anyone here do WW without meetings or online?

ANYHOO- I lost weight! 3.5 pounds!!! Pretty good cosidering I ate a ball of cookie dough last night about the size of large plum! Look at my ticker- I AM SO CLOSE!!!!

Nice job! :thumbsup2 I'm struggling myself - I have a few really good days in a row, then *bam* I undo all my good :headache: Once this holiday madness is behind me, I think I'll be able to focus better. For now, I'm looking at a goal of having more good days each week than bad. :confused3
Hey- I am glad to see you here! You are doing a good thing by realizing that you are sliding and deciding not to give up. Last time I lost 15 lbs on WW- after a few months of a stubborn platteau I slowly gave up. I knew I was eating poorly and I avoided the scale for months- then finally I stepped on the scale- I had gained back all 15lbs +3 and I stayed around that hefty weight for almost 2 years. Finally I got back on WW and my #1 goal this time was that I wouldn't give up no matter what. I knew I wouldn't be perfect but even if I have a bad day or a bad week- I would weigh myself and count points AND JUST PLAIN STICK WITH IT. This go around I have been on WW 11 months. My anniversary is mid. January.

ANYHOO- I lost weight! 3.5 pounds!!! Pretty good cosidering I ate a ball of cookie dough last night about the size of large plum! Look at my ticker- I AM SO CLOSE!!!!

Thanks for the encouraging words!!

Congrats on the 3.5 pounds!!
:yay: :cool1: :goodvibes :cheer2: :woohoo: :cool1: :woohoo: :banana:
I hit my goal today at weigh-in! I can't believe it!

Now here comes the hard part- let's see if I can hold steady over the next 2 weeks. Christmas next week- and the week after that it is 7 days at WDW on the Dining Plan.

My goal was set at a fairly modest weight so I am hoping to go down a few more pounds- I would like my goal weight to be my "max weight". So I am going to continue on the same plan for now. I hope everyone is doing well- we all have a lot of challenges coming up- Good luck to everyone and Merry Christmas!
Nice job!! :cool1: Such a great Christmas gift you've given yourself!

Thanks!!! OKAY- I just got back from WDW- 7 days on the DDP- as you can see by my ticker I have had a bit of a backslide. (That was expected) I am optimistic though. I ate a lot of rich foods but I did push my plate away when I was full. So hard to do at the buffets but I usually managed. I usually skipped dessert also- although I did indulge in a few sweet treats, just not everyday. We had a great time!
so i just started WW on Tuesday and i am also doing it by myself.. is it too late to join this thread?? Haven't had a chance to read it all but i could use some support as well!! :)
so i just started WW on Tuesday and i am also doing it by myself.. is it too late to join this thread?? Haven't had a chance to read it all but i could use some support as well!! :)

HI! and welcome! This thread has been very inactive since around Christmas but I am still checking in. Being here has been a great source of support for me and I have been pretty successful- I think in large part to my WW friends here. I have been on WW Flex for a year (exactly 1 year tomorrow) so if you have any questions, just ask. I am doing it on my own with some old WW info that I found, so my plan may be a bit different from the official WW plan as they present it today.

I had a very BAD eating day yesterday- we took the family to the Rainforest Cafe for dinner (my baby's birthday dinner) and I ate too much- including sharing a Volcano with everyone for dessert. I planned on that though. Today is my little one's actual birthday (5 years old!) and we are making a cake together this morning. SO I have to be careful today. 1 bad day, I can deal with that. 2 bad days in a row- that can be a slippery slope for me- so today I can't fool around and steal tastes of cake batter... I will be good.

I hope everybody has a good day. Please come back and post even if you haven't been on plan- just stay in touch. Don't give up on your goals- even if you need a break from the plan.
Happy New Year everyone! pixiedust:

I've really been struggling lately and need to regain my focus!

In addition to the normal stress of the holidays, my gym closed suddenly on Christmas Eve :eek: I've been going so a different place, which I absolutely HATE :mad: but at least I've been working out. :thumbsup2

THEN I got sick. :sick: I've had an incredibly persistant sinus/upper respiratory cold that's just wiped all the energy out of me. :sad1:

NOW it's a snow day for us - stuck in at home for now. I'm going to go crazy if I can't get to the gym soon. :crazy:

So - as of today, my goal is to actually journal my food - for the entire DAY, not just breakfast ;) hey - one step at a time, right? :goodvibes
Happy New Year AKASnowWhite! I hope things settle down for you soon. It does seem like craziness comes all at once, doesn't it? Hope you're feeling better soon. Good luck on your ood journal today.
Thanks, TenThousand!

I've been doing good so far - usually I get as far as writing down breakfast and that's it! :laughing: But so far today, I've written it all down. :woohoo:

I keep thinking of the BL song - and humming "what have you done today to make you feel proud" :banana:
I did it! (where's the "pat on the back" smiley ????:confused3 ) I kept my journal for the entire DAY yesterday. Now, I'm going for 2 in a row...gosh- has it been a while since I've done that! :goodvibes
I really need to join you all. I lost 22 lbs last spring doing weight watchers on my the calculator, books, etc from ebay. I loved the points system, and I really, really enjoyed the freedom of foods (within points of course).
I just couldn't seem to dig deep enough to find the commitment (I gained 7 lbs back, and could lose a total of 20). This discussion group has me motivated!! I think I can do it (I did the Disney half and gained a see where I have been heading?).
I am ready to count points and 'try' to keep that journal, thanks to you. You guys are the best!
Welcome!!! This is a great group- I think you will find this thread a source of support.
I've been "MIA" for a while - how's everybody doing? :confused3

Anyone still journaling? :rolleyes1 I did well for a while, got sick :sick: and let it slide. Now that I'm starting to feel better :cool1: I'm going to get back at it today :thumbsup2

Sometimes you just gotta love those perscription drugs :worship: send those pesky germs packing! :laughing:
I'm still here. Hanging in there. I had a great mini-trip this weekend in New York City- we went to see Mary Poppins and stayed overnight in a nice hotel right in Times Square. I ate some things I shouldn't have, but small amounts. This morning my weight was exactly the same as it was Friday, so that was a pleasant surprise. Today I am concentrating on fruits and veggies- I ate BBQ and ice cream in NY- I feel like I didn't have any really nutritious, healthy food.\
Have a great day everyone!!!:thumbsup2
Hello everybody,

I was hoping I could join and you seem like a friendly group. My sister sent me her extra WW material in the mail. Truth be told I don't want to pay the money for WW if I can do it for free. I've been doing WW for three days now! So far so good.

I have a weakness for snacks and second helpings and I'm finding I don't want to "waste" my points on snacks and second helpings so things are working. I'm certainly more hungry but that is because I ate anything I wanted in the past.

Nice to meet everybody:) and congrats on what you have done so far!
Hello everybody,

I was hoping I could join and you seem like a friendly group. My sister sent me her extra WW material in the mail. Truth be told I don't want to pay the money for WW if I can do it for free. I've been doing WW for three days now! So far so good.

I have a weakness for snacks and second helpings and I'm finding I don't want to "waste" my points on snacks and second helpings so things are working. I'm certainly more hungry but that is because I ate anything I wanted in the past.

Nice to meet everybody:) and congrats on what you have done so far!
Welcome!!! Hang in there and you will stop being so hungry. You will get used to eating less and it will be a lot easier. Another good tip is to spend more points on lean protein as that tends to keep you satisfied/full for a long time. You really can do it on your own as long as you are committed. Use us as your sounding board/confessional... instead of the meetings. Some people find the meetings helpful- but I could never get away for a meeting so I have done it on my own- and I have done very well on the plan. Any questions about ww or whatever- just fire away- that's what we're here for!:goodvibes
I've been a bad, bad girl. :sad2: I was doing well, tracking, sick :sick: got "lazy" with my counting...:scared:

Tomorrow is a new day. I'm going to journal. Definitely - gonna do it. Have to do it...(Little Engine that Could....) I think I can, I think I can....:goodvibes ah, shoot! I KNOW I can! :thumbsup2
I think I can, I think I can.... ah, shoot! I KNOW I can!
:thumbsup2 you can do it.

I am starting to get back into a walking routine. I haven't walked since fall. I am hoping to do about 30 minutes 4 or 5 times per week. I know that is a lot less then most people do- but I do NOTHING now so at least that is an improvement.
I had a good dinner last night at Noodles and Company. I got the Bangkok Curry with Shrimp (small) I think it was about 6 points. Really filling and good.


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