Animals And Creatures Seen In Wdw

I've seen:

Anoles (Green and Brown)
• Black Snakes
• Water Moccasins (!)
• 'Gators
• Wild Pigs
• Wild Turkeys
• Deer
• Otters
• Squirrels
• Ducks
• Ibis
• Cranes
• Sea Gulls
• Tree Frogs
• Geckos
• Rats
• Feral Cats
• Possums
• Armadillos
• Bullfrogs
• Tadpoles
• Groundhogs
• Turtles
Last year, my wife and I followed a skunk down the sidewalk and hallway of Coronado Springs. He was very cute as he waddled along. Obviously, we didn't follow him closely and wouldn't have followed him, at all, but he was going our way as we brought the luggage to the room.

Sadly, the camera was already in the room.
Cathy relocted this fellow from the middle of the road at Coronado Springs. She was afraid that a bus would get him.

While Cathy was on the phone at Epcot, I got a pic of this little guy. He was maybe an inch and a half long. The pic's not awesome. Perhaps one day I'll run it through PS to see if I can make it better.
Love the snake!! A red rat snake if I'm not mistaken.
I would love to see a snake, hopefully on the next trip..

I've seen a vulture feasting on roadkill at OKW.
Loads of frogs in the stairwell at SSR and a couple on the trees outside.
A huge moth - 6 inches across - in the outside hallway at SSR.
Squirrels, Ducks, Egrets, and other birds.
Bunnies at the BW, PO and OKW.
Soft shell turtles.
A pretty large gopher tortoise near the approach road to Epcot -saw it from the bus.
Lots of deer from the Monorail, between MK and Epcot and also grazing on the golf course near the GF.
A small gator eating a fish on one of the golf courses.
There were a lot of ducks at the Flame Tree BBQ in Animal Kingdom. They were so cute!! Check out this guy!

Todd&Copper (post #79), there is nothing on this thread that made me feel like this :scared: except your story of the slugs on your sister's pants! I will ALWAYS remember to NEVER sit on a planter/bench after a rain again!
I know they are harmless but the whole slime thing makes me feel :sick: .
As far as saving the little frogs and hoping for the best I am the exact same way. I pick up tiny snails off of the sidewalk, birds, spiders, anything that i feel is in harms way and try to put them somewhere safe. Then I always wonder if I made things worse for them! I live in New York so finding a safe place for them is not always easy. Anyway, have a great day!:)
Love the snake!! A red rat snake if I'm not mistaken.
I would love to see a snake, hopefully on the next trip..

Thanks for identifying it for me, I think you're right. That's not the only snake I've seen on property...there's a lot more hanging around, you'll see one soon!
:scared1: doesn't that thing belong behind glass?:scared1:
omg I'd have a heart attack:scared1:
I just can't imagine someone having the thought of "Oh, there's a snake. I think I'll stop and take a picture of it." I'd be too busy running away. Last time we were at OKW, I noticed a group of people standing around in a circle and someone was saying "What kind of snake do you think that is?" That was enough to get me moving the other way.
Also known as a Corn Snake. They not only eat the nasty little critters but they are a very popular pet. They're harmless unless you're a mouse or rat. Maybe that's why Mickey's always got escorts.
More of the's some of the visiting critters I've photographed around the Disney resorts and parks:

Egret at Saratoga Springs:


Swans at night by the patio at Rainforest Cafe in Marketplace:


And same place, but late day:


Big 'ol bee at Saratoga Springs:


Another gator - this one was in Animal Kingdom hanging out at the Dawa Bar:


Ever present seagulls...this one flying over the McDonald's french fry cart on Frontierland:


Well, I've seen him mentioned a few I figured we needed a photo of the elusive Bay Lake-Magic Kingdom boat-dock otter:

I have these few:


Squirrel behind Yorkshire Chips in Epcot. (Little to no zoom used on these) Have fed the ducks there too. Didn't get a picture of them. Have also seen squirrels at Raglan's Pub.

These two in AK.

And this one I think on Pagani Exploration Trail
Do those giant roach things count? I know I know, they're not called roaches in the south, but people I'm from NYC. A roach is a roach called by any other name! EWWWW!
I see them all the time on the monorail platforms, but the worst was when one was on the headboard of my ASsports room and a dead one was in the lamp in the shower at WL was pretty nasty.


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