Anyone Up for a 100 day Cheat-Free Challenge?

I made the mistake of going to the cafeteria at work today. I did OK, until I saw the frozen yogurt machine...

Okay, honeibee, you know what that means, right? If you don't "have" the calories for your treat, you'll just have to take a walk or get on your treadmill to make up for it! :) Remember, now, repeat after me . . . "a treat is not a cheat"! This is real life. We just have to pay for what we want, right?
Cam, thank you so much for starting this challenge. :flower: I think is what I need to get back on track.

If I can I would like my start date to be from yesterday, since I actually stayed on plan!! So today would be 2/100.

Good luck everyone!!! You will do great!! :cheer2:
Extra treadmill time tonight. Maybe two episodes of the Golden Girls worth! :goodvibes
clr1194 -- welcome to our party! I will put you down with a start date of 7/12 and 1/100 so far for having come through yesterday so successfully! YIPPEE!!! Just post as frequently as you'd like, giving me an update on whether your number can be bumped up for another cheat free day or two or three!

Honeibee -- No better way to treadmill than to spend the time enjoying some tv and the time goes by so much faster that way, right? BTW, I saw WICKED on Broadway last Wednesday and Rue McClanahan played Madame Morrible, the nasty headmistress at Shiz University. She was absolutely fabulous in the part! (and Ben Vereen was a "wonderful" Wizard of Oz!)
I think that I will join in on this challange. This is a little different for me since I am not on WW but my own plan. My biggest cheat is that I don't always exercise like I should. Maybe being on this challange for 100 days would help me keep on track so that it becomes a very important part of my life. This place gives me so much inspiration and keeps me going. Thank you everyone.

Dona -- Welcome aboard! We are going to have such a great time here. I will put you down with a start date of 7/9, right?
I did well yesterday. I didn't have any "bites" that I didn't record. Speaking of that, I only consider "bites" to be things that I don't record like a couple of bites of cake or a corner of a brownie.

My goal is to only take 1 un-recorded bite each day. If others do occur, I challenge myself to record them and pay the points.

Today is so far, so good. Good luck all!
Whoa, gang. I made it through today! Just barely, but I made it. I am coming to you and talking instead of listening to the hungry hungries.

Welcome to all of the new members! Hi, hello, how ya doin', and good luck!

I think I also want one little "splurge" meal/snackie every week!
Cam - wow! I am beyond impressed about skipping the frosting on the birthday cake! There is no food on this earth quite like cake...

pause for fond memories of freshly baked love, covered in buttercream frosting...

Anyway, you can add a good diet/exercise day to my countdown. (Had an ED slip, but I'm not making that part of the challenge :guilty: ) So here's to more successful days for all of us!!

Jenn (no swimmer name, but as yet another Jennifer on this board that could get confusing, eh?)
I think it's brilliant that there are so many people here doing this challenge! :cool1: I feel really motivated to keep on going. I had another couple of days cheat free, so I am now at 44/100. Almost half way there! :teeth: Thanks everyone for helping me to stay strong when faced with the evil chocolate! :crazy2:

We can do this together! :grouphug:
I'm late but I'd like to join. I need to keep On Plan with WW. I just got palm program hooked up and working so I can journal on it. :cheer2:

I'll have to read what the cheat free includes. I'm new to these challenges but its something I totally need.

I know one thing I'd like on there is NO soda because I've been gaining since we've been staying at my moms since she buys so much soda.

Do we just make up our goals for the cheat free or what?
Oh and do we start the count over if we mess up or just add them on even if it takes more than 100 days?? I'm confused on this. :rotfl:
Count me in. I need something to keep me motivated at the moment.
Congrats everyone....great job!!!

Well that is day 2.....done and no cheating!!!!!

Have a great day everyone.
TPCShauna -- Good job, kiddo! Minimizing those "bites" to something you can manage is such a huge real-life accomplishment. :banana: Just think about it -- totally depriving ourselves of everything I think sets us up for failure in the real world. Strategizing ahead of time on how to handle certain situations/foods is what will make this work for all of us.

TigerCheer2009 -- Good morning, Jen! You must be so proud of yourself, finishing 100 days and jumping right into another 100 day challenge. Thank you for inspiring us! Just think about how awesome your cheerleading outfit is going to look on you this fall! :cheer2:

Hi, storygirl! Awesome going! I know you have some incredible real-life struggles too, that have always driven me to eat (work pressures, sick child, etc., etc.) and I know you are struggling in another way, but I am so glad you are here! :grouphug:

Melissa -- Hi, sweetie! It is sooo nice to "see" you again! :flower: The cheat-free challenge is whatever you want it to be. For me, it is sticking to my WW points, not using my flexpoints (except for special occasions like WDW in August). Others here are setting their goals based on what they feel is "cheating", whether that be eating too much or eating fast food, etc.

So, jump on board -- I will put today as your start date and until tomorrow, it will say 0/100. Then, just pop in here for encouragement and to report your progress and to tell me how many days you have been cheat free so that we can up your number

As for what happens if you "cheat" -- My favorite saying is "a treat is not a cheat". Sometimes the best way to honestly call your day cheat free after having an ice cream sundae or something like that is either to have eaten a whole lot less of everything else during the day or to have done some significant make-up-the-calories exercise. It is totally up to you. In the past, if I did a challenge and "messed up", I started over again. But that is just me -- I wanted to see if I could go 100 days in a row without cheating and just the threat of having to start all over again was enough to keep me on the straight and narrow. :rotfl: That was the "challenge". We all have to figure out what motivates us.

minniespal -- Hi and welcome! Are you starting today? Or do you get "credit" for yesterday or two days or three? :) We are so glad to see our numbers growing, in more ways than one! And in time, we will all have a bunch of numbers decreasing in ways that will make us so much healthier for the long run! So, here's some pixie dust for you, to wish you a happy journey with all of us. :wizard:

Hi, catherine! I love to hear you say "brilliant" -- it reminds me so much of my dear sweet friend who now lives in Sydney, Australia. :cloud9: So, thank you so much for bringing a smile to my face! And congratulations on getting to 44/100! You are almost half-way there!! :cheer2: Keep up the great work -- you are a great role model and we are all right behind you!

hey, hockeychic! Great going, kiddo! :cool1: Keep up the awesome work!

Okay, I am going to go update numbers. Everyone should check them sometime today and let me know if they are accurate through 7/13. (I might not be able to update this frequently throughout this challenge, but I will do my best! :earsgirl:
Count me in starting today 7/14. I'm going to stay OP WW. Reserving Flex points for things like my Bday and DH Bday. Somehow I CAN do this!!
Hi, Julie! Welcome! You KNOW how much I look to you for advice and encouragement, so it is so fabulous to have you here. I will add you to the list. Just check in with us once in a while so that I will know how to update your numbers.

BTW, the expression "reserving flex points" is so much more positive than "I won't use my flex points except . . ." -- I am going to think of it that way-- it's all in the attitude, right? :) I am really hoping that will kick start my progress. If not, DH may have to replace the bathroom window due to a scale-sized hole!
how is everyone doing? keeping on keeping on?? just reporting in that i am sticking to my NO well, no red meat, no soda, and no unplanned snacks...also WALKING DAILY, and upping that today by half!!! WISH me luck :) :wizard:

here's to another NO CHEAT DAY!!!

Jen :fish:
How we doin' this morning?? :flower:

I'm doing ok. Not great. Didn't get to exercise yesterday. Work all day, went to look at a condo last night, 9:00pm by the time we got home, then dinner, then to bed. Ugh. is a new day! :goodvibes


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