Amazing August - W.I.S.H. Goals

I sleep fairly well. I go to bed at the same time every night (about an hour later on weekends) and get up at the same time (not before 7 on weekends--that's my rule--no matter how long I lie in bed beforehand!). We try to have quiet evenings and I need to be in bed before the weather comes on the news at 10:15.
Fun Friday!!

I hope you all are going to embark on a wonderful weekend soon!
My work day is nearly over here in Germany and currently our computer system has slowed down so while I wait I can post a little on the DIS!

Friday Fun Question: Who is your favorite Disney character and why?
Trying to answer my own fun question and it is really difficult, I guess I have multiple favorites!!

I love Cinderella for nostalgic reasons. My mother grew up in post war Germany with not a lot of fun things in her life, but she saw Cinderella in the cinema when she was a little girl. She also got a picture book with the story of the movie as a Christmas present and this was one of her most valuable things as a little girl. So, for a very special treat my sister and I were allowed to look at that picture book sometimes when we were small. So, for my sister and I Cinderella became our favorite character before we ever had seen a single Disney movie!

Out of more modern Disney movies I love Moana and my favorite Pixar character is Remy (followed very closely by Wall-E).
Friday goals check-in:

Lose -5 pounds... down another -2, so -9 for the month and -21 overall.
Walk 100 miles... I'm at 77 miles so far
Complete the on-live version of the Soul Restoration course... well, I had to fill out some stuff for the retreat, including a bio, which I'm going to count as getting started again because it got me to thinking about many things.

I had to wear a jacket this morning, and the leaves on the trees at the bus stop are just starting to turn yellow, yikes, how did autumn get here so quickly? It is my favorite season so no complaints, it just seems like it came up really, really fast. Going to focus on clearing out the house this weekend, and will make a couple trips to Goodwill, maybe even to the dump. I added two extra days to the coming holiday next weekend, so this weekend can be all about chores and then my mini-vacation can be all about fun.

Favorite Disney character... for a long time it was Tink because she was the only one who seemed to have some spunk (this is way back when the only other Disney girls were Cinderella and Snow White). In the parks I really enjoy Chip, for basically the same reason, he's kind of spunky and sassy. And I love watching Gaston's meet-and-greets, he must be a blast to play.

Happy Weekend everyone.
I haven’t seen all the newest movies-that time period in between when my daughter was too old and my grandson too young, I missed a few.
One of my favorite memories is when my daughter was home from college and getting over mono she wanted to watch the movies she remembered seeing as a child-and I remember loving Beauty and the Beast all over again. So I would have to pick the book loving, Gaston resisting Belle.
Happy weekend, everyone! It does feel a little like fall today, but summer is returning next week with 90 degree days ahead-so today I will enjoy a good book on my back porch!
Hello all,

I see I have been missing some good chatter while I dropped out of sight there for a while!

Eating has been up and down but not all bad with not too much damage to the numbers on the scale. I find I have a 2 week focus - I make a meal plan and stick to it pretty well for 2 weeks - once that one is done I tend to slack off - and yes I know I need to make another one but for some reason I don't get to it... It wasn't even an overly restrictive plan and I enjoyed the meals on there. So this weekend I am making another plan - maybe I kind of need to plan further out including meal repeats and leave a couple of gaps for spontaneity... how have others coped with this?

Things have been busy lately between work kids and 2 P!nk concerts in a week! Yes that is right 2 :P - DD14, 2 friends and I went Friday night with our original tickets - we were too far away, seated (and no-one with seated tickets got up to dance/sing around) - I felt so restricted and it really affected my feelings about my experience - DD agreed. DD is finally old/tall enough to cope in the mosh of standing. Sooooo Sunday morning - I decided to just look to see if any tickets were available .... and as luck would have it I got 2 standing tickets. So off DD14 and I went again Wednesday night so that was my WOOHOO - we put in the effort to be early and we rewarded - as we parked the car I heard a noise, a first I thought it was roadwork - but then recognized the sound of a helicopter - DD and I jumped out of the car to see P!nk, Carey, Jameson and Willow land, get out and head into the arena .... Yesss we were off to a good start. We hunkered in for the line up waits and made it to the second row off the front barrier to the stage. Awesome view - Awesome show - able to sing and dance along to our hearts content and our hearts were full - What a wonderful, joyous, talented lady P!nk is (yes I know for some reason us Aussies love her much more than anywhere in the world) another fantastic memory made for DD and I. Surely all that standing and dancing counted as a workout that night. Here is a screen shot from a video on my phone of her standing right in front of us singing Perfect.


Friday Fun Question: Who is your favorite Disney character and why?

Soooo hard .... a favorite of mine is Tigger, I love his energy.
Firstly, hello @4Mickeys :wave2::wave2: now to answer your question:
leave a couple of gaps for spontaneity... how have others coped with this?
I have to have spontaneity. I never know what I'll be craving so meal prep doesn't work that great for me. Most of the time, I know the basics of at least one meal a day and eat accordingly. If ik we're having an excessively caloric dinner, I try to stay under 1000 calories for the remainder of the day. If I'm having multiple meals that day I just won't snack, I'll keep my portions small, and try to fill up with low calorie foods. Ik meal prep really works great for some but I always seem to rebel and eat something I'm "not supposed" to lol
My favorite Disney character would have to be Belle. She's smart, beautiful but modest, caring & nice, brave, and softens the Beast's heart. I like to think I'm similar:laughing:
4Mickeys your concerts sounded like so much fun! There’s nothing like a live music performance!
I know my meal prep is a lot easier because I don’t work and there’s just two of us-but for the sake of my weight loss and budget, I like to have at least a weeks worth of meals on hand. I like to roast something we’ll get at least two meals out of, seafood another night, pasta, chicken-our grocery store sells already roasted whole ones -and one night is takeaway or pizza. There are usually leftovers-I hate cooking and only getting one meal out of it! Then I only have to add sides. There are some good convenience items out there, and they might seem pricey, but I tell myself it’s cheaper than eating out! So if it makes your life a little easier, do it!
I don't want us to talk about sleep again. Thursday night: 4 hours!! I just could not get to sleep. Friday I managed to get up to go to the gym only to discover that my pickleball partners had forgotten to send me the text saying they'd decided to cancel. AAARRRGGGHHH I could have strangled them all! But I got a lovely walk in and then managed to survive work, although I did move quite slowly! I picked up pizza for dinner and stared at the clock until bedtime!

Yesterday I got over 15,000 steps in. I was tired at the end of the day! There's a new bridge in town to connect a couple parks. I've crossed it a few times, but have to turn around a bit later due to time constraints. Yesterday I met a girlfriend and we crossed and walked and walked while DH was at the gym. great fun

Ohhh, I like so many characters it's hard to pick a favorite. Pirates of the Caribbean movies have been on TV lately. I really like Capt. Jack. I like Mulan. I like every one that's been mentioned here! Pooey. It's too hard!!

Meal planning--I just do a few days at a time. Remember @pjilla? She used to do two months at a time. That is some organization!! Speaking of meal planning. I've no idea what's for dinner and I have to make something for a potluck tomorrow so I better get to planning!!

Final week. We can do this!
@4Mickeys sounds like you guys had a great time. That is awesome you got to go twice. I am starting to like P!nk. I listen to only country so I never really followed her. I have been hearing more and more about her.

As for the question of the day: Cinderella is a favorite. It was mt mom's too. I don't remember ever watching the Disney version until I was older but I had the book. I still have it. It is pretty worn as I was always looking at it. The movie version I watched the most and is my favorite is the Roberts and Hammerstein version with live people. It looks more like a play then a movie.

I also love Piglet. We are so much alike. We are both short. I am only 4'9" and I am a nervous wreck just like Piglet.


This weekend was busy. Friday night DS had soccer practice. i love his coach already. He played HS and over in Europe. He will be able to teach DS so much stuff. DD and I had a party with Cheer to go to. and then Saturday was DD's birthday party with the family. It was a great day and lots of fun.

DH and I are pretty sure his grandmother is mad at us and DH's parents. She really didn't talk to us. She is 77 and was just off on Saturday. Last week we got into it with her because she has to have her shoulder replaced (she had the other one done a few years ago) and we told her that she needs to go into a nursing home until she is back on her feet. Like for 2 weeks. She would get the therapy that she needs and the 24 hour care that she needs as well. This is what she did last time. Those first 2 weeks are too much for us to handle. Last time she was pretty much incoherent during that time and couldn't do anything for herself. We have time to get it figured out but this is not what she wanted to hear from us. Other then this the day was great.

Sunday we were just lazy. My niece slept over Saturday night and the girls said they were up all night. DS slept over at my brother. He said they stayed up until 1am. DH and I were just plan tired from the day before and we just laid around most of the day.

Today though we got up and went for a walk. DH got up at 5 and started walking and then he came and got me at 5:30. We walked for about 30 or so minutes. Great start to the day.
Motivational Monday

Let's all start strong into the last week of August!

Today's quote is about the big picture of what we all are trying to do:


What aspect of Life do you want to gain the most? Have you made any progress toward this?
Would love to reply properly to everyone, but horribly busy today!

However, this is urgent: We need a new host for September!!! Any volunteers??
Last week I met my calories in/calories out goals, but felt like the nutritional value of what I ate just wasn't where it needed to be. I keep getting stuck with meetings at lunchtime, having to rush at grab something to eat. I'd been thinking about what adjustments to make, then Saturday two books I had ordered arrived and magically there were the answers!

I love these books, I love the way they are laid out and I love the good solid nutritional advice they contain. One is a conventional 'book' and the other is a daily journal: she organizes the info seasonally and since we're right on the cusp of autumn, that's where I'm going to start. Most of the things she says to not eat, I'm not eating, except for dairy... I've been dairy heavy, because I've been having a lot of caprese salads, so that's my number one adjustment for this week - cut dairy consumption in at least half. So that's my motivation for this week... eating pretty!


Adding for today's question... where do I hope to 'gain' the most life? Hmmmm... to be more active, do more things and make more friends to do those things with. So, I think a general expansion of my life is what I'm looking for.
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@Oneanne I like the title: "Eat Pretty" That reminds me that it does make a difference how I present my food. If I put together a nice looking plate and have a nice setting for me, a meal feels far more satisfying than if I eat a sandwich on the go. In German we say "The eye eats as well" and there is some truth in it. In order to feel content you need not only fuel your body, but your mind as well.
Topic Tuesday

Over the weekend I came across this article: "We’re in a new age of obesity. How did it happen? You’d be surprised"
It starts out with this picture:


It's a beach in the UK in the early 70s. Filled with average people of the time. As we know any beach today filled with average people would look very differently. The articles tries to examine the cause for that change and refutes the general assumption of people consuming more calories today and people having less physical exercise today. He comes to the conclusion that it is not those reasons, but really what we eat - and how suger is a major culprit.

So, let's talk about sugar! Do you watch your sugar intake, especially the hidden sugars? Do you feel a difference when you eat less sugar? Do you have any tips as to how avoid sugar?
So this weekend I am making another plan - maybe I kind of need to plan further out including meal repeats and leave a couple of gaps for spontaneity... how have others coped with this?

I once read an article about a family who lives with a constant meal plan. They figured out that far too much of their spare time went into food planning and food preperation. So they have a two months plan that just keeps repeating over and over again. They have a day every two weeks where they try something new and if the new thing is great, they might throw something else out. They also had a general structure like Tuesday is pasta, Thursday is chicken and such. To me this sounded brilliant and scary at the same time. But they said for them the gain in time and less worrying was worth it to sometimes eat something that they did not feel like that day.

Also: Have you considered to involve the kids more in the meal making process? One of my colleagues has three boys, 15, 14 and 12. And they all have one day every week where they are responsible for the family dinner. They need to plan what they want to make beforehand as the parents will do the shopping for what is needed and the main rule is that the meal is not allowed to come from a can. Of course the parents helped them in the beginning to figure out what they wanted to make and how realistic certain things were. And to help them plan a nutritious meal, too. They started it a year ago and it seems to work quite well. He says sometimes the boys get lazy and sometimes things aren't really that tasty. But he is impressed how their skills have improved over the year and says that it really helps him and his wife to not be responsible for feeding the family three out of 7 days.

Things have been busy lately between work kids and 2 P!nk concerts in a week!

2 concerts sounds amazinfg!!! Lucky you!

I don't want us to talk about sleep again

SORRY!!!! :scared:

DH and I are pretty sure his grandmother is mad at us and DH's parents. She really didn't talk to us. She is 77 and was just off on Saturday. Last week we got into it with her because she has to have her shoulder replaced (she had the other one done a few years ago) and we told her that she needs to go into a nursing home until she is back on her feet. Like for 2 weeks. She would get the therapy that she needs and the 24 hour care that she needs as well. This is what she did last time. Those first 2 weeks are too much for us to handle. Last time she was pretty much incoherent during that time and couldn't do anything for herself. We have time to get it figured out but this is not what she wanted to hear from us. Other then this the day was great.

Here in Germany this is standard after such surgery. After hospital you would go to an institution where they take care of your recovery. We call it a rehab, but I know that rehab in English is something quite different! But ultimately it is like a nursing home with the difference that all the people there are people who have to get back onto their feet after surgery or a strok or such.
Here in Germany this is standard after such surgery. After hospital you would go to an institution where they take care of your recovery. We call it a rehab, but I know that rehab in English is something quite different! But ultimately it is like a nursing home with the difference that all the people there are people who have to get back onto their feet after surgery or a strok or such.

I wish we had this here. Nursing homes are used as rehab here. She is just stubborn. She lives alone and has for most of her life. She hates having to rely on others.


I din't get all of my steps in yesterday but was only short like 400 steps. I wanted to go for another walk yesterday afternoon but it was just too hot. we are in the 90"s with almost 100% humidity. I did get up and walk this morning at 5:30 again. It is bearable at this time to walk as the heat hasn't really kicked in yet. I am hoping that it cools off some for tomorrow as today is supposed to be worse then yesterday.

I have a headache this morning and hoping it goes away soon. Advil is keeping it from being really bad. It is just annoying right now. Hopefully when I go to the dr. in October we can do something to stop these headaches.
Ahhhh sugar.... I've said it many a time, my drug of choice. I've been using it to numb for most of my life. I've been clean from refined sugar since early July, so almost 8 weeks and its made a huge difference. I feel better and look better, and I'm much less moody and irritable. The NAET treatment certainly helped to get this all started, but I also know its a slippery slope to fall back in to it and I get nervous sometimes just being around sugar.

Between being off of sugar and wheat/gluten I've been bemoaning not being able to participate in "everything pumpkin spice" season this year, but then started poking around looking for keto style pumpkin things I can make. On Pinterest I found some low carb/gluten free muffin recipes and the Eat Pretty book has a recipe for a pumpkin pudding, so last night I started gathering a few things at the grocery store, including a sugar alternative that is made from hard woods. It's supposed to be 75% as sweet as sugar, have no after taste and bake like sugar. I'm curious to give it a try.
Ahhhh sugar.... I've said it many a time, my drug of choice. I've been using it to numb for most of my life. I've been clean from refined sugar since early July, so almost 8 weeks and its made a huge difference. I feel better and look better, and I'm much less moody and irritable. The NAET treatment certainly helped to get this all started, but I also know its a slippery slope to fall back in to it and I get nervous sometimes just being around sugar.

Between being off of sugar and wheat/gluten I've been bemoaning not being able to participate in "everything pumpkin spice" season this year, but then started poking around looking for keto style pumpkin things I can make. On Pinterest I found some low carb/gluten free muffin recipes and the Eat Pretty book has a recipe for a pumpkin pudding, so last night I started gathering a few things at the grocery store, including a sugar alternative that is made from hard woods. It's supposed to be 75% as sweet as sugar, have no after taste and bake like sugar. I'm curious to give it a try.

I think the sugar alternative is marketed here as Xucker. My BIL has issues with being pre-diabetes, so my sister has used this sometimes if she wants to make a treat that he can eat, too. She was quite impressed with it. He is actually quite good at eliminating the sugar from his diet (beer is more difficult for him to not have than candy, he is a steroetypical German in this regard), so they don't often make sweet things though.


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