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And here is little Nick, Sylvia's boy

And Sylvia shall live in him. Circle of Life.

This precious boo is the same age as my Luke. My tears are flowing, my heart is breaking.

Blessings, dear Nick.
What a beautiful boy..... I will keep Nick in my prayers always. My Heart breaks for him for what he has faced & will face in the days & months ahead.....
How can he possibly understand what's happened? And, how do you explain that? My thoughts, prayers and tears are with Nick and the rest of Sylvia's family. He's a beautiful boy.
{{{{{HUGS}}}} to Nick, for many years to come!!

Dan, thanks for sharing. How sad this it!!!
no clue what to sad....{{{{{HUGS}}}}} and my heart goes out to Nick.........may he be strong.
My heart is breaking for him and I can't even think of how different his life will be without his mom.
What a beautiful little boy. My heart is breaking for him. I know that Sylvia is watching over him, but it just isn't the same.:( I just sent my own two out the door for school with an extra {{{{{{hug}}}}}} and "I love you".
What a beautiful boy. I can't help but weep about the pain and sense of confusion he must be facing right now. It is hard to bear - thinking of a child in distress and his mother is not there to comfort him. Hopefully her spirit will reach out and provide the strength for him to carry on and live to his potential.
oh - those big eyes are just adorable!

My thoughts go out to this sweet little boy. I hope he never forgets what a courageous and caring person his mother was.
What an adorable little boy! He must have been a wonderful joy for his mother and now he must be bringing comfort to the rest of her family.
Thanks for the picture Dan, it's beautiful. Does anyone know what's going to happen to Nick now? So sad.
God please bless and protect this little boy. :(
Yes Dan, he is a heartbreaker! What a cutie he is. Such a tragedy to
go through at such a young age. :(


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