American cookbook


DIS Veteran
May 7, 2009
So guys, I was wondering if anyone knows of (or has) a really good American cookbook.

I have decided that whilst I am over there later in the year I really want to buy a traditional American cookbook, but I don't want to spend days looking for one. So I thought I might find which one I want to buy before I go, and then just get it quickly when I am over there (can't waste too much of my Disney time :lmao: ).

I want typical American recipes like cornbread, red velvet cake, fried chicken, key lime pie etc.

So if anyone knows of a good one that they would recommend, I would be most grateful for the name of it :flower3:

Martha Stewart may have some good ones :thumbsup2

I will put my thinking cap on though as I am a little obsessed with cookbooks. I have all of the Disney cookbooks :rotfl: A little sad, but I do seem to collect cookbooks.
Check out The Barefoot Contessa (Ina Garten) range of cookbooks. She lives in the East Coast side of America; but I'm sure she will cover off the deep south recipes that you've listed as well.
I have all of the Disney cookbooks :rotfl:

Soory to tangent - but:
Is there another thread about the Disney cookbooks?

I bought a Martha cookbook while I was at her show, but if you subscribe to her daily updates you get recipies (I recommend the cookie a day subscription).
Soory to tangent - but:
Is there another thread about the Disney cookbooks?

There is a thread somewhere about the Disney cookbooks. I remember seeing it not so long ago, but i just can not remember where it was. It may have been over on the Families board :confused3

I am happy to dig out my cookbooks if you like and list them here. I think that I am missing one but it's out of print, I have never been able to buy it.
I haven't looked at it but I know the food they sell at Cracker Barrel is pretty hearty American fare. (smells good even if it isn't good for you :lmao: )

And they have a cookbook.

Love that store...just delightful!
I'm an American, sorry to butt in on the Aussie board, but I can def. help! If you want "east coast" fare with some eastern-influenced recipes from other American areas, try the Martha Stewart collections. As a New Englander, she has some...odd...ideas on southern, cajun, and western meals, though they are all very tasty.

For true Southern food, Paula Deen's books are FANTASTIC, though a little bit "cuisine" compared to what most southerners eat on a daily basis. I spent the first half of my life in Atlanta and the last 17 years have been in Dallas, so I know southern food.

If you want something a little closer to what the regular Joe eats down here, hop onto eBay and pick up ANY Junior League cookbook for any city in America.

Cracker Barrel is indeed the quintessential "American" restaurant, the CB cookbook is very good as an "American" overview.

The Betty Crocker cookbook is THE staple cookbook in the States. If you can get ahold of the re-released original 1950's version you will have a goldmine of American recipes. The Better Homes and Gardens New Cookbook is a close second. Both are VERY often given as housewarming gifts for a first apartment or as wedding/shower gifts out here.

Hope this helps!

I'll agree with Ashley about Paula Deen, will also second the Betty Crocker and Better Homes books (you can get them at Borders if you want to save lugging them home)
We LOVE traditional American food - especially regional Southern dishes, and have found lots of good recipes in The Joy of Cooking that we got as a wedding present many years ago: pulled pork, red beans and rice, hush puppies, shoofly pie - all those goodies. (mmmmmm pulled pork....)
Paula Deen is great too, but you can find lots of TV chefs recipes online anyway figure, so why buy the book?
J of C is BIG but it covers it all pretty much - lots of other cuisines as well.
I have a number of good American cookbooks. I use both Betty Crocker and Better Homes and Gardens a lot. Most of mine are quite old- came with me to Australia. My all time favourite is the Fannie Farmer Boston Cooking School Cookbook. I have a really old copy that my Dad found at a flea market in Florida and this is the one I call my "Bible" I also have a revised edition. bought in the 80's. My DD bought an Amish cookbook last year and there are some good recipes in that one as well.


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