Angelica & Nick's 2014 Disneyland Escape Wedding

:wave2: Hi! Congratulations and welcome!

You are an adorable couple and your story is so sweet! I didn't have a grand proposal either, but it really suited both of us. Your ring is beautiful! And your cats are so cute!

As for dress shopping, you still have time, though I love the third one. If you do go shopping more, keep in mind that they can make alterations. So if you try on a dress that doesn't have a sweetheart neckline, they can always make it a's actually very simple. Not everyone gets "the feeling", so don't wait for that to make the decision because then you could run the risk of trying on too many and confusing yourself. That could just make it much harder.

Love the cards for the bridesmaids! I subscribed and can't wait to see more!! :)
It's nice to see a couple with a similar story to my DH and I. I'm new here, so I've not quite figured out how to subscribe yet, but as sure as my friend's daughter wakes up (she has an account on here herself!) I'm sure she'll help me. Anyway, your ring is gorgeous. I look forward to reading the rest of your assuredly awesome wedding plans!

Hi and welcome! :)

Love the cards. Also I forgot to mention I love your cats name awesomo.

Thank you!

The cards are a super cute idea. I love how creative that was. My cat, unfortunately is 11 years old and she still does that lol. I think Oliver may just be a hair attacker :)

OMG if he stays in this phase forever I don't know what I will do! This morning I woke up at 4am and thought "I can't wait for our Disneyland vacation..." and it was not because of Disney, but because of the peaceful hotel sleep we will get! Haha. That's how bad its been.

:wave2: Hi! Congratulations and welcome!

You are an adorable couple and your story is so sweet! I didn't have a grand proposal either, but it really suited both of us. Your ring is beautiful! And your cats are so cute!

As for dress shopping, you still have time, though I love the third one. If you do go shopping more, keep in mind that they can make alterations. So if you try on a dress that doesn't have a sweetheart neckline, they can always make it a's actually very simple. Not everyone gets "the feeling", so don't wait for that to make the decision because then you could run the risk of trying on too many and confusing yourself. That could just make it much harder.

Love the cards for the bridesmaids! I subscribed and can't wait to see more!! :)

Hi! Thank you! I've thought about having gowns adjusted to the neckline I want, but whenever I mentioned it to the salesperson they told me it would cost like $250+ which I think is crazy!
Hmm, it just occurred to me that I don't know how much they will charge me to do that. But $250, wow, that seems a little excessive.
Hmm, it just occurred to me that I don't know how much they will charge me to do that. But $250, wow, that seems a little excessive.

Yeah, alterations can cost a small fortune depending on the shop! The consultant told me to always add $200-$500 on top of the wedding dress because they will order the closest size and then adjust accordingly.

I think it's crazy and I would rather take my dress as is to a shop that does just alterations.
We took our engagement photos at Disneyland at the end of November.
The day was literally based on Murphy's Law for the most part. But, looking back, I really would not change a thing.

I wrote some blog posts about the trip and engagement photo session right after we got back and received the photos.

The Trip
The Photos

Our photographer was Brooke Aliceon Photography. She is amazing! I stumbled upon her work on Pinterest and fell in love. She and her husband will be the photographers at our wedding as well. Through all of my indecisiveness, this was the one thing I was sure about! Brooke was going to be our photographer whether we had the wedding in Vegas or anywhere else in the world!

Here is my favorite photo...

First, I love those cards for your BMs.

Second those engagement shots are gorgeous! I bet it was disappointing when it was raining on your day, but somehow the rain seems to add to the magic. If you can be standing out in pouring rain and still look like you're having the time of your lives, you know that's real! Or something like that :goodvibes
You two are adorable and make such a beautiful couple. Those photos are gorgeous.

Thank you so much!

First, I love those cards for your BMs.

Second those engagement shots are gorgeous! I bet it was disappointing when it was raining on your day, but somehow the rain seems to add to the magic. If you can be standing out in pouring rain and still look like you're having the time of your lives, you know that's real! Or something like that :goodvibes

Thank you! Yeah, the rain was crazy... usually I love the rain at Disneyland (short lines)! But, I legitimately almost had a panic attack on Storybook Land as the rain started coming down more and more!
I love the fact your engagement pictures were taken in the rain. It is such a cool added element and you guys looked like you had a blast!
I love the fact your engagement pictures were taken in the rain. It is such a cool added element and you guys looked like you had a blast!

Thanks! I am extremely happy that the people at Sephora helped to transform me from looking like a soaking wet rat into something acceptable for the photos! Haha! ;)

Those engagement photos are gorgeous, the photographer did a wonderful job!

Thank you! She really is awesome!
So, today I am feeling a little overwhelmed with the wedding and we are still 14 months out! I think it's mostly because I'm having these crazy bridezilla inner feelings that nobody cares about the wedding and everybody hates the idea of a destination wedding due to the guest limit. Literally, at lunch today I brought up the upcoming trip that DF and I are taking for his birthday in 2 weeks and said that we were going to look at the ceremony sites as well. Everyone completely ignored me!

But, woe is me.. just had to vent for a second since I know many of you ladies can empathize.

So, the colors I've had picked out since the start of our wedding planning are blush, gold and navy blue (ivory where needed to balance). I am still in love with these colors and still plan to use them!

I plan on making our own centerpieces and shipping them ahead. All of this right now is just some inspiration since I have no idea how big the table(s) at the reception will be or if Disney will set them up for me. Many people have said that fake flowers are tacky... but real flowers are expensive and I know for a fact that Hobby Lobby has flowers that look and feel pretty darn real! I will look into the pricing of real flowers, but I have a feeling I will just go the faux route. I also like the idea of being able to reuse some of this stuff at our at home reception.

I am also a big literary buff and DF will happily oblige me in these centerpieces. I'm not sure if we will spray paint the books or just start searching for some plain books in the same family color. I already have a ton of navy blue books we picked up at Bloomingdales when one of their stores closed in town. And seriously- you don't have to ask me twice to scour through bookstores to find them. It will be like heaven! Also, not sure about the jewel inspired bookmarks. It's something to look into...

I'm considering the Roman style table since there will only be 20 of us. No sense in splitting everyone up when we can all sit together!

I have never had to force myself to spend time on Pinterest, but I've really been slacking in that realm lately. I am a self proclaimed procrastinator and I'm worried because even though we have a long road ahead, I don't want to drown in my DIY projects!
Those are gorgeous colours, such an elegant and classy palette! I love your centerpiece inspiration! I hear you about the cost of faux flowers vs. real flowers. My mom is adamant that I do not use faux flowers, so I met her halfway and eliminated flowers from the decor. Those real flowers really are a huge expense. But I love book centerpieces! I've never seen anything like those bookmarks before, I quite like it.
I love your color palette, inspiration board and the centerpieces. Great idea. I'm thinking we're going to have to scale back on our floral. Even though I haven't gotten our floral estimate yet. I seem to be more nervous now than before the planning session.
I called DFTW last week and they sent me a ton of information for the self guided tour. Since we are doing an Escape, there are no face to face meetings involved in the planning process. This frightens me a little, but as long as the communication is strong everything should be okay!

Basically, we were sent a map of both DLH and GCH and an outline of every ceremony site and reception room that would be available to choose from. If we choose a ceremony site at DLH, the reception must be in one of the rooms at DLH per the guidelines. I'm not sure if this will impact my feelings about the Adventure Lawn Gazebo or not since I like the reception rooms in GCH better. But, I won't know until I see them in person. I think we are going to do the tour on Thursday when we arrive...hopefully we will be able to see everything!

I am super excited for our upcoming trip next week. A little stressed because it is turning out to be more expensive than I had anticipated (we extended it by one day and decided to do the chef's counter at Napa Rose). It's been a long time since we've had a 4 day trip, so I can't wait! I'd better go start packing.:woohoo:
I had no idea they did a self-guided tour kind of thing. That is very interesting! Looking forward to seeing photos too! :goodvibes

Hope you have a great trip!
Yikes! I feel so behind because the last two weeks were just crazy (our DL trip and work-blah). I wanted to do a proper trip report, but honestly I think I am just going to write some blog posts over on my blog about the trip highlights and then link them here. I am almost done with my review on the Napa Rose Chef's counter (which was AMAZING BTW).

We did get to visit the ceremony sites for the Escape wedding. Even though I've seen photos online, it felt nice to see them in person so I could get a better sense of the ambiance. We did not get a chance to look at any of the reception rooms, but that's okay!

Some exciting news is that I decided to start a YouTube channel documenting the wedding process and just us as a couple. I want to remember what everything was like and have our experience be a possible resource for future disbrides (I eat up everything I can find online regarding weddings and DL weddings as much as I can- I know there are others like me out there...right?). Plus, I've been making YouTube videos on and off since 2009... cuz I'm kinda lame like that! :banana: If anyone wants to check it out, here it is.

Hmm... other wedding planning stuff has been scattered recently. I've just been perusing Save the Dates and what not. I think I will be more motivated once August rolls around and we hit the 12 month countdown.


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