"American Horror Story" season 4 set in a...

Soooo... who watched last night? Creepy!!! Neil Patrick Harris... OMG!!!! :scared1:

Last night was probably my favorite episode this season. I am glad they added Jamie Brewer (Marjorie) to this season. I can't believe there are only 2 episodes left.
Soooo... who watched last night? Creepy!!! Neil Patrick Harris... OMG!!!! :scared1:

I watched! It was fantastic!! Chester.. OMG!! Bye bye, Dell, too! Go Elsa!

I can't believe it's almost over and can't imagine how they're going to wrap it up!
Last night's episode was really disturbing (in a good way, that's why I love this show). I feel so bad for Jimmy.

Did anyone else catch the AHS: Asylum references? I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but they're pretty subtle.

I find it kind of funny that the one character that I thought would be the most terrifying (Twisty the clown) was actually pretty endearing, and one of the sweetest actors turned out to be the biggest bad guy (Neil Patrick Harris). Ryan Murphy...always throwing us curveballs.
Last night's episode was really disturbing (in a good way, that's why I love this show). I feel so bad for Jimmy.

Did anyone else catch the AHS: Asylum references? I don't want to spoil it for anyone, but they're pretty subtle.

I find it kind of funny that the one character that I thought would be the most terrifying (Twisty the clown) was actually pretty endearing, and one of the sweetest actors turned out to be the biggest bad guy (Neil Patrick Harris). Ryan Murphy...always throwing us curveballs.

I didn't think the one reference was subtle at all LOL, and I liked it, but I thought it was pointless, it did nothing for the story. I was blown away by the likeness of the actor to his father though!!! I was trying to figure out how they could make him look so young, so I looked it up and it was his son.

I miss Twisty, Ryan said he would be back, but I am beginning to doubt it now, since there is only one left.

While I have enjoyed Freak Show, I still don't think it's been even close to the level of Murder House or Asylum. But it's so much better than Coven was.
I agree that Murder House was by far the best. I'm curious to see what next season will be about...
I wasn't able to watch it until just now... WOW!!

I thought that scene with Maggie was going to end up being a dream.. OMG! :scared1:

I'm ashamed to admit that I haven't watched any of the other seasons.. besides the first couple of episodes of Murder House.. and that scared me too much to continue.. lol I LOVE Freak Show!! I will go back and watch the others on Netflix now.

Can't wait until next week!!
I'm catching up on the last episode right now and just sat here for 5 minutes with my mouth hanging open when he sawed her in half.

Never watched any of the other seasons... will def. do that.

I liked the finale. First time to watch AH, but will definitely be watching the others on Netflix!
Loved the ending!
Loved seeing Twisty.

Dandy: be careful what you wish for you just might get it lol.

Angela Bassett had some great lines.

Cannot wait to see what the next season holds.
I loved seeing everyone again.. Elsa back where she belonged, Ma Petite and Ethel, Jimmy and Bette and Dot + baby :lovestruc, Desiree and her famiy... Twisty and Edward.. oh, I'm so bummed it's over.


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