Anyone concerned about getting the swine flu?

I can appreciate your son's dilemma, and the safest thing to do for you, is not go to Disneyland. There are all sorts of germs in a place like Disneyland...and with your concerns and fears it is best not to go.
But there are germs any where you go.

Obviously here in NZ we feel we are so remote that here is the last place pandemics will reach but it goes to show just how small the world is now.

Authorities here have taken this threat very seriously, they have tracked everybody else on the plane and are monitoring them for symptoms. At this stage two people have been hospitalised and are not "recovering well'. It hasn't been confirmed as swine flu at this stage, that is going to take a couple of days before this is confirmed, what is confirmed is it is a class A influenza which is serious.

Looking at the timeframe of its expansion through Mexico, we are about two weeks behind Mexico in the spread of this bug. The good news is we have a "heads up" on this thing, people who may want to play down the threat do so at their and their families peril....
We know that it can spread. The question is how efficiently can we suppress it? Now deaths have been reported outside Mexico, and we hope it stays that way, but we don't know for sure. A lot of the cases in the US have been reporting the patient to have been recovering or already have recovered. Simple drink lots of fluids if you detect illness, see a doctor if it persists, and maintain healthy hygiene!
80 people died in mexico, which probably had a lot to do with sanitary problems of the city. The city has a population of 8,836,045 and 80 people died. It doesn't seem that bad when you take that into account. NO ONE has died in the states, not to say they won't but the odds are definately in your favour to survive.

So good to see another sane Victorian here! I agree with what you've said. I'm no more afraid of the swine flu than I am of regular flu, which is basically not at all.
So good to see another sane Victorian here! I agree with what you've said. I'm no more afraid of the swine flu than I am of regular flu, which is basically not at all.

Now if only the air lines were sane from here to LA then my world would be complete.
And will I let this stop me from going to DL. NO. And even if I were guarantee to contract it down in DL and die from it, would I still go? YES.
Wow. If it were guaranteed that I would die from it if I went, that would be a no brainer for me and my family, we wouldn't go. To each his own I guess... Since it's not guaranteed we'll die from it, we are going. Did you see my other post? We're going. Just using extra precautions, washing hands like a freak and taking hand sanitizer. I didn't say anywhere in my previous posts that we weren't going or that others shouldn't go. Everyone needs to do what is best for their family and circumstances.

Obviously here in NZ we feel we are so remote that here is the last place pandemics will reach but it goes to show just how small the world is now....The good news is we have a "heads up" on this thing, people who may want to play down the threat do so at their and their families peril....
I agree having a heads up and having access to information about it is a good thing. I also agree that people who don't take it seriously are doing so at their own risk.

It should be taken seriously that's why the American Gov't declared it a public health emergency yesterday. It's a step to allow resources to be freed up for prevention and mitigation. No one is saying to panic. We should be vigilant about taking preventative measures -- especially those who have chronic illnesses or who are immune compromised.

Everyone who is writing about how SARS and Avian Flu didn't become the worldwide pandemics the media mentioned (at that time) that they could become should thank their lucky stars that those Govt's involved, and the WHO, took the necessary precautions and spread the word about what needed to be done to prevent it from spreading. That may very well be why we are all able to write about it here. Hindsight is 20/20. If we bury our heads in the sand and hope it will all go away by itself if we just ignore it long enough, how many people would get sick and maybe die from it? Then what would our hindsight look like?
Tho in the news they are saying it is now world out brake since New Zelend has positive cases now. then the 100 kids in new york school who were sick on Thursday.

I have been watching this carefuly be safe

I'm in New Zealand and the news just on said that nothing is confirmed - they will need to wait a few days to get results back (as all tests need to be sent to Aussie for testing). Currently some - not all - have flu like symptoms and are quarantined in their homes and some of thos on the same flight have put themselves into voluntary confinement.
Obviously here in NZ we feel we are so remote that here is the last place pandemics will reach but it goes to show just how small the world is now.

Authorities here have taken this threat very seriously, they have tracked everybody else on the plane and are monitoring them for symptoms. At this stage two people have been hospitalised and are not "recovering well'. It hasn't been confirmed as swine flu at this stage, that is going to take a couple of days before this is confirmed, what is confirmed is it is a class A influenza which is serious.

Looking at the timeframe of its expansion through Mexico, we are about two weeks behind Mexico in the spread of this bug. The good news is we have a "heads up" on this thing, people who may want to play down the threat do so at their and their families peril....

where does it say they aren't recovering well - I read (nz herald) that a teacher and one student was admitted one has been discharged and the other expects to be discharged shortly
There were confirmed cases in Canada, and they have all recovered well. There has been no confirmed deaths outside of Mexico city.
I love it when a thread like this pops up...I can't say what I think of people who dismiss honest threats because they are so desensitized by the media that they're unable to differentiate between true threats and perceived threats. I also can't share my thoughts on people who think that if you can't see it, it doesn't exist.

That aside, commenting on what I view as rational and appropriate responses:

NPR today covered this topic and one thing they brought up is that hand sanitizers will not kill the flu virus. The doctor said that they can't hurt, and encouraged their continued use, but stressed that hand washing is the only thing that will get rid of viruses carried on the hands.

Also, not all flus are alike. The mixture of virus types, 2 swine: 1 avian : 1 human has not been seen for a long time...since 1918. (If you don't think flu can be serious, google that one! Three generations of my family exist only because my grandfather's first wife, a healthy young woman, died in that pandemic!) Due to the length of time it takes to generate a vaccine, this will be dealt with much like the last pandemic...1976. The vaccines will be given to health care workers and the military. The flu will likely have run its course before enough vaccine can be generated to be available for the general public.

Also, unlike most flu, this one has been killing healthy adults, not the elderly and infants. While those will special needs need to be concerned, this flu should concern everyone.

This is serious enough that when it is identified they are closing schools. Schools in Texas, New York, and one other state (possible South Carolina...I can't remember offhand) are closed today.

The governor here has suggested that people have a one to two week supply of food on hand. If you think you have the flu you are to see your doctor immediately. This flu responds to Tamiflu, so if you are diagnosed there is a treatment.

NPR is a fairly well balanced source for information like can listen free online even.
where does it say they aren't recovering well - I read (nz herald) that a teacher and one student was admitted one has been discharged and the other expects to be discharged shortly

Of course I make the post and one of the hospitalised person is discharged :rotfl:

My point was anyone hospitalised because of flu is pretty sick and would dispute they were recovering well. Usually its not the flu but complications like pnemonia that are the problem and pnemonia can be deadly...:sick:
NPR today covered this topic and one thing they brought up is that hand sanitizers will not kill the flu virus. The doctor said that they can't hurt, and encouraged their continued use, but stressed that hand washing is the only thing that will get rid of viruses carried on the hands.

This is from the NPR website, so what is the correct answer on alcohol based hand cleaners?

What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?
There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
* Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
* Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
* If you get sick with influenza, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Based on the inconsistencies I've read about hand sanitizer, I asked my friend who works in public health this exact question. I posted her response in the other DL flu thread.

Please do not depend solely on gel sanitizer over frequent handwashing. Here's a quote from a friend who works the front lines of public health when I asked her about hand sanitizers:

BASICALLY....they can be useful against the flu IF used correctly...which means you need to wash your hands first and use a 60% or based alcohol gel and use enough...well over a TABLESPOON. They do nothing if your hands are grimy to begin with.

HTH....soap and water are by far the BEST THING EVER!

My interpretation is that people generally do not use enough for it to be effective (further research told me that the gel should stay wet on your hands for at least 10 seconds) and probably it's not that effective if you use it after riding every ride in FL during MM without making a couple additional handwashing stops.

This is from the NPR website, so what is the correct answer on alcohol based hand cleaners?

What can I do to protect myself from getting sick?
There is no vaccine available right now to protect against swine flu. There are everyday actions that can help prevent the spread of germs that cause respiratory illnesses like influenza. Take these everyday steps to protect your health:

* Cover your nose and mouth with a tissue when you cough or sneeze. Throw the tissue in the trash after you use it.
* Wash your hands often with soap and water, especially after you cough or sneeze. Alcohol-based hand cleaners are also effective.
* Avoid touching your eyes, nose or mouth. Germs spread this way.
* Try to avoid close contact with sick people.
* If you get sick with influenza, CDC recommends that you stay home from work or school and limit contact with others to keep from infecting them.
Something I didn't notice anyone mention or maybe I missed it:

I always teach my pre-k class to sneeze or cough into the inside of their elbow, not in their hands. This way, they don't put the germs on their hands, pick something up, and spread the germs that way. :scared:
Something I didn't notice anyone mention or maybe I missed it:

I always teach my pre-k class to sneeze or cough into the inside of their elbow, not in their hands. This way, they don't put the germs on their hands, pick something up, and spread the germs that way. :scared:

Yes, thank you, that was what i was thinking too! :eek:
No fear this way, well at least no more then any other illness. I always remeber to bring wet naps and antibac stuff in the parks, and I make everyone wash there hands before eating.
A little concerned here...the school that was closed yesterday in Fair Oaks Calif is less than a mile from my home. I'm used to just watching this stuff develop on tv, not in my own backyard. A little scare over the weekend when my son got sick.....ended up just being Step. I'll take that over this flu any day. Luckily he and I have pretty much set up camp at home while he recovers, I'm not going back to work until Thursday and he won't be returning to school until then.

Found out that there are some siblings of kids in that school in the preschool class at my sons school. That put me a little on edge but they have all been contacted and all are apparently fine.

Never can be too careful, I think it's safe to not just blow it off, not go nuts but to just be more aware.
Something I didn't notice anyone mention or maybe I missed it:

I always teach my pre-k class to sneeze or cough into the inside of their elbow, not in their hands. This way, they don't put the germs on their hands, pick something up, and spread the germs that way. :scared:

I have adored the elbow sneeze ever since I saw a fast food cashier practice it a few years ago. (I'm sure she washed her hands afterwards too, though....I hope. :flower3: ) I think it's brilliant for adults to use, as well as kids. Back when bird flu was the panic du jour, some people claimed that the elbow sneeze alone would greatly lessen transmission, so that alone would keep it from being as bad as 1918. I'm not sure if that's exactly true, but since in 1918 they had to forbid people from spitting in public, it might help. :)
Yes, everybody should do that. I sneeze that way too. If adults did that at work, and kids at school I bet it would help.
Another big fan of the "elbow sneeze" here - I work in a first grade classroom, and we are trying to emphasize "sickness" hygiene right now, not necessarily because of the swine flu but because of the plethora of nasty cold and stomach bugs going around. Nothing like seeing a kid sneeze into his hands, look at the result, and wipe it on his pants to make a person wonder HOW our species survived this long....:sick:


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