April Scrapbooking Challenge-You know you want to!--Princess Nancy 96 is winner!

Please add 12 more pages to my total.

Thank you so much!!! I feel so good about getting so much done this month!!! I hope to be just as productive tomorrow!!
Please add another 3 to my total...

Slow day today! But tomorrow I plan on finishing up PJ's digital Senior photo book... (currently at 115 pages! :faint:)
Please add another 5 to the count!!

I hope to be done with the senior photo book this weekend...then to find a good sale!
Finished with the 2009 trip 7 pages today!

Please add another 6to my total!

I hope to get up and do more tomorrow morning before soccer games in the late afternoon. Hope everyone has a great weekend!!!
Please add another 31 to my total..

:woohoo: finished DD's senior photo album! I can't wait to see how these pages go together in a digital photo book! I wanted to display all the photos we took that day! Now I need to find a great sale!!!! (the book has 156 pages!)
I got 12 pages done yesterday - no paper piecing or titles - just extra pages for World Showcase - there is spots where I can add piecings if the pics that I use need them but could go without
whew! i did it!! actually i overachieved by 1 page! i completed 11 pages this month

honestly i don't know how you girls do so many pages!!
I will go ahead and start our May challenge... I will update this thread later this morning if I don't see our hostess. She has been swamped with real life lately!

Ohmom, I got so many pages done this month because I wanted to get my DD's senior photos from last year all printed so I did them in a digital project life style album.. I have it out at the printer now... I hope it turns out as good as they look on the computer screen...
Total pages for April -- 577!

Winner for April SURPRISE!!:lmao:

:worship:Princess Nancy 96! :banana:
(I am really sure none of you saw that coming!):rotfl2:

I am ready for some May flowers..........:woohoo:


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