"Annual" ob/gyn bloodwork?


Oct 20, 2012
So the "annual" ob/gyn visit. Aren't you supposed to get bloodwork for cholesterol, etc? Or had something changed since my last "annual"?
I've never had the ob/gyn do regular bloodwork for cholesterol or things like that. My regular primary care physician is the one whose annual includes that kind of stuff. I know there are general practitioners that will also do the well-women work-up and so that annual would include both blood work and the other stuff, but I think most ob/gyns just stick to the lady-parts.
In my experience it greatly depends on whether you are using the OB/GYN as a sort of Primary Care Doctor, many women do. My OB/GYN used to order the bloodwork if she knew I hadn't done it for awhile. But now I have other issues and I have a Family Practice physician which orders routine annual tests and my gynecologist only does my annual gynecological exam.
I actually would prefer to have a PCP (family practice or internal med) read my lab work on general health issues.
My OB/GYN does bloodworm for me, but only because I'm on a medicine that she prescribed which requires it. I often will ask her to throw in additional tests because we have a good relationship, but the typical patient does not get bloodwork from her.
Also done by my primary doctor. I usually will take a copy of the blood work but he barely looks at it. I do request the Ovarian Cancer screening/blood work too with my primary (I think it's ovarian can't remember this minute - or maybe it's cervical?).
Ok, I asked my pcp to check because it had been forever and she said "normally that gets done at your annual gyn visit. You have been going, right?" So then I said I was probably overdue (by forever)and scheduled the gyn. So happy to be done at the gyn, I forgot to ask and she didn't order it . 2 appointments and I still have no bloodwork, lol.
Ok, I asked my pcp to check because it had been forever and she said "normally that gets done at your annual gyn visit. You have been going, right?" So then I said I was probably overdue (by forever)and scheduled the gyn. So happy to be done at the gyn, I forgot to ask and she didn't order it . 2 appointments and I still have no bloodwork, lol.

So your PCP was deferring cholesterol screening etc. to your OB/GYN? That's very odd.

Did you request it that way in the past or something?

How old are you? Maybe you weren't due?
So the "annual" ob/gyn visit. Aren't you supposed to get bloodwork for cholesterol, etc? Or had something changed since my last "annual"?

No. I get that from my primary doc.

Ok, I asked my pcp to check because it had been forever and she said "normally that gets done at your annual gyn visit. You have been going, right?" So then I said I was probably overdue (by forever)and scheduled the gyn. So happy to be done at the gyn, I forgot to ask and she didn't order it . 2 appointments and I still have no bloodwork, lol.

If my primary doc said that to me, I would probably think they are crazy and need to not be a doctor.
What blood work did you ask for exactly? My PCP does my blood work but GYN will do STD and hormone checks if asked or PCP hasn't done them yet but they ask up front when your last STD test and blood work was and don't usually offer full blood work like cholesterol and vitamins etc unless going for something other than yearly exam.
Admittedly not the best doctor, but I know I have had my bloodwork done through my old gyn before -it was standard practice at that place and they were listed as my primary doctor. So it didn't strike me as odd. Sounds like it should have? I'm in my early 40s and probably haven't checked cholesterol and other levels in 7-8 years. Tend not to go in unless there is an issue so once a year or two for bronchitis or an ear infection. Was getting a little anxious because I needed some follow up testing which turned out to be a "probable" fibroid tumor, AND got the mamogram callback too. Probably nothing but between not getting the test I wanted and ending up with this anxiety I remembered why I'm not good about going in!
My PCP encouraged me to have my bloodwork done by my OB/GYN. She said I have to see him anyway, and so if he runs the bloodwork and sends the panel to her, it saves me a co-pay. Since I'm young and healthy, she said I do not need to see her annually unless the bloodwork shows something, so I've had my OB/GYN run those tests for me for the last 2 years.
question-do people go to two doctors for physicals? An ob doc AND a primary care?

I get everything done at my primary care. Never been to an OB. My pcp does all the test's and blood work. I guess she would be a general practitioner.
I'm 58 and this is the first year I've even had it done, had a complete physical with my Primary Care doc and even had her order my mamo and they did my bone density there in the office. Since it was all done there, except the mamo which has to be done somewhere that has a radiologist to read it, it was all no cost, covered under annual screening with insurance. Normally I just go to my OBGYN but since I don't have any lady parts and only need bone density and mamo, it seemed silly to go there so I switched to PCP. My OBGYN only got the results of my mamo anyway, if something needed to be done (which happens every year) the radiologist does it all.


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