Anyone else feel like this..?


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Jun 17, 2006
Since VMK has closed, I've tried to find other websites like it to enjoy when I'm on the computer. I've tried so many different websites but I give up in about a week because it doesn't feel right.

I'm having a hard time trying to find something else like VMK. Is anyone else haveing the feeling that everyother online game is not as good as VMK was? Or am I the only one?
You're certainly not alone. I've signed up with several different games and they all have something that I like, but nothing holds that certain Disney magic that made VMK so special. Nothing that makes me wake up and feel "I can't wait to see what is new today" <sigh>

It's kinda like going to Universal with a bunch of friends; sure there are rides, and entertainment, and your friends are fun to be with .... but ... it's lacking that little bit of pixie dust that Disney adds. :worried:
One of the things that made VMK so special is that the entire family can play. Many of the games I have tried really aren't for the tween and under age groups. I like Smallworlds about the best of all now. It seems like everyone I see if from VMK!
Nope, I totally agree with you. Nothing has that same appeal as VMK. In a way, it's a good thing because otherwise I'll be addicted to something else. Plus, it just goes to show how special VMK was to us.
I agree also, nothing is or will be as great as VMK.. I guess what you need to do is stop looking for a game that is the same ( bc there isn't one, never will be ) but to find something you like... Just don't compare the two bc I fear you will always be disappointed... In my quest to find a good game I finally decided on POTCO. Tho, its not really anything like vmk I look at it like this: What was my favorite thing about vmk ( besides my friends of course ) PIRATES!!! Boy oh boy do you get pirates there. duh.. But in reality VMK is gone never to return and there will never ever be a true replacement for the game especially if you're looking for the same thing.. GL

btw.. cough if you do find one please pm me.. >_<
:worried: I tried Giga, lasted 2 days there, Small world, maybe a week there, POTC a day at best, I created a fairy and never went back... I gave up my toontown account so I can go play World of Warcraft and I like it ALOT it is not VMK and not even close to the same kind of game play but it is challenging and holds my interest for now.

I just got approved for my beta account and I have to say it is a GREAT game! Maybe VFK can take a look at what BETA should look like, the game runs very smooth and all features of the game are functioning.
If you are a kid and want to play games like WoW and Runescape but your parents wont let you ask them to try Wizards101. It is the same questing game play but with fantastic safety features. ie only speed chat and no open chatting.

VFK - well lets just say I have given up on them at the moment. If they really think they can go live with that game in a week then they have some serious delusions of grandure. It may have the same people and the same hosts and the same basic game play as VMK but the way that they are doing things over there is just putting me off more and more.

I miss VMK deeply....nothing can ever replace, and you cant say "don't compare" because it was the only thing many knew for 3 years! It is very difficult to NOT compare anything online to VMK, especially when so many are TRYING (and failing) to give us anything remotly CLOSE to VMK.
I agree with all ya guys too! Vmk was some place i could just relax and not think about anything when i got home from school now that its gone there's not really any point of me getting on the computer :(. My future wishes include vmk opening back up and staying open for a few more years!!!! Oh and the other games disney made weren't my kinda games vmk was for like everyone and the others are for little kids or older adults i guess nothing fun!!! What are we going to do?!?!?!?!? :confused3
VFK has good intentions, but right now it's nowhere near as good as VMK, and I just miss the Disney feel to it. I hardly ever play it since they don't make updates often, I usually just check their fansite to see what happened...
I agree with all of you nothing will ever compare to VMK, I miss it more and more everyday. I've yet to delete VMKPal off my computer, just can't bring myself to do that yet. BUT we have to move on, however sad that may be.

I've searched and searched for another online game to play and nothing has held my interest for more than a day UNTIL I found BABV (buildabearville) a couple weeks ago. The game in general does things the way that VMK done then, not saying it compares to VMK just saying it does things the way they did. I've been on there for 2 weeks now and enjoy it more and more everyday, the ppl in BABV are extremely nice everyone is always willing to help out when they can. Though the game may seem a bit kidish it's really not, and yes you need a BAB to bring a friend (furry) to life in there BUT if you live close to a BABW you can get one or you can get what they call a Welcome Pass to bring a friend to life. The welcome passes are free to get and you get 5 furries with it. If you can't go to a BABW or can't afford one then call a BABW and they'll be more than happy to give you a welcome pass code over the phone. If anyone is on BABV from here and they still don't have a friend (furry) let me know (pm me) and I'll get you a welcome pass.

I'm not plugging this site at all, just letting you all know it's out there and you should check it out is all. While my heart with always be with VMK, for now I'm just having fun in BABV.
I have tried almost all the games and dont really like any. Im still so bummed about VMK, I hate that they shut it down. I just want vmk back :(
I totally agree. I've found games, some I like some I don't. Nothing will come close to VMK there was something special and can't be replaced
I have signed up for so many websites but they only kept my attention for about a week. I need vmk back. :(
I just got approved for my beta account and I have to say it is a GREAT game! Maybe VFK can take a look at what BETA should look like, the game runs very smooth and all features of the game are functioning.

VFK - well lets just say I have given up on them at the moment. If they really think they can go live with that game in a week then they have some serious delusions of grandure. It may have the same people and the same hosts and the same basic game play as VMK but the way that they are doing things over there is just putting me off more and more.

I miss VMK deeply....nothing can ever replace, and you cant say "don't compare" because it was the only thing many knew for 3 years! It is very difficult to NOT compare anything online to VMK, especially when so many are TRYING (and failing) to give us anything remotly CLOSE to VMK.

For the most part, I could not agree with all of you more. There is nothing else out there that will ever compare to the magic that Disney gave us with VMK.
Before VMK, I never played the online games, never saw the draw to them. Then my boyfriend heard about VMK, and I signed up thinking "how cute! It's a virtual Disneyland! This will be fun for a few minutes..." A year and a half later I was still there, ready for my final closing dance. There is a hole in my heart that just will not go away, I miss all my vmk friends and the fun we all used to have so much.
Disney likes to do that to us, they spoil us with the best of the best and by doing this ruin everything else for us, because no matter what, we (maybe just me?) will always compare everything else to Disney (LOVE the Universal comment, Poohluv2u, you took the words out of my mouth!).

I have been rooting for VFK from day one and I still am. Yes, VFK is not as clean and smooth and bug free as Wizards101 and Smallworlds (playing and liking wizards (Kayla Ravenwood), just wish I could really talk to people), but you know what? At this point, I am still giving them a "learning curve". From my understanding, these are not game developers, but computer programmers who are working and learning a bunch of new things and so far, personally, I think they are doing a pretty good job. I know I could not be doing what they are doing now :badpc:


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