Anyone else watching the news for that freak Epstein's Creeper List?

I know what drinking the kool-aid means, it just doesn't fit into the context here. Unless, the OP is projecting onto the posters here, which is I suspect, what is really going on.
I think maybe choosing to engage in the topic on a discussion board wasn't quite a good fit if any deviation from OP's viewpoint is unacceptable and/or causes such anger. I don't use other social media so I'm not certain, but I think either on Twitter or Instagram it's possible to make a post and lock out return comments and responses. That might have suited better, allowing to get the thoughts and emotions out without the space for different viewpoints to cause upset and anger.

That's not to say OP should stay away, merely offering up an idea for what might provide what's wanted or needed. OP might not have even realized until the discussion was underway and the wounds opened up.
OP might not have even realized until the discussion was underway and the wounds opened up.
Perhaps instead of posting on a rando message board for all manner of personalities to weigh in on what is clearly a sensitive issue for the OP, they should seek the assistance of a qualified therapist. From the title of the thread itself to the followup responses, there is certainly triggering going on here that is being launched onto the rest of us.
Comments like those are completely uncalled for. Suggesting that those that are discussing this are pedophiles is way beyond any civil discussion. Just stop.

Just because a name appears on a list does not mean they visited the island or that they knew what was going on. That is all the people are saying. Why can't you understand that? Do you really think some of the names on that list are pedophiles? Or that those on this thread are???? You need help.

Well put.
This thread has turned into a perfect example of starting a subject and not tolerating dissenting views well at all--or having others point out that maybe the intial post was a bit over the top. If any poster cannot take dissent on the words they've used or their beliefs, they shouldn't be posting stuff like this at all--and seriously should consider EVER posting on the new (proposed) forum.

Honestly, I'm really very shocked at how the OP has doubled-down on this and is now accusing people of something awful because they've simply tried to inform them that they shouldn't overgeneralize every single person on that list.
Umm, I think you need to get to the bottom of why you are supporting abusive people, I have my own suspicions but I'll leave it at that.

I'm good, you, I'm not so sure.

I'm over whatever it is you are trying to do, it is just weird.

I just counted 28 posts from you on this thread
Man, this thing has gone off the rails.

Let me see if I understand this.
- I made 28 posts on a thread, because we were discussing an issue. And?
- You claim that I've supported abusive people in my responses, but provide no evidence to support that claim.
- You don't know me yet you "have your own suspicions," based on what? Again, what evidence?
- You've hurled all manner of slings and arrows at anyone on this thread that has dared to disagree with you as "supporters" of...abusers? pedophilia? You're not clear at all in your assertions but are throwing words around
- I am not the only person saying this to you, others have as well.
- I tried to offer some semblance of kindness/support because you clearly have some unresolved trauma (many here do as well) and you called it "weird."

I am SO sorry at whatever happened to you to bring you to this point. I'm hoping that you're a nice person IRL and this is all the results of the internet disinhibition effect, but "I have my suspicions." (see what I did there?). But seriously, listen to @wvjules and get some help.
Umm, I think you need to get to the bottom of why you are supporting abusive people, I have my own suspicions but I'll leave it at that.

I'm good, you, I'm not so sure.

I'm over whatever it is you are trying to do, it is just weird.

I just counted 28 posts from you on this thread
Who is supporting abusive people? what abusive people have been supported here?
Umm, I think you need to get to the bottom of why you are supporting abusive people, I have my own suspicions but I'll leave it at that.

I'm good, you, I'm not so sure.

I'm over whatever it is you are trying to do, it is just weird.

I just counted 28 posts from you on this thread
Your comments and accusations against other people here are not okay.
Starting to wonder if the former owner was the only one who had questionable behaviors in this space, maybe a lot of people were right to dip when the links were first revealed.

Where there is smoke there is fire, or so they say.

I hope the people reading this thread think about what they are seeing, I know I am
Should abusers be identified, neutralized and restricted from society at large? Absolutely.

Is that made possible by shrieking that every name that shows up in a data dump must be an abuser, full stop, no context or other fact beyond a name being cited multiple times within said data dump? No, it is not. It would be nice if it could be so simple, but that's simply not reality.

It's also a cold, hard fact that must be accepted that even the vigorous efforts of those dedicated to justice for all cannot guarantee the good guys will win and the bad guys will be apprehended every time. It's a bitter pill nobody wants to swallow.

Should the information in this data dump be reviewed? Without a doubt. Public release means the data within has been kicking around for quite some time and has no doubt been looked at by many within the legal system. Are there names, high profile names even, that investigators genuinely believe are guilty and those charged with making the case out in a court of law know they cannot substantiate? Entirely possible. Have strings been pulled to protect certain individuals? Entirely possible. Were the strings pulled from within the legal system or by other resources the wealthy and/or powerful deployed on their own to protect themselves? Possible, but I have no information to make that assertion or any suggestions of how to begin investigating that myself. If you have information or suggestions of where such information can be obtained, by all means, put it out there, shine the light for everyone to see.

The fact people in this discussion aren't ready to burn people at the stake merely because you're certain of their guilt based on facts you are not sharing is not an indictment of our character, our belief systems, our stance on abuse, or anything else. Your insistence otherwise is hurtful, disturbing and IMO quite out of line, even trying to give grace to your heated emotions.
Man, this thing has gone off the rails.

Let me see if I understand this.
- I made 28 posts on a thread, because we were discussing an issue. And?
- You claim that I've supported abusive people in my responses, but provide no evidence to support that claim.
- You don't know me yet you "have your own suspicions," based on what? Again, what evidence?
- You've hurled all manner of slings and arrows at anyone on this thread that has dared to disagree with you as "supporters" of...abusers? pedophilia? You're not clear at all in your assertions but are throwing words around
- I am not the only person saying this to you, others have as well.
- I tried to offer some semblance of kindness/support because you clearly have some unresolved trauma (many here do as well) and you called it "weird."

I am SO sorry at whatever happened to you to bring you to this point. I'm hoping that you're a nice person IRL and this is all the results of the internet disinhibition effect, but "I have my suspicions." (see what I did there?). But seriously, listen to @wvjules and get some help.

👍 It took me 30 years to get help, 30 years to tell somebody else. Getting help is the most important part to starting the healing process and it’s never too late.

Someday I hope to dance on his grave.


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