Anyone sailing 11/30 on the Wonder?

Celbrate Life,

I'll be saying an extra prayer that things will work out with your house and you all will be on the cruise!

The past couple of weeks I've been following the posts from the Page family. Hearing about the events leading up to their cruise, reading their trip report and all the post cruise messages have been very inspirational and uplifting and really brought to light the meaning of family and the importance of spending time together. Perhaps you could share Nate's story with your husband?

Funny, we return home 12/8, and I too have been thinking about scaling back our home christmas decorating. I also go nuts with decorations and thought I'd save myself some work because we will be enjoying the disney decorations for 12 days. Bet I still break down and drag it all upstairs!!

Sending you a sky full of pixie dust ... hope to meet you all on the cruise!

Peggy sue
Celebrate Life...

Yes, God does answer prayers. May not be what we want, but He does! THings happen for a reason. And things that are meant to be, will happen.

I hope you can join us!! I couldn't imagine planning a trip and having to cancel..what a bummer.

We had our home up for sale and found another homewe wanted to buy. We were getting ready to get a bid on our home. We had to have it in order to buy the other home. Someone out from no where bought the home that we wanted! Then the next day, we got the offer on our home.
We drove around looking for property which we had done in the past two yrs. But went looking and came across some property. Long story, but we put a bid on it in the next few days and built our dream home on it. We couldn't be happier and sooooo glad we didn't get that other home that we prayed about so much to have.
Ok..I know this is too much info. But being a Christian, I do know He does answer prayers..;)
Keep us posted! I hope to see your there!!

Thanks for the responses. I sent a note on to the pages after reading a bit about their thread.

Just wanted you both to know that I am feeling a bit selfish about wanting this trip, and do have "faith" in God and his purposes for things - as I have a daughter with Downs syndrome and realize that you can't control life. I just get frustrated when I can't see the purpose.

I want this trip so bad, as the last 5 years (since dd was born) have been difficult. (My daughter goes to Kindergarten, and went to preschool, in another state (one hour from us), and lives with grandparents during the week. They are so "attached" to her now, they don't want to give her up. (they are retired, and she is their life.....) but we, (our family) miss her and know she belongs with us, and need her to be coming back home for good next school year.

I want this trip so as to have a chance to spend time with her and see WDW from her perspective, (even if it is more work on us). It should be interesting as we probably won't be able to walk 2 feet - she says "hello" to everyone she passes, and expects a reaction in return.

She is a part of our family and needs to be a part of our fun experiences too. (I am so looking forward to the dolphin encounter with her - as we hear dolphins respond very well to people w/downs syndrome for some reason).

We have moved to an old house that needs major improvements, on top of her special "attention" needs, my dh has his own business, (also spent the last two years n a temp job to pay for our move), as well as dealing with all the sports/school functions our two boys, 10/12 year olds are into.

We haven't had a real break since dd was born, and just NEED it.

So, I'll watch for the signs and "believe in the magic....."

Look forward to seeing everyone!

Celebrate Life
Celebrate life..

You live in such a beautful place! We live in Mt. and just visited Cannon Beach last month for our family vacation. We had a wonderful time!!

Anyways!!...I feel for you. I'm sorry you have had to go through what you have had to. The trials that God gives us makes us stronger and makes us who we are. I'm sure you are very special people. God does not give us anything more than we can handle.

I will be praying for you. God may have another plan for you. But I hope it's being at WDW with your beautiful daughter and boys. What a joy to meet Mickey!! Sounds like you need this.

Take care and keep us posted. I'll be looking for you! ;)

Celebrate life,

You shouldn't feel selfish about wanting this trip. You and your family deserve some special family time too!

I'm looking forward to meeting you all on the cruise...and I'm really looking forward to having a conversation with your DD!

Prayers and pixie dust continue to come your way.

Peggy sue
celebrate life...

how's it going with the house??

keep us updated!

I'm so excited about this cruise now that we're back from our 3 day. I couldn't bring myself to get too excited about this one until the surprise one was over. Now I'm ticking down the days!!
I've been wondering about the house situation as well!! Hope things are going well for you!!

We are getting ready to go to Myrtle Beach next weekend! This is keeping me excited for now. However, I am starting to worry about our land/sea trip, because it's getting soooo close!! :earseek:

Hope everyone has a great weekend! :wave2:
Hello everyone - I am gettign so excited about the cruise.

Has anyone picked there excursions yet.

I think we have decided to not do any excursions this time.

We really wanted to do the Dolphin Encounter but I was afraid our daughter 5 would maybe be scared of them.

Probably to late anyway to get in on that excursion.

Celebrate Life - Same here hows it going with the house?

DisneyFan - We are not that far from each other.

Not much longer.
Hey guys..

We can now say that we're going on our cruise NEXT MONTH!
I've been saying that since Oct. 1st...

Just got my Alien Green Mickey heads and need to put them on the suitcases. It will be getting chilly real soon here and we're almost all out of shorts here in Mt. So I can start packing away the summer stuff for our trip.

We're going to WDW for four days prior to the cruise. We have sooooooo much stuff to pack. Anyone for our cruise have your suitcases out with stuff in them??

I can't wait! :Pinkbounc

No packing yet. But we just unpacked from our last cruise! :) Still doing some of that laundry!

Dh has made extensive packing lists on his palm pilot so that it's an easy checklist system. We'll probably start most of our packing about 3 days from the day we leave. We have to pack for 2 days of travel, 4 on the cruise and (?) 10 at Disney. Luckily once we hit WDW we'll have a washer and dryer! Of course my vacation pictures will look like I only took 3 or 4 outfits! :)

We also have been saying "next month we cruise!" And, technically, we cruise in November AND December!! Woo-hoo! :)
Any pics. OhioMinnie from your last trip?? How old r your kids??

I've got a 9 yr old girl and my ds will be very close to 7 on this cruise. :)

Got pictures, but they are being held hostage in the camera. Unfortunately, I"m not computer literate enough to rescue them so I have to wait on dh to do it. I'm VERY interested in seeing similar pictures from my May cruise and this last cruise (to see the change in weight)

Of course, today I'm so viral I barely got off the couch, so I'm feeling very fat! :(
ohiominnie- hope you are feeling better! :D

Is anyone booking any excursions? I'm thinking about Blue Lagoon, but I'm really not sure yet. With my very active 2yo dd, I can't count on anything!! :crazy:

No, I haven't started packing in our suitcases yet. I still have to pack for our beach trip this weekend. However, I do have a few bags of "vacation goodies" in the basement! :teeth:
Has anyone gotten any paper work yet? I guess we should be getting our in the next week or 2. Out TA said we should get the paper work around 4-6 weeks before cruise.

I am so worried that I will not bring the right clothes or as usual I will pack way to much.

You won't be able to miss us at dinner we are a group of 12. I am hoping we will all be able to set together. We also have late dining I was kind of hoping for early dining. So we may feed DD early and let her goto club why we eat dinner and go out afterwards.

Also I am wanting to do the spa. Any of you have ideas of some thing good to do.

Less then 7 weeks to go.....:Pinkbounc :bounce:
We haven't received anything yet either. The only thing we got was confirmation of an upgrade we got on our hotel part of our pkg. We went from POR to the Dolphin! We're taking it! Location is wonderful!!

I'm trying to figure out how to put a picture where my counter was. I deleted that and tried putting in a picture. Those directions are so difficult to follow. They said to post it where it says signature and I lost my counter. So need to put that back. Love to see my countdown clock! I'm driving my friends nuts telling them how much longer we have to go! Sometimes I have to hide my excitement so it won't seem like I'm bragging at work. So I don't talk about it unless I'm asked.

WEll, at least we can do that here!!!

Anyways, if anyone can help me get a picture on the bottom of my posts, that would be great!

Ok, this post is better late than never!!

First I want to say hi to Peggy Sue, Tiffany, lovemickey, ohiominnie, Kim, Laura, Bellewish, Like to Dis, and celebratelife! I, too will be on the 11/30 cruise and can't wait to meet all of you! My party will consist of myself, my DH and my 16 year old son. This is our second Disney cruise and it's just as exciting as the first one!! We also will be cruising on the Mousefest plan but not sure how many activities we'll partake in.

I see that a few of you are also WISHers!! I'm a WISHer too!

I'm counting down the days until we sail!!

See ya soon!
Hello everyone..........GUESS WHAT:Pinkbounc We have been upgraded.

I called Disney today to see if I could give my Neice and onboard credit on her card. I was told yes I could. The nice lady looked up our cruise info even though we went through a travel agent. While she had it up I asked her if we had been assigned rooms yet and she said yes.

We got upraded to a Cat 8 from Cat 11.

We are all in Rooms 5504,5506,5508,5510 on Deck 5

I AM JUST SO EXCITED......I hope to hear that my fellow shipmates get the same good luck.
WOW!! That's great news!!

I bet they could have knocked you over with a feather!! Congratulations!
To all:

Thanks so much for thinking of us, sorry I have been out of touch lately. WE SOLD OUR HOUSE! YES! My husband signed the earnest $ agreement when I was away traveling for work, as a
"surprise". The date on it was Nov. 28.. (Of course I had us scheduled to be in Florida by then for my family's mini reunion at Thanksgiving). I know we can work around the date, but am just freaking out! We actually hope that the closing will be sooner as the buyer wants it ASAP.

Now for the really BAD news! I can not convince my husband to go on the cruise part of the vacation. He says he can probably handle the reunion part (with the in-laws, but he will suffer), and he thinks he's already seen WDW, (we were there once with boys for 5 days - we only touched on it, still hundreds of things they have not seen, especially at that time of year). He loved Hawaii when he was a boy about my kids ages, and talks about it all the time, so I thought for sure he'd love the Bahama's too. He loves to snorkel and swim with the kids. I felt like the cruise part of the trip was for him, so he wouldn't complain about being with the in-laws so much. So now, we have the money---no excuses, but it is KILLING him to think about spending the cruise dollars, on something he can not touch, and will be gone in 4 days.
(He wants me to cancel this - ouch!)

I have the hardest time understanding people who do not feel that memories are the most valuable things in life. Who cares about the objects? They will be gone/sold/ect., but the memories will be there forever. I guess that is why we are all raised differently, and why this is my biggest marriage challenge.

I have this week (and maybe this weekend) to convince him of how wonderful of a time it will be, and well worth every penny.
Believe me, I have showed him EVERY review post about this cruise from EVERY site. (Of course they are all the same - WONDERFUL).

Any help to CONVINCE him from any other non-disney tag-alongs would be much appreciated. I think he needs to know from people who are not total disney nuts like me that it REALLY IS A GOOD TIME!

How do you get someone excited about this? I can't for the life of me figure out how any one couldn't be thrilled? :earseek:

Thanks! Again I keep my hopes up, and will let you know next week, or sooner I hope, how the discussions progress.

Celebrate Life


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