felt like a walk in the park with a couple of friends. I got the same medal as the first place finisher so I was happy. I could have gone faster but one of the girls in our little group hurt her foot earlier in the week so we took it slow.

One of the WISHers that finished way before I did got on to me (jokingly) after the race because I had told her that there weren't many hills on the course. Well, she counted every one of them and informed me there were 20 HILLS. :eek: I told her that if she would have been with my group, she wouldn't have noticed the hills because we were having a party in the back of the pack and we didn't notice any - well, maybe three or four. When it comes to course description, I don't think she's going to listen to me any more. :teeth:

Next up: Minneapolis Half, June 6.
Could everyone send some PD to my son who just started his new job. He came home very upset. He is bored and he has no one to talk to like he did at his old job. At his old job he knew everyone and could talk to them all. They were like his family. He is now in new territory. THere is alot to learn before the person he is working with goes on vacation on the 9th of May and I know he is scared. It doesn't help that the person who is training him is from India and his only interest is cricket. TIA

Good morning! Hope all is going well with everyone.

Sending some more :wizard: for your son. My dh had a hard job transition too but now has made some really good friends. It just takes time and any new job is overwhelming.

Dona - sending :wizard:to your son. Here's hoping his job improves quickly. Tell him to hang in there. I've gone through something like this before. It's tough at first but usually gets better. Hopefully, someday, he'll laugh about this with his new friends at his job.

TaraLee - I'm a little late - WELCOME! to our team. Congrats on the weight loss! :goodvibes

Patsy - :thumbsup2 Lookin' good!

I did a S-L-O-W half-marathon in OKC this past weekend and had a blast! It felt like a walk in the park with a couple of friends. I got the same medal as the first place finisher so I was happy. I could have gone faster but one of the girls in our little group hurt her foot earlier in the week so we took it slow.

One of the WISHers that finished way before I did got on to me (jokingly) after the race because I had told her that there weren't many hills on the course. Well, she counted every one of them and informed me there were 20 HILLS. :eek: I told her that if she would have been with my group, she wouldn't have noticed the hills because we were having a party in the back of the pack and we didn't notice any - well, maybe three or four. When it comes to course description, I don't think she's going to listen to me any more. :teeth:

Next up: Minneapolis Half, June 6.

Sometimes you need some of those fun races....just taking your good ole time. It is true you still get the same medal...what a sport! I did the same thing to a friend last year...convinced her to run a 5K with me and then in the first mile there was a HUGE hill :scared1: I swear it went on for 1/2 mile. :laughing: Then there were about 4-5 other medium sized ones too. She was ready to kill me. Luckily she told me to go ahead and she finished 5 minutes behind me so I didnt have to listen to her complaining along the way. :rotfl2:
Could everyone send some PD to my son who just started his new job. He came home very upset. He is bored and he has no one to talk to like he did at his old job. At his old job he knew everyone and could talk to them all. They were like his family. He is now in new territory. THere is alot to learn before the person he is working with goes on vacation on the 9th of May and I know he is scared. It doesn't help that the person who is training him is from India and his only interest is cricket. TIA

sending lots of pixiedust: from Cali!
Hope everyone had a good day. I did good, ran faster on the TM than I have been, reached my 15 lbs lost milestone. Ate pretty well, only used 2 flex points for a treat.

No running tomorrow, but am going to mow the lawn when I get home from work. Supposed to be in the 80's on Saturday and high 70's on Sunday, looking forward to going out to run in shorts and t shirt instead of multiple layers of tech gear!!

Keep being INCREDIBLE ladies!!

PS I will start the May thread tomorrow night, and will post a link to it here.


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