Anyone Else going Jan 2009

Well, I plan on doing a CP next Jan. So I would be down there at the time.
Cool, You have done it before I gather? from reading your other posts.

Yep. I have currently done 3, hope to do #4 in May (May-Aug), and then do #5 in Jan (since I hope to graduate in Dec).
I'm hoping to do the CP Spring 09 as well for the 1st time!

Ive been on the boards for a couple years now, but i'm fairly new to the college boards.

Right now, i'm just reading as much as I can on here..... and getting REALLY excited in the mean time! :goodvibes

I hope to see you guys down there!
I'll be graduating in dec 08 and coming down in Jan 09 with two of my friends! That's when I begin my journey of permanently moving to Orlando
I'm going to be moving down to Orlando, too... but not for a couple more years. I'm so excited! Being from MN, we get some harsh winters and I'm really looking forward to not have to deal with that anymore:)

Good luck with your move!
I'll be graduating in dec 08 and coming down in Jan 09 with two of my friends! That's when I begin my journey of permanently moving to Orlando

Same here! I can't wait to go.
I'm going to be moving down to Orlando, too... but not for a couple more years. I'm so excited! Being from MN, we get some harsh winters and I'm really looking forward to not have to deal with that anymore:)

Good luck with your move!

I know what you mean about the winters, they are no picknick here in Maine, I plan on eventually moving to Orlando and working for Disney, but for now I am just goin to do the CP and see how i like it. I cant Wait for Jan!!
maybe Ill see you down there:)
Right now, I'm planning on doing the CP in Jan of 09. I will be graduating in Dec. of 08 and starting Law School in the fall of 09, so I can't think of a better way to spend the time between to two working at WDW!
i'm definitely applying for spring '09,because it's the first one i'm eligible for.

i need to get away from this stupid illinois snow!

we've had FIVE snow days in a month & a half. florida sounds wonderful right now..
I'm strongly considering Spring '09...but I still have to convince my Mom that it's a good idea. :( Any suggestions because I REALLY want to join you guys down there! :(
i'm definitely applying for spring '09,because it's the first one i'm eligible for.

i need to get away from this stupid illinois snow!

we've had FIVE snow days in a month & a half. florida sounds wonderful right now..

Amen to that! It is sooooo cold here right now. May can not come soon enough.

I'm strongly considering Spring '09...but I still have to convince my Mom that it's a good idea. :( Any suggestions because I REALLY want to join you guys down there! :(

Awww, that's a hard one. My parents were the same way. Just tell her that it's a great experience, that it's in a safe environment.
I'm hoping to do the cp next spring but I have to make sure it won't throw off my academic career too far, i don't want to piss off the one who pays for my college, eek

I wish I was down there already though, this winter really sucked, we've had snow or ice constantly since the semester started (i lucked out and drove back across the state right before it hit) and it just melted a bunch sunday and monday, the parking lots are still a bit of a mess but i can drive places now without getting stuck WITH CHAINS ON...
I made the mistake of looking at the weather for orlando online and saw their mid to upper 70's... that was the same day we got a foot of snow that turned into the first snow day here in 22 years (there's been snow, they just never close campus here at WSU for it... they have jeeps with snowplows to clear the heated sidewalks) and another the next day making it a 4 day weekend.
I took advantage of it by not doing any homework and not going outside much (i'd already seen enough snow to last me a while) except to go to a couple basketball games... i stayed inside and played disney music and wished it was 2009 already...
I'm strongly considering Spring '09...but I still have to convince my Mom that it's a good idea. :( Any suggestions because I REALLY want to join you guys down there! :(

My parent's didn't quite understand either... and they LOVE disney. Maybe you could try showing them the online presentation (If you haven't already). My parents saw it and then they thought it would be a good idea. I'm also going to school for hospitality management and I want to eventually be a Disney Wedding Planner, so i pushed the "But Mom, I want to work for Disney someday and this would be a great way to get my foot through the door..." excuse.

I also talked to my employer about it, and they JUMPED at the chance for me to go down... not because they hate me and will be glad when i'm gone, but because if you take it seriously *which I would do* then it's a great experience to get a lot of customer service training and interaction:) It would also look good on a resume!

Good Luck!
Yea the winter has been bad, just finished snowing, and its gonna tomorrow as well, it was only 14 degrees yesterday, I cant wait to spend 5 months at disney in sunny Florida!!

Yes, your parents should deff watch the presentation if they havent already, and send them to the family part of the CP website.
Thanks very much for the ideas, guys. I'm thinking about putting together a powerpoint with my arguments and evidence. LOL I'm such a nerd!
Thanks Joanna! I've started working on it. I'm using a green and purple theme to match the website! :laughing:


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