April 2014 Trip Report :)


May 25, 2013
Hello! I just got back from my trip (literally, got home at 2am last night) and of course the first thing on my mind is writing about my Disneyland trip! I have never written a trip report before so please bear with me :)

So a little intro, my name is Bianca and I'm from Melbourne, Australia. I visited HKDL with my dad. He doesn't like being in photographs or having photographs of himself posted online, so you probably won't see much of him. We bought a two day pass but ended up having two half days.

We stayed in Kowloon so we took the MTR to Disneyland. All up the ride was about 45 minutes each way. I loved the Disneyland train, I wish Melbourne trains were that comfortable!


We got to the park at around 9:30am. The walk leading up to it was very exciting, I loved the instrumental versions of Disney songs that they were playing and there were lots of excited children around. This was on a Tuesday morning and there were more people there than I expected. I don't think we were there during any school holidays though. We bought our tickets and went straight through to Main Street. There was a long queue for the Minnie/Mickey m&g but my plan was to head straight to the castle.


As well as not liking being photographed, my dad is also a horrible photographer. I was very glad when I saw that this photo actually worked out!

After that we went back to Main Street so I could get some breakfast. Not just any breakfast though, it had to be Mickey waffles.



"Delicious" is definitely the right word to describe them. We sat in the little eating area behind the waffle stand and listened to the sound of patients at the dentist. There were a lot of little birds around and the seats were covered in bird poop - not the best way to start the day! We consulted our guide map and decided to start in Adventureland and make our way around the park.


We headed to the Jungle Cruise first since it was a walk-on. We were in the English speaking queue but unfortunately we all had a hard time understanding our captain. He spoke very quickly and not very clearly.


The Cruise was much the same as I expected except for towards the end - I loved the fire! We were on that side of the boat and it was very hot.


One other issue I had with the Cruise was that the boat seemed to go a bit fast. It would have been nice to slow down just a little so that we could actually take everything in.

After the Cruise we went up Tarzan's Treehouse. I can't say I was a big fan of this attraction, the theming was nice but I just wish there were some more interactive elements.


As we were heading back on the rafts it started pouring down. Of course, we had decided not to bring our umbrellas to the park because we were too lazy to carry them. We ran under the bridge between Adventureland and Grizzly Gulch and checked our map to see where the nearest store was. We headed back to Adventureland and picked up some HKDL ponchos ($60HK each).


After that little pit-stop we made our way to Grizzly Gulch. I was really excited to ride the Runaway Mine Cars but unfortunately my dad had a heart attack a few years ago which means no coasters for him! I went on alone and he enjoyed looking at the theming.

I entered through the single rider line which was a mistake. They just ignored me, even taking single riders from the regular line before taking me. It was very odd. Even when there was no one else in the regular line, he wouldn't let me on. The ride was a walk-on but only if you're in the regular line! Eventually I made it on and I LOVED the ride so much. I'm not one for crazy rollercoasters but this one was great. I loved the theming and that it was just scary enough without being too much. I also get motion sickness on a lot of rides but this one didn't seem to affect me at all.


After GG we went to Mystic Point. At this point it was still raining a bit so I didn't take any photos of the land. We rode Mystic Manor which I really enjoyed. I thought the ride was a little jerky but it didn't detract from the experience too much. I had read about Mystic Manor but I still wasn't really sure what to expect. I still don't really know how I would describe it to be honest! I think I prefer Haunted Mansion but it was cool seeing such a unique ride.

This post is getting pretty long so I'll leave it at that and come back later to take you through the rest of this day! Thanks for reading :)

Here for the ride as well.

Nice to 'see' you. Lovely pictures of the park so far.
Just realised I totally lied to y'all in my previous post. I do in fact have some photos of Mystic Point! Unfortunately from now on all my photos have a little splodge on them from a rain droplet though.




After Mystic Point we wandered through Toy Story Land. None of the rides interested me here but I did love the theming. My dad has never seen Toy Story so I don't think he understood any of it.


Next up we headed to Fantasyland. We went over to The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and grabbed a fast pass for it. The wait time was 30 minutes and our return time was an hour away. We decided to head to the Royal Banquet Hall for lunch. I really just wanted to go here for the theming. I'm definitely a princess kinda gal.


I ordered the vegetable skewers which came with a drink for $98HK. It was tasty enough but I would have preferred if it came with some plain white rice instead of the potato, it wasn't really filling enough.


My dad had the cheeseburger, I didn't get a photo but he said it was just like a regular average burger. I did taste the fries and they were pretty good.

After lunch we used our FP for Winnie the Pooh. Not a whole lot to say about this ride, except I'm glad we used FP for it instead of waiting 30 minutes.

Next we headed to Fantasy Gardens. The wait times were 20 to 30 minutes for most of the characters. The line for Donald was the shortest so we decided to meet him. I think we only wait 10 minutes.

Now I'm not really sure what happened but my dad did something to make Donald angry. So Donald wanted us to pose with our hands on our hips, like we were angry too. To be honest I wasn't really sure what was going on!


Notice the beautiful rain splodge right over my face.

Afterwards we went over to IASW, which was also a walk on. My dad has been to both DL and WDW before but claimed he had no idea what IASW was. My favourite part was the addition of the Disney characters. I tried to take photos of as many of them as I could but I do apologise for the poor quality of the photographs!


Wendy (and Peter Pan flying off in the lefthand corner)

Simba and Pumba

Jessie and Woody


Mowgli and Baloo

A blurry Ariel

and finally, Lilo and Stitch

After IASW we headed over to Tomorrowland. We wanted to ride Autopia but the wait time was 30 minutes. We decided to skip it and head back to Kowloon. So this ends our first day at HKDL!

So for the Wednesday I had booked the Star Fireworks Dinner package, so we knew we would be there in the evening. We decided to head up to the Peak that morning. Naturally, as soon as we got to the top, it started bucketing down. I was really worried that if the weather continued like that, the fireworks would be cancelled that night. We decided to get to the park just before 5pm so that we could spend some time there before the dinner started at 6pm.


First stop was Main Street so pick up some souvenirs. Out of the corner of my eye I spotted two elusive sisters, in the form of a pen.


I can't believe I spent $58HK on a pen that looks so cheap but it was the only Frozen merch I could find.

Next up we went to Grizzly Gulch so I could ride the Runaway Mine Cars again. This time my dad tried to take photos. I'm in the back row both times, in the light blue shirt.



I again had the same issue with the single rider line so the second time I just went through the regular line. I was hoping to end up in the front of the car but somehow I ended up in the last row both times.

Afterwards we wandered around to the castle via Mystic Point and Toy Story Land. We headed over to Snow White's Grotto, and saw Belle doing a m&g nearby. Belle is my favourite princess but the line was pretty long and I was worried about not making the dinner in time.




We noticed another m&g line around the bend. It was Rapunzel! I had never met her before and the line was much shorter than Belle's so I decided to jump in. She said she loved my sparkly ears and then I asked her where Flynn was. I think she was a little caught off guard and not used to being asked questions like that! After a brief pause, she said he was hanging out in the castle with Philip.


Next up was the Star Fireworks Dinner at the Plaza Inn. I'll post all the photos and info here but I might also make a separate thread for it too, just to make it easier for people who don't want to read this whole thread!

Here's a lovely out of focus photo before we head in.

I'm looking forward to finding out more about the Star Fireworks dining package. I considered it for my trip but I was travelling with my parents and I wasn't sure they wanted to spend the money.
Inside the restaurant was decorated in a traditional Chinese style, I believe it's meant to be inspired by Mulan but I didn't notice any of those touches. I really liked these lanterns in the centre of the room, they changed colour all night long.



First up was the mocktail of orange, pineapple and lychee juice. Only one mocktail was included per guest, which was a little odd considering the steep price of the dinner (and the low cost of fruit juice).

Before the food was served, we had our m&g with Goofy. I believe it's always Goofy at this dinner package but I'm not 100% certain on that.


I am a vegetarian but my father is not so I have photos of both menus. My appetiser was a vegetable dumpling and one vegetable spring roll.

According to the online menu, my dad's was teamed Scallop Dumpling with
Minced Shrimp & Vegetable and Crispy Minced Shrimp Ball with Almond Flakes.

From the main menu:
Shredded Whelk & Enoki Mushrooms (my dad said this tasted like grass...)

Pumpkin Soup with Assorted Seafood (which he did not like) and Sautéed Chicken, Mixed Pepper & Vegetable with Gravy (which he also did not like)

Deep-fried Prawns with Thousand Island Dressing (he did like this one)

He also had fried rice which he liked (I guess because you can't go wrong with fried rice!)

The vegetarian mains:
Sweet Corn Kernel Soup and Pan-fried Honey Bean with Mixed Pepper and Lily Bulb (both tasted fine)


Braised Vegetables with Mushrooms, Fungi & Sliced Bamboo Pith (also tasted fine, notice the creepy mushroom that looks like an alien on the right, I couldn't eat that one)

Deep-fried Egg Plant with Sweet & Sour Sauce (I really liked this one but it needed some plain rice underneath or maybe just less of the sauce, it was a bit overwhelming)

Vegetarian fried rice served in a cute little pumpkin

Finally, dessert was Chilled Honeydew Melon & Milk Pudding. I can't say I was a fan of this. It didn't have a lot of flavour and I would have preferred a Mickey shaped cake, if I'm being honest!

After we finished eating, we headed back out to take some more photos. They gave us VIP wristbands and told us to come back at about 7:45pm and they would take us to the fireworks viewing area.

I loved seeing Main Street all lit up.





I'm looking forward to finding out more about the Star Fireworks dining package. I considered it for my trip but I was travelling with my parents and I wasn't sure they wanted to spend the money.

I personally didn't think it was worth the cost. I booked it as a present for my dad, if he had been the one paying I don't think we would have gone! The food was alright but nothing amazing. I did like not having to wait around to get a good spot for fireworks though!
Not long before the fireworks were due to start, our bad luck continued and the heavens opened up. It was just spitting but everyone got their umbrellas out. The VIP viewing area is not right in front of the castle so there were people in front of us. I now couldn't even see the castle for all the umbrellas. I made the executive decision to give up my centre position in the VIP area and to stand on one of the seats off to the side instead.

I filmed most of the fireworks but the video is still uploading to Youtube. Here are some of the photos I took towards the end.






Afterwards we headed back to the train station, bypassing the hoards of people by going through the virtually empty Main Street stores. And so my HKDL trip was over :(

I really enjoyed my time there but I probably won't go back unless they make some significant upgrades to the park. I know they have the Iron Man Experience being built right now but I still think they need a few more rides/lands to bulk up the park. It would be nice to have a POTC in Adventureland and maybe another Pixar themed land, featuring Monsters Inc and The Incredibles. I would love to see more unique attractions at HKDL too, not just copies of rides from the other parks :)

Okay. I'm kinda glad I didn't book this now. But thanks for doing it for the benefit of Dis Community service.

I was surprised to find that you didn't get a spot right in front of the castle. In 2012, the VIP spot was dead centre at the hub.
Thanks for showing us the details of the package. I wish the food looked better. My opinion of the food at HKDL is not very good in general. I think they need to work on that even before adding more rides because everything is way overpriced and most is not up to standard. jmo
::yes:: I thought the food was better at the resort than at the park. We only mostly only had lunch to worry about at the parks. And then when I hit Hong Kong proper, I realised how sub-par the food at the parks really was.
I agree, the food definitely needs improving! As a vegetarian, I wasn't really that impressed with my choices there. If I was staying at one of the resorts, I probably would have gone back to them to eat.
A lovely report! In spite of the rain, it looks like you had a good trip to HK Disney. Crowds sound low also, which is great.

I LOVE your castle pic. We go to HK Disney every summer, and we have never taken pic with the castle so upclose. We do wide shots from the middle of Main Street. Your pic looks so great that we will try it next time.

Compare to other areas of Hong Kong, the food in HK Disney park is super pricey with lowish quality. At that high price, you can get much better food outside.

If you happen to plan another Disney trip, I strongly suggest Tokyo Disney. A much more crowded place everyday, but an amazing park that you will love!
I definitely plan on visiting Tokyo Disney! Probably once the new Harry Potter World they are building in Osaka is complete.

I loved being able to take a photo so close to the castle! I also took some at a distance to get the whole castle in but the close up is definitely the better photo. I look forward to seeing your photos later in the year :)
Thanks for writing your trip report so quickly. I was reading it just a couple of days before heading to the park and was really reassured that it wasn't crowded :)


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