An experience today which made me sad


DIS Veteran
Apr 21, 2003
I was out for a walk in my neighborhood this afternoon. I stepped on a loose rock, twisted my ankle badly, and fell. Luckily DH was home and I called him to come pick me up. While I was lying on the sidewalk waiting, a woman walked by and completely ignored me! I was surprised that someone would see a 60+ year old woman lying on the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood, and not stop and ask if she was OK, or needed any help. Made me sad.

i am no stranger to ankle issues, this one feels like a pretty bad sprain. I also hit my head on the sidewalk and have a small cut where my sunglasses were pushed into my head. Guess I’ll be sitting around this afternoon with ankle up & ice packs,
Oh no…..not a good way to finish out 2023 :hug:
I’m sorry to hear this and I’m sorry you were ignored - definitely not very nice :sad2:
I hope your ankle feels better soon :wizard:
I was out for a walk in my neighborhood this afternoon. I stepped on a loose rock, twisted my ankle badly, and fell. Luckily DH was home and I called him to come pick me up. While I was lying on the sidewalk waiting, a woman walked by and completely ignored me! I was surprised that someone would see a 60+ year old woman lying on the sidewalk in a residential neighborhood, and not stop and ask if she was OK, or needed any help. Made me sad.

i am no stranger to ankle issues, this one feels like a pretty bad sprain. I also hit my head on the sidewalk and have a small cut where my sunglasses were pushed into my head. Guess I’ll be sitting around this afternoon with ankle up & ice packs,
Well that sure stinks, @georgina. :hug:'s Amazing how that person could ignore you like that. Wishing you well with quick healing of your ankle. Be aware of any concussion symptoms of hitting your head.
Aw I'm sorry. I hope you heal quickly.

Sadly, a lot of people just don't want to get involved. They're either scared or nervous to jump into a situation that makes them uncomfortable. Others might just be indifferent to anything that doesn't concern them. A lot of people assume someone else will help. It's really a sad testament to society when people can't be bothered to help someone who is obviously in need. I'm sorry that happened to you.
Hope you heal quickly!

Maybe it’s more comforting to think that person could have had any number of things going on themselves. You just don’t know. Yes, maybe they were insensitive and flat out ignored your predicament. Maybe they were autistic, just given a pink slip, some other life shock. Without knowing it’s not really worth feeling sad or disappointed.

Hubby to the rescue! Hope you both have a wonderful New Year 😁
Curious: did you ask for help?
Not a bad point - but should have been offered without asking.

Similar vein;
I was out walking my dog one night when I cam across an older man sprawled out on a rock planter in the common space between the sidewalk and street. I asked if he needed a hand, at which point he countered with some rude sarcastic remark. "what does it look like", something like that, but in a nasty way. For a brief second I tried to figure out how to secure my dog while helping him, then quickly dismissed the idea. I responded, "Forget it, I'll let the police handle it", then called the police non-emergency line. Dude was probably drunk, and I'm sure the police either handed him a citation for being drunk in public, or arrested him if he hadn't found a way to get up and be on his way before they got there - I wouldn't know, I left. All he had to do was be gracious in return, but no.
It sucks that you fell (been there recently with a badly sprained ankle :( ) And it's sad that you experienced a non caring person.

At least you do have us here to vent . :love:
So sorry, you just never know what goes through someone's head. Were you actually laying on the sidewalk or sort of sitting on the curb. I ask because, maybe if you were sitting she thought you might just be taking a rest, playing Devils Advocate here.

I know it wouldn't happen in our neighborhood, we don't have sidewalks but we are a small neighborhood, maybe 20 or so houses. While everyone doesn't know everyone, we do all sort of know to look at someone if they normally walk or run in the neighborhood. I feel sure if any of us older folks were sitting or laying down, there would be 10 people around us faster than you could say howdy. There is a neighborhood across the road from us that does have sidewalks that I used to jog in and sometimes still walk in, I could see someone over there ignoring someone in that situation.
That's awful. I hope you are resting and recovering. I like to give others the benefit of the doubt, but it only takes a second to ask if help is needed.
@georgina, I would say "Welcome to NoVA" as I think we live in the same general area and people can be "aloof" for lack of a better word...BUT...this happened to my father recently. He and my mom were out for a walk and he fell, fell on his face, glass pushed into his face, lots of blood there. A man out walking with his family came over immediately to help. Once they realized my dad was okay and didn't need any emergency services, the guy ran to his house, got his car, and came back and drove my parents home as they were quite a ways away.

I absolutely cannot imagine not stopping for someone when obviously hurt. I mean, I get it if you're female and there is a man maybe sitting there alone with no visible injuries--unfortunately I have a story about that type of situation, but yeah, to see a 60+ female sitting there hurt and to walk by is crazy.
Hope you heal quickly! When I was 8 months pregnant with one of my kids I was going on a walk with my grandparents near their house downtown. My grandpop (who was very elderly) was in an electric wheelchair. Somehow while crossing the street his wheelchair hit the curb weird and tipped over, dumping him onto the pavement. He was bleeding from the fall and me and my grandmother were trying to put his very heavy chair upright and get him into it. He was no help because he couldn’t stand on his own. Soooo many people walked right passed us, two women (one heavily pregnant and one elderly) trying to help an injured elderly man on the ground and it took several minutes before a man, elderly himself, stopped to help us. We were in a busy, downtown location full of people and only one person chose to help. I think about this a lot.
To be honest, I am not sure what I would have done if I had seen you. I just drove a half mile to the bank and passed 3 people lying on the sidewalk. The homeless situation around here is out of control, Sacramento is supposed to have the largest homeless population in the nation.
To be honest, I am not sure what I would have done if I had seen you. I just drove a half mile to the bank and passed 3 people lying on the sidewalk. The homeless situation around here is out of control, Sacramento is supposed to have the largest homeless population in the nation.
More than Oakland, San Diego, Los Angeles, or San Bernardino? Not sure about that. California leads the nation, no question about that.
All he had to do was be gracious in return, but no.
Is it really helping from an altruistic standpoint when you get upset over someone's reaction?

I agree in being nice although sometimes we just have bad days (or life is just not going our way) and our responses don't reflect what is really going on however when an immediate response in the situation you gave is to just be rude right back or have some sort of clause to your help, it calls attention to your motives in offering the help in the first place
More than Oakland, San Diego, Los Angeles, or San Bernardino? Not sure about that. California leads the nation, no question about that.
This latest list puts Sacramento at number 9. Oakland at number 7 Los Angeles number 1. San Bernardino is not on the list. But the differences don't make sense to me using their guide of homeless people per 1,000 residents. Sacramento is number 9 with 17.6 per 1,000, while Phoenix is considered worse and only has 5.9 per 1000


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