Any Idea Why My Dessert Didn't Set Properly?


Proud Redhead
May 10, 2001
I made a version of a Banana Split cake. I used a premade pie crust. The filling is supposed to be 2 (8oz.) Cream Cheese, 1 cup sugar, & 1 tsp. vanilla. I made this dessert earlier, using 1 cup plain sugar in one, & 1 3/4 to 2 cups powdered sugar in the other. Those set up fine. I tried to make the same thing again yesterday, but neither set. I found a recipe that was similar, but called for a small amount of melted butter. I tried adding that to the 2nd one, but it still didn't set. Any ideas? TIA :)
Sorry, this one sounds like a mystery. Could you have mistakenly bought that low-fat cream cheese (Neufchatel--sp?) I've made that mistake before and found the consistancy all wrong.

Sort of related: I have an apricot nectar cake recipe that my mother and her friends always made. The thing is, every once in awhile the cake falls in the oven. It does it to all of us who make it. We can't figure out why sometimes the recipe works and other times it doesn't. One of life's mysteries, I guess.
I have no idea about the cream cheese problem, unless, as suggested it was low fat.

The problem with the apricot cake sounds like old baking powder/soda was used. (also be very careful measuring as too much could cause it to fall)
I don't mean to change the subject from the original problem, but you sound like you might know about cakes. This recipe is just a doctored cake mix recipe. You use a yellow cake mix, then add egg yolks, the add beaten, stiff egg whites, and a few other ingredients (lemon extract, lemon jello, apricot nectar) So the baking soda would already have been in the mix. Any other ideas??

Still bumping for ideas about the cream cheese pie too!
Thanks for the input. :) I did use light cream cheese, but I also used it last time. :confused3 That's pretty much all we buy.
sorry, I haven't checked back until now.

The only thing I can think of with your cake is that the additional acid from the lemon is affecting the rate of rising. Baking is science, lol.
What fruit did you put into the cheesecake and WHEN did you add it? I"m betting you added pineapple.
buckeye said:
I don't mean to change the subject from the original problem, but you sound like you might know about cakes. This recipe is just a doctored cake mix recipe. You use a yellow cake mix, then add egg yolks, the add beaten, stiff egg whites, and a few other ingredients (lemon extract, lemon jello, apricot nectar) So the baking soda would already have been in the mix. Any other ideas??

Still bumping for ideas about the cream cheese pie too!
Sounds like the eggs fell. Maybe you had old eggs, or you beat them too long?

You might also ask this question at the message board.
I bet you are right about the eggs. I've wondered if it mattered how long I beat the egss and it's also possible that I had old eggs.
marlynnp said:
What fruit did you put into the cheesecake and WHEN did you add it? I"m betting you added pineapple.

I did use pineapple as a topping. I'm not sure, if that had anything to do with it though. I gave it a while to set, before putting any toppings on it. I'm curious why you thought pineapple was the culprit. How does it affect whether or not a dessert sets? I've never heard that before. Thanks again for you advice. :)
buckeye said:
I bet you are right about the eggs. I've wondered if it mattered how long I beat the egss and it's also possible that I had old eggs.
The eggs could have also fallen during the mixing in of the other ingredients. When you add in stuff to stiff egg whites you are supposed to "gently fold in" the other stuff slowly.

Folding in means to take a BIG spoon or a big rubber spatula, starting from the bottom of the bowl, scoop up the egg whites in a gentle arcing motion, and flip your wrist over to lightly lay the whites on top of themselves. Scoop & flip, scoop & flip, instead of stirring, to gently "fold' in the ingredients, a little at a time. Only fold as FEW times as it takes to JUST mix it together.

I've actually seen when stiff egg whites get tired from being folded just one too many times. They kind of deflate & just turn into a cake batter consistancy. :(

tarheelmjfan said:
I did use pineapple as a topping. I'm not sure, if that had anything to do with it though. I gave it a while to set, before putting any toppings on it. I'm curious why you thought pineapple was the culprit. How does it affect whether or not a dessert sets? I've never heard that before. Thanks again for you advice. :)
The acid in certain pineapple mixtures (and oranges) stop things like Jello and dairy products from setting. I think it says on the back of the Jello directions to only use canned pineapple or canned mandarin oranges. I think the heating process during canning breaks down the acid.

I'm allergic to most raw fruits and I've found that if I nuke them in the microwave for a little bit to warm them & them cool them to eat later, the acid doesn't affect me anymore.

If you really want to keep using that particular pineapple topping, either try microwaving & cooling it, or let the cheesecake set fully and add on the pineapple topping just before serving. :)


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