Andrea & Kory's 6/11/11 Wishes Wedding--WP&GF Ballroom**Updated 8/15 Ann. Pics Last!

So Monday was our 1 year engage-aversary. So much happened in that one year! We celebrated by recreating our proposal night.

We went to see the Osborne Lights at DHS and got a picture in the same spot where DH proposed...


Then just like last year, we headed over to Epcot to watch the fireworks. Illuminations is my least fav fireworks show BUT the finale during the holidays is my fav! It's so loud and awesome!

We walked around and did a little bit of shopping. Since the wedding, I've become obsessed with owls. My last name is now Howell and at first my kids got my name messed up and called me Mrs. Owl. So now I just love owls and apparently they're trendy now too! China had some lucky owls and there was a yellow one that was for a good marriage. Unfortunately, they were sold out. But I'll keep going back to check. And we got Bella a little souvenier from China

Then we went to Japan and I decided to randomly look at pick-a-pearl thing. I've never been interested in it before, so I don't know why I was that night. But they had a Cinderella's Carriage necklace charm to put the pearl in---SOLD! We didn't have time that night to do it so we went back last night. It was so fun! It will be part of my xmas present from DH so now pics for now. But we decided it will be a new tradition. When we go to Epcot for our engage-aversary every year, I will get to pick a new pearl and have it made into jewelry for DH to give for me on Christmas!

Oh, and some of you probably read about this on FB, but I just went to my album meeting. Lillian was awesome! She helped narrow down my selection and made great suggestions and was sooo nice! And after she took me on a tour of the Disney Event Group building! So I got to see where they put together all these great events, where they do the video editing, and put the albums together. Then I got to see where the photographers edit the pictures and I ran into the amazing Regina! Then we went to see the department where they put together the in room celebrations. And finally I got to see the floral department! It was so neat to see! I saw a cascade bouquet for a wedding in 2 days. And we stopped by Elizabeths office but she was on vacation so I left a note. It was so neat to see it all!
We celebrated the same anniversary Monday!! lol Without presents though. I asked Charley where my present was for our engagement anniversary.. he said we're not playing 10 different anniversaries a year!! :rotfl2: I tried!! But we're going to Disney for Christmas, so that's our gifts to each other!!

I love love love your doggy!! That was such a great gift to buy her. My Ginger (shih-tzu) despises wearing clothes. She would rather freeze to death! :laughing:

Also love the pearl idea. We've stopped by those stands several times. I'm pretty sure I'll be stopping to get me a pair of earrings soon!! :rolleyes1

I think that it is so cool that you get to go back and recreate this special moment. Love adding the new traditions. Can't wait to see the necklace.

Your dog is adorable!

What a fabulous experience getting to go all around the Event Planning building. Wow!!! I am sure your album will be lovely.
dang, I'm so jealous you live so close AND that you got to tour that building. That sounds amazing! (I am a total sucker for that kind of stuff):goodvibes
How fun!!

The pearl jewelry sounds great! When we were there in October they did a huge "ceremony" in Japan actually for the pearls when someone was buying one and we happened to be perusing. There was music, drums, I think maybe even a little bit of chanting. haha It was a cool to see!

Your pup is too cute! My (90lb) pup would much rather chew than wear clothes.. :rolleyes1 but I totally keep trying! ;)
We celebrated the same anniversary Monday!! lol Without presents though. I asked Charley where my present was for our engagement anniversary.. he said we're not playing 10 different anniversaries a year!! :rotfl2: I tried!! But we're going to Disney for Christmas, so that's our gifts to each other!!

I love love love your doggy!! That was such a great gift to buy her. My Ginger (shih-tzu) despises wearing clothes. She would rather freeze to death! :laughing:

Also love the pearl idea. We've stopped by those stands several times. I'm pretty sure I'll be stopping to get me a pair of earrings soon!! :rolleyes1

So we have the same engage-aversary?!?! How cool! Yeah, when went to do the pearl thing, I pretty much told DH that it was my engagement present. He wanted to know where his was then. I asked what he wanted and he said nothing. So be it! Bella hates the clothes. She's a super-hyper puppy but when we put clothes on her, she just freezes up and won't move! And definitely go for the earrings soon! Maybe you can start that tradition too!


I think that it is so cool that you get to go back and recreate this special moment. Love adding the new traditions. Can't wait to see the necklace.

Your dog is adorable!

What a fabulous experience getting to go all around the Event Planning building. Wow!!! I am sure your album will be lovely.

Thank you!

dang, I'm so jealous you live so close AND that you got to tour that building. That sounds amazing! (I am a total sucker for that kind of stuff):goodvibes
How fun!!

The pearl jewelry sounds great! When we were there in October they did a huge "ceremony" in Japan actually for the pearls when someone was buying one and we happened to be perusing. There was music, drums, I think maybe even a little bit of chanting. haha It was a cool to see!

Your pup is too cute! My (90lb) pup would much rather chew than wear clothes.. :rolleyes1 but I totally keep trying! ;)

I am a total sucker for that kind of stuff too! Lillian said when she's asked other brides if they wanted a tour, most said no! Not me!

I got to enjoy the ceremony...and I have to admit, I enjoyed the attention for a couple of miutes!

And like I said above, Bella hates the clothes.....she totally freezes up. She won't move! So usually just end up putting the clothes on her, taking her picture and then taking them off! So she has all these outfits that she doesn't wear, but just hasn't pictures in...oops!
I have read about 1/3 of your blog. Sorry I haven't read the whole thing yet but it's almost 1 am and it took me like an hour and a half to get through the first 14 pages. I am having a Cinderella theme, purple and silver are my colors and our dresses are very similar! You have great taste ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that what I have seen so far has been beautiful! You are a great inspiration! Happy to see you in love and enjoying every minute of it! :dance3:
I have read about 1/3 of your blog. Sorry I haven't read the whole thing yet but it's almost 1 am and it took me like an hour and a half to get through the first 14 pages. I am having a Cinderella theme, purple and silver are my colors and our dresses are very similar! You have great taste ;)

Anyway, I just wanted to say that what I have seen so far has been beautiful! You are a great inspiration! Happy to see you in love and enjoying every minute of it! :dance3:

Yay for a twin! Do you have a PJ yet? I would love to follow along!

Oh, that's great!

It's so hard when the wedding is over, isn't it? You did SO much work on it, and now it's been, what, almost 7 months ago! A shame it goes by so fast. I still cannot believe that mine was 12.5 years ago! I like some of us just loved our wedding and thus love other people's, too. :goodvibes

I went today to pick out my daughter's communion dress - it was an upscale kids' boutique, kind of like a Say Yes to the Dress moment! It was fun to be in a room full of white dresses and not have to try them on, but still get to play.
Oh, that's great!

It's so hard when the wedding is over, isn't it? You did SO much work on it, and now it's been, what, almost 7 months ago! A shame it goes by so fast. I still cannot believe that mine was 12.5 years ago! I like some of us just loved our wedding and thus love other people's, too. :goodvibes

I went today to pick out my daughter's communion dress - it was an upscale kids' boutique, kind of like a Say Yes to the Dress moment! It was fun to be in a room full of white dresses and not have to try them on, but still get to play.

Yes! It is so hard! And DH's twin just got engaged. I've only met his fiance twice and she's really nice and I really want to jump in with tips and advice but its so not my place and I don't know her well enough! I just have to live vicariously through everyone on here!

And oh how fun to have a mini SYTTD moment!!
Yes! It is so hard! And DH's twin just got engaged. I've only met his fiance twice and she's really nice and I really want to jump in with tips and advice but its so not my place and I don't know her well enough! I just have to live vicariously through everyone on here!

And oh how fun to have a mini SYTTD moment!!

I have SUCH a hard time with that! When I was married 5 years, a non-girly friend got married and I got to go dress shopping with her!!! SO much fun! She ended up with a gorgeous dress. Actually, it was me and my BFF who offered and our friend was totally out of her element and happy we asked. I also got to help plan two family weddings - my DH's cousin and a non-relative who is like family to him. That was fun because the moms and the brides asked for my help and I got to have fun without being pushy! :rotfl:

You might want to try to meet this girl again, maybe do something alone. And just get to know her. Maybe SHE is dying for your help but doesn't know to ask! If you go to lunch she might start pumping you for info and you can smile and be all cool while inside you are like YES!

I got home from the communion dress shopping and found the purse, dress, and shoes on the website, but unfortunately my DH was not as entranced by the pearl/rhinestone trim as I was! :lmao: Oh, well. We need a PJ for other parties! I really understand now why my mom wanted to plan so much for my wedding and this communion!
So today I packed up the bins to drop off at Franck's on Tuesday. I also wrapped my bridesmaids gift, my flower girls gifts and my dad's gift. I am still waiting on my moms. I hope it gets here in time!

I also decided to do welcome bags (way to wait til the last minute!) It might not sound like a good reason, but I wasn't going to do them since it was mostly my immediate family staying on property, and I know they wouldn't care if I did them or not. But there are two of DFs groomsmen staying on property so I decided I would feel bad the whole time if I didnt'.

I think I am going to include the times guide, a door hanger, bottled waters, a snack (like chips/granola bar), maybe some travel advil/tylenol, and then a couple of little things for the families with kids. Does that sound like enough?

And here's the times guide I made. Thank you soooo much to Wendy for sending me the template!!!!


Just started back on finishing your PJ. I hope to get through the rest today but we will see since I am only to page 16. Do you still have this template? If so, would you mind sharing? So cute and I am a DIY Bride because I love to do crafty stuff! Please and thank you :goodvibes

Ok, just finished, your pictures from the wedding were beautiful! You made a very stunning bride :) I had seen another couples photos done by Regina and out of all the photos I have seen I like her style of shooting the best.
I have SUCH a hard time with that! When I was married 5 years, a non-girly friend got married and I got to go dress shopping with her!!! SO much fun! She ended up with a gorgeous dress. Actually, it was me and my BFF who offered and our friend was totally out of her element and happy we asked. I also got to help plan two family weddings - my DH's cousin and a non-relative who is like family to him. That was fun because the moms and the brides asked for my help and I got to have fun without being pushy! :rotfl:

You might want to try to meet this girl again, maybe do something alone. And just get to know her. Maybe SHE is dying for your help but doesn't know to ask! If you go to lunch she might start pumping you for info and you can smile and be all cool while inside you are like YES!

I got home from the communion dress shopping and found the purse, dress, and shoes on the website, but unfortunately my DH was not as entranced by the pearl/rhinestone trim as I was! :lmao: Oh, well. We need a PJ for other parties! I really understand now why my mom wanted to plan so much for my wedding and this communion!

I would offer to go out to lunch with her and do something but unfortunately she lives in Colorado, and I live in Florida so that's not really possible. Oh well! Ooh...matching purse and shoes to the dress??? SOOO have to get that one! And we do need more PJs!

Yes, I just started one a couple of days ago. It's called Michelle and Daniel's Castle Wishes Dream Come True! I have just started so not much on there yet.

I found it and am subscribing! Thanks!

Just started back on finishing your PJ. I hope to get through the rest today but we will see since I am only to page 16. Do you still have this template? If so, would you mind sharing? So cute and I am a DIY Bride because I love to do crafty stuff! Please and thank you :goodvibes

Ok, just finished, your pictures from the wedding were beautiful! You made a very stunning bride :) I had seen another couples photos done by Regina and out of all the photos I have seen I like her style of shooting the best.

I still have the you have Photoshop? That's what you have to use to edit it. If so, PM me your email and I'll send it to you!

And thanks about the pictures. Regina is simply AMAZING!! I can't wait to get pregnant just so she can do my maternity pictures! Although another bride on here mentioned doing anniversary pictures, so I must just have to copy her idea!
I still have the you have Photoshop? That's what you have to use to edit it. If so, PM me your email and I'll send it to you!

I do have Photoshop!!! I will PM you. Thank you soooooooo much!

And thanks about the pictures. Regina is simply AMAZING!! I can't wait to get pregnant just so she can do my maternity pictures! Although another bride on here mentioned doing anniversary pictures, so I must just have to copy her idea![/QUOTE]

Awww, are you trying to get pregos???

Opps, that was supposed to show your stuff as quotes! I am not sure what I did wrong. This is the first blog I have ever been on so it is taking me a minute to learn, lol.

BTW, can you tell me how to answer multiple people in one post as you did above?
I still have the you have Photoshop? That's what you have to use to edit it. If so, PM me your email and I'll send it to you!

I do have Photoshop!!! I will PM you. Thank you soooooooo much!

And thanks about the pictures. Regina is simply AMAZING!! I can't wait to get pregnant just so she can do my maternity pictures! Although another bride on here mentioned doing anniversary pictures, so I must just have to copy her idea!

Awww, are you trying to get pregos???

Opps, that was supposed to show your stuff as quotes! I am not sure what I did wrong. This is the first blog I have ever been on so it is taking me a minute to learn, lol.

BTW, can you tell me how to answer multiple people in one post as you did above?[/QUOTE]

No, we're not trying to get pregnant quite yet. I am going on a girls trip with 3 of my best friends to Asia this summer, so we are going to wait until after then (hopefully we'll have a house by then...we need to start looking!)

As for the quotes, for the first post you want to comment on, right next to the "quote" button on the bottom, there is a button with quotation marks and a plus sign. That's how you multi quote. So you just click on that button for each post that you want to comment on, except for the last post you want to comment on, you have to click on the "quote" button. I hope that makes sense! Let me know if it doesn't!
I still have the you have Photoshop? That's what you have to use to edit it. If so, PM me your email and I'll send it to you!

I do have Photoshop!!! I will PM you. Thank you soooooooo much!

And thanks about the pictures. Regina is simply AMAZING!! I can't wait to get pregnant just so she can do my maternity pictures! Although another bride on here mentioned doing anniversary pictures, so I must just have to copy her idea!

Awww, are you trying to get pregos???

Opps, that was supposed to show your stuff as quotes! I am not sure what I did wrong. This is the first blog I have ever been on so it is taking me a minute to learn, lol.

BTW, can you tell me how to answer multiple people in one post as you did above?[/QUOTE]

huh...the quote thing must be broken right now because it's not quoting things right!
Hi Andrea! I'm new to these boards and I'm getting married at the Disney Pavilion on March 23!! I'm starting to get a little stressed!! I really loved your itinerary that you created. I'm not really great with creating these things and I was wondering if you might be able to send it to me? Your entire wedding was BEAUTIFUL!! Mine is beginning to sneak up on me faster than I thought it would! I do have photoshop which is what I think you stated you need in order to use the template. One more question... If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you would do differently(in terms of the wedding)? Thank you so much :)
Awww, are you trying to get pregos???

Opps, that was supposed to show your stuff as quotes! I am not sure what I did wrong. This is the first blog I have ever been on so it is taking me a minute to learn, lol.

BTW, can you tell me how to answer multiple people in one post as you did above?

No, we're not trying to get pregnant quite yet. I am going on a girls trip with 3 of my best friends to Asia this summer, so we are going to wait until after then (hopefully we'll have a house by then...we need to start looking!)

As for the quotes, for the first post you want to comment on, right next to the "quote" button on the bottom, there is a button with quotation marks and a plus sign. That's how you multi quote. So you just click on that button for each post that you want to comment on, except for the last post you want to comment on, you have to click on the "quote" button. I hope that makes sense! Let me know if it doesn't![/QUOTE]

Asia, that sounds fun!!! Actually, one of the other girls pm me and told me how to do multiple quotes so I think I can do it now :cool1: But I haven't tried yet so we'll see :rotfl:
Hi Andrea! I'm new to these boards and I'm getting married at the Disney Pavilion on March 23!! I'm starting to get a little stressed!! I really loved your itinerary that you created. I'm not really great with creating these things and I was wondering if you might be able to send it to me? Your entire wedding was BEAUTIFUL!! Mine is beginning to sneak up on me faster than I thought it would! I do have photoshop which is what I think you stated you need in order to use the template. One more question... If you had to do it all over again, is there anything you would do differently(in terms of the wedding)? Thank you so much :)

Hi! Sure, I can definitely send you the template! Just PM me your email! Also, the only thing I would really do differently is not use Disney videography. The people were super nice but the song selection they use is HORRIBLE! Yes, they are trying to update it and they say they have a larger inventory (over 500 songs) but I have only heard of a handful of songs and none of them are any that I want for my video. I wish that I had researched videographers more and not just gone with the Disney one. If I can help any more, please let me know! I am happy too (and love talking about weddings!)


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