~~~Anything Tinker Bell exchange sign-ups~~~CLOSED!!

Nancy your trip is coming up soon, are you ready?
Nancy your trip is coming up soon, are you ready?

::yes:: More than ready!! We actually leave 2 days before the counter, to go to AZ to pick up the rest of the family. Should be interesting with 5 of us going. :eek:
But, all ADRs are made, rides arranged. I do need to order the groceries which I will do in a couple of weeks.
Looking forward to getting warm (HOT). We had a gorgeous weekend and then yesterday turned cold and rainy....and we even got some snow today!! :mad: :cold:
::yes:: :cold: It didn't last long, but still :rolleyes:
It was only 43 today....hopefully it will be better tomorrow.
DD called and was sitting around the pool at the new house :sad: for me.

Any one else for this exchange....only about 12 hours to go! :tink:
Sign-ups are now closed!!

names will be going out shortly.

Please post on the sent/received thread now. ::yes::


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