"Anythings possible, for a Possible!" - Oct 15-25 TR(Final thoughts 5/25-Post 249!)

I'm sorry I didn't find you until today. I have been looking forward to this TR! I'm sorry about your dd's pet. I am always afraid about that when we travel! Looks like a beautiful resort, but I get what you say about costs and benefits. I will be looking forward to the updates!
Hi There,

I see you posting on Wing's threads often, so I thought I'd check out your TR. Great start, but will go back and read more carefully this weekend.



Stinks that when housekeeping did clean the room your DD stuffed animal went missing.:sad2: Hope that you are able to replace it.

All in all sounds like AKL-Jambo was nice. Guess now you know the downside of DVC. We stayed at Kidani 2nd floor (in April) and the view was great, but everytime we looked out there was sure to be an Ankole Cattle around and not much else. We did see zebras (one day) and giraffes a few times. I agree about not really having enough time to enjoy the amenities though. I would say Kidani's pool was the best (really pool area). The have a sprinkle playground that my kids really enjoyed, so wish I would have mentioned for you to go to Kidani's pool instead.

So glad that your DW and DD was so surprised and happy at your resort choice!

I knew about the Kidani pool area being better, but DD was satisfied with ours, and I was worried that if we were to try that one, she'd want to go there all the time. I think if we were ever to do this again, I would stay @ Kidani. We DID go over there for dinner at Sanaa, which I will get to towards the end of the TR.

I'm sorry I didn't find you until today. I have been looking forward to this TR! I'm sorry about your dd's pet. I am always afraid about that when we travel! Looks like a beautiful resort, but I get what you say about costs and benefits. I will be looking forward to the updates!

Coming up next!
So, we woke up on Saturday, our first real "Day" of the trip. This was really our first chance to see the actual animals out our window. It is an extremely unique experience.

We normally eat breakfast in our room with food we have brought, getting 1/2 gallons of Milk and OJ from the store. Because we hadn't yet had time to do that, I went down to the food court and picked up a small bottle of each.

Now, I have become a reasonably laid back park tourer, but the one thing I am very militant about is if we are going to the park for rope drop, that we get there in time. This means leaving the room no later than 8:05 AM. It's kind of a battle getting the other two out in the morning, but usually we are no more than 5 or 10 minutes late. In this case, we had a very, very short bus ride to get to AK - I swear it must be the shortest bus ride on property, clearly less than 5 minutes. And we were in line for rope drop about 5 minutes ahead. With a quick flick of our APs, we were able to get a spot at the front of the rope for the opening ceremony, which DD loves. We were flat in the middle where the safari truck parks....which wasn't the most advantageous location for entering the rush, but it was a great view of the show!


Notice the distinct lack of heads in the way in these photos!



So, I had a 2-day AK strategy planned. I find that there is much too much to do at AK in 1 day, but if you give yourselves 2 days there, you can lay a fairly laid-back pace and manage to take it all in. So, our first day I was targeting doing Africa, Asia and Rafiki's planet watch, and saving the 2 prime shows and Dinoland for the next AK day. I also don't worry too much about FP tickets here. Of the FP attractions, only KS and Kali RR are on our radar, EE I ride single rider, and no one in our group likes Dinosaur or Triceratops Spin.

So, we did as we always do - headed straight for the Safari. Even though we didn't get the best rope drop location, we were able to navigate the throngs well enough, and we were on only the 2nd safari vehicle to head on our 2-week safari. A picture of DD waiting excidely to board our vehicle.

I apologize, I didn't take any still shots on the safari this time around (saved that for the 2nd trip later in the week). Here's some bonus shots from previous trips:




Awwwww....look those lions are babysitting a sleeping Zebra:

Oh wait, wrong ride!

Our two week safari was again cut short (damn poachers always ruining our trip) so we exited the ride and after a short potty break (for DW) we went into the Pangani Forest reserve.

DD loves going through this section, especially seeing the naked mole rats (a reference in my title - as Ron Stoppable - Kim Possible's best friend and sidekick - has a naked mole rat as a pet because his father is allergic to all animal hair.) and the other bugs and spiders in that part of the tour. No pictures (the area is too dark and they move too fast), but I did get a picture in the next area of this little guy standing guard:


He was looking around like crazy for those hawks and other predators...I wondering if there were a lot of airplanes flying over today...but he seemed particularly freaked. We spent a little time watching the gorillas, they were really active today. (I don't know if it was the warm temperatures and low humidity that made them more active than usual.)


I didn't see her, but DW saw the new mommy Gorilla with her baby. We headed out from the Trail to catch the train from Harambe to the planet watch. I had to stop and get an autograph book - we hadn't bought one before the trip - so I took a few pictures in Harambe. I love the details of AK, especially the worn posters all over the place. Would you trust Cap'n Bob?


This here is a sausage tree...those things hanging from it are the real fruit from the tree, which looks like sausages.


Next up...Rafiki's Planet Watch...here's DD and I on the train ride out:

Love the rope drop pictures!

And I felt sorry for that poor sleeping zebra.....:lmao:.

Your DD looks really cute and is that perspiration I see on you? This early in the morning?? It was an unseasonally hot (but not too humid) couple of weeks, wasn't it?
Welcome back! I can't believe your trip is over. It seems like just yesterday when you had a long ways to go on your PTR.
I love your Halloween pic with the 7 dwarfs! Too cute!
As for Disney pillows, my pillows at home suck, so everyone else's pillows are always heaven to me!:laughing:
Sorry about your DD webkinz. I think you can get any webkinz there has ever been on ebay. My DD has a Beagle webkinz that she carries with her everywhere! It is so filthy that I bought her another one on ebay thinking she could replace the old one. No way! She carries them both around but the original dirty one is #1. I don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to that webkinz Beagle.
The AKL seems very nice, I'm glad you had a great stay. I'm jealous of your brkfst on the balcony picture!
Love the pic of you & DD on the train.

Looking forward to reading more!
Love the rope drop pictures!

And I felt sorry for that poor sleeping zebra.....:lmao:.

Your DD looks really cute and is that perspiration I see on you? This early in the morning?? It was an unseasonally hot (but not too humid) couple of weeks, wasn't it?

I guess I didn't mention it, but the week we were there was NOT overly hot and humid. After about 4 days I said to DW "This weather isn't good or great...it's PERFECT!" It literally was, low 80s F (that's probably about 27 C for you metric folks), and the humidity was not bad at all. Only the last two days of the trip did it get a little more hot and humid. And not a single drop of rain in 10 days! We haven't had a trip with weather this nice since, gosh I'd say our mid-October 2000 trip. It apparently got really hot the week after we were there.

That said, I was sweating a bit. I really can't take the heat too much, but have learned to deal with it in WDW.

Welcome back! I can't believe your trip is over. It seems like just yesterday when you had a long ways to go on your PTR.
I love your Halloween pic with the 7 dwarfs! Too cute!

I know, it's always so long in anticipation and so short in execution. It was still a fantastic trip. That dwarf picture took an hour of waiting in line, as LAAshley and Chelley00 can attest!

As for Disney pillows, my pillows at home suck, so everyone else's pillows are always heaven to me!:laughing:

I guess that's another place that they surprsed me...I expected the bed-linen / pillow quality to be better than at a value/mod. But, it appears they're all the same. The shampoo is a little better though.

Sorry about your DD webkinz. I think you can get any webkinz there has ever been on ebay. My DD has a Beagle webkinz that she carries with her everywhere! It is so filthy that I bought her another one on ebay thinking she could replace the old one. No way! She carries them both around but the original dirty one is #1. I don't even want to think about what would happen if something happened to that webkinz Beagle.

DD has one like that...her first, I know better than to try and replace it. This one she actually already has two of, but had named them after OUR 2 cats. I called again this weekend, and they have not found it. Fortunately, this one is in pretty good shape, so I should be able to fake replacing it as the same cat...I already ordered one on e-bay. You can get them pretty cheap when you don't care about the codes.

As I said, the whole thing sort of put a damper on the AKL experience to me. Such a silly thing as having things removed from your room in the sheets should NEVER happen.
The AKL seems very nice, I'm glad you had a great stay. I'm jealous of your brkfst on the balcony picture!
Love the pic of you & DD on the train.

Looking forward to reading more!

Breakfast on the balcony was neat!
That pic of you and DD is awesome! Good start to the day.

Thanks.We both look really happy, right?

More to come shortly (I hope).
I've said this before but over the years, Animal Kingdom has become our second favorite park. Not because of the rides and shows (which are so limited as to almost be ridiculous) but for the attention to detail and the little things about it. And Rafiki's Planet Watch exemplifies this to a tee. Every time we go out there, we have a heck of a time tearing ourselves away. We could probably spend hours there, especially in the morning when they are doing their medical procedures.

Backing up, we caught the train to Harambe. It is amazing how the spectacular themeing of AK falls away as you leave Harambe station to be replaced with a very zoo-like feel. Since part of the design was to rout you by the back-stage area, where you can see the off-scene animals, I only wish they had run you closer...

...One of our favorite parts of Rafiki's Planet watch is the vetrinary work that's being demonstrated. While we were there, they had a couple of more unusual animals. First up was an African Kingfisher:


After that they were working on a Seahorse. Yup, that's right, a teeny tiny Seahorse. Apparently it was not eating (how do you even find these things out) and they had to put it to sleep by adding medicine to the water, then take it out to draw blood. It was so small, though I really couldn't get any pictures of it.

The other cool thing out here is the animal demonstrations, both inside an outside. They were just wrapping up a Harris Hawk, one that's blind in BOTH eyes (you can see that one eye is missing). Poor guy.


Then they brought out a Tarantula on the inside stage, and outside they had this owl (I can't remember the type.)


.followed by his fellow nocturnal buddy...

Of course DD likes the petting zoo part, where you get to brush the animals... personally I think that's pretty boring, but kids like what they like!


DD did spot a hidden Mickey we've never noticed before:

Finally we got to get our first character meets of the trip. DD has somehow just this year developed this overpowering aversion to meeting the characters...even ones she's met before. She won't tell us why this is...anyone have any suggestions? Anyways - DW had decided we want to try and meet some characters we hadn't before. Well, these three were not new to us...but really this is the only place you can meet these 3.




We especially like talking with Pocahantas and telling her how much we miss her show over in Camp MinnieMickey.

We probably spent about an hour and a half here, but it was getting close to noontime and we were starting to get hungry. We wanted to try Yak and Yeti for lunch...so the next stop is Anandapur!

I wish I could've seen Jiminy Cricket!
I don't know how you can help DD with the characters other than being around them more. Just go out & buy several of those costumes for the house! :thumbsup2
Just checking in to let you know I read and enjoyed your updates. We got out to Rafiki's too late for vet procedures on our last visit and Madeline was very disappointed. It's nice you've had enough recent visits and enough time to do that. Hopefully we can see some vet procedures in June. (If I can tear M away from EE)
Joining in!

I was there the same time you were, though not for as long -- from the 19th to the 23rd -- and you're totally right: The weather was perfect. The kind of weather you don't even notice, because it's always just right.

The operations at Rafiki's Planet Watch look really cool. I've never been over there, myself...is it always best to go there in the morning?
I wish I could've seen Jiminy Cricket!
I don't know how you can help DD with the characters other than being around them more. Just go out & buy several of those costumes for the house! :thumbsup2

She's not afraid of the characters per se...though I was asking her yesterday and she said she "Just doesn't like meeting the people." I wonder if it's more of a shy thing...being a little intimidated by meeting them. When she does though she's fine...you'll see as the TR progresses...just very weird.

Just checking in to let you know I read and enjoyed your updates. We got out to Rafiki's too late for vet procedures on our last visit and Madeline was very disappointed. It's nice you've had enough recent visits and enough time to do that. Hopefully we can see some vet procedures in June. (If I can tear M away from EE)

See below for comments on the vet procedures...

Joining in!

I was there the same time you were, though not for as long -- from the 19th to the 23rd -- and you're totally right: The weather was perfect. The kind of weather you don't even notice, because it's always just right.

The operations at Rafiki's Planet Watch look really cool. I've never been over there, myself...is it always best to go there in the morning?

The Vet procedures are fascinating...we've yet to see one as interesting as the first time we were ever there in 2000 and they had a LION on the table. Most of the animals are very small, so it's somewhat hard to see what they are doing.

They usually have 3 or 4 scheduled each morning, and they usually start at 10 AM. I've found that if you ask the CM that hangs out at the entrance to the train station - Not at the actual train station - the CM that is out by Harambe - that they can radio in and find out what the vet schedule is so that you can find out ahead of time before you go out there. It's hard to do it, because most people typically want to spend the early hours in the park avoiding the lines, but everyone in the family enjoys it there - so we've sort of decided we would rather go in the morning so we can see them.

Ugh, just talking about all this makes me want to go back. In theory, one year away tomorrow!
You know, Rafiki Planet Watch is not a particularly popular attraction for some of the adult Dis-ers. They go because their kids want to go pet the animals.

I find it one the more educational parts of the park. We always take our time to look at the information boards and stop at the various stations after getting off the train. And if there is a ranger talking in the main complex, we always wait to listen. It sure teaches you a lot about living in this world. But then I'm a "greenie" from way back :goodvibes.

Love the pictures of the raptor birds and the skunk!
You know, Rafiki Planet Watch is not a particularly popular attraction for some of the adult Dis-ers. They go because their kids want to go pet the animals.

I find it one the more educational parts of the park. We always take our time to look at the information boards and stop at the various stations after getting off the train. And if there is a ranger talking in the main complex, we always wait to listen. It sure teaches you a lot about living in this world. But then I'm a "greenie" from way back :goodvibes.

Love the pictures of the raptor birds and the skunk!

We always enjoy it...more for seeing the animals up close and learning about them than the displays, which never seem to change. My main complaint about RPW is usually the train ride. But they had the trains running A LOT the day we were there. It was only about 5 minutes between trains, which I never remember. I know this because when we were first heading out there - we JUST missed a train. I went to get an autograph book while DD waited at the station, and I just bought one and came back - and we JUST missed a train again. But another train showed up in like 3 minutes. Usually it can be a 10-15 minute wait between trains. Not sure why the change, maybe they got enough complaints.

Now if they would only bring PIPA back! (Three points to any readers that know what I'm talking about!)
We arrive back in Harambe (Africa) around noon-time, hungry and ready for lunch. We had previously decided we wanted to try Yak and Yeti for lunch, and DD wanted to see Flights of Wonder..."the bird show" as she calls it. So, we said let's get lunch and then we'll catch the 1 PM bird show. So, we headed over to Anandapur (the name of the city represented by the themed Asia land). The lines at the Yak and Yeti CS were very short. While sitting down to lunch, I grabbed some FP for Kali River Rapids.

No pictures, but the food at Yak and Yeti was pretty good - I had the Orange Beef, DW had the Honey Chicken. Both were served with Veggies and Rice in a "Chinese take-out" style cardboard container. DD had the chicken nuggets. We got frozen lemonades for dessert.

I think I've said this before, but I LOVE the themeing in AK. One thing probably very few look at when walking around Anadapur...the outdoor electric wiring:


...just as you would see in many third world Asian countries, supplied of course by the Anandapur Power Co.


Sorry that last one's a bit blurry. We got to FoW only a few minutes before it started...DD chose for us to sit WAAYYY in the back. We've seen this show a LOT now - so much so that we recognize the CM. We got Guano Jane as the tour guide both shows this trip, but that CM really sells the humor! DD also loves the Cockatoo named Pogo. She even was playing Pogo in the pool later in the day!


After the show - we did the Maharajah Jungle Trek. Probably one of my favorite areas of one of my favorite parks. For those that don't pay attention, the area is themed as an old Palace that was used by a Maharajah as a hunting palace...it has since been turned into a refuge for Tigers and other Asian species, such as these guys:


OK - that's "Fruity" - DD stuffed version of the real thing:

The Tigers weren't as active as we saw them in the past, mostly resting in the shade from the mid-day sun.



The theme of the Maharajah palace leads to some absolutely beautiful "ancient" murals around the palace. One of these times, I have to devote some time to taking more pictures of these...but I did take one:

We also spent a little time in the aviary:


We wrapped up our afternoon in Anandapur with a ride on Kali River Rapids. NOT my favorite ride. It's not that I mind getting wet, though we saved this for last for exactly that reason - it's that for the massive size and scale of the ride, it's really not all that good...basically one big hill and it's over. I say this a lot - our local amusement park has a better river raft ride than this one - and if that's the case - you've failed Disney!

We got the "wet but not soaked" seats, so we got off the raft and slowly made our way back to the front of the park - and off to our hotel. It was about 3 PM by this time, and the day had pretty much gone as "planned".

Next up - Day 1 wrap up and Dinner @ Boma.

Hey, and look ONE YEAR EXACTLY until our next trip! Wow, that's too darn long.
"It's a small, small world..."

Hii!!! :goodvibes

I felt the same way about AKV - Kidani; yes, the grounds and everything are gorgeous, but I wasn't any more impressed with it that I was with the mods. But, that actually changed when we switched resorts. We spent our last three nights at SSR - and, LOVED it! I'm actually even more interested in DVC after staying there. (I have a ton of shots and details about or stay there that I'll post in my TR, which I'm hoping to start soon!)
"It's a small, small world..."

Hii!!! :goodvibes

I felt the same way about AKV - Kidani; yes, the grounds and everything are gorgeous, but I wasn't any more impressed with it that I was with the mods. But, that actually changed when we switched resorts. We spent our last three nights at SSR - and, LOVED it! I'm actually even more interested in DVC after staying there. (I have a ton of shots and details about or stay there that I'll post in my TR, which I'm hoping to start soon!)

:Welcome: Always nice to have folks around I've actually met. (It's getting to be a decent-sized group too!) Glad you had a great trip! Interesting about liking SSR...I've never had much interest in staying there. I'll be curious to see your thoughts when you do your TR!
I love eating at Y&Y. I'm really loving your update on AK; I missed out going to this park this trip round.

PIPA??? RUBBISH! No such thing at AK. I'm not sure what you're TALKING about....;)
PIPA??? RUBBISH! No such thing at AK. I'm not sure what you're TALKING about....;)

We went to guest services all 3 trips with our AP and filled out a complaint form that "We miss PIPA!" IApperently they brought her out on Earth Day, which we missed by 1 day in the spring. She should be out every day, darn it!:goodvibes
Love all of the AK pictures! DH and I really fell in love with AK on our December trip. We had never really taken the time to wander and explore before then and see how much detail is all over the place. We love it now, but man does it get steamy!

Hopefully your DD is back into meeting the characters by the next trip. Kids are so funny about things like that sometimes.

Going back to something we discussed in your PTR, it looks like our trips next year will not be overlapping! Baby decided to come 2 weeks early, so looks like our trip will be around these same dates in October! His birthday is on the 24th. So we will get to see a MNSSHP at some point after all! :yay: Here's hoping we have great weather next year like y'all seemed to have. I loved going at Christmas though, so I know we'll make another November/December trip at some point in the future. :santa:


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