Another use for Home Depot Mickey Head Paint Chips!

The loops came in the self laminating packet! It had everything needed to make personalized luggage tags :)
Thanks for posting. I love this idea. Unfortunatly DF and I aren't able to go on a disneymoon, but we will be going on a honeymoon, but are trying to incorporate disney as much as possible. This will be a great touch. Thanks again!
I love the tags...I went to Walmart and bought six yesterday! I plan to make some tomorrow for this week's trip.
I love the tags...I went to Walmart and bought six yesterday! I plan to make some tomorrow for this week's trip.

Yeah!! They are so easy to make and so cute when you are finished! I already put mine on our luggage and they look SO adorable! :)
thanks for the idea. I am gonna make one for everyone on my trip.. will help when we unload my moms van and put them in everyone room. most are flying from NY but the 7 of us(6 of us and my mom) are driving there and I will have the key to the house to get in
I'm going to make a contact card out of the Mickey Head Paint Chips that DD4.5 will have either in her pocket or around her neck in case she gets lost. It will have our names and cell phone numbers on it. That way, instead of hoping she remembers our cell phone numbers, she can just hand the card to a CM and say, "I'm lost, call my mommy."
I found another use for those cute Mickey Head Paint Chips from Home Depot-Luggage Tags! I have to say that I saw the idea posted on the Dis so I cannot take full credit for the idea. (But thank-you to whoever is responsible!!!! :thumbsup2 )
They were super easy to do and very inexpensive. I paid a little under $6.00 at Wal-Mart for the self-laminating packets w/ the clear luggage attachment.
Here is a pic of what I made for our upcoming February trip:


I have to say I am super-happy with how these turned out! We all needed new luggage tags and am glad I found the idea to make my own on the Dis! :banana:

These are awesome!!! Did you hand write your information on them or did you type them? I am so going to do this for all of our stuff. How easy to find!
I know this is a dumb question but I am going to ask it anyway. Which green is the official LGMH? I went to Home Depot today and there were 4 different shades of green. I brought 2 of each home until I find out which one is the "right" color.

I know this is a dumb question but I am going to ask it anyway. Which green is the official LGMH? I went to Home Depot today and there were 4 different shades of green. I brought 2 of each home until I find out which one is the "right" color.


I'm new here, but I've been doing some searches. I believe its the Alien Green one.

Does LGMH stand for lime green mickey head?
I accidentlly left about 10 LGMHs in my hoodie pocket when I put it in the washer. When I put all the clothes in the dryer, imagine the horror when I looked back in the washer and saw all those Mickey heads lining the tub! It was kinda cool looking. The backing had completely came off (yes it was a MESS on the clothes, but it the paper came off easily in the dryer) and the green heads weren't wadded up or anything, just plastered flat against the walls of the washing machine tub!
oh my gosh, how funny!!! That's a pretty great look for the washer, though!!!
In which part of Wal Mart are the kits?

In my local Wal-Mart, I found the self-laminating kits in the aisle that has pens, pencils, markers, etc. The kits are made by Scotch (3M) and are self-laminating luggage tags. They come in a purple and clear package. Good Luck!!!
I found them by accident. I was going to have my husband laminate them at work for me & then I was going to attach a coordinating colored ribbon to it. Both ways are fine. :)
I know this is a dumb question but I am going to ask it anyway. Which green is the official LGMH? I went to Home Depot today and there were 4 different shades of green. I brought 2 of each home until I find out which one is the "right" color.


Alien Green :thumbsup2
Thanks! I was just in wal mart and looked in the luggage section. I didn't think about the pen section.


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