And so it begins - Updated with Photopass Pics Post 189 - 04/01/2010

We left CP - suitably full up - and went and spent the next few hours in the park doing Haunted Mansion and other rides. They even persuaded me - against my better judgement - to go on it's a small world. words can't descibe how much I hate this ride but I had to 'man up' for the kids sake. As we were dragged along, being forced to endure the singing and dancing Chucky look-a-likes DD turned to me at one point and asked "Is this Spain?" to which I replied "No Dear - this is Hell" She took it quite well I thought :laughing:

:rotfl: I feel the EXACT same way about It's A Small World!
Sounds & look's like your all having a wonderful time :yay:

My DH really really dislikes it's a small world, but our DD's make sure they drag him on it at least once during our visit's :lmao:

Love Bahama Breeze, those Onion ring's are delic.....

Looking forward to hearing about your Wishes cruise:goodvibes
A great few days, I really enjoyed reading! Loved the You Tube Vid too, seems like an age before Dr Doom shoots up doesn't it, and I hate sitting there waiting but I love it when it goes!

The pancakes look great, never been there either but I will be taking a trip there in January! :)

Looking forward to more reports soon!
Another great report. Look forward to these so much especially as we don't know when we can go back. Need my Florida fix daily :wizard:
Sounds like you guys are all having a blast. Sorry I missed you yesterday so here is a belated HAPPY ANNIVERSARY and I hope you had a great day.
I have not laughed so hard in ages fantastic vid !!!:rotfl2::rotfl2:

Hope your sis is ok im sure that must have really hurt !!
Also have to say you summed up iasw for me perfectly !!
Cant wait to read more x x x
Monday 19th October - Part 2

Once we had left MK we came back to the villa and let the kids have a splash in the pool for an hour and then got ready to go out again.
We had a reservation booked for the Whispering Canyon Cafe so by 4.30 we were on our way.
We got seated in no time and our waitress, Lazy Susan, was good fun and made sure the kids were especially loud - which pleased DS.
We skipped starters as we had already decided to go for the Canyon Skillet. BIL had a root beer, saying he was gutted when they stopped serving it at Mcdonalds in the UK but this one was much better. I - as always - opted for a large coke and it wasn't long before nephew Jack had pinched it off me.



This was the plate they brought us the second time - when we asked for more ribs


As we got there we were also presented with a little gift that Grandma, Sis, BIL, DS and DD had got for us. At some point when we had been seperated in MK they had gone off and had us our very own Mickey ears made and insisted that we wore them for the meal - and obviously we were only too happy to oblige :thumbsup2


After dinner we had enough time to explore Wilderness Lodge before going to meet the boat for our cruise. Everyone was in awe at the sheer size of it, and the kids were especially happy when they found a big TV playing Bolt on the beach. We all settled down to watch that while we waited patiently for the time to meet Rose, our captain approached.

At this point I must mention how cold it was this evening. We had left the villa in shorts as it was still really warm, but we were now thinking that it wasn't such a good idea. The kids were complaining a little about being too cold and it was starting to worry us that the cruise wasn't going to be much fun if we were all sat around shivering.
I needn't have worried though, as once the Captain arrived and showed us to our boat she pointed out the blankets that were stacked on the benches. They were HUGE and easily fitted 2 of us under each one. We all took our seats - me and DW at the back of the boat on a bench to ourselves ;) - and set off for a cruise around the lake in front of MK.
The captain gave us some interesting information as we sailed about and we also got to watch the water pageant before the fireworks. I say we - Jack had fallen asleep within 5 minutes of leaving the dock and missed the pageant, the fireworks, the pageant and the pageant (yes - we saw it 3 times, one of them from about 100 yards away which was amazing)
As 9pm approached the captain positioned us in front of the castle and we watched Wishes from what seemed to us to be a very priviliged position. The fireworks seemed to fill the sky from here, music was piped onto the boat and it was just perfect.
We had also ordered a cake from Disney dining to help us celebrate in style but as it was so cold we decided we would take that back to the villa for dessert. After we had moored up back at Wilderness Lodge we said our goodbyes, went and collected our car from valet and came home for cake and sleep.

Today was as good as it gets for me and the memory of me and DW, snuggled together under a blanket on a cold Floridian evening in front of Cinderellas castle, while we watched one of the most magical displays on earth is something that I will cherish for the rest of my life. Moments like this are what we live for. :love:

We had a wonderful day that was made even more special by the attention given us by Disney and all the CMs that wished us "Happy Anniversary" as they passed by. We were in a place that holds a lot of fantastic memories for both of us, and it was also the perfect opportunity for me to thank DW for the 19 wonderful years that she has given me, and to make a special wish of my own for many more years with this wonderful lady of mine.




Our Anniversary Cake made especially for us by a Disney chef



What a fab anniversary!!!! You bought goosebumps when you describe dw and u snuggled under a blanket looking at cinderella castle.
Hers to many more magic moments !!!!
Awwww! :cloud9: Loved the update!
Happy Anniversary btw. We just spend our anniversary in WDW this year and it's just magical!!!

Seeing the food at the Wispering Canyon Cafe makes me desperate to go back! I love that place. (darn, I really need more money!)

Enjoy the rest of your trip!!! :woohoo:
What a lovely, romantic description of the Wishes Cruise. It's so nice of you and Elaine to celebrate my birthday in such a magical way.;)

Loving the updates - keep 'em coming.:thumbsup2
Just caught up with this thread. I am so glad all your planning is paying off and you are making so many wonderful memories for your whole family.

Can't wait to read more.
Tuesday 20th October

Today was officially our anniversary but it was a little more low key as we had already celebrated it in style yesterday.

We all had a little lie in and when DW and me got up we were greeted by banners and balloons around the villa and in the pool, as well as a pile of cards from friends and family that had been brought over by Sis.

Today was supposed to be a lazy day followed by a mall trip and Texas de Brazil but, for reasons I won't go into, the group decided that we would give Texas a miss and instead opted for a visit to Beaches n Cream. This plan fell at the first hurdle as we couldn't get into the car parks at either Beach, Yacht or Boardwalk due to a big I.T. convention going on. We were also told that this will last all week so this meant we had to do a quick reshuffle of some of our plans later in the week as well.

We decided to head to DTD as we had to be there for our House of Blues concert anyway and let Sis and BIL choose a place to eat. They opted for Planet Hollywood and really enjoyed it. Nephew Jack loved going and exploring the different levels and looking at all the movie memoribilia - not that he recognised much of it - but he did get very excited when he saw Herbie.

At this point we all went our seperate ways. Me and DW went to the concert and the others went to do a bit of shopping then Disney Quest.

The concert was 2 people that DW really liked - though I haven't really heard much of their stuff to be honest - Colbie Callait and Howie Day. Both sounded really good and the House of Blues itself is a good and intimate venue. We were about 20 rows of people away from the stage but on a level higher than those in front of us so we had unobstructed views for the whole show.

DW really enjoyed it - which was the whole point of going so that made me happy.

Once it had all finished we called it a night as it was gone 10 and went back to the villa suitably entertained
Wednesday 21st October

Today was a day that we had put aside for rest - but everyone else had other ideas. Jack had been really keen to go and see McQueen and Power Rangers so it was decided that we would go to Hollywood Studios.
We got there at a little after 10.30 and had already said that we would go over and try to do TSM first. I was surprised to see when we got there that there was only a 20 minute wait time, and this was much less once in line.
We all enjoyed it a compared scores when we got off - with me winning this round with 173,000 :thumbsup2

After this we had planned to go on Backlot Tour but it was temporarily closed so we went and visited some characters, watched the Indiana Jones show and had lunch at Pizza Planet and watched the stunt car show. By the time we had done all this Backlot was back open again, and we had one very happy daughter when she finally found this...



After this we went back and had another go on TSM - this time the scores were a lot closer. DW got 179,800, I got 181,100 and BIL pipped me to the post with 181,200.

One thing I had wanted to do this holiday was to get a pic of Sorcerer Mickey. I knew he was in this park so I made a point of finding him. Unfortunately I didn't get any pics of this as they were all taken with Photopass, but I will post those when I get them.
There were also lots of other characters in the same room so the kids went and had pics with those.






Next up was DD and me making a beeline to ToT and RRC. Both were walkons and when we had done them we met up with Sis again and persuaded them to give them a go. Even Jack went on ToT and, although he said it was 'brilliant' was pretty adamant he wasn't going to go on it again.

By now it was about 6pm and the park was starting to close down so we decided to head off to Epcot and catch Illuminations. We went straight to UK on the world showcase as we knew that this was a pretty good spot to watch it from. The place was deserted and we easily found ourselves a table right next to the wall overlooking the lake. After grabbing some food and drink it was almost time for the show to start. I tried once more with pictures of fireworks to be met with my usual levels of success - so they wont be appearing in this report.
After this it was time to go home. It had been a busier day than expected but everyone enjoyed it - although some were more tired than others

Wow, you are having a fantastic time, I so wish I was over there myself.

I especially loved that YouTube video of your BiL on Dr Doom.:lmao: Did you manage to get him on any of the coasters at IoA?
Thanks for more updates .... been looking forward to them :goodvibes Your poor nephew ... obviously having too much fun. Some lovely pictures again


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