"Annie" update on DD#1

Rock'n Robin

Disney Queen
Jan 20, 2000
The minor roles have been cast for "Annie". DD#1 unfortunately did not get "star-to-be". Of the 3 finalists for Miss Hannigan one got the role, one is star-to-be, and one is DD! Oh well. At the winter concert the choir director took me aside and was telling me about DD's chest voice/head voice and how she pushed to hard when she switched from one to the other at callbacks and went pitchy...I'm sure her voice teacher will understand, but I don't! But the choir director was gushing that DD#1 is gaining so much ground all the time that her voice will be amazing by 10th grade.
There are two groups of chorus: One group is orphans/soldiers, and one is Warbuck's assistants/swing couple. I would think DD would be in the first group since the soldiers do a tap number, but she isn't because she is too tall to be an orphan! So we have to take her to a swing dancing class. I hope she picks it up quickly with her 11 years of jazz. She is also one of 3 female assistants who actually has a name!
We figured out every single solo (except for Grace and the Boylan sisters) for girls is filled by 7th graders. The Boylan sisters portrayers are mostly, pardon the expression, brown-nosers. ("Hi Miss B! Can we lift something heavy for you? You look great today! Do you need us to go move some scenery or sew some costumes or organize some makeup???") I'm sure you drama veterans know the type.
Robin M.
Thanks for the update, Robin. Those class plays sure can be cpmpetitive. And I bet she will do just super in the dancing!! Break a leg why do they say that, LOL? :confused3) :cool1:
Thanks for the update Robin. Sorry she didn't make the part she wanted but it sounds like she has promise.

It made sense what your DD did. Probably what happened was when she tried to hit her higher notes she pushed it a bit and was sharp. Usually happens when you are a little nervous, which I'm sure she was.
I hope she'll have a great time anyway. You know she will! My DD did Annie twice. She was Hannigan in a kids group and a Boylan sister/servant/Hoovervilleite in an adult group. She had a lot of fun in both productions and liked doing several different roles. OF course she never wants to do Annie again! :goodvibes


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