

DIS Veteran
Mar 2, 2008
I just wanted to say, that I can relate to Anthony. [If he goes on the boards, don't worry hun, your not alone]. I'm 16 years old and I LOVE Disney with my entire life [im not getting married because nobody will ever understand my disney addiction]. I would just like to say that, yes it hurts to hear people bashing me 24/7 about loving disney but i've learned to just ignore their unreasonable comments.
Anthony-I can understand your addiction.
I just wanted to say, that I can relate to Anthony. [If he goes on the boards, don't worry hun, your not alone]. I'm 16 years old and I LOVE Disney with my entire life [im not getting married because nobody will ever understand my disney addiction]. I would just like to say that, yes it hurts to hear people bashing me 24/7 about loving disney but i've learned to just ignore their unreasonable comments.
Anthony-I can understand your addiction.

Thanks for posting here! We totally get you! :goodvibes
[im not getting married because nobody will ever understand my disney addiction].

Aww, hun, just take your time and look for a Dis-nut soulmate. As many here can attest, they exist. Or if you prefer not...Disney is great for solos, too!
It's a shame there are so many people that have to put others down just to build themselves up. And what's truly sad is that it goes way beyond the high school years. Feel free to come here anytime and talk about your love of're in good company! :goodvibes
I just wanted to say, that I can relate to Anthony. [If he goes on the boards, don't worry hun, your not alone]. I'm 16 years old and I LOVE Disney with my entire life [im not getting married because nobody will ever understand my disney addiction]. I would just like to say that, yes it hurts to hear people bashing me 24/7 about loving disney but i've learned to just ignore their unreasonable comments.
Anthony-I can understand your addiction.

Come here anytime. We all 'get' your LOVE for Disney and understand that many others do not understand.:goodvibes
I just wanted to say, that I can relate to Anthony. [If he goes on the boards, don't worry hun, your not alone]. I'm 16 years old and I LOVE Disney with my entire life [im not getting married because nobody will ever understand my disney addiction]. I would just like to say that, yes it hurts to hear people bashing me 24/7 about loving disney but i've learned to just ignore their unreasonable comments.
Anthony-I can understand your addiction.

Yep, I can relate too. I'm 17 and love disney. I'm lucky that I have 2 friends at school who love disney (not as much, but they still love it). I do often find myself trying to explain why I love disney.
Yep, I can relate too. I'm 17 and love disney. I'm lucky that I have 2 friends at school who love disney (not as much, but they still love it). I do often find myself trying to explain why I love disney.
I've just given up trying to explain because they always give me the same comments "that's for babies, oh im going to throw up (yes, someone has said that to me when I said the word Disney).

My friends like Wonderland, and thats ok, it's just not for me. I don't put them down for liking it, but when they ask me if I want to go, I kindly say "No, thank you".
There is not an "Anthony" show exactly.

Anthony's Mom wrote to us and told us how he was a bit down. Anthony loves Disney and is at a young age in life where his peer group is being less than supportive or understanding....or even nice.

Let's face can be brutal when you dont fit the streotype and have thoughts and ideas that dont 100% mesh with other words being a bit different in ANY way.

She explained that Anthony was happy to hear that people could have jobs where they thought and talked about Disney and that some day Anthony hoped to become an Imagineer.

We read the email during an email show...and while I dont remember the might be far enough back that it was still part of the regular show.

Anthony's story touched all of us....but it really struck home with me. I've spent alot of my life being "a bit different" and I have had to explain, if not defend my love of Disney and after reading these boards and talking to seems that many of us have to explain why we wanted to go to WDW again and again, We have had to defend our decision with friends, family, co-workers etc...

I realized that Anthony represented alot of us and thought that he should become part of every show. While I know that he still listens and is doing quite well......he has come to represent a much larger group of people....the
Disney lovers who deal with people not lucky enough to get the Disney gene.

So ...for each and every one of you out there......each week I say HI ANTHONY!!!!
I felt similar to Anthony and some of the PP's in high school. When I got to college, I immediately went to work finding out about the WDW College Program. While not everyone on the CP believes in the Disney Magic like I do, it was life-changing to meet so many people (my age) who also loved Disney. Being able to go to the parks every day, as well as doing my part to create magic for guests, changed my life in a way that I could never describe.

Anthony and otherse: While it's probably tough being in high school, feeling like nobody "gets" you, please hang in there. You will see that there are other people out there like you, whether it's loving Disney or something else. Heck, we all feel lost occasionally. More often than not, I can come to the DIS to find what I've been missing.
This subject always intrigues me due to the fact that some just will not accept the joy that Disney can give to people. I am constantly ready to explain my enjoyment of what Disney offers to us as a family and the the world. And even when your friends kind of "snicker" I believe inside they sort of wish to had that joy too (or will not admit they do).

On our last family vacation to celebrate our DD graduating college and our DS graduating high school we were planning a quaint WDW/cruise trip. By the time we left there was one other family (our close friends and their kids) and our DD's boyfriend, and three of our DS's close friends. What a time we had and all put this vacation on top of their best vacation list.

So when some of your friends or family "make fun" of your enjoyment of the world Walt Disney created (which if you research it you will find that Walt's creative mind and energy also was the forethought of Universal Studios, Busch Gardens, Seaworld, and many other amusement park themes)don't let it get to you. You just happen to enjoy the original.

And the weekly Podcast and the DisBoards are a great outlet.:cool1:
Same thing happens with me

Honestly people don't really make fun of me because they all know I can be very obsessive!

If someone makes fun of me behind my back I just think "That is on less person who will be in the parks and I will have just a little more personal space the next time I go
I'm 14 and lucky to say I have one very close Disney-loving friend. Most teens do have the whole I'm-to-cool-for-Disney attitude, which I blow off. Arrogant as I can be, I still love Disney.
It's amazing how people can have such hatred toward something another person likes, simply because they don't understand it.

I, too, have fallen victim many times to the rude comments of co-workers and other acquaintances. I actually had someone once say to me that it was RUDE to talk about Disney in front of her (another co-worker of mine loves Disney as much as I do and we were discussing it in the other lady's room). When I commented that I didn't make fun of her or the things she liked, she said "you don't even know what I like." and turned her back on me. Well Hmph, Grumpy! :D

Another time, I had a different co-worker say "why would anybody EVER want to have Mickey Mouse on things? I mean, for heaven's sake, he's for CHILDREN!" I looked at her and said "Some of us like to have a little fun in life."

Keep your chin up-We all know Disney rules and that's all that matters. The other crazies out there are just missing out on a whole lot of fun and great memories.

Thanks for giving us the Anthony story-I am so glad to know it now! I had always wondered about it before.

Hi Anthony!
It's amazing how people can have such hatred toward something another person likes, simply because they don't understand it.

I, too, have fallen victim many times to the rude comments of co-workers and other acquaintances. I actually had someone once say to me that it was RUDE to talk about Disney in front of her (another co-worker of mine loves Disney as much as I do and we were discussing it in the other lady's room). When I commented that I didn't make fun of her or the things she liked, she said "you don't even know what I like." and turned her back on me. Well Hmph, Grumpy! :D

Another time, I had a different co-worker say "why would anybody EVER want to have Mickey Mouse on things? I mean, for heaven's sake, he's for CHILDREN!" I looked at her and said "Some of us like to have a little fun in life."

Keep your chin up-We all know Disney rules and that's all that matters. The other crazies out there are just missing out on a whole lot of fun and great memories.

Thanks for giving us the Anthony story-I am so glad to know it now! I had always wondered about it before.

Hi Anthony!

I think that everyone is allowed to have his or her own opinion, but the fact is that some people take it to the next level. It truly saddens me because they don't realize that what they are saying, is hurting someone else. If they do know that it is hurting someone elses feelings, than they are purely evil.

It's nice to have a community like the DIS boards, or some friends that you can talk to about WDW as much as you want, and they won't put you down for it.
Hey XxDisneyFan00xX you are most definately not alone and you are in the right place. My DS is 16 and who is DisneyDude91 has the same disney issues with other people his age. In fact, when he was about 10 he chose to stop wearing his DL and WDW t-shirts to school because some of the kids at school would tease him. He only wears them on the weekends and at home or when we go to the parks-SAD!:sad2:

One positive thing that I have told my DS in regards to finding the gal of his dreams that will hopefully appreaciate Disney also....They say that there are 15 girls/women to every 1 boy/man these days so the odds tend to be in his favor.:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :rotfl:

Hey XxDisneyFan00xX you are most definately not alone and you are in the right place. My DS is 16 and who is DisneyDude91 has the same disney issues with other people his age. In fact, when he was about 10 he chose to stop wearing his DL and WDW t-shirts to school because some of the kids at school would tease him. He only wears them on the weekends and at home or when we go to the parks-SAD!:sad2:

One positive thing that I have told my DS in regards to finding the gal of his dreams that will hopefully appreaciate Disney also....They say that there are 15 girls/women to every 1 boy/man these days so the odds tend to be in his favor.:thumbsup2 :thumbsup2 :rotfl:


My gosh what is wrong with people!? When I saw that comment it really hurt me. Is it the way that these kids were raised up? To make fun of those who have a love for disney? I swear that they should create a school where only kids that like Disney can go there. That way we can be free to wear disney shirts whenever we want and talk about disney all the time.


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