"An Inconvenient Truth" PLEASE READ

Planogirl said:
His timing? He has been into this for many, many years. How is his timing convenient?

According to another poster, he announced he isn't going to run right as the movie was released. One could take that as a media double dip. I was just responding to that. I'm not trying to stir up a new debate. Please disregard.
I'm bumping this up.... we saw this movie last night and all I can say is we better pay attention to what is happening to our environment NOW! If you care about the generations to come - see it! These changes are happening now and this movie has proof. I think we are all aware weather patterns are changing if you look at Katrina, the Tsumani, etc.

This is not a political movie, it is a dire warning of what is to come if things don't change. Just see it before you pass judgment. Our life on this planet depends on changing our ways and we as U.S. citizens are the biggest contributors to the problems in the environment.

We need to be the leaders in the world and step up to our responsiblities and not remain in denial. We did it for the ozone layer, cigarette smoking, etc. We can do it again but we all have to make some sacrifices. We can be as one and accomplish so much or we can remain in denial until there is no looking back. Think of Katrina on the grandest scale we have ever seen.

See the movie.
DizGeek said:
Earth was here well before us, it will be here well after us. We are a tiny blip in its life. If its time for Earth to "end"....theres nothing we can do....nothing. And if it does end, we didnt cause it...as I said, we are just a blip.

:hourglass Yup, we a small blip... if we really wanted to help out the earth, we would all stop reproducing.... but we really just want to use the earth and keep cluttering it up with people too.
WDWorld2003 said:
I'm bumping this up.... we saw this movie last night and all I can say is we better pay attention to what is happening to our environment NOW! If you care about the generations to come - see it! These changes are happening now and this movie has proof. I think we are all aware weather patterns are changing if you look at Katrina, the Tsumani, etc.

This is not a political movie, it is a dire warning of what is to come if things don't change. Just see it before you pass judgment. Our life on this planet depends on changing our ways and we as U.S. citizens are the biggest contributors to the problems in the environment.

We need to be the leaders in the world and step up to our responsiblities and not remain in denial. We did it for the ozone layer, cigarette smoking, etc. We can do it again but we all have to make some sacrifices. We can be as one and accomplish so much or we can remain in denial until there is no looking back. Think of Katrina on the grandest scale we have ever seen.

See the movie.

Thanks for bumping this. I took a LOT of heat for posting this before, but that's okay. It is definitely a message that needs to get out. I recently heard a scientist on BBC say that the world needs to reduce its carbon emissions by 60% before 2030, or we are in SERIOUS trouble. That means that the US, which produces 25% of the world's emissions needs to reduce its emissions by 90%!!! That is going to take some SERIOUS lifestyle changes. However, I do believe we are smart and resourceful enough to do it. It starts with little things....turning off lights when you are not in the room, setting your thermostat warmer in the summer and colder in the winter...buying cars and appliances for efficiency.....changing your lights to low-voltage halogen....telecommuting when you can.....insulating your air ducts....installing solar panels....venting your attics.....I mean, the list can go on and on. And, these are the EASY things...no big "lifestyle" difference....just being smarter, and we can make some pretty significant changes.

The biggest polluters with the least options right now are airplanes. I know GM and others are working on producing cleaner engines. I really hope they can come up with some clean, safe solutions.
My thinking is that the earth has gone through similar changes over the billions of years of it's history. The last melt was only several thousands years ago.

If the earth is going to go through another change,there's nothing we can do about it. That's the way it is pure and simple.

If it makes you feel better to conserve electricity,good. In the end,it's all about the earth undergoing change.

If a scientest or scientests could figure out how to fix this,they would get the Nobel Prize and they(or he/she) would fix it and become bizillionaires.

It's irresponsible to make a movie like this and not to show the prevailing viewpoint of scientests today,which is: All of this hysteria producing "information" is hype and hooey.
I haven't seen the film yet. I wanted to when it was in the theaters, but didn't make it. I will rent it.

However, I don't need to watch the film to know that global warming is real. I've seen the changes in my lifetime. Of course, there can be cyclical temperature fluctuations, but I honestly don't believe that is what is happening.

When I was growing up, snow storms were much more frequent in the Midwest. Now, the area where I grew up gets much more ice than snow. The summers are much hotter. I don't remember having 100 degree plus temperatures for weeks at a time during the summer when I was young. Now, that is the norm.

Unfortunately, this isn't an issue where a sign pops up and we know exactly what is happening. We have to look around us at many things. No single thing will prove that global warming is a huge issue.

I am a believer. Many people just don't want to believe that it is happening. We don't want to change our lifestyles and, we certainly don't want to admit that we are in a very vulnerable position. I am 54 years old. I've lived a really great life on this beautiful earth. I would like to think the same thing could be true for my grandchildren, but I am not optimistic.

If I'm around ten years from now, I'd like to revisit this thread with those who have posted here to see what they think about the problem at that time.
I live in the Midwest and what I know is that while the amount of snow we have had the last few years is much lower our actual temps have been quite quite cold. Our summers have also not been very hot until this last summer. Before that the nearest year in the top ten is way back in 1995. The 30s and 40s had much hotter temps than we have had over the last 20 years here. And while we have not had much snow, the east coast sure has.

We have three meteorologists in our area on the news channels. Two of them think global warming is a joke and they make fun of the third guy who is a reactionary about any weather concept that comes down the pike. I totally agree with them. I also agree with the "we are small blip" in time concept. Really, we overate our importance and effect.
disneymom3 said:
I live in the Midwest and what I know is that while the amount of snow we have had the last few years is much lower our actual temps have been quite quite cold. Our summers have also not been very hot until this last summer. Before that the nearest year in the top ten is way back in 1995. The 30s and 40s had much hotter temps than we have had over the last 20 years here. And while we have not had much snow, the east coast sure has.

We have three meteorologists in our area on the news channels. Two of them think global warming is a joke and they make fun of the third guy who is a reactionary about any weather concept that comes down the pike. I totally agree with them. I also agree with the "we are small blip" in time concept. Really, we overate our importance and effect.

I truly hope you are right. I guess will find out for sure in a few years. If the global warming predictions are correct, there will be no doubt one way or the other in ten years unless things change drastically in the way we do things. I doubt that things will change much. So, we will see.
All I can say is SEE THE MOVIE. You really need to see it if you think global warming is not happening. We all need to listen or we will wish we had. It's like putting up a stoplight in after someone is killed at an intersection. You can't bring the person back - but you may be able to save others. Many species have disappeared and climates are changing.... we need to put that stoplight up now.

If you live anywhere near a coastal area this movie should give you cause for concern.

See the movie.
No, thanks.

If I'm going to get crap because I don't want to buy a Prius, fine. I only drive my PT Cruiser on weekends anyway.
rie'smom said:
My thinking is that the earth has gone through similar changes over the billions of years of it's history. The last melt was only several thousands years ago.

If the earth is going to go through another change,there's nothing we can do about it. That's the way it is pure and simple.

If it makes you feel better to conserve electricity,good. In the end,it's all about the earth undergoing change.

If a scientest or scientests could figure out how to fix this,they would get the Nobel Prize and they(or he/she) would fix it and become bizillionaires.

It's irresponsible to make a movie like this and not to show the prevailing viewpoint of scientests today,which is: All of this hysteria producing "information" is hype and hooey.

You need to see the movie before you make these assumptions.

100% of the scientists are in agreement - global warming is real. Not 97%, not 50%.... 100%.

You can do something about it.

It is not irresponsible to educate. Ignorance is not bliss.

See the movie and you may change your mind.... just see it before you assume.
20 years ago, in high school, they were telling us that in 100 years, we'd be growing oranges in winter, right here in Cleveland. I was pleased as punch to hear it. But, they make these promises, then the weather doesn't follow through.

I've yet to see ANY evidence that it has become any warmer. In fact, we had a tiny bit of snow last week.

I'm all for global warming, but no longer getting my hopes up.
Cool-Beans said:
20 years ago, in high school, they were telling us that in 100 years, we'd be growing oranges in winter, right here in Cleveland. I was pleased as punch to hear it. But, they make these promises, then the weather doesn't follow through.

I've yet to see ANY evidence that it has become any warmer. In fact, we had a tiny bit of snow last week.

I'm all for global warming, but no longer getting my hopes up.

Global warming isn't always about the outside temperature.... at this point it's the temperatures in the oceans we need to be concerned about. Katrina is an example..... Antartica is disappearing.

See the movie.
WDWorld2003 said:
You need to see the movie before you make these assumptions.

100% of the scientists are in agreement - global warming is real. Not 97%, not 50%.... 100%.

You can do something about it.

It is not irresponsible to educate. Ignorance is not bliss.

See the movie and you may change your mind.... just see it before you assume.

I saw the movie. I did not say that scientests said that global warming isn't real. I stated that most believe that all the hoopla and this movie are exagerrated premises which are made to produce mass hysteria. Look at this DIS discussion. I rest my case.
One day all their predictions will come true. However,any geologist or historian/scientest who studies the earth can tell you that it's happened before and it will happen again. These people haven't discovered anything new. The earth is too volatile for anyone to predict that these changes will come about in particular generation's lifetime. Hell,they can't even predict earthquakes or the direction of a hurricane with any great accuracy.
I'll say it again,if it makes you feel better to turn off some lights and drive hybrid cars,more power to you.
Oh and one more thing,maybe Al Gore should lose his private jet if he's so worried about carbon emissions and the state of the earth. BTW,I'm a Democrat.
If you saw the movie and have looked around and decided that it's all hysteria then you can rest your case. (By the way, the thread you referred to did not come through)

I will not rest my case and will continue to tell everyone I can. Our family has made many choices that conserve energy in the past and will continue to do so. I want to be able to look them in the eye and say that I paid attention and tried to do something about it. I try to lead by example and overindulging in everything while the rest of the world uses far less energy than we do is not an example we should be proud of.
The question is whether the current climate change is human made or not.

Interesting, semi-related fact: every now and then, the earth's poles flip. It's exceedingly rare but is meant to be in motion right now.

How do you explain smog over cities if this isn't man made. I can tell the difference when I go outside and there's a high alert.....


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