Episode 6 was a great finale to this arc, though it was a bit of a slow burn getting there. I am convinced that this show is really 4 3-hour episodes and will probably watch better as such, but minor pacing issues aside, the show is fantastic.
I have a feeling that's what it is too. Each three episode section this season has a different director as well. And they said next season is over 4 years with every 3 episodes being a different year so think it will continue there too. I waited and watched 4-6 together once 6 dropped and enjoyed it a lot. Think that is the best way to watch this if possible.
I have a feeling that's what it is too. Each three episode section this season has a different director as well. And they said next season is over 4 years with every 3 episodes being a different year so think it will continue there too. I waited and watched 4-6 together once 6 dropped and enjoyed it a lot. Think that is the best way to watch this if possible.

I will say that today's episode felt a little more like a self-contained part of a whole - at least it didn't end abruptly. It was also very good!
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Just gets better and better and better This week was so somber and full of desperation. Brilliant acting by all, especially Andy Serkis, as Kino Loy. What a range of emotions. but also Genevieve O'Reilly as Mon Mothma. She is struggling a lot with her decisions also. Every episode ends with me wanting more! Can't wait until next week.
Well done for sure.


But seems like 3 episodes of working and planning an escape from one facility, that he obviously escapes from eventually.
Well done for sure.


But seems like 3 episodes of working and planning an escape from one facility, that he obviously escapes from eventually.
This to me highlights how well done this show actually is. Three episodes to plan and escape the prison seems like it would be too much time and drug out, but it never felt dull and was intrigued throughout.
Very good finale. Better on second watch. As usual, want more, and can't believe it'll be over year (or 2?) until we get a second season. Episode 10, One Way Out is still my favorite episode. The development of all characters, including many one might consider secondary, was excellent in this episode, and the whole series. Such great acting all around. Fiona Shaw was really wonderful. in the finale (and all of it.)
I think Willow will start next. and in Jan, Bad Batch for Star Wars. Looking very forward.
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Am I the only one who's kind of bored by the whole thing? I just finished episode 10 and it still hasn't really grabbed me.
I did sleep through a lot of episode 10, which is not entirely a knock on the show - I fall asleep during a lot of things.
Am I the only one who's kind of bored by the whole thing? I just finished episode 10 and it still hasn't really grabbed me.
I did sleep through a lot of episode 10, which is not entirely a knock on the show - I fall asleep during a lot of things.
Right there with ya. Andy Serkis is a decent enough actor, but honestly that character could have been in any show at all. Hell, the whole show has nothing to do with Star Wars. This, too, can be just about anything. Then, just to remind you that it's supposed to be Star Wars, hey, here's a random stormtrooper, just because. Still not convinced it's supposed to be Star Wars, here is a random mention of Palpetine.

Total schlock, this series. And having a fan boy lead the charge in this thread isn't convincing me a bit.
Andy Serkis is a decent enough actor, but honestly that character could have been in any show at all. Hell, the whole show has nothing to do with Star Wars. This, too, can be just about anything.
Well… other than being about the character that steals the plans for the Death Star and passes them along to Leia Organa🤷🏻. But I get your point -back stories aren’t for everyone. Personally, I’m not a super-fan(not even close) but Ive enjoyed these.
Well… other than being about the character that steals the plans for the Death Star and passes them along to Leia Organa🤷🏻. But I get your point -back stories aren’t for everyone. Personally, I’m not a super-fan(not even close) but Ive enjoyed these.
My issue with the film that spun off this series (for the life of me, I cannot recall what it was, and I have zero interest in looking up the title) is that I'm pretty sure none of that nonsense is what Lucas had in mind when he created the whole storyline of stolen plans. Sort of like how he went back too far in the prequels and realized that there was no way he was going to age McDiarmid enough to catch him up to the character, so he had to write in that he got zapped by lightning, but then went off the rails with the makeup and had him look nothing like the character from Return of the Jedi. Instead, he had three chins like my fat uncle Frank. And speaking of makeup, how hard would it be to match the Chewbacca costume to the original films? My god, he looks like any other wookie character but the one he's supposed to be. Did these people even bother to watch the original films??
Finished it today. Pretty good show. Enjoyed the finale. But:
It was 12 episodes. Everything could have been covered EASILY in 9 episodes, probably 8. Sooooo slooow. During the prison break, which was a great episode all around, I said aloud "Finally something is happening!"

I don't know if I'll watch another series, unless I hear they fix the pacing considerably.
Finished it today. Pretty good show. Enjoyed the finale. But:
It was 12 episodes. Everything could have been covered EASILY in 9 episodes, probably 8. Sooooo slooow. During the prison break, which was a great episode all around, I said aloud "Finally something is happening!"

I don't know if I'll watch another series, unless I hear they fix the pacing considerably.
I didn't necessarily mind that it was slow at times because honestly I did find the story interesting, but I did think that it would have been better(for me) to have binged it or watch 3-4 episodes at once rather than wait a week.
Finished it today. Pretty good show. Enjoyed the finale. But:
It was 12 episodes. Everything could have been covered EASILY in 9 episodes, probably 8. Sooooo slooow. During the prison break, which was a great episode all around, I said aloud "Finally something is happening!"

I don't know if I'll watch another series, unless I hear they fix the pacing considerably.
I enjoyed the show and didn't find it to drag as badly as some of their others but do agree that it could have been better paced overall. Think maybe a 10 episode season would have still allowed it plenty of breathing room to slow down and have character moments but keep everything moving. I feel like with the general setup, season 2 should probably have better pacing since every 3 episodes is supposed to cover a year. This season was 1 year over 12 episodes and next season will be 4 years over 12 episodes.

I didn't necessarily mind that it was slow at times because honestly I did find the story interesting, but I did think that it would have been better(for me) to have binged it or watch 3-4 episodes at once rather than wait a week.
That's what I did and it worked pretty well. Got that exciting third episode of the arcs each time that way and I think it helped. Made it feel more like watching a series of movies than just episodes.
I began watching Andor after finishing She-Hulk Attorney At Law last week and all I can say is Andor is amazing and the first episode was well done and flowed well with the story. Diego Luna plays Andor flawlessly and he really knows how to bring Andor to life so well. What's really surprising about Andor is that it's been submitted for a awards show which really means that a second season of Andor is well on the way. But Andor is a great show and I can't wait to see more of it next week


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